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Marriage Is Blind: Habibi (2024-) Woof

The ladies voted and it was unanimous. The only traditions they want to uphold are the ones with parties. 19-Oct-2024
The men are all manmeat and the ladies are fantasy dolls. It's a dazzling community that does everything different because their transition is just a facade. Women are embracing it like the fable served to them by the universe that is rarely achieved. They want to be women of the now but the strength of man and family holds them down. They can only look the part. The men gain might by sticking to traditions that don't assist either sex in marriage. She roams his castle in chains. He roams the town tying females up. They are not allowed kissing, fondling or co-habitation which suffices for an interesting working vacation but not love. The sexes fall in love at a rapid pace. They have a script written and they're going to play it out no matter the expense. Jealousy is a big thing because they're always horny and there is always another Barbie or Ken to fantasize about. A man demands that his future wife not be a dancer, a Barbie treated her fiancee like she was being paid, women have a better sense of identity than men, women want to fly and men only want to fly a kite. There is fun to be had when the ladies awaken and the men get spit upon. Educational incredulity in a very nice package. 18-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Amiable, Chemistry, Corn, Crapfun, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Dating, Drama, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Pretty, Psychological, Reality, Relationships, Religion, Romance, Sentimental, Sex, Star Watt, Travel, Twisty, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke



Bromans UK (2017-) Arf

An International Male catalog with skimpy naked men that should be licked. 31-Aug-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action Fun, Camp, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Game Show, Hilarious, History, Hot Swatch, Preposterous, Pretty, Reality, Relationships, Sports, Stupid Funny, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke



Feud: Capote Vs. The Swans (2024) Woof

The liberties taken grew gargantuan. Gus Van Sant's episodes were gliding and gripping. Naomi Watts had an emotional control that was lovely to watch. Diane Lane stole it like Joan Crawford in The Women. I'ver never seen her so alive. Watching Flockhart exercise her muscles was nostalgic. Demi did a lot with so little. Chloe Sevigny fit the part of the best friend that was only considered as such, only if she was doing them a favor. It's always a pleasure to see the legend but her role as Capote's mother should have been scrapped. The mother was an abusive monster. He wouldn't really consider her a best friend. Treat Williams acted like a dick and came off as one. Tom Hollander had a tight grip on the spiritual and physical persona of Capote. His performance was masterful. The ball went on for too long. The series repeated, stalled and stretched until the finale. The actors were stupendous, the ladies all beautiful and the setting, rich. The Baldwin episode was a preachy one with nothing to back it up. It inserts a black competitor in a part of history that didn't belong. The fun eeks out after the abused big boy child tries to chop all of the swans heads off for being like his mother. Women don't like that.

(I hope Andy Cohen's pigeons will one day, forgive him.) 09-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Elegance, Fun Acting, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Music Rocks, Nostalgic, Pretty, Psychological, Relationships, Sentimental, Star Watt, Sweet, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tough



Pokemon Concierge (2023-) Woof

It was so cute it lulled me to sleep. That's okay, I'll keep rewatching it until it finishes. 04-Jan-2024

Tags: 2020s, Adorable, Amiable, Animation, Director Art, Nostalgic, Pretty, Relationships, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Muted (2023-) WhimperEarly Exit

As soon as I confused the boyfriend with the main character, I booked. Dude, I thought his marks were fake. Wow, he looked better in the past. Boo, I just insulted a person. They were both lovelies. I was watching on a different wavelength. I didn't want to have to rethink my imaginary flashbacks. The lady in charge of investigation hinted that it was schlock anyway. 31-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cliche, Crime Drama, Drama, Early Exit, Gay, LGBTQ, Mystery, Pretty, Sexy, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Trashy, Warbly, Weird



Firefly Lane (2021-2023) WoofUpgrade

Finale. The actors excelled at enriching the light fantasy with light reality. The conversations spoke, it kept the dynamics pumping and Johnny wore the worst wigs. It made my heart beat. The little engine that did. 11-May-2023
S2E10. It gave me everything I needed. 06-May-2023
A sweet dose of hospitality. 02-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Comedy, Comfort Food, Daddy Squish, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Lesbian, Magnetism, Music Rocks, Pretty, Relationships, Sentimental, Silly, Special, Star Watt, Sweet, Touching, Wig Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



