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Rupert Everett complains that the transgender rights movement has ‘completely overshadowed’ gay issues 


He criticised what he sees as an overly reproachful outlook among young people, and spoke of his fears of being “cancelled” for speaking about transgender issues.

“This might be the first time that the older generation has felt that they have to tiptoe around the younger generation and turn everything off,” he said.

While Everett claimed to support “wokeness” because “everything it stands for is, essentially, great,” he regretted that gay rights appear to have taken a backseat to trans issues, citing Russia’s recent move to ban same-sex marriage.

Rupert Everett complains

Majority of elite female athletes favor categorization by biological sex

Trans population is not as high as the 'totally unreliable' census figures suggest

Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex

The National Park Service Has Removed the Word “Transgender”

Tags: All Rights, Celebrity, Choices, Court, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gay, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Perception, Preference, Sports, Study, Termination, Trans, Travel, World



Joel Schumacher estimates he’s had up to 20,000 sexual partners 


Turns out Joel Schumacher‘s box-office figures aren’t the only sky-high record he’s got.

The 79-year-old director of smashes like “St. Elmo’s Fire,” “Batman Forever” and “The Lost Boys” recently gave a wide-ranging interview to Vulture in which he detailed some of the more fabled elements of his past, including his drug use and promiscuity.

“Have you ever guessed the number of partners you’ve had?” interviewer Andrew Goldman asked him, to which Schumacher responded, “It would be in the double-digit thousands, but that is not unusual.”

“Double-digit thousands.

Schumacher estimates he’s had up to 20,000 sexual partners

Gay man shares spreadsheet of 'every man I've ever been with'

Tags: Celebrity, Entertainment, Environment, Film, Gay, Hollywood, Interview, LGBTQ, Portrait, Representation, Seniors, Sex



El Salvador offers to house violent US criminals and deportees of any nationality 


One of the most striking aspects of the deal is that Salvadorean law doesn’t differentiate between alleged gang members and people found guilty of a crime. Under the draconian state of emergency that has ruled the Central American country since 2022, authorities can detain anyone simply on the suspicion of being members of a gang.

Bukele has boasted a high incarceration rate as a recipe for security – El Salvador now boasts the highest such rate in the world – but human rights organizations such as Amnesty International believe many of the over 80,000 people jailed under the state of emergency are innocent.

The State Department’s travel advisory for El Salvador also warns that those imprisoned in the country face “harsh” prison conditions, without access to due process.

El Salvador offers to house violent US criminals

Children's bodies a 'battleground' in Haiti as sexual violence surges

Tags: Business, Children, Cultural, Environment, Hate, Parental Burden, Pederasty, Politics, Poverty, Power, Prison, Rape, Sexual Abuse, Unity, World



Sinead O’Connor Says Prince Assaulted Her During A Pillow Fight 


Per the Times, O’Connor writes in her memoir that she was called to Prince’s Hollywood mansion and was scolded for swearing in interviews. Then the story takes a strange turn — O’Connor writes that while at his home, Prince berated his butler to serve her soup, although she repeatedly said she didn’t want any, and then “sweetly” suggested the two have a pillow fight.

Sinead O’Connor Says Prince Assaulted Her During A Pillow Fight

Dustin Lance Black faces trial after assault charge

‘Top Chef’ Emmy-Winning Chef Loses Deals In Aftermath Of Arrest

Bhad Bhabie posts and deletes video of herself allegedly being abused

Adrian Wilson arrested on domestic violence charges

WESTON CAGE Allegedly Struck His Mother

Chris Brown Accused of “Brutally and Severely” Assaulting Concertgoers

Netflix axes controversial nine-hour Prince documentary

Tags: Arrest, Bio, Cancellation, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Chef, Court, Domestic Violence, Environment, Family, Film, Gay, Guns, History, Hostility, Legend, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misconduct, Music, Parental Burden, Portrait, Relationships, Sports, Treatment, Violence



Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?  


We don’t even have pronouns for this.

That’s what accounts for the clumsy grammar of the statement parent Kori Doty issued about Doty’s newborn baby, Searyl Atli Doty. For that matter, it also accounts for the clumsy grammar of the sentence you just read.

Anyway, Kori Doty’s statement read: “It’s up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity. I am not going to foreclose that choice based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”

As noted, the English language is not ready for this. For all its splendors, English offers no gender-neutral singular pronoun except “it.” Who wants to be an “it?”

If the language is not ready, well, truth to tell, neither is your humble correspondent. It’s a jarring realization.

Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?

