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Lawyer Accused of Sexual Harassment Blames Employee's 'Carrot Shirt'
Last week, Lisa Davidson filed a lawsuit against the St. Francois County Prosecuting Attorney's Office where she'd worked for 18 years, alleging that the Missouri county's former prosecutor "subjected her to continuous unwanted, unwelcome sexual comments, jokes, and advances," and then fired her after she reported his behavior to the Missouri state Commission on Human Rights.
According to the Daily Journal, when Davidson worked for Jerrod Mahurin, he allegedly did everything from ask her to show her breasts to him, suggest that she should leave her hotel room door unlocked during a work-related trip so he could access her room during the night, and forced her to endure a wide range of inappropriate remarks.
Tavis Smiley Ordered To Pay PBS $1.5 Million For Violating Network's 'Morality' Clause
Former Special Education Teacher Sentenced to up to 15 Years in Prison for Having Sex With Students