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Grotesquerie (2024-) 

I refuse to start over. 11-Nov-2024
I just thought of something horrific. Is there more? 19-Oct-2024
S1E7. The finale made my eyes cross the other way. WTF? It's a great twist that could have served a better story because, here, it doesn't add up. 17-Oct-2024
The end is near because nothing is making sense. 11-Oct-2024
E4. Michelangelo created the priest's physique out of stuff we can eat. It's a shame he went beyond bonkers. Daughter is holding it steady and that's a good thing. The mystery is so blank that I don't know which imaginative door to open. Seams are showing. There is nothing wrong with working on a budget if we let imagination run amok.There are effects of lonesome kicking in which can lead to isolation. Too much of a good thing is exactly that. 04-Oct-2024
S1E3. Mother and daughter banter is true, the lead is no nonsense splendor and the priest is an orgasm. I have no idea where the series is going but I'll stick to it. Niecy has never been the same since she added irritable to her persona. She dimmed the exaggeration and punctuated the hurt which makes her a must-watch. The nun is as creepy as Bachelorette contestants. The nurse is a hoot vying for our attention. The daughter is invoking a detailed stereotype with respect. Mr. Kelce found Chris Pratt's watt and it fit like a glove. (That's what happened to it?!) The Murfs are not great at endings so I will enjoy the ride while it lasts. 03-Oct-2024