Wisps Posts Tagged as 'Women'
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Sailor kills wife with hammer
He leaped naked to his death after bludgeoning his 'adoring' mom with a lamp
Wife shoots husband at luxury DC hotel,
Husband 'fatally stabs his wife 20 TIMES
Deaths of mom and child raise questions over why ex was released
Man allegedly Facetimed the murder of his daughter
2 York County girls killed by their father
The sooner women recognize that a toxic man is the same as a man, the sooner we can get on with it. 23-Jul-2022
USDA Exempts Religious Schools From Non-Discrimination Rules
...the Chicken or the Egg?
Fans at UFC BOO a tribute to the Queen
...so the menx don't get the idea that women agree with sexism. 09-Sep-2022
...stop going to church, temples, salons and towers... 09-Sep-2022
Men are sexists because most religions and their gods have traditionalized it for centuries. The women need to take that shit to God and leave the men alone... 09-Sep-2022
New feminist is only a woman if she is trying to nab a man, is pregnant, having sex or arguiing, all other times, she's a man . 02-Feb-2022
The only change man can complete is disinterest. 02-Dec-2021
You may not be into size, but the hole puncher is. 07-May-2020
The word you never want to hear from your doctor when discussing your symptoms...."ewwww". 07-Sep-2018
A woman is only naked if a man sees her. 03-Feb-2018
I was raised by Amazons. The only way a man could usurp power was by detonating elsewhere, avoiding, colliding, humiliating and repaying. Those who wielded unwarranted conviction were made love to but never exalted. The many men, including myself, would willingly provide all income, overtime pay and proof of such. We received an allowance that enabled travel and nourishment but not anything that would celebrate non-family enjoyment. The Amazons guarded and manipulated the money, the children and the home. The more money, the bigger the celebration, the less, the bigger the wrath. There was no man to look up to because there was always an Amazon to kick his feet off the pedestal. Imagine my surprise when I enlisted in reality and women declared inequality. 20-Dec-2017