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California to replace 'alien'  


“This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative,” he added. “By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

California to replace 'alien'

How does Demi Lovato know that aliens are offended by the term 'ALIENS'?

Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated

Suspected crime tourism ring targeting Southern California neighborhoods

New York Is Wasting Taxpayer Money on Migrants and a Reparations Commission

Enraged Chilean beats bystander to death with fire extinguisher

Tags: $, Americans, Celebrity, Change, Community, Competition, Consequences, Crime, Cultural, Disruption, Environment, Etiquette, Identity, Murder, Name, Policy, Politics, Reckless, Self Interest, Society, Takeover, Treatment, Violence, Word Deletion, Words

Filed under: Gay+



The Push for Puberty Blockers Got Ahead of the Research 


The case that Prelogar and Strangio wanted to make is that state bans on puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery for minors with gender dysphoria should be subject to enhanced scrutiny because they violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. If girls can take blockers to postpone female puberty, why can’t dysphoric natal boys take the drugs to avoid male puberty? If teenage biological males can be prescribed the male hormone testosterone, then why not biological females? “What the birth males can do that birth females cannot do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as boys,” Strangio argued. “And what birth females can do that birth males can’t do is receive medical treatment to live and identify as girls.”

The Push for Puberty Blockers

Disney Suddenly Realizes That Parents Don’t Want Gender Ideology in Their Children’s Programming

Transgender Skepticism from . . . the Washington Post?

Parents outraged after teacher orders students to come out as gay or lesbian

Holt Liberals remove parental consent requirement from Policy 713

Parents should have final say in sex ed.

LGBTQ groups call on Congress to reject the Kids Online Safety Act

Courts to remain involved in young person gender case

Biden signs defence bill that includes anti-trans restrictions

School district pays $45K to teacher who refused to use trans students’ pronouns

Tags: $, Business, Children, Court, Education, Fail, Health, Identity, Journalism, LGBTQ, Medical, Military, Minors, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Responsibility, Policy, Politics, Privacy, Safety, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Trans, World

Filed under: Gay+



Alan Ritchson Opens Up About Suicide Attempt, Says He Was Sexually Assaulted 


"Let's be honest, it's like legalized sex trafficking. The industry is not regulated, and it's a widely known secret that if you're hired on a job, you're basically being passed off to a photographer to be trafficked," he states. "The number of times and situations where I was put in horrific environments where sexual abuse was the goal and the paycheck that you were desperate for in order to survive was the carrot, I can't count on two hands. It was quite often."

Alan Ritchson Opens Up


‘Reacher’ star talks faith — and his frustration with fellow Christians

A news anchor accused his family members of child abuse on live TV

Artist Accuses Kehinde Wiley of Sexual Assault

Kanakuk Kamps sex abuse accuser says camp leadership told him to ‘back off’

Hit Show in Jeopardy as Creator and Star Hit With Sexual Assault Claim

Tags: Accusation, Artist, Celebrity, Effect, Employment, Entertainment, Exploitation, Family, Gay, Identity, LGBTQ, Mental Health, News, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Suicide, TV, Video, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



I asked my daughter's teachers not to call her a boy... they reported me to social services 


‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body. She was still developing. So, I wondered if the change of name was connected to this.’

When she phoned her daughter’s co-educational state secondary school, the receptionist claimed the name change ‘must be a mistake’.

... they reported me to social services

Ca school district transitioned child without telling parent,

Maher says Biden admin ‘all-in’ on trans indoctrination of kids

Now I Know Who I Really Am

Teacher who refused to use student’s pronouns arrested

Teacher helps students change names, pronouns without parents’ knowledge

Lying to Parents About Trans Kids Hurts Kids

Teacher shortage forcing schools to cancel classes

UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

California law beginning Jan. 1, 2025, bans schools from notifying parents of kid’s pronoun change

Tags: Arrest, Cancellation, Celebrity, Change, Children, Choices, Coming Out, Consent, Consequences, Court, Education, Enforcement, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Fear, Identity, Intelligence, Interference, LGBTQ, Medical, Opinion, Parental Rage, Parental Responsibility, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Priorities, Questionable, Quit, Representation, Teacher, Termination, Threat, Training, Trans, Video, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Angry dad loses it as workplace says stop using the words 'father' and 'mother' 


The lobby group has suggested the words 'mother' and 'father' be replaced with 'primary caregiver' (asshole) and 'secondary caregiver' (cocksucker).

'This is a group that doesn't want anyone saying 'mothers' or 'fathers'. If you're taking advice from this mob, you need a check up"

"Pay them out of your own pocket. Because we don't consent to our money being spent on this crap"

Angry dad

Federal 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Introduced

Then came the outrage

Parents now want ‘deprogrammers’ to turn their estranged kids

School Board Meeting Erupts in Chaos Over LGBTQ-Inclusive Policy

Proving my point!

Bill would require teachers and schools to report student requests to change names

UK Government Blocks Scotland's New Pro-Trans Gender Recognition Law

At last! Diocese of Des Moines bans preferred pronouns in schools and parishes

Mom sues school district for secretly using child’s preferred pronouns

Tags: $, Anguish, Art, Backlash, Ban, Chaos, Children, Controversy, Court, De-programming, Education, Enforcement, Extinction, History, Identity, Laws, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Name, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Rage, Priorities, Privacy, Protest, Rage, Sex Identity, Training, Trans, Trending, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Woke Dems have lied about transgender suicide 


The Oklahoma medical examiner who ruled Benedict’s overdose death a suicide said the 16-year-old “did not die as a result of trauma” from the fight at school, and handwritten notes at the scene did not make reference to difficulties at school.

