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The More The Merrier (1943) 

During WW2 there was a shortage of living space in America. Washington was doing its part by opening rooms for rent. The demand became high and cutthroat. There were more no vacanciy signs than opportunities. A man had to do what he had to do. An old man cons himself a room that belongs to an independent female. He had snowman personality, writer's wit and desperate charm. He was harmless and she was uptight, lonely and sold. Jean Arthur was a working gal and a component of liberation. Men were fighting and women were in charge and in demand. There were 8 girls for one boy. Charles Coburn has seen life and thinks that he can relax his roomie's anal retentiveness by giving her life adventure. The roommates had rifts and instances of sentimentality but things escalated once the old man rented his half of the room to a young serviceman without consent. Joel McCrea had little patience, was a straight shooter, doomed and a tall milkshake. He's seen worst than the old man and he just wants escape. Tensions roll out, a family is born and rules are broken. Silly and comforting. A Lucy Ricardo life without Ricky. Cute from top to bottom. 19-Dec-2023