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Bear caught on video nudging sleeping man's foot 


A Massachusetts man was woken up by a bear nudging his foot after falling asleep in his backyard.

Bear caught on video nudging sleeping man's foot

Scientists ‘surprised’ to find abundance of alligators in city’s sewer system

Tags: Animals, Environment, Nature, Terraforming, Video

Filed under: Health/Food



American women are more prejudiced than men against lesbians 


A landmark study has revealed some startling information about people’s perceptions of homosexuality.

The team of researchers tested people from 23 countries on their attitudes about gays and lesbians. In America, men and women “did not significantly differ in their attitudes toward gay men,” but women were significantly more likely to be prejudiced against lesbians.

American women are more prejudiced

Queer women four times more likely to have attempted suicide

Grimes says she’s “way less gay” after having three kids

‘Woke’ crusader accused of threatening lesbian bars

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Change, Environment, Hate, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Nature, Parental Burden, Privilege, Sex, Study, Suicide, Treatment, Women, World

Filed under: Gay+



Remember When They Arrested George Michael for Being Gay? 


In the spring of 1998, the news was on at my mom’s house just like it always was and, in an unexpected twist, Michael’s name was all over the broadcast. A man in an ugly suit was explaining that “George Michaels” (sic) was arrested the day before for committing a “lewd act” — something the man in the ugly suit would not elaborate on — in the public restroom of Will Rogers Memorial Park in Beverly Hills. Immediately confused, I ran to the kitchen to see if my mom had heard the news.

Remember When They Arrested George Michael...

Busta Rhymes arrested, charged with assault

Tags: Arrest, Celebrity, Controversy, Gay, History, Legend, LGBTQ, Music, Nature, Portrait, Rebellion, Sex, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



Palm Springs police receive multiple reports of public sex along trail area 


"Community members got a hold of us and said they really had a problem with trying to take a walk in one of our nature preserves as well as some private property because people were having sex in public," said PSPD Chief Andy Mills.

...multiple reports of public sex

Police are confused

Gay “clowns” photographed having sex on top of a moving train

Gay Bar Owner Removes Security Team After Video Surfaces

Four San Diego Gay Bars Targeted In Pellet Gun Attack

Windows at several Palm Springs businesses shattered

Man Acquitted of Attacking Gay Men in D.C. Park

Michigan man admits planning mass shooting of gay people

White Party Palm Springs canceled for 2025 and future

Tags: Attack, Cancellation, Chemicals, Club/Bar, Complaint, Crime, Cruelty, Cruising, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Exhibit, Gay, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Nature, Neighbor, No Punishment, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Termination, Travel, Vandalism, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence

Filed under: Gay+




Tags: Art, Asian, Black, Daddy Squish, Exhibit, Fantasy, Feet, Food, Interracial, Jock, Legs, Muscle, Nature, Portrait, Pose, Tight, Toned, Toys

Filed under: Photos_(NSFW)



NBC Shit Show: ‘Ultimate Slip ‘N Slide’ Production Shut Down Over ‘Explosive Diarrhea’ Outbreak 


The upcoming TV competition series, adapted from the classic backyard waterslide by Wham-O, has shut down indefinitely after up to 40 crew members fell violently ill during production on a remote ranch in Simi Valley, California, TheWrap has learned. According to a person with knowledge of the production, the outbreak of “awful explosive diarrhea” left people “collapsing” on set and “being forced to run into port-o-potties.”

NBC Shit Show

Study says children on a vegan diet may have stunted growth and other health problems

My vegan brother refuses to come to Thanksgiving if it's not meat-free

Three people suffer organ failure in California after eating 'death cap' vegetable they bought from food truck

Tags: Consequences, Contagion, Contamination, Diet, Environment, Food, Health, Hollywood, Illness, Injury, Nature, Truck, Vegan

Filed under: Gay+



Earliest Evidence of Our Human Ancestors Outside of Africa Found 


Our ancient human relatives got around more than scientists previously thought. Researchers in China excavated stone tools that were likely made by our human ancestors some 2.12 million years ago — the earliest evidence ever discovered of the human lineage outside of Africa.

"It suggests a way earlier migration out of Africa than we ever would have imagined," said Michael Petraglia, a paleoanthropologist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, who was not involved with the study. "It's very exciting."

Live Science

Scientist challenges 'out of Africa' theory with new origin for modern humans

Tags: Ecology, Education, Environment, History, Humanity, Life, Nature, Science, Study, Survival, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Buena Vista Park is a center of the gay cruising renaissance 


Running parallel to those public-facing elements of LGBTQ culture in San Francisco are traditions like cruising — seeking out public places frequented by queer people looking for consensual sex from suitors, usually afforded by way of a reciprocated gaze and gesture. The history of cruising dates back to the 1810s in England, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that cruising had its hyperlocal bloom as SF became the gay capital of America.

Buena Vista Park

Man who killed lover ‘because he was gay’ receives life in prison

...targeting gay cruising spots and extorting victims to have sex with him

Russian man arrested for allegedly running gay travel agency dies in custody

Tags: Attraction, Cruising, Cultural, Dating, Death, Entertainment, Environment, Gay, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Murder, Nature, NSFW, Politics, Relationships, Sex, Tradition, World

Filed under: Gay+



11 brutally honest reasons millenials don't want kids 


When it comes to embarking on the journey of parenthood, lots of millennials are saying, "Meh. No, thanks."