Pronoun use at center of rape case involving former Chowchilla prisoner

The gender confusion in Scotland over prisoners now rears its head in Northern Ireland

I Set Out To Report On Violence Against Trans People

'I wanted to blow up the internet'

Trump to sign executive orders proclaiming there are only two biological sexes, halting diversity programs


EEOC won't advocate for trans and nonbinary people

Argentina to ban hormone therapy for trans children

Tags: All Rights, Anguish, Argument, Ban, Children, Choices, Concern, Confusing, Court, Disabled, Education, Environment, Fear, History, Inclusion, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Political, Prison, Rape, Sex Identity, Trans, Women In Charge, World, Writing



LGBTQ students consider quitting college at an alarming rate 


More than 1 in 4 LGBTQ college students have considered dropping out of school because of mental health challenges, a survey released Thursday shows.

And a vast majority of LGBTQ students – 92% – say their mental health status has negatively impacted some part of their college experience.

LGBTQ students consider quitting college at an alarming rate

NY hands out worthless diplomas to high school ‘grads’

America’s students “don’t know anything”

LGBTQ Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners not seeking re-election

'Largest score decline' in reading and math for nation's 9-year-olds

Power of NO

Victimhood U: colleges’ leftist brainwashing is making young Americans miserable

NAEP scores show disheartening trends for the lowest-performing students

Tags: College, Community, Education, Environment, Fail, Fear, Inclusion, Insecurities, Intelligence, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Neglect, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Punishment, Quit, Sex, Shutdown, Students, Teacher



At least 5 killed, fire hydrants running dry in Southern California wildfires 


At least 5 killed...

James Woods rips LA Fire Chief Kristin Crowley

A-listers who have just done the most egregious thing imaginable amid the LA fires

LA officials warn of price gouging as those displaced by fire seek housing

LA may have to get rid of its most iconic feature to protect against future wildfires

Tags: Celebrity, Charity, Daddy Squish, Death, Destruction, Environment, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Rescue, Respect, Safety, Self Interest, Support, Survival, Unity, Victims, Video, Warning, Weather, Women In Charge



ENTIRE police department - four cops and a chief - quit on same day over 'hostile' black town manager... 


'In my 21 years at the Kenly Police Department we have seen ups and downs,' Gibson wrote, addressing the note to both Jones and the town's city council.

'But, especially in the last three years, we have made substantial progress that we had hoped to continue.'

He went on: 'However, due to the hostile work environment now present in the Town of Kenly, I do not believe progress is possible.

ENTIRE police department

Man Charged for pulling knife on black men

'Hostile' black town manager gave them 'crazy write-ups'

Commission recommends Detroit judge be removed

Tank-top wearing judge booted from the bench

Judge removed from Prince George’s County bench for misconduct

Former Chattanooga police chief indicted for forgery, perjury and more

Woke boss of iconic LA museum fired worker because she hates old white men

Tags: Abuse, All Rights, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Exclusivity, Fraud, Justice, Misconduct, Police, Politics, Preference, Racial Tension, Segregation, Termination, Threat, Women In Charge



American women are more prejudiced than men against lesbians 


A landmark study has revealed some startling information about people’s perceptions of homosexuality.

The team of researchers tested people from 23 countries on their attitudes about gays and lesbians. In America, men and women “did not significantly differ in their attitudes toward gay men,” but women were significantly more likely to be prejudiced against lesbians.

American women are more prejudiced

Queer women four times more likely to have attempted suicide

Grimes says she’s “way less gay” after having three kids

‘Woke’ crusader accused of threatening lesbian bars

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Change, Environment, Hate, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Nature, Parental Burden, Privilege, Sex, Study, Suicide, Treatment, Women, World



Palm Springs police receive multiple reports of public sex along trail area 


"Community members got a hold of us and said they really had a problem with trying to take a walk in one of our nature preserves as well as some private property because people were having sex in public," said PSPD Chief Andy Mills.

...multiple reports of public sex

Police are confused

Gay “clowns” photographed having sex on top of a moving train

Gay Bar Owner Removes Security Team After Video Surfaces

Four San Diego Gay Bars Targeted In Pellet Gun Attack

Windows at several Palm Springs businesses shattered

Man Acquitted of Attacking Gay Men in D.C. Park

Michigan man admits planning mass shooting of gay people

White Party Palm Springs canceled for 2025 and future

Tags: Attack, Cancellation, Chemicals, Club/Bar, Complaint, Crime, Cruelty, Cruising, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Exhibit, Gay, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Nature, Neighbor, No Punishment, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Termination, Travel, Vandalism, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence



California to replace 'alien'  


“This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative,” he added. “By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

California to replace 'alien'

How does Demi Lovato know that aliens are offended by the term 'ALIENS'?

Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated

Suspected crime tourism ring targeting Southern California neighborhoods

New York Is Wasting Taxpayer Money on Migrants and a Reparations Commission

Enraged Chilean beats bystander to death with fire extinguisher

Tags: $, Americans, Celebrity, Change, Community, Competition, Consequences, Crime, Cultural, Disruption, Environment, Etiquette, Identity, Murder, Name, Policy, Politics, Reckless, Self Interest, Society, Takeover, Treatment, Violence, Word Deletion, Words



NBC Shit Show: ‘Ultimate Slip ‘N Slide’ Production Shut Down Over ‘Explosive Diarrhea’ Outbreak 


The upcoming TV competition series, adapted from the classic backyard waterslide by Wham-O, has shut down indefinitely after up to 40 crew members fell violently ill during production on a remote ranch in Simi Valley, California, TheWrap has learned. According to a person with knowledge of the production, the outbreak of “awful explosive diarrhea” left people “collapsing” on set and “being forced to run into port-o-potties.”

NBC Shit Show

Study says children on a vegan diet may have stunted growth and other health problems

My vegan brother refuses to come to Thanksgiving if it's not meat-free

Three people suffer organ failure in California after eating 'death cap' vegetable they bought from food truck

Tags: Consequences, Contagion, Contamination, Diet, Environment, Food, Health, Hollywood, Illness, Injury, Nature, Truck, Vegan



Video captures boy, 12, being bullied, choked on bus by a girl 


A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Video captures boy, 12

Teen Girl Kills 12-Year-Old Brother

Mom demands to know why 19 month-old daughter came home 'mauled'

Man obsessed with pigs killed own dad

Dad charged with murder after son, 7, succumbs to injuries...

...passed out, drunk on beach while kids wandered off alone

Christine Quinn's 2-Year-Old Son Taken to Hospital After Husband's Assault

Parents allegedly suffocate baby in couch cushions after passing out

Boyfriend allegedly assaulted girlfriend’s baby so badly he had a stroke

Stepdad who forced kids to sleep in ‘igloo-style doghouse’ in yard before killing 10-year-old boy

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Choices, Environment, Family, Hate, Heartless, Hostility, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Rage, Safety, Travel, Treatment, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, World, Youth



Millennials Aren’t That Into God, Patriotism, or Having Kids 


Voting Republican has become an activity analogous to reminiscing about air-raid drills or complaining incessantly about back pain: ordinary for boomers, but a marker of eccentricity among the young.

In 2016, Donald Trump commanded the support of only 28 percent of voters under 30, according to Pew Research. His disapproval rating among Americans under 35 currently hovers around 70 percent. And millennials’ antipathy for our Republican president isn’t personal; the Fox News grandpa-in-chief might be especially unappealing to the rising generation, but the kids don’t have much use for the GOP’s kinder, gentler reactionaries, either. Less than 30 percent of millennials wanted Republicans to retain control of Congress last year. And in broader measures of generational opinion, both millennials and Gen-Zers evince higher levels of support for liberal ideological premises and policy proposals than any older cohorts.

No God, Patriotism, or Having Kids

14-Year-Old Reported Missing From Ex-NFL Player...

‘Lack of sleep, constant crying’ leads dad to inflict 14 fractures on 2-month-old daughter

Dad waited for wife and mother-in-law to leave house before beheading 1-year-old son

Starving child forced to eat paint chips and play with empty McDonald’s Happy Meal box by parents

Woman locked zip-tied 7-year-old in cage with mouth duct-taped over ‘behavior at school’

A spate of abandoned newborns unsettles Texas

1-year-old baby dies from ‘massive impact’ after dad repeatedly slammed her to the floor

Churches fight to stay open as attendance dwindles

Parents looking for an alternative to Christian instruction settle on Satan

Tags: Abuse, Activism, Americans, Children, Environment, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Murder, Overpopulation, Parental Crime, Parental Rage, Politics, Religion, Representation, Violence, Voting



Woman says 'rushed' gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal 


Keira Bell is taking the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust to court over the treatment she received for gender dysphoria, a condition where a person experiences distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

The 23-year-old, who used to identify as a boy, said the puberty-delaying drugs and testosterone prescribed to her have irreversibly damaged her physical and mental health.

Ms Bell started receiving treatment, including hormone blockers, after "roughly three sessions" at the Tavistock Centre. She says at the time she had "no doubt" she wanted to become a boy.

Ms Bell described her decision to transition as a teenager as a "coping mechanism" and says there was "no real investigation" into the other mental health issues she was going through at the time.

Gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal

More than 50% of trans and non-binary youth in US considered suicide

Why detransitioners are crucial to the science of gender care

When My Chinese Trans Identity Gets Lost in Translation

Gender dysphoria should be treated like anorexia

Detransitioner says testosterone treatment caused ‘more anxiety’

Tags: Awareness, Backlash, Children, Choices, Cultural, Environment, Etiquette, Family, Health, Injury, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Reckless, Safety, Science, Suicide, Tradition, Trans, Treatment, World, Youth



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