Movies Posts Tagged as 'Brutal'
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Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)

Taylor-Joy shared her thoughts by creating a narrative we could understand, sparkling eyes wasn't given enough artillery to establish a heartfelt character that could pump the breaks and let you feel, Hemsworth establishes that his Thor-type villain is not to be fucked with, the director's vision infected the tech crew. They lived up to expectations. Action sequences were bombastic and artistic. The war scenes confused but they didn't disappoint. The mythology skipped key details that would have granted an Anna/Charlize showdown. I needed more information to explain how a girl succeeds in a filthy society that wants to purge. (I would have made little and middle Furiosa big Furiosa's daughters and have one of her instant love interests be the questionable father.) The team-up would be awesome. There wasn't enough odyssey to landscape the people but it sure looked great. 24-Aug-2024
Ricky Stanicky (2024)

It doesn't get worst than this. There were only two funny bits, the drowning dog and the girl's hair. 08-Mar-2024
John Wick 4 (2023) 

Somewhere along the way, I became disinterested. 03-Mar-2024
Society Of The Snow (2023)

Identity doesn't matter when nature dumps you into oblivion. You identify with minute things that only matter to you. Everyone is entrapped for the same reason. Bad luck. It doesn't take long to establish that the boys are silly and well-trained survivors. Disasters had me living it, the actors kept me spiritually attuned and the writers broke my heart. Every thought was represented and dealt with. These super athletes deserved their status. Hoo-ray for everyone. The director decided not to shock and that was successful. We react to nature and god as a threat. Evolution is necessary for survival but not very good on the brain. Cognitive, intelligent and free thinking. We journeyed, felt and cried. Excellence was it's goal and it tilted. The director played it like soccer. 12-Jan-2024
Saltburn (2023)

Society encourages mental illness to mingle so more people can catch it. The mystery is set up beautifully, actors are undemanding and sites are divine. Is this a sequel to Killing of a Sacred Deer? The nod was a cute wink. The cast was invested in inhabiting words, statuses, empathy and star quality. Barry Keoghan was set loose as a guest of hierarchy that investigates more than he should. The cure for anorexia is having disgusting sex. The best way to maintain a friendship is to crowd them. Barry is brave with his surprises. He gave me a hardon but then I replaced him with that french dude and I came. 25-Dec-2023
Barbie (2023)

Women can do anything except fight wars, raise non-toxic boys or shut up. Barbie is a politic, a preacher and a bore. Man hate shuffles in so often that enjoyment is stifled. The cast is brilliant. Margo and Ryan were perfect iterations of iconic toys and the support kept up but the story just memes on the same subject, over and over. The film distinguishes the sexes without exploring true intentions or circumstances. The best way for feminists to free themselves from a man's grasp is to never marry and to abolish religions that place them in dire situations. 16-Dec-2023
Blue Beetle (2023)

The pace had no time to set-up character appreciation, it had a billion particles to settle. The family dynamic was food, drink, celebration and insanity. George Lopez added comedy schtick to his act. He looked like a character booted from Bedrock because he was too loud and ornery. The breast queen should be playing Lady MacBeth not becoming a free TV actor. I can see her washing blood from her hands and implementing Elvira's cleavage cut. The rest of the family and the leads apply stereotypes without explaining them. There is no such thing as a stereotype because it's only a description of our heritage. Universal speak. Nobody passed the classic TV Q test and the silliness hardly stopped. The best of the mythology turned into a fiesta. The family went everywhere together. Really? When did they masturbate? Why did the family get superpowers? Beetle's nemesis was a bigger and badder version of himself. Couldn't we have gotten something a little different? If the production wanted to fill the female quota, why didn't they concoct some awesome female villains? He has lots and no villain is scarier than a latin woman scorned. She'll slash your tires. 27-Nov-2023
Scream (2022)

I was surprised by the comedy horror tag. I saw nothing funny except for all the situations that put Ortega in harm's way. She was one of the bright things.The ghost costume needs an upgrade. The voice actor for Ghostface sounded like a harmless prototype. It's nice to remember the past but it didn't adhere to logic. The newbies were social media born and nothing more. I applaud Neve for bringing her original face and showing us she can act. She looked great. Cruel deaths are only delegated to males. The director did well with horror but the wink, wink trivia isn't cool anymore. That joke only works once then it becomes annoying. 13-Nov-2023
Evil Dead Rise (2023) 

Dickless entry in the Evil Dead series. I fell asleep midway through but saw enough of it not to regret it. 16-Jul-2023
Extraction 2 (2023)