According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among 20-something women declined 15% between 2007 and 2012. Additional research from the Pew Research Center reflects a longer-term trend of women eschewing parenthood as the number of U.S. women who choose to forego motherhood altogether has doubled since 1970.

This trend is fascinating, in part because there's long been a taboo associated with people (particularly, women) choosing to opt out of parenthood. Women who choose not to have kids have been referred to as "shallow" and "self-absorbed," and even the pope has said the decision not to procreate is fundamentally "selfish."

In an effort to find out why so many young people are really deciding against parenthood, we solicited dozens of responses from our audience via Tumblr and Google Forms. The responses we received from people of all sexes and identities reveal that there are myriad reasons why people are opting out of parenthood — and all of them are equally valid.

11 brutally honest reasons...

'Kids were crying'

Autistic traits, behavioral problems in 7-year-olds linked with gender nonconforming play

‘Absolutely dumb’ argument over ‘parenting skills’ leaves one dead

Mom Accused Of Taping Her Mother To Chair For 24 Hours

Coach accused of offering $5,000 to buy children from parents

Italy makes it illegal to seek surrogacy abroad

Dad angry after losing video game fatally punched newborn

Mom Let Dad Kill Their Baby Over Fear of Abuse

7-year-old boy died on Christmas weighing only 7 pounds

Tags: $, Activism, Children, Choices, Death, Dedication, Elder Abuse, Environment, Family, Guns, Health, Identity Loss, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Murder, Nature, Opinion, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Policy, Representation, Responsibility, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Support, Survival, Trending, Video, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Health/Food




Tags: Ass, Daddy Squish, Fantasy, Holiday, Legs, Nature, Outside, Squishy, Tats

Filed under: Photos_(NSFW)



The most-searched sex positions... 


The most-searched sex position in 14 states is the “pretzel,” according to a state-by-state analysis of Google Trends data performed by sex toy review site Bedbible.

To emulate bread in bed, a person lies on their side while their partner straddles their bottom leg and holds up their top leg to penetrate them.

The most-searched sex positions...

Men on Tiktok Complain

Guys list the bare minimums they expect from Grindr hosts

Countries with the highest percentage of tops and bottoms

Favourite gay sex positions revealed

Pornhub Reveals 2024’s Most Popular Gay Performer

Tags: Addiction, Education, Entertainment, Health, List, Nature, NSFW, Poll, Porn, Relationships, Sex, Surgery, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Gay bro says his dog stopped respecting him after watching him bottom 


“The guy was being pretty rough and I was getting into it moaning being slutty you know bottom things until the top pointed out the dog was watching us,” he writes. “I got him out of the room and closed the door but since then my dog doesn’t seem to want to listen to me, respect my authority, or even spend much time with me. I try to pet or hug him and he growls or moves away, that wasn’t the case before.”

Gay bro says...

I’m okay with my son being gay… as long as he’s not a bottom

My Husband and I Don’t Have Sex. It’s Hard to Stomach What He Does Instead

Tags: Advice, Animals, Confusion, Environment, Etiquette, Father, Gay, Humiliation, LGBTQ, Men, Nature, NSFW, Parental Burden, Pets, Profiling, Sex, Shutdown, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



Ukraine Zoo To Euthanize All Animals 


Zookeepers have made the heartbreaking decision to put down all the large animals—including lions and tigers—at a zoo in Ukraine after its enclosures were destroyed by Russian shelling.

Ukraine Zoo To Euthanize All Animals

Private taxidermy collection with more than 1,000 animals

'She deserves to rot in jail'

Toddler, two, sinks her teeth into 20-inch snake

Snake Researcher Dies From Rattlesnake Bite

Beloved Walrus Was Killed Because People Wouldn't Stay Away

Protected wild stallion found shot dead

Tags: Animals, Art, Children, Death, Destruction, Environment, History, Hunger, Kill, Meat, Murder, Museum, Nature, Representation, Safety, Survival, Violence, War, Warning, World

Filed under: Health/Food




Tags: Asian, Ass, Black, Daddy Squish, Fantasy, Feet, Group, History, Interracial, Jock, Jockstrap, Latin, Legs, Longhair, Masturbate, Muscle, Nature, Pillows, Red, Ripped, Sissy, Thighmaster, Tight, Travel, Undies

Filed under: Photos_(NSFW)



Man strangles coyote after animal attacks his child during family walk 


A coyote attacked several people within hours Monday before being killed by a local man after the animal tried to bite his son, according to Kensington police.

Kensington Police Chief Scott Cain said the man was walking with his family on Phillips Exeter Academy’s Red Trail on the Kensington-Exeter line when the coyote appeared and attacked the family’s young son.

Cain said the coyote was only able to bite the child’s jacket before the father grabbed the animal and strangled it to death. However, in the struggle, the father was bitten and he had to go to the hospital to receive rabies shots, Cain said.

Man strangles coyote

Mountain lion attacks and injures child in Orange County wilderness park

Woman Arrested for Stabbing Dog

Pygmy elephant gores handler to death

Man Charged in Dog Mauling Death of 7-Year-Old Girl

Toddler's Parents Do Nothing As He Hits Pit Bull With A Water Bottle

Sint Maarten approves plan to destroy entire population of vervet monkeys

Polar bear kills woman and boy

Ten lions killed in Kenya

...bear smacks woman in the face on restaurant patio

Tags: Animals, Attack, Backlash, Children, Death, Environment, Injury, Kill, Men In Charge, Nature, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Pests, Pets, Responsibility, Safety, Survival, Termination, Threat, Video, Violence, World

Filed under: Health/Food



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