You (2018-) HowlDowngrade

It gassed up, almost made it out of the parking lot, but got blindsided by a food truck. What is the commonality between the women Joe obsesses over? They are very different. At least now he can afford to buy more cages. 12-Mar-2023
S3E9. The dork talks to dead people, now? It's a lazy writing gimmick. Who's bankrolling the fancy cages? Why is the entrance to the cage not padlocked? How do people shit in that cage? Shouldn't they, at least, be wearing diapers? Why do all movie assholes like to be tied up? Greg Kinnear seems to be the only one that understood the assignment. 12-Mar-2023
I heard it gets better but the 2 new episodes I watched seemed like they ran out of gas at the CW parking lot. 12-Mar-2023
It's indifferent to the story. Joe is surrounded by people that are too cliche to make fun of. He is being uncharacteristic, it made me forget what his fetish is and he has no equal match. 19-Feb-2023
Psycho settles into suburban madness. The psychology is rewritten to fit a desperate suburbanite. Pretension is the clarification of ascension. Psychos don't have bouts of good feelings. If they do it's the reason they're killing. Silence as I listened to Penn Badgley make me laugh, hurl and cum. Respect to Victoria Pedretti's restraint as a frustrated woman. Shalita Grant filled her empty cup. Travis Van Winkle enshrined it. Dylan Arnold needed more daddy laps. Tati Gabrielle was feathery. Daddy Speedman needed Dylan Arnold to sit on his lap. The whole was to make a monkey out of me. I love that shit! 02-Nov-2021
Leave it to California ("the Hellmouth") to turn a serial into a romantic victim. The pyschology was bi-polar and the disentanglements were happenstance and charred. I'm not excited to see a third season. 31-Dec-2019
The thrill of the cum trampled by a kick in the balls. The delicacies of love entrenched by intrinsic mind bending. Badgley steals the crown structuring the depth of his humanity and indignation. 20-Apr-2019

Tags: 2010s, Camp, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Enthusiastic, From Another Planet, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Great Acting, Horror, Hot Swatch, Mystery, Pretty, Psychological, Relationships, Romance, Star Watt, Suspense, Thriller, Tough, Twisty, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writer's Peak



Amazing Race, The (2001-) Howl

This year was all about daddy fashion. Daddy wore many accentuating pants that shadowed stuff that lifted our imagination. The winner of the race also won the best leg contest. I knew that one couple wasn't going to make it when one partner kept smiling like a loser. 08-Dec-2022
Daddy Phil rocked some stylish pants that made his Keoghan pop out. Nice daddy. The granite bros have me wishing for a thong challenge. I want to see the tall dude but not his wife Karen skimp too but I feel guilty. They look like they tie people up. Father and Daughter. She eyerolls stealthily whenever her father extols his masculinity and makes her look stoopid. The L Sisters were my favorite. They barfed eating greek Souvlaki. Yes, I know! It's that awful white sauce. It tastes like baby vomit. That's why I order it without it. It's really better that way. 18-Feb-2022

Tags: 2000s, 2010s, Action, Best in Reality, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Fantasy, Funny, Gay Swatch, History, Hot Swatch, NSFW, Pretty, Sentimental, Silly, Special, Suspense, Twisty, Unity, Wit Snit



