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Movies Posts Tagged as 'Disappointment'

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Nightbitch (2024) Arf

Amy Adams reached deep to elaborate on a desperate housewife. She is the talent the film lacks. The dog's characteristics were outdated and confusing. Dogs cuddle, feed, shit, cling, get jealous, are dependent and will bite you. How does a dog with benign traits empower anybody? The philosophy didn't properly explain itself. Watch it for Miss Amy but ignore the silliness. 04-Jan-2025

Tags: Camp, Chemistry, Comedy, Creepy, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Funny, Sort of, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Questionable, Silly, Star Watt, Timid, Weird, Words Spoke



Our Little Secret (2024) Arf

Lindsay Lohan made me realize why charismatic actors lose their mojo. Are they uncomfortable and think that everyone is going to judge every word they say? Yes. I want her to flare up again. She's almost there. She needs a challenge. My favorite fairy legend wastes her magic on shitty lines. If the writers have nothing valid for her to say, let her sing. Ian Hardy was a trip. I couldn't place him. He was that cutie asshole that always irked me, for sure. Of course, he was the perverted teacher that dated his underage students on PLL. Every time he smirked he resurrected a part of Norman Bates. The idea that a woman would want to keep that she dated a Darren Stephens the Second type a secret was astonishing. Just because it's fluff doesn't mean we shouldn't try to say something. 02-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Corn, Disappointment, Drama, Holiday, Predictable, Relationships, Romance, Sap, Silly, Star Watt, Writ w/Possibilities



Afraid (2024) Arf

The A.I. was too sparkly and bubbly. Action was stagnant. I had to look up the actors names to remember who was in it, even though I just watched it. The tension it built should have burst the story into the air but it got stenched with TV type trite that makes a farting sound. 30-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Director Experiment, Disappointment, Fantasy, Fatigue, Horror Mild, Over the Top, Silly, Slow, Stupid Funny, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Abigail (2024) Whimper

The child did extraordinary things, quoted words not associated with children and plagiarized previous strokes. The last minute saves were so expected that emotional attachment got lost. Melissa Barrera gave Faith from Buffy vibes. Dan Stevens was blank. The first surprise is like everything before it. Once the cat is out of the bag the movie falls into WB TV status. Yes, it was a surprise but a sucky one. 28-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Baby Wrecks, Chemistry, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Over the Top, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Scare Obvious, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, TV-like, Vague, Words Spoke



Emilia Perez (2024) Arf

A series plan might have suited the film better because characterization was thin. Zoe Saldana's spirit gets lost in spanish. Edgar Ramirez was an edible. A little more Adriana Paz would have broken my heart. The sex scene was so demure. They mimicked fucking each other. Selena was typecast as a bedhead drunk who sucks as a mother, can't really speak spanish and has no reason to be there. Karla Sofia was more than ready for her close-up but the writers couldn't come up with quality material that would allow her to burst. Cartel titan bamboozles frazzled lawyer into changing his identity by assisting him to become a woman, unbeknownst to anyone but her. The musical numbers succeed as much as they hurt. The actors don't really sing. They talk to music. An operatic approach might have suited its subject better. All who participated in the musical segments were brave enough to make us cringe. Kudos. Such openness. Who accepts a musical assignment without adding joy? A notorious killer can change its spots if they become the fairer sex. The transition wasn't believable. Did Perez not retain any of cartel leader's assholiness or survival skills? The film ponders no realities. You are instantly a saint when the sex change happens. If you go to prison for past errors you are compensated by having first pick of jailhouse wenches. Bingo! 16-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Director Insanity, Disappointment, Drama, Gay, Lesbian, Preposterous, Timid, Trans, Writ w/Possibilities



Beast Within, The (2024) Whimper

They made us wait forever to see the man with the sculpted buns, they mimicked the mythology instead of enacting it, the lack of words made it easier to hide but hard to understand. They took a sample of what often occurs with a man beast and concocted a film. Samples can't describe the complete picture. It moves slow, the child is soulless, the wife doesn't matter, and daddy is one-note. Daddy is goofy happy and abusively angry. I recommend that Kit and his buns of stone make a better movie elsewhere. 31-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Daddy Squish, Dialogue Lament, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Horror Mild, Relationships, Silly, Star Watt, Suspense, Tedium, Timid, Timid Effects, Vague, Writ w/Possibilities



Late Night With The Devil (2023) Whimper

In order for the premise to thrive, the guests must shine. The little girl was inspired by the Scary movie franchise. The host had the most but was overshadowed by ponderous material. Support did not attempt to break a stereotypical shell to elicit empathy or further their characters. It didn't intrigue me, convince me or frighten me. (My mother wins most awesomemest possession of a devil in realtime.) It's almost impossible to recreate magic that only happens once in a lifetime. 22-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Horror, Indecipherable, Preposterous, Questionable, Silly, Slow, Timid



