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All Posts Tagged as 'Restaurant'

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How top chef meat-free revolution has driven customers away 


The chef who was once the toast of the NYC restaurant world has hit rocky ground as customers in his NoMad restaurant, which once topped the city's best restaurant list, have dropped off, and a restaurant deal in the prestigious new 425 Park skyscraper has fallen through - both after he insisted on vegan menus.

How top chef meat-free revolution has driven customers away

Vegan smothers herself in BLOOD and storms Louis Vuitton

Only 9% of Americans can read a nutrition label

India bans exports amid food supply concerns

If you order gluten-free

Vegan restaurant caves and adds another helping of meat

Former Vegan Restaurant Chain Shuts Down After Activists Protest

Tags: Ban, Chef, Fail, Food, Health, Mental Health, Misconduct, Parasite, Preference, Restaurant, Service, Shortage, Shutdown, Vegan, Video, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating 

The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.

...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts

Wife’s veganism has become a third party...

Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat

Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died


I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore

Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'

I cried at my vegan wedding

Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan

Tags: Advice, Anger, Anxiety, Choices, Death, Diet, Family, Fish, Food, Fraud, Health, Marriage, Meat, Medical, Parental Burden, Policy, Portrait, Rejection, Restaurant, Science, Sex, Travel, Vegan, Warning, Wedding, Weird

Filed under: Health/Food



Woman Pulls Out Gun On McDonald's Employees For Not Receiving Free Cookie 


Hendricks, described as "yelling and irate" at the time, maintained that she was entitled to a free cookie because an employee did not ask her about a reward program, according to the documents.

Woman Pulls Out Gun

Woman slams SUV into Popeyes because her order didn’t have biscuits

‘Shoot them.’ Chipotle order turns chaotic

BK assistant manager arrested for serving trashed fries to customers

Angry customer kills Sonic Drive-In manager following argument

McDonald’s employee followed random customer into bathroom, stabbed him in face and neck

Jack in the Box worker run over, spit on...

McDonald’s employees intentionally filled fish filet with bacon and gave it to Muslim child

Tags: Business, Crime, Disruption, Etiquette, Food, Greed, Guns, Hostility, Restaurant, Safety, Termination, Threat, Unruly Child, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



McDonald’s CEO sounds the alarm over crime in Chicago 


“We have violent crime that’s happening in our restaurants … we’re seeing homelessness issues in our restaurants. We’re having drug overdoses that are happening in our restaurants,” he said. “So we see in our restaurants, every single day, what’s happening in society at large.”

McDonald’s CEO sounds the alarm

Illinois Becomes The First State

Starbucks makes good on promise to close more stores

Broward town will have no cops starting next month

'They said they were trying to kill us!'

DC mayor refuses to meet with father who lost three sons

Las Cruces police tackle rising violent crime, unveil new strategies

California Democrats Keep Being the Victims of Crime

Lakeland McDonald's employee shoots at customers who said their order was wrong

'You're going to die'

Tags: Business, Crime, Cultural, Education, Employment, Environment, Guns, Injury, Laws, Leaders, Lifestyle, Parental Crime, Police, Politics, Restaurant, Sad, Safety, Shutdown, Success, Survival, Unity, Unruly Child, Vandalism, Video, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



So long, salad bar: Grocers get creative, consider robots to revive prepared food 


Grocery stores have shut down self-serve salad bars during the pandemic. They’ve taken away displays of fresh olives and dips. And they’ve replaced giant kettles of ready-to-ladle hot soup with sealed to-go containers.

The deli and prepared food areas that used to draw traffic to stores and differentiate grocers have fallen from favor as customers worry about the spread of the coronavirus, cook more from scratch and try to limit their time in stores.

Grocers are trying to revive those parts of the store with new approaches. At Publix, salad bars and hot bars have reopened, but employees dish out each item. Wegmans moved hummus, olives and more behind a counter where cheese shop employees fill orders. And at Texas-based H-E-B, some coolers carry prepared meals from local restaurants and a former food bar became an ice chest of beers.

So long, salad bar

Robotic waiter makes some restaurant customers recoil

Palm Springs Stores on the Chopping Block in Kroger-Albertsons Merger

California’s $20 fast food minimum wage could be hiked again

Tags: $, Business, Change, Contamination, Environment, Etiquette, Food, Future, Health, Modernization, Politics, Restaurant, Robot, Safety, Service, Shopping, Tech

Filed under: Health/Food



'Rolex bandits' point their guns at couple eating in LA's Hot Wings Café and steal their luxury watches in 15-second raid  


The shocking footage is from a Hot Wings Café on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, and shows a young couple tucking into a meal at a small table when a pair of masked men descend on them.

