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TV Posts Tagged as 'Ear Prick'

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Perfect Couple, The (2024) ArfDowngradeBitesEarly Exit

S1E5. Is it really a choreographed dance sequence if we hardly see the legs of the dancers moving? I can get children to do that in their high chairs. Liev Schreiber's character hit a sour note when he sang, became vain for no apparent reason and he sang again, at the beach because the script ran out of words. He's either miscast, or yucking it up. When Lady Nic was in the kitchen talking to the Blunt chick, her marker indicated she was talking to her from our right but she was to the left. Who was Nic talking to? The script was so thin I could only zip through the words. Direction had no perception as to what people need as opposed to what they want. I didn't care for the victim. She spoke on a platform instead of speaking from the heart. 10-Sep-2024
S1E4. It follows its previous achievement like a spiritual intervention. Lady Nic sparkles but has little action. Eve Hanson is an Emily Blunt snoop. I don't understand why she would have liberty to expose private family pieces. Of course, Scooter can come on me bucketfuls but why is he there? Dakota is livening up and I like it. Benji chose to become Frankenstein over Dracula because he knew his monster only liked girls. Liev Scrheiber fits a sexual attraction but not a breathing husband. Subjects are limited, the wait is cumbersome, it's going to cheat but Lady Nic looked Barbie doll great. 08-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Drama, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Elegance, Fatigue, Fun Acting, Grating, Lifestyle, Mystery, Pitchy, Preposterous, Relationships, Sex, Slow, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Wit Crack, Writ Basic, Writ Thin



Trevor Noah: Where Was I (2023) WhimperEarly Exit

Noah plays Detroit and spends most of his time talking about Germany's history (who cares) and woke shit (ack) that is not proven. He thinks he was there. He has nothing relevant to say, is not as funny as Matt Rife and is a little racist. 28-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Cliche, Comedy, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Egotistical, Pitchy, Politics, Preachy, Predictable, Stand-Up, Tacky, Tedium, Unfunny, Writ Basic



Big Brother (2000-) Whimper

Predictability won. I think Monte is even more allergic, now. Anybody can become a winner if they coast on others, represent, wave, purr on stupid menx and endorse chips. The show could not redeem Kyle, with the beautiful legs, with an apology (for deciphering the whole reverse thing) so they included him in a fake audience "favorite"lineup. The winner was given the opportunity to distribute the wealth but chose to Oprah it. 26-Sep-2022
Julie Chen made a music video so I can talk about her. OK, I'm talking about her. Hahahaha! There is a gay romance brewing amongst Monte, who seems allergic to vagina and is posing as a disinterested cis man for money, and Taylor, a beauty contestant whose experience goes beyond waving. Turner is that squishy ass that cis men fuck accidentally when they're drunk or its dark. Brittany resembles a comedian you'd fire from SNL. Boy, I can't wait for Julie Chen to start talking. Wink, wink. 01-Oct-2021

Tags: 2000s, 2010s, Camp, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Disappointment, Drama, Ear Prick, Eye Gouge, Fake, Fatigue, Funny, Gay Swatch, Gross, Hot Swatch, Inappropriate, Manipulation, Overcooked, Political, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Suspense, Tacky, Tedium, Weird



Is It Cake? (2022-) BitesEarly Exit

S1E1. Mikey Day actually sounds like that? I thought that was an SNL inflection. The refrain is killing me. The artistic aspect (cakes) are impressive but the format and its presentation are unforgivable. The reason the guest stars are not household names is because the majority of people don't want to hear them. I am leaving because I'm allergic to certain sounds and I don't eat cake. 23-Mar-2022

Tags: 2020s, Art, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, Camp, Discomfort, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Fatigue, Game Show, Gay, Over the Top, Preposterous, Repetitive, Tacky, Tedium, Tired, Trashy, Unfunny, Weird, Wig Crack, Writ For Short Attn Spans