Uglies (2024) Whimper

Interesting premise that has no solid fictional reference to back it up. The idea that you get surgery at 16 to look your most beautiful self and be happy is fraudulent. Why didn't the people revolt before they agreed to a ludicrous way of living? What happens to the naturally beautiful? Vanity purists wouldn't allow that type of interruption to their legacy. Is there anything uglier than uglies? Do they step up to ugly status when the others reach nirvana? How many mothers popped ugly babies for society to enact such a rule? The baddie was a borderline dystopian with comic book strokes. If the rulers can manipulate the people to overhaul ugly, why go to the next extreme? The beauty is for whom? I liked Nose better before he turned into a Final Fantasy character. The movie made me self conscious of the lead's looks. I was judging them constantly to see if she fit the part. All she needed was a bath. The finale was maddening. You mean the baddies could have done that all along? What did they need Tally for? Her history with Nose had a heartbeat but her new buddy happend too swiftly and coincidentally to kick. Nose closure was a post-it from somebody else's refrigerator. I wished Croy was Smoke. Feelings coming back after transitioning wasn't explored enough to be convincing. Wouldn't starting fires to escape the opposition create an air map for the enemy? Skate surfing scenes uplifted but forging through the woods to bring grandma back was stark. It was not painful to watch or stay. 18-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Cheeky Acting, Coincidence Laden, Cold, Crapfun, Dialogue Lament, Disappointment, Drama, False Action, Fantasy, Gay Swatch, Hot Swatch, Preposterous, Relationships, Silly, Stupid Funny, Timid, Vague, Wit Crack, Writ w/Possibilities



Deliverance, The (2024) Arf

X-corist, Amyty and Geist are the main ingredients that make up this film. It's three interwoven white stories rewritten for black people. Andra Day portrayed a monster with minimal happy days. She was constantly confrontational, inconsistent and influenced. If it weren't for dames Monique and Close, I would have left. I don't think anybody can play an old hillbilly slut better than Glenn. Evil Glenn was appetizing and distinguished. Monique created a believable character from top to bottom and didn't fidget. A successful sequel to The Exorcist might have consisted of observing Regan's memories returning and their dire effects. Regan: Pazuzu Returns! 04-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Coincidence Laden, Cultural, Director Slouch, Disappointment, Fatigue, Horror, Horror Mild, Retread, Shrill Act, Timid



Oppenheimer (2023) Arf

I understand the importance of the man who did something incredible for his country. A race to be the first superpower to create the best weapon science has to offer. Robert Downey had problems looking sincere being white in a black and white picture. His cranium didn't look right. Jesse Plemons and Matt Damon should play brothers and Ben Affleck must play the hated stepbrother. Daddy Josh was a beholding sight. Florence Pugh showed up to fuck and flip her acting light switch on and off, again. The wind did a better job of styling Emily's hair than the stylist. That's what beautiful hair is supposed to look like. Emily's acting switch was constant. Her story didn't expand. There was more that I wanted to know about her but I was being hypnotized by psychedelics and uniforms. You can't be suspended for three hours and not fall down throughout. There wasn't much keeping it afloat. No action and little surprises. It felt professionally cold. Really, what's an atomic bomb movie without Godzilla, destroying cities? Were moviegoers using Barbenheimer to sleep?

Tags: 2020s, Disappointment, Drama, Inactivity, Political, Predictable, Repetitive, Sexy, Tedium, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Anatomy Of A Fall (2023) Arf

Shots were placed strategically, playing P.I.M.P. on rotation filled the house with dread and the dog tore up his scenes. The lead played it one-sided which gave away the outcome. There was no Bette Davis conniver in her spirit. The film never strays from repeating the same story from different angles. It becomes exhausting to sit through. It needed to give the audience a break from the same subject. The clues fell so easily on the writer's lap that no surprises were forthcoming. They coerced the kid to pick a side but the director didn't. 22-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Coincidence Laden, Creepy, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Director's Touch, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Music Swings, Predictable, Psychological, Relationships, Repetitive, Sentimental, Star Watt, Subtle, Timid, Too Long, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Poor Things (2023) Arf

Oh. Emma ruined the word squishy for me. 08-Mar-2024
The whore of Frankenstein. The direction was stylish and the visuals were artistic but the script needed punching. The backstory was more interesting than the Frankenstein repeat. I wanted less of that. None of the actors clicked in the setting and Ruffalo's mumbly accent was troubling. TG he got naked. Emma Stone played the recovering retard like anyone would. She was okay but she didn't ignite the fire that would make men want to imprison her. Ramy's wedding pants were awful. I couldn't identify with a woman who is allowed a smooth awakening because she is trapped in a make believe world. She didn't know the value of a dollar, a meal, a man, rent, a closet, bordello gangbangs and logic. Stepping out on the town in lingerie would have been disastrous and mind altering in the real world. She is not a hero. She is like every other woman trapped in a setting that a man built. 08-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Cold, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Horny, Lesbian, Music Swings, Silly, Slow, Star Watt, Timid, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ w/Possibilities



Ricky Stanicky (2024) No Moons

It doesn't get worst than this. There were only two funny bits, the drowning dog and the girl's hair. 08-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Art Devoid, Brutal, Camp, Comedy, Daddy Squish, Director Insanity, Disappointment, Fatigue, Gay Swatch, Over the Top, Relationships, Silly, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Trashy, Writer Humiliation



Code 8 Pt. 2 (2024) Arf

A movie should fulfill its promises. It promised that somebody was going to die if they did something. They did and nothing happened. False climax. It would have added a human touch to a technical movie. I didn't understand how the powers worked. There were instances when they could have used them to get out of situations but didn't. Scenes end after every cliffhanger and we lose out on the action. No slicing and dicing. Little girl had the lamest power. I can turn off electrical devices too, so can Alexa and I don't have to touch her. The sequel did everything it did before and didn't grow. The robot dogs were impervious to electricity, but died because of it. Stepping on water when you're electric doesn't sound like a good idea. They shifted the board but kept the game the same. 03-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Daddy Squish, Director Slouch, Disappointment, Lesbian, Relationships, Repetitive, Retread, Sequel, Star Watt, Timid, Writ w/Possibilities



John Wick 4 (2023) WhimperEarly Exit

Somewhere along the way, I became disinterested. 03-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Art Devoid, Brutal, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Early Exit, Repetitive, Tedium, Violent



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