Daddy's ready to act, pounce and revive an unwilling survivor. Movements and betrayals were triumphant. Hemsworth receives magnificent aide in battle as he abandons all pity towards his enemy and unleashes an animal that knows no bounds. The action slows enough to make us care about the characters but the action is the showcase and the director needs to make us a superhero film. People would cum web buckets or shit bats. 07-Jul-2023
Shazam! Fury Of The Gods (2023)

A Saturday morning kiddie show that plays after the popular ones have aired and kids watch whilst having lunch. It can't shake off the silliness so it embraced it. Bad mistake. It only works if it's funny. Some of the writers asked their children what they would like to see and the parents yucked it up. Elegant ladies of maturity shouldn't have to wear clunky armor especially if they're witches. The villains are not much of a threat. They just need more "home" visits from the family. Why did they pile on so much ick hair and clothing on Hinsou's god? Zachary Levi. His solution when discomfited is to make a face or a nine year's old gesture. His younger alter ego is a teenager on his way to becoming a man. They work as separate units but not as a whole. They copy nothing from each other. Billy's best friend's storyline had the emotional heft that Shazam's didn't. It doesn't even take us on a fantastical journey. It was a scenic bus ride to Walmart. 07-Jun-2023
I Spit On Your Grave (1978)

It would be exploitation if the rape weren't the catalyst to the main's empowerment. Woman alone stays in the country where blue collar men with too much work, time, ugly women and no manners abound. City girl is a writer who handles well, is lonely, trusting and helpless. Among the victimizers is a challenged man that is susceptible to gang mentality and betrayal. The rape had elements of realism and buffoonery. The men are cartoonish during it, pulling faces and acting like they've never fucked anything before. Maybe, it was to soften audience blow. Our lady was courageous on and off camera. The comeback is not as powerful because the violence was of the Kool-Aid variety. They cut the penis dismemerment scene! Boo. 4K adds the clarity that time fixed. Scenes sparkle with beauty and the protagonist is a Charlie's Angel vigilante. 16-May-2023
Under The Shadow (2016)

A mother is left to fend for herself when her husband is called to duty. The building scares and the apartment is freaky. The actor/daughter was a happy accident. She was cute and alert. The lack of music created tension. Mother's home is crumbling, the war is raging, daddy hardly calls, little girl starts hallucinating, women had no power and she's losing her mind. The mother and daughter had natural reactions. The level of trust spiraled as mine did. Can she do it or is she fucked? The mother's parenting skills are questioned throughout. The scare jumps were surprisingly scary. The fight had guts. Did she really slap that child? If it was real, she didn't flinch. I see sheets with a different eye, now. Unique. 14-Mar-2023
Snowtown Murders, The (2011)

A rough telling of a serial murderer who uses his hate for gays, family and all that get in his way to torture and kill. 4 brothers live with momma on a decrepit block, in a creaking house and a scary neighborhood. A neighbor babysits three of the boys and sexually molests them. I didn't quite understand how the mother found out. Did the LGBTQ tell her? She meets a man full of hatred who disguises it with charm. The teen boy is having boy problems. He keeps getting raped, losing friends and his mother is a follower who can't attract a proper man to follow. Teen bonds with new daddy unaware that he's an asshole. New daddy can't stop talking about killing pedos. The followers in his life concur. They should be allowed to kill them freely. Daddy gets into teen's head and secretly shares a sadistic side that the kid embraces because he is a victim of the people daddy wants to eviscerate. The Australian cast are so realistic that I couldn't understand them. TU cc. There are images that keep repeating in my brain because that caused it to silently scream whilst watching them. There's murder, rape, perversion, animal desecration, torture, hurt and realism. The film qualifies as Texas Chainsaw's cousin. 09-Mar-2023
Triangle Of Sadness (2022)

The first half was Love Boat: Vomit/Shitter in 3D. The finale was a Gilligan's Island: The Professor Created A New Drug We Have To Try episode. The connections are slight. I did not believe Woody Harrelson as a captain. Over-the-top jibber jabber that had nothing to do with anything. The rich are dependent on service and can't survive circumstances in which work is allotted therefore the service becomes king. A servant serves until she earns the right to do otherwise. She can start a fire, hunt and cook. She, The King. Raping that beautiful boy belonging to an even more beautiful wife, was done for our amusement. Right? Bits are hilarious but I didn't really get what they were saying. 04-Mar-2023