Nonbinary student Nex Benedict died by suicide, ODing after beating inside Oklahoma high school bathroom: official
Benedict suffered from “bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, self-harm (cutting), chronic tobacco abuse and chronic marijuana abuse.”

No wonder.

Her short, sad life had been marred by an evil far more real than the politicized victimhood of cynical activists.

Woke Dems

UK will investigate adult trans health clinics following controversial review

...ideologues railroad kids into irreversible treatments with no evidence

Majority of children who express unhappiness with gender will grow out of it

Youngsters at suicide risk after sex change surgery

Our weak-kneed 'leaders' have been brutally exposed by gender review

The Cass Review shames the gay-rights establishment

Idaho can enforce ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth

Female genital mutilation

We were pushed to transition as teens — now we’re ‘vindicated’

Tags: Children, Environment, Family, Health, Identity, Laws, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Parental Crime, Politics, Rape, RIP, Safety, Science, Sex, Suicide, Training, Trans, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Armie Hammer Says He Was Sexually Abused by Youth Pastor at 13 


“I’m here to own my mistakes, take accountability for the fact that I was an asshole, that I was selfish, that I used people to make me feel better, and when I was done, moved on,” Hammer says.

Armie Hammer Says He Was Sexually Abused

Barr Accuses Hollywood of Double Standard

I'm A Man Who Was Sexually Assaulted At 8 Years Old

Santana forgives man who sexually abused him

Former Employees Describe Steven Crowder’s Sexual Harassment

Drake Bell Alleges He Was Sexually Abused as a Child Actor

San Jose Sharks sued over child sex abuse...

Marsden, Thicke, more wrote letters of support for convicted child abuser

MrBeast removes GeorgeNotFound from Feastables ads amid sexual assault allegations

Matthew Underwood Says He Quit Acting After Agent Assaulted Him

Tags: Bi, Bio, Cancellation, Celebrity, Children, Comedy, Education, Employment, Family, Gay, Hollywood, Identity, Insecurities, LGBTQ, Music, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Power, Privacy, Punishment, Rape, Relationships, Sex, Sex Identity, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Social Media, Sports, Teacher, World

Filed under: Gay+



Kit Connor deletes Twitter after being called a “queerbaiter”  


The actor is part of a growing contingent of men in Hollywood who don’t care to publicly label their sexuality. Some take this as a progressive step towards general sexual fluidity and liberation, while others take it as non-queer people attempting to pander to (and profit from) the queer community.

Kit Connor deletes Twitter after being called a “queerbaiter”

Kit Connor ‘Forced’ to Come Out

How ‘Queerbaiting’ Became Weaponised Against Real People

Mark Bryan Does Not Stand With the Queer Community

Lee Pace condemns “absurd” discourse about Kit Connor

Lukas Gage Was Dropped After He Refused to Label

Tags: Backlash, Bi, Bullying, Celebrity, CockTease, Coming Out, Drag, Fraud, Gay, Identity, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Privacy, Social Media, Termination, TV, TV Gay Swatch, Youth

Filed under: Gay+




I knew I was gay the moment my mother's "boyfriend" shoved his fat dick in my mouth. 18-Jan-2023

Tags: Celebrity, Cocksuck, Daddy Squish, Family, Identity, Italian, Jock, Mat, Mother, Muscle, Parody, Sex, Silver, Tank T, Tats, T-shirt

Filed under: Photos_(NSFW)



Costcox Just Announced a Recall for This Beloved Drink 


The recall is for Kool-Aid Tropical Punch Mix, which the warehouse chain cites as item number 95740.

Costco Just Announced a Recall for This Beloved Drink

Country Time and Tang drink mixes recalled

Ram Recall

A Potential Chicken Tender Shortage

Definition of 'Mexican' Food to Be Decided by Nevada Judge

There's a Huge Coca-Cola Recall

Ice cream recall

Kraft Heinz plans to jack up prices on popular products including Jell-O, Kool-Aid...

Listeria concerns prompt recall of Bake Crafters breakfast sandwiches

More people sick in Canada in ongoing Salmonella outbreak linked to corn

Tags: $, Auto, Children, Cooking, Court, Culture, Drink, Food, Identity, Illness, Outbreak, Recall, Shortage

Filed under: Health/Food



Getting enough sleep isn’t considered ‘manly’  


According to research published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, a combination of six studies have found that “sleeping less is related to increased perceptions of masculinity, and increased masculinity is related to decreased perceived sleep amounts”.

As well as this, “based on how much they sleep, men face social judgements favouring men who sleep less”.

Getting enough sleep isn’t considered ‘manly’, study finds, because that’s how literally exhausting toxic masculinity is

Tags: Etiquette, Fear, Identity, Men, Sleep, Study

Filed under: Health/Food



Your dog may love you, but doesn't love the sight of your face, study finds 


You may think your dog is excited at the sight of your face, but research published Monday suggests that unfortunately, she probably isn’t.

The study, in the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that dogs aren’t wired to focus on human faces. What does make their brains spark is the glimpse of another dog. The sight of a human? Not so much.

Your dog may love you, but doesn't love the sight of your face, study finds

Tags: Animals, Identity, Nature, Preference, Profiling, Representation

Filed under: Health/Food

