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Batman: Caped Crusader (2024-) 

Serious recreation without inserting creative personality entertainment. Catwoman in a dress is just a drag queen with no sense. Madame Penguin felt gimmicky and in-comprehensive. It's a drastic change of character without a strong backstory to explain it. Couldn't she become The Hen? The Headless Horseman storyline was enough to make the Scoobies snicker. I thought Batman would be more realistic about it. Batman would never tolerate a fat Alfred wheezing into his ear pieces. They turned Harley Quinn into a deck of cards. The ones we never play with. There was not enough clay on Clayface. He's skin and bones and not squishy at all. It toes the line between realism and magic when all it needs is costumes, gadgets and genius. 04-Sep-2024