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Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?  


We don’t even have pronouns for this.

That’s what accounts for the clumsy grammar of the statement parent Kori Doty issued about Doty’s newborn baby, Searyl Atli Doty. For that matter, it also accounts for the clumsy grammar of the sentence you just read.

Anyway, Kori Doty’s statement read: “It’s up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity. I am not going to foreclose that choice based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”

As noted, the English language is not ready for this. For all its splendors, English offers no gender-neutral singular pronoun except “it.” Who wants to be an “it?”

If the language is not ready, well, truth to tell, neither is your humble correspondent. It’s a jarring realization.

Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?

Pronoun use at center of rape case involving former Chowchilla prisoner

The gender confusion in Scotland over prisoners now rears its head in Northern Ireland

I Set Out To Report On Violence Against Trans People

'I wanted to blow up the internet'

Trump to sign executive orders proclaiming there are only two biological sexes, halting diversity programs


EEOC won't advocate for trans and nonbinary people

Argentina to ban hormone therapy for trans children

Tags: All Rights, Anguish, Argument, Ban, Children, Choices, Concern, Confusing, Court, Disabled, Education, Environment, Fear, History, Inclusion, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Political, Prison, Rape, Sex Identity, Trans, Women In Charge, World, Writing

Filed under: Gay+



Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law 


David Peace has motor neurone disease, a terminal illness which gradually affects the brain and nerves.

David, who lives in central London, is one of a number of people behind renewed calls to update England and Wales assisted dying laws to allow terminally ill people, with six months to live, the right to end their life, subject to strict criteria.
A second reading of the assisted dying bill is due to take place in the House of Lords this autumn.

Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law

Jaime Osorio Márquez, dies by assisted suicide at 46

Inside the first Sarco pod suicide

Kenya court rules that criminalising attempted suicide is unconstitutional

Tags: Celebrity, Choices, Disease, Health, Laws, Life, Medical, Mental Health, Respect, Seniors, Suicide, Support, Tired, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Woman says 'rushed' gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal 


Keira Bell is taking the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust to court over the treatment she received for gender dysphoria, a condition where a person experiences distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

The 23-year-old, who used to identify as a boy, said the puberty-delaying drugs and testosterone prescribed to her have irreversibly damaged her physical and mental health.

Ms Bell started receiving treatment, including hormone blockers, after "roughly three sessions" at the Tavistock Centre. She says at the time she had "no doubt" she wanted to become a boy.

Ms Bell described her decision to transition as a teenager as a "coping mechanism" and says there was "no real investigation" into the other mental health issues she was going through at the time.

Gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal

More than 50% of trans and non-binary youth in US considered suicide

Why detransitioners are crucial to the science of gender care

When My Chinese Trans Identity Gets Lost in Translation

Gender dysphoria should be treated like anorexia

Detransitioner says testosterone treatment caused ‘more anxiety’

Tags: Awareness, Backlash, Children, Choices, Cultural, Environment, Etiquette, Family, Health, Injury, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Reckless, Safety, Science, Suicide, Tradition, Trans, Treatment, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



How the 4B Movement Could Change America 


How’s your love life? She keeps her ballcap pushed down low and presses her lips into a tight line.

“I’m not interested,” she says. “I just don’t trust men. You don’t know what they’re thinking these days — whether they’re one of the guys with misogynistic thoughts. It’s so normalized. Why would I even risk it?” she says.

How the 4B Movement Could Change America

Two trans women beaten in train station while bystanders cheered

Rio Tinto report shows increase in sexual assault

Vasectomy appointments see ‘unprecedented’ increase

...lawmaker, 30, 'bullied male aide into sex then made him run her errands'

Pole-dancing city manager Kimberly Judge is fired

Teenage girl plotting mass shooting at high school is arrested after gun misfires

Pizza delivery woman stabbed a pregnant customer 14 times over bad tip

‘Crazy to me’

Taliban bans windows to stop women from being seen at home

Tags: Attack, Ban, Children, Fraud, Hate, Injury, Laws, LGBTQ, Medical, Parenting, Protest, Rage, Reaction, Relationships, Sex, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



The Push for Puberty Blockers Got Ahead of the Research 


The case that Prelogar and Strangio wanted to make is that state bans on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery for minors with gender dysphoria should be subject to enhanced scrutiny because they violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. If girls can take blockers to postpone female puberty, why can’t dysphoric natal boys take the drugs to avoid male puberty? If teenage biological males can be prescribed the male hormone testosterone, then why not biological females? “What the birth males can do that birth females cannot do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as boys,” Strangio argued. “And what birth females can do that birth males can’t do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as girls.”

The Push for Puberty Blockers

Disney Suddenly Realizes That Parents Don’t Want Gender Ideology in Their Children’s Programming

Transgender Skepticism from . . . the Washington Post?

Parents outraged after teacher orders students to come out as gay or lesbian

Holt Liberals remove parental consent requirement from Policy 713

Parents should have final say in sex ed.