Big Brother (2000 -) Whimper

Sexism is celebrated in every culture. 01-Oct-2021
Beauty must be abolished before all else. 24-Sep-2021
A beautiful power bottom won the power of veto. 15-Sep-2021
Because of its hollow historical victory, all black characters appearing in Hollywood horror movies will die first. Again. 13-Sep-2021
Master psychology thesis on the lack of a human heart. Does Les Moonves subject Julie Chen to an obstacle course before she can re-enter their home? 19-Aug-2021
It's like coming home after a hard day's work and tuning in to hear what your co-workers were thinking. Mind blast. The frustration goes way beyond an undeserving winner. 14-Jul-2016

Tags: 2000s, 2010s, Camp, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Disappointment, Drama, Ear Prick, Eye Gouge, Fake, Fatigue, Funny, Gay Swatch, Gross, Hot Swatch, Inappropriate, Manipulation, Overcooked, Political, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Suspense, Tacky, Tedium, Weird



Debris (2021-) Whimper

Garbage that falls to earth from space causing peculiarities in the environment and people. The sap is so gooey it won't allow the drama to unfold. Every ten or fifteen minutes it's asking for tears or sympathy. That's too much. Why does the investigator supply such definite answers? Can't we take a gander at it and they write it in naturally, later? Not even daddy perk butt can seduce me to stay. 08-Mar-2021

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Conspiracy Theory, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Drama, Ear Prick, Fatigue, Grating, Hot Swatch, Pitchy, Sap, Sci-Fi, Static, Timid, Weird



Hamilton (2020) WhimperEarly Exit

Was Hamilton aware he was great? This is the fine food you throw up when you overindulge and never want to eat again. I spent most of the time being old and looking at crotches. I actually caught a few silhouettes. Whatever planet I'm from, please beam me up. I really wanted to like it. 22-Jan-2021

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Camp, Conspiracy Theory, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Fatigue, Hot Swatch, Musical, Political, Shrill Act, Silly, Timid, Tired, Weird, Writ Basic



Below Deck: Mediterranean (2016-) Woof

The guests were of the masterly type. A grunt called Hannah, Bugs Bunny. That's okay. Hannah called them assholes. Oysters made Hannah hop like a service animal for the rest of the charter.

Captain got dirty.

The rocket is about to land.

Pete knows how to eat and suck on meat bones.

Kiko kicks ass.

That's a fine pretty table, Bugs. 05-Jul-2020
There's a dickhand on board.

Hannah shut the base of an Ace, handled children like flopping fish and got pied in the face.

Captain pied crew members in their face.

The men denied, apologized and mind plotted... revenge.

A rocket was launched.

Kiko did his thing. 24-Jun-2020
Hannah frightened her employee.

Lara sought battle with Hannah by scary military code.

Chef Kiko. I'd lick his plates and nothing else.

The deckhands. Something you mechanically bull ride because you're wrecked.

Neither scientist or cis straight I be to recognize that Jessica is a rocket. (Don't explode.)

Don't call her sweetheart, sweetie or any words with calories. Call her daddy White.

Captain Sandy is commanding more than a boat. Good for her. 15-Jun-2020
Captain Sandy finally twirled her balls and her skirt. 25-Sep-2019
The Flintstones put aside shenanigans to celebrate hard work but only the certified kind. Gifted is out, snobbery is forever. 20-Jul-2019
Wet snouts all season. 12-Sep-2018
I guess its okay to present a woman with an unknown penis if it has vodka in it. 18-Jul-2018
The client reference sheet for food exemplifies how the rich can add waste to the environment. 13-Jun-2018
Rules and liability specifications are locked, there's room for us to guess which crew member will fuck up the hardest and the first clients were "Plantation Rich" (they think having money means they pay for enslavement.) 16-May-2018
Highlights include a lady captain and a lamentable pup, love-thrashed by a pocket siren that exhumes growls and sniffs from the male crew. Hannah quips her way through most of it but then succumbs to the lunacy that all are indulging in. Kate, your turn. 16-Aug-2017
It's everything the initial is yet augmented in the unbalanced crew department. The commander seems perplexed by his spiky helpmates and we shall be banqueted until our brains too become unhinged. It's a preferable fix to the housewives and it fulfills AHS: Asylum munchies. The hottest is the most baked. 30-Jun-2016

