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The movies that made them gay
In the spirit of the Oscars, we asked each of our editors to share the movie that most moved them as young LGBTQ+ people. And while the Academy overlooked most (but not all) of these titles the year they were released, they still hold a special place in our hearts and always will.
The movies that made them gay
Gay VOICE is a thing
Who is the Best Catwoman from Movies and Series?
In the world of cinema, the role of Catwoman is almost as varied as Batman himself. The infamous burglar has been played by award-winning actresses, like Anne Hathaway, Eartha Kitt, and Michelle Pfeiffer, just to name a few. Whether you like a Catwoman with sensuously murderous intentions or just go for the pure camp of the classic era, everyone has a favorite.
Who is the Best Catwoman from Movies and Series?
The Queen Reveals She Would
Batman Returns is the best Batman movie ever!
'A freaking God'