Temptation Island (2019-) Arf

The reunion was all about Lascelles' back fat troubles and man socks. Loving it! 29-May-2022
Daddy host kept rocking those skinny jeans. Yeehaw, cousin. Lascelle's back fat did not leave alone. Bizarro Lance Bass is dating an asian meatball. The guy with the hair is nothing but a hairball. His girlfriend thinks she's Diane Keaton in an award winning drama about failed relationships and killing lobsters. 28-May-2022
Lascelles' back fat jutted out of his giant torso and it was spectacular. The tip of his well crafted ass sparked memories of cracked wishbones. It was a lighter shade of his skin color. It was so wonderfully squishy. I imagined his ass sparkling in the dark. Beautiful contrast. Kittykats came to nip at homeboy but he became enraged. He only has eyes for hostile women. Two men got to see their future exes get it on with Hollywood sex workers. Mark Wahlberg attempted to bring skinny jeans back. Please let him. Girls have extensions, men need to parade what make gays swoon. It's joyful. Brains don't count. It was a black thing wasn't it. You didn't want to see it constantly. Thank God for latin TV, they are always five years behind. Back to the horny women. They were both riotous but only one moaned for more and then more. Was the fucker at his limit or was she granting him the permission to add two more inches every 20 seconds? Either way. Yikes!! 14-Apr-2022
Daddy's teeth don't work in a bonfire setting either. Okay. Some of those idiot things are melting my loins. Ack! 13-Apr-2022
Open marriages exist when one partner grows weary of the other's sex. You think? 31-Mar-2022
Mark Walberg's teeth are so white that he clashes with the sun. If you can't trust a man because he texts other girls you are Sherlock Holmes not paranoid. Fuck you, therapists! None of the boys are worth fealty. They're ack! There is some pretty ones on the Hollywood hooker side of the group but the caliber of men is very "Oscar," not deserving this year. A beast brother is rocking blue eyes and Cindy Brady curls. Ack. A guy from the Bronx is auditioning for West Side Story 2. Double ack. One of the tempted males is rocking doggy style long hair. You know, the haircut that separates the weave from your hair by curling at a non realistic point like all the females are wearing. Ghastly. 18-Mar-2022

Tags: 2010s, Camp, Cooking, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Drama, Home Improvement, Hot Swatch, Mean Spirited, Mystery, Overcooked, Political, Predictable, Pretty, Romance, Sap, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tacky, Twisty, Unity, Us, Weird



Pam & Tommy (2022) Woof

Bad karma comes for a goddess sexually devoured by a demon. Tommy Lee was gifted with hand coordination, skinny genes, okay face, crazy hair, insecurity tattoos and a large dick. He's drying out and she's washing ashore. Little daddy has dickish ways that compels people to put him on a "do not disturb" list. Sebastian Stan finds his inner asshole. He plays a dickilicious horndog like a thespian. I wanted to lick every inch of his physical imperfections. Lily James was aware that Pamela Anderson was a gullible and bubble headed person because that is how the writers conceived her. Stan and James are fun, rock underwear looks a lot like gay underwear, the appendage was stupid and inaccurate, when it talked it got smaller and none of Seth Rogen's shenanigans seemed feasible. He's still a funny fucker though. Gutter white trash with money, beauty, some talent and porn tapes. Karma ate them up for enjoying sex. 24-Feb-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Camp, Chemistry, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Over the Top, Overcooked, Preposterous, Pretty, Relationships, Romance, Sex, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tight



Single's Inferno (2021-) Woof

A different culture with precise goals, criticisms and charisma. It's the Bob Ross of reality dating shows because it illuminates everything, casts a spell and mansplains why men should exist in an established manner within slow strokes of genius. Bob Ross created trees from memory and turned landscapes into blossoms. I did not get accustomed to their tradition until I turned English dub on. I could memorize the texture of their speech and apply it to their emotions. It made me respect the nuances of a quiet nation, laugh and hurt with them and not get as angry. 14-Feb-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Drama, Egotistical, Emasculating, Fake, Foreign, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Incomprehensible, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, Overcooked, Pitchy, Predictable, Pretty, Psychological, Reality, Sentimental, Tacky, Writ Tough



Hype House (2021-) Arf

A bunch of "could haves" combine business interests with personal relationships. The scheme collapses as soon as a "could have" becomes an "almost." The group may be responsible for creating a Beyonce but Beyonce owes them nothing. The commonality is that all the victims have been emotionally denied by someone important. The babies get lots of attention and money for doing very little. They are the future prostitute. Head twink is going ballistic because his partner is becoming famous and he's looking older. Connive he must. A bowl of white pretty boys, a plate of girls swooning and mouthfuls of queer things exaggerating everything, are the shared focus. Gay bleached boy calls out trans bestie for acting black on social media even though he's black and acts Puerto Rican. His gay friends are white who act black and can't be bothered with full drag. The trans pays to make her fantasies come true but is the loneliest. She can't afford to be real. The babies live in fear of cancellation. The pretty white twinks rule the roost with confidence and the thought that they will eventually get cooked, burnt and flamed out. No success in the world can replace the scars their families placed on them. It's the kids turn to tell parents how they're doing. "Yo, they fucked up and we're going to tell the whole world." If they're not happy now, they never will be. These are the great grandparents of the people Adam Mckay wants to save. Ha! 08-Jan-2022