Tags: 2010s, Brutal, Camp, Comedy, Cooking, Ear Prick, Eye Gouge, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Inappropriate, Mat, Real, Shrill Act, Special, Suspense, Tacky, Twisty, Wit Snit



Camp Getaway (2020-) No MoonsEarly Exit

It needs a serial killer. 13-May-2020

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Discomfort, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Eye Gouge, Fake, Fantasy, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Grating, Juvenile, Out of Place, Reality, Relationships, Sexist, Shrill Act, Silly, Static, Tacky, Warbly



Tiger King (2020-) BitesEarly Exit

S1E3. I'm neither addicted, intrigued, impressed, or willing to give a shit. 01-Apr-2020
I tuned in out of curiosity and to give its subject, the benefit of the doubt. I wasn't raised in an environment where I thought hooligans were cute and my idea of celebrating such buffoonery leaves me speechless. Not one soul appears to have one and the glorification of fake swagger has me flatlining. I don't believe in fucking with mother nature or God's fucking plan and I don't believe in making a profit from exploiting it.

(If I change my mind I'll expose myself again.) 01-Apr-2020

Tags: Accidental Watch, Bad Acting, Brutal, Camp, Drag, Drama, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Fatigue, Gay, Horror, Juvenile, Maddening, Manipulation, Showy, Shrill Act, Static, Tacky, Tired, Warbly



Carol's Second Act (2019-) WhimperEarly Exit

It has a problem growing up. 08-Nov-2019
Why is Patricia Heaton acting like she switched bodies with her teen granddaughter? 27-Sep-2019

Tags: 2010s, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Fatigue, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Maddening, Manipulation, Out of Place, Overcooked, Predictable, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Timid, Tired, Writ Basic



I'm Just Fucking With You (2019) Whimper

Testing our tolerance for obnoxious or "Joker 2." 16-Oct-2019

Tags: 2010s, Brutal, Camp, Ear Prick, Fatigue, Mean Spirited, Overcooked, Psychological, Shrill Act, Tacky, Weird, Wit Crack



I-Land, The (2019-) BitesEarly Exit

Unbearable characterization and no adept drivers washing ashore. Out. 27-Sep-2019
I'm on the third episode. The curiosity is minimal, actor attitude is on high alert for no apparent reason and the dialogue is banal. Only a driver, expert at U-turns, can save it. 24-Sep-2019

Tags: 2010s, Accidental Watch, Action, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Camp, Cliche, Conspiracy Theory, Crime Drama, Drama, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Fake, Fatigue, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, Maddening, Mystery, Overcooked, Repetitive, Sci-Fi, Shrill Act, Silly, Suspense, Talk, Tedium, Tired, Weird



Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club (2019-) BitesEarly Exit

There is no more knowledge to be absorbed by watching these people. 05-Mar-2019
Lohan exhibited crazed unprofessionalism. 27-Feb-2019
They have a zero tolerance for violence but they don't punish anyone for it. How 2019.

"Ambassador" is rich code word for whore. The reason the pretties keep failing at their job is because they don't know that. 05-Feb-2019
"Pretty" enslaved to the rich for a buck. 17-Jan-2019

Tags: 2010s, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Daddy Squish, Drama, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Eye Gouge, Fake, Fantasy, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Horror, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Maddening, Mean Spirited, Overcooked, Pretty, Repetitive, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Tired, Travel, Weird



Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition (2019) No MoonsEarly Exit

Exploitation of the worst stereotype. I'm out. 04-Jan-2019

Tags: 2010s, Camp, Cliche, Colorized, Cultural, Disappointment, Drama, Ear Prick, Early Exit, Eye Gouge, Fatigue, Predictable, Shrill Act, Tacky



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