LGBTQ groups call on Congress to reject the Kids Online Safety Act

Courts to remain involved in young person gender case

Biden signs defence bill that includes anti-trans restrictions

School district pays $45K to teacher who refused to use trans students’ pronouns

Tags: $, Business, Children, Court, Education, Fail, Health, Identity, Journalism, LGBTQ, Medical, Military, Minors, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Responsibility, Policy, Politics, Privacy, Safety, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Trans, World

Filed under: Gay+



I asked my daughter's teachers not to call her a boy... they reported me to social services 


‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body. She was still developing. So, I wondered if the change of name was connected to this.’

When she phoned her daughter’s co-educational state secondary school, the receptionist claimed the name change ‘must be a mistake’.

... they reported me to social services

Ca school district transitioned child without telling parent,

Maher says Biden admin ‘all-in’ on trans indoctrination of kids

Now I Know Who I Really Am

Teacher who refused to use student’s pronouns arrested

Teacher helps students change names, pronouns without parents’ knowledge

Lying to Parents About Trans Kids Hurts Kids

Teacher shortage forcing schools to cancel classes

UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

California law beginning Jan. 1, 2025, bans schools from notifying parents of kid’s pronoun change

Tags: Arrest, Cancellation, Celebrity, Change, Children, Choices, Coming Out, Consent, Consequences, Court, Education, Enforcement, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Fear, Identity, Intelligence, Interference, LGBTQ, Medical, Opinion, Parental Rage, Parental Responsibility, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Priorities, Questionable, Quit, Representation, Teacher, Termination, Threat, Training, Trans, Video, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom 


A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction Friday ordering a central Indiana middle school to allow a transgender student to have access to the boys restroom.

Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom

Trans kids barred from using the right bathroom at school

Lia Thomas banned

Female students were told to strip naked for trans rapist

Trans prisoner who stalked 13-year-old girl 'to be moved from men's to women's jail'

Should trans prisoners be sent to women’s or men’s prisons?

Transgender women barred from many UK events

Puberty blocker ban for children with gender dysphoria to be made indefinite

Tags: Ban, Boundaries, Change, Children, Choices, Crime, Enforcement, Environment, Medical, Mental Health, Minors, NSFW, Parental Burden, Parental Worry, Policy, Priorities, Prison, Safety, Sex, Sports, Students, Trans, World, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Fla. Lawmaker Accused of Sexually Harassing Man 


Earlier this week, the paper revealed Alexander had been accused of sexual harassment by Michael Johnson Jr., who says he was fired from Florida A&M University unlawfully after reporting university employees, including Alexander’s brother-in-law.

Lawmaker Accused of Sexually Harassing Man

Did Anti-LGBTQ+ Minister Jesse Lee Peterson Have Gay Sex Liaisons?

Man sexually assaulted 14-year-old boy he met online

Teen Shares Video Of Bullies Coming To His Home

LGBT city councilor resigns after allegations of abusing teen boy

State Police concealed child sex abuse by trooper

Sexual harassment allegations against LGBTQ-friendly pastor

Prison doctor normalized sexual abuse of inmate with talks about horses, art and lunch

Man arrested for secretly peeping at men's restroom

Federal charges made against former Houston park ranger for targeting gay men

Tags: Accusation, Backlash, Bullying, Children, Clergy, Court, Employment, Gay, Harassment, Leaders, LGBTQ, Medical, Misconduct, NSFW, Parental Burden, Politics, Prison, Privilege, Religion, Resignation, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Teacher, Video, Video Gay Swatch, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out 


You probably wonder why you should even continue with online dating or go out to mingle when it never results in your getting asked on dates.

You don’t know what you could be doing wrong, and wonder if perhaps all of the good men really are taken. From where you sit, it seems as though other women don’t have this same problem.

5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out

Mom hires 'deprogrammer' for daughter

Dana White’s Slap-Fighting League


School ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died

George Santos accused of sexual harassment

‘Grabbed my bacon’

Sam Brinton is a cautionary tale

Vogue model arrested for shockingly violent murder of man

Gay man keeps getting ditched by his friends for Sniffies hookups

Tags: Advice, Choices, Cruelty, Dating, Death, Employment, Equality, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Female Toxicity, Friendship, Gay, Illness, LGBTQ, Marriage, Medical, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Crime, Politics, Preference, Rejection, Relationships, Revenge, Sad, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Theft, Tragedy, Travel, Video, Violence

Filed under: Health/Food



Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating 

The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.

...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts

Wife’s veganism has become a third party...

Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat

Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died


I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore

Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'

I cried at my vegan wedding

Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan

Tags: Advice, Anger, Anxiety, Choices, Death, Diet, Family, Fish, Food, Fraud, Health, Marriage, Meat, Medical, Parental Burden, Policy, Portrait, Rejection, Restaurant, Science, Sex, Travel, Vegan, Warning, Wedding, Weird

Filed under: Health/Food



Why are we catching more diseases from animals? 