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Camp, Cliche, Corn, Crapfun, Drama, Fatigue, Funny, Gay, Gay Swatch, Political, Predictable, Pretty, Reality, Relationships, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Wit Crack, Wit Snit



Locke & Key (2020-) WoofDowngradeEarly Exit

I no longer want in. 06-Nov-2021
S2E4. I'm calling the locksmith. My key must be jammed. I can't get in. 02-Nov-2021
I don't question the magic of the keys, only where you stick them to achieve it. 10-Feb-2020

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Chemistry, Creepy, Director's Touch, Drama, Early Exit, Fantasy, Fun, Pretty, Relationships, Wit Snit



Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-1977) Full Moon

S7E12. Ted is sexually harassed and Mary and Murray tease him into temptation. A man asks Murray out for a date. 24-Oct-2021
S7E7. The only way to deal with a gifted child is to beat the crap out of him. 17-Oct-2021
S7E6. Ted describes The Happy Homemaker as a pig in a trough on broadcast news. 15-Oct-2021
S7E4. How Mary, Lou and genius handle a "woke" feminist hired as a sportscaster even though she is unqualified and doesn't respect management. 15-Oct-2021
S5E21. Mary rocks stripper gear and a prostitute teaches Georgette how to call business clients "tricks". 11-Mar-2021
S5E7. The episode where Betty White outcunts Bea Arthur. 24-Jan-2021
S4E8. Grandmas get horny too. 24-Dec-2020
S4E5. Super silver daddy with big brother ass wears hooker pumps to work. Yum! 23-Dec-2020
S4E1. Before Betty White drowned us in honey she perfected an empowered slut known as "The Happy Homemaker." She is introduced during one of Mary's lousy parties in which Phyllis' husband takes her home and almost never returns. The affair is handled with aplomb. A well versed human rights campaigner versus an eager and empowered cunt. The ladies are fabulous, Mary has the best solution and Teddy/Aquaman was delicious. 20-Dec-2020
S3E17. Classic sex identification episode. It's Mary's first party, Georgette is on hand to steal it and Rhoda is dating Phyllis' brother whose meant for Mary. The adult banter is resplendent, the emotions are on cue and the acting is sublime. 05-Dec-2020
The better Mary's hair gets, the more brilliant the show. 26-Nov-2020
S1E22. The origin of twinks. 04-Nov-2020
Class Act. 21-Jul-2017

Tags: 1970s, Beautiful, Best In Comedy, Chemistry, Classic, Comedy, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Elegance, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Genius of Art, Great Acting, Hot Swatch, Magic, Political, Pretty, Special, Star Power, Star Watt, Sweet, Touching, Unity, Wit Snit, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writer's Peak, Writing Reigns



Elite (2018-) Full Moon

Sexy gorgeous creatures don't preach, they do. 04-Jul-2021
The beautiful ones return in high style and peak bloom.

Fluidity is tunneled, pummeled and charged. The freedom to inherit all relationship prospects is an elite politic that facilitates mass hurt because the kids that invented it are incapable of successfully mastering it. They're human.

The parents do as Oprah taught them and heal most of their miracles' hemorrhage with gifts and money.

The beauties confusing the system to reclaim justice was resplendent.

The mystery continues and concludes, the ones are masters of bitchiness and heartbreak and the thread is reinforced nylon. Brava! 29-Mar-2020
The season was mapped mathematically and it hit every point. The actors are snug in their roles and stamping their characters. The drama makes you talk to yourself, the police work is thought out and everything looks delicious. Cool as fuck. 23-Sep-2019
They represent with no restraints and the teens are regarded with soul. The societal menace is heavier, coddling is out and the hurt is overwhelming. They are fighting a world adults complicated with wee survival skills. Beauty is diverse and it lingers because the writers keep tearing at it. 23-Nov-2018

Tags: 2010s, Adorable, Best In Drama, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Cultural, Cute, Daddy Squish, Dating, Director Art, Drama, Elegance, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Political, Pretty, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Sexy, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Thriller, Touching, Unity, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writing Reigns



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