'Rolex bandits'

Law enforcement warns of ‘hugging robbers’ in Southern California

Tags: Restaurant, Theft, Threat, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Employee Caught on Camera Using Floor Mop to Clean Tables at N Fl Restaurant 


A fast food restaurant is apologizing after an employee at a North Florida location was caught on camera using a floor mop to clean the top of tables.

The video, shot at a Burger King located in the Jacksonville area, shows the employee using the mop on the table before going back to using it on the floor.

NBC affiliate WBBH-TV reports the company released a statement apologizing for the actions of the employee, calling it “unacceptable” but did not say if that worker had been disciplined.

Employee Caught on Camera

Flies, cockroaches, no hot water close 3 Coachella Valley spots

Tags: Business, Chemicals, Choices, Clean, Contamination, Employment, Environment, Fail, Health, Mental Health, Pests, Respect, Responsibility, Restaurant, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



Connecticut’s top public defender could be fired as panel mulls punishment... 


Chief Public Defender TaShun Bowden-Lewis faces 16 misconduct allegations. They range from making unfounded racism and discrimination allegations against people who disagree with her, to improperly accessing the emails of legal staff and the commission chairman when they were considering disciplining her.

Connecticut’s top public defender

Marilyn Mosby sentenced on perjury, mortgage fraud charges

Mom melts down after son snubbed at elementary school award ceremony

‘Entitled’ Zachary Quinto banned from restaurant...

Connecticut’s top public defender fired for misconduct

Bikini-clad barista takes hammer to customer's windshield

Judge arrested for pushing officer

Judge arrested at Atlanta nightclub removed from office

‘Mad’ wife poisoned husband’s Mountain Dew with Roundup

Woman mows down boyfriend, 16-month-old son with car

Tags: Ban, Celebrity, Court, Employment, Gay, LGBTQ, Marriage, Misconduct, Murder, Overreaction, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Privacy, Restaurant, Safety, Selfish, Termination, Threat, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Americans Just Want Immigrants for the Food 


In 2016, Donald Trump posed in front of a taco bowl, fresh from Trump Tower Grill, and declared “I love Hispanics!” It fooled only the very gullible. Taco bowls, while delicious, are to Mexico what unlimited salad and breadsticks are to Tuscany, and his love for one didn’t stop him from trapping hundreds of Latin migrants at border camps. Trump can eat as many taco bowls as he wants, but he’s still racist.

Unfortunately, a new survey confirms that Americans, and people all over the world, tend to have Trump’s mindset when it comes to immigrants (or just non-white people), their contributions to culture, and their food. A YouGov survey of seven European countries and the U.S. found that the “most commonly agreed benefit of immigration has been better food.” The only country that responded differently was France, where everyone was more focused on how immigrants could make their soccer team better. And while the food may be a boon, Americans at least are still worried about providing welfare to migrants, and the (unfounded) crime risk of letting immigrants into the country. Though Americans were the most accepting of any of the countries surveyed, just “one in four Americans (30%) believe [immigration] only brings benefits.” We want your food...we just don’t want you.

Americans Just Want Immigrants for the Food

Big Apple is 'near a breaking point'

500 migrants sneak across Texas border in just two hours

Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches

Beloved Mexican restaurant becomes the latest to shut its doors in California

‘Do you speak English or Spanish?’

Popular haircut sparks outrage across Texas

Tags: $, All Rights, Beauty, Business, Competition, Crime, Culture, Environment, Food, Gay, Hair, Immigration, Inclusion, LGBTQ, Overpopulation, Politics, Prices, Privilege, Representation, Respect, Restaurant, Shutdown, Support, Threat, Treatment, Unity, World, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Viral Video Shows Wendy's Employee Bathing in Restaurant Kitchen Sink 


A Florida man's viral "prank" has cost him his job.

Earlier this week, a Facebook user shared a video of an unidentified young man taking a bath in a Wendy's kitchen. The clip shows the individual stripping down to his shorts, and hopping into the sud-filled sink as uniformed employees watch and egg him on.

"Go, go, go, go, oh shit," the person behind the camera is heard saying. "Take a bath. Take a bath. Get in there [...] Wash your armpits."