The world is grappling with the new coronavirus, which has spread from China to at least 15 other countries.

Outbreaks of new infectious diseases are typically seen as a "one off".

But the new virus - thought to have stemmed from wildlife - highlights our risk from animal-borne disease. This is likely to be more of a problem in future as climate change and globalisation alter the way animals and humans interact.

How can animals make people ill?
In the past 50 years, a host of infectious diseases have spread rapidly after making the evolutionary jump from animals to humans.

The HIV/Aids crisis of the 1980s originated from great apes, the 2004-07 avian flu pandemic came from birds, and pigs gave us the swine flu pandemic in 2009. More recently, it was discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) came from bats, via civets, while bats also gave us Ebola.

Humans have always caught diseases from animals. In fact, most new infectious diseases come from wildlife.

Why are we catching more diseases from animals

Some pet owners are advocating against rabies vaccines

Hundreds of baby emperor penguins stranded on breakaway iceberg miraculously survive

Tags: Animals, Backlash, Choices, Contagion, Death, Demands, Development, Disease, Environment, Etiquette, Health, Hostility, Injury, Lifestyle, Medical, Nature, Neglect, Neighbor, Outbreak, Overpopulation, Pets, Politics, Priorities, Safety, Science, Survival, Threat, Treatment, Virus, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



More Patients Are Losing Their Doctors — And Trust 


Fred used to go to a community health center in Rhode Island, but then accessing care there began to frustrate her.

She described making repeated phone calls for a same-day appointment, only to be told that none were available and that she should try again tomorrow. After one visit, she said, one of her prescriptions never made it to the pharmacy.

And there was another time when she waited 40 minutes in the exam room to consult with a physician assistant — who then said she couldn’t give her a cortisone shot for her knee, as her doctor used to do.

Fred said that she won’t be going back.

More Patients...

2 red flag phrases that could signal that your doctor is dismissing your concerns

Men infected during mpox outbreak faced stigma, shame

Life-saving HIV clinic unexpectedly closes its doors with little explanation

Tags: Choices, Disease, Disruption, Employment, Health, Medical, Medicine, Neglect, Performance, Politics, Rejection, Safety, Shutdown, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



Taking an antibiotic after sex helps gay men curb STDs 


As the United States reckons with a burgeoning sexually transmitted disease crisis, a broadening chorus of public health experts are calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to endorse prescribing a preventive antibiotic pill to gay and bisexual men and transgender women at high risk of STDs.

Taking an antibiotic

More Younger People Are Getting Colorectal Cancers

Rise in infections of drug-resistant stomach bug

Shigellosis infection rising among gay & bi men

Young Gay Latinos See a Rising Share of New HIV Cases

Tags: AIDS, Bacteria, Contagion, Disease, Gay, Health, Investigation, LGBTQ, Medical, Medicine, Safety, Sex, Toxic, Treatment, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



Mom videos herself suffocating infant 


Missouri cops arrested a mother after she allegedly filmed herself smothering her infant son with her hand and a blanket, telling her friend that doing so made her feel happy and gave her an “adrenaline rush.”

Mom videos herself suffocating infant

Indiana mom who called her dying toddler an ‘asshole’ sentenced

MN state senator and Air Force vet is stripped of committee

Wild Disneyland beatdown by mob of moms

She intentionally gave patients excessive insulin doses

Superintendent Fired After Allegedly Threatening Students Who Didn’t Clap Enough for Daughter

Mom stabs 1 child to death, leaves another to die in fire

Mother Accused Of Fatally Beating 4-Year-Old Boy Adopted From Haiti

Mom killed her daughter, 4, on nearly all Mountain Dew diet

Mother and relatives who killed 3-year-old in torturous exorcism have shown no remorse

Tags: Abuse, Adoption, Child Abuse, Children, Crime, Cruelty, Employment, Fight, Killer, Medical, Mental Health, Mother, Parental Crime, Prison, Safety, Sentence, Termination, Theft, Threat, Video, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Deadly fungal infection spreading at an alarming rate 


The fungus, a type of yeast called Candida auris, or C. auris, can cause severe illness in people with weakened immune systems. The number of people diagnosed with infections — as well as the number of those who were found through screening to be carrying C. auris — has been rising at an alarming rate since it was first reported in the U.S., researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday.

Deadly fungal infection

Elementary school temporarily closed as illness sickens 2 dozen

Rise of mpox cases in Chicago raises concern

Syphilis Outbreak Declared: 128% Increase In Cases Among Women

About 300 people at California hospital possibly exposed to measles

California city declares a public health emergency

Tags: Children, Choices, Contagion, Contamination, Death, Disease, Education, Fungus, Health, Hospital, Illness, Infected, LGBTQ, Medical, Safety, Sex, Shutdown, Surge, Warning, Women

Filed under: Health/Food



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