Viral Video Shows Wendy's Employee Bathing

Cockroach infestation closes PS spot

Steakhouse employee’s ‘bodily fluids’ contaminated food

Dothan hotel fires employee after discovering he is gay

Tags: Chemicals, Choices, Clean, Court, Employment, Environment, Food, Gay, Health, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Neglect, Poison, Responsibility, Restaurant, Safety, Sex, Shutdown, Social Media, Termination, Weird, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Woman sues over too-spicy, ‘unfit for human consumption’ dish 


The lawsuit noted that Walia was aware the dish was spicy, but proceeded to order it even though she “does not tolerate spice,” asking the server to have a more mild version prepared for her.

“Harjasleen Walia was poisoned, made ill and burned necessitating medical care,” the scathing claim asserts.

“She incurred permanent injuries and will forever be damaged to her body. These consequences are the direct result of defendants serving to her foods unfit for human consumption.”

...‘unfit for human consumption’ ...

14-Year-Old Dies After Trying The Paqui ‘One Chip Challenge’

Dietitians reveal the 100 unhealthiest foods

Panera Pull High-Caffeine Drinks After 2 Wrongful Death Suits

Teen resuscitated from cardiac arrest after drinking Panera Charged Lemonade

Tags: Allergy, Complaint, Culture, Death, Drink, Food, Health, Illness, Insects, List, Parental Burden, Restaurant, Toxic

Filed under: Health/Food



Restaurant Charges Family With Children $50 Fee 


If you hate dining with loud and energetic children nearby, maybe head to this place in Georgia. The restaurant owner is allegedly reprimanding families with overactive children at the table — and charging a $50 fee for "adults unable to parent."

Restaurant Charges Family With Children $50 Fee praised for denying West Coaster’s ‘scooped’ gluten-free bagel request

McDonald’s customers rage at menu prices's viral ‘hacks' for saving money on kids' meals at restaurants

Tags: $, Business, Children, Choices, Discipline, Enforcement, Environment, Etiquette, Food, Neglect, Parental Crime, Parental Pride, Responsibility, Restaurant, Threat, Tradition, Training, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



New Calif. bill would force restaurants to offer only water or milk as drink options on kids menus 


Newly passed legislation in California would prohibit restaurants from offering any drinks other than water or milk on kids menus. Now it’s headed to Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk for his signature.

What are the details?
Senate Bill 1192 dictates that menus at privately owned businesses can list only water or milk as default drink options to accompany kids meals. The purported aim is to curb obesity and diabetes in children by discouraging the consumption of sugar-laden beverages.

New Calif. bill would force restaurants

McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills

Tags: Children, Choices, Disease, Drink, Environment, Health, Parenting, Restaurant

Filed under: Health/Food



As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal 


I have pride. I no longer crave the comforts of normalcy because so much joy and insight has come on the other side of fear and being an outlier, even an outcast. I have divorced my comforts from those of people around me. I know now that our culture’s fringe is also its framework. That is the power of queerness. Normalization is, frankly, anti-queer. No amount of respectability politics can change that. Being normal is a lie people tell themselves to cover up the reality that they are merely common.

As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal

Shocking Details Emerge On The Gay TikTok Couple Convicted Of Murder

Detransitioning from Barbie to Ken

Ethiopia cracks down on gay sex in hotels, bars and restaurants

“Gay sex party” priest handed prison sentence

Gay Jewish teen met with neo-Nazi killer because he thought sex would be ‘legendary

Bill Maher mocks Don Lemon lamenting

Katy Perry photos show how far accused killer cop has fallen

Catholic school didn’t violate the law by firing gay teacher

Sicko worker filmed himself peeing in pickles, rubbing his genitals on meat

Tags: Celebrity, Chemicals, Clergy, Comedy, Confusion, Contamination, Court, Dating, Denial, Employment, Environment, Experience, Fetish, Food, Gay, Hate, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Limited, Murder, NSFW, Opinion, Portrait, Prison, Punishment, Religion, Restaurant, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Society, Surgery, Talk, TV, TV Gay Swatch, Vengeance, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World, Writer

Filed under: Gay+



Many Americans Have Villainized MSG — And Now It's Making A Comeback 


“I grew up in an Asian household, and I never knew MSG had such a bad reputation, since my parents always used it,” said Dan Q. Dao, a Vietnamese American food writer. “After learning more about the negative propaganda surrounding it, I was sort of shocked. But in some ways, it’s not all that surprising. After all, in America, Asian food was often stereotyped as cheap and low quality. It took lots of independent research and self-education on my part to understand that the claims made against MSG were rooted in racism.”

Many Americans Have Villainized MSG

Tags: Food, Investment, Restaurant, Trending

Filed under: Health/Food



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