Movies Posts Tagged as 'Funny'
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A Real Pain (2024)

The film is not very clear about what it's trying to say. The cultural references were veiled and over emoted. I felt I was on a road trip with the cousins. I hate road trips! The actors almost make it worth it. The gestures are sweet but there is nothing more than the obvious. Cousins travel to Poland to tour where deceased grandmother was born, hoping it will ignite memories and togetherness. Culkin's character is the most coherent and baffling. He zig zags through personalities that don't necessarily mesh. The first class argument didn't correspond with its action. It felt like a 40's sentiment. There are more important things to worry about that the director did not explore. Jesse plays it like Joan to Kieran's Baby Jane. Deeper conversations would have compensated for the incomprehension. 17-Jan-2025
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice (2024)

It was good. Nothing beyond what was expected. 26-Dec-2024
Red One (2024)

It was a jolly merry Christmas movie. Daddy Johnson downplayed it and wrung emotion and hilarity out of it. Chris Evans rejected heroic valor and was cute again. JK Simmons can eat my cookies, anytime. Lucy Liu had a purpose. Krampus was impressive. Kiernan was having fun. Every hole in the story gets punched up by mini-Dwayne kickassing, his jacket, his teeth, reindeer muscle, snowmen beaching, toys, gadgets, lights, magic, witches, twinks, candies, memories, regrets and fun. Sounds like Christmas to me. 20-Dec-2024
Merry Men, The (2024)

There's more than stupidity going on here. The cast is amiable and hardworking. Britt is a misdiagnosed charmer. Prattes legs were mesmerizing, it's fun to see old witches again, Maxwell Caulfield's moment was a go daddy thing, Chad Michael Murray had the body, the robotics, enthusiasm and Farrah's hair. They derailed the "hate at first love" train and depicted how people really get together. I didn't stay for the pancakes but I waited for the bacon. Merry whatever the fucks! 25-Nov-2024
Deadpool and Wolverine (2024)

If I were a dog, I'd lick them all. 18-Nov-2024
Bad Moon, The (1996)

As soon as I realized the original material centered around a pet beast, my mind started to baton twirl. Thor was the title and the name of the dog. But, the movie is about a werewolf, a mother and son, or is it? Mariel Hemingway was peak star watt that carried the weight of the movie's heart. The son is there to make the dog look good. Michael Pare was a one-time specimen that carried out his mission like a rebellious animal. Romance violently exits in the first 10 minutes, a brother/sister/uncle dynamic takes its place, Thor was the best actor and the transformation didn't suck. Man vs beast has been re-re-written so they tried something else. How does a dog protect his family when uncle is the king of canines and the myth rules don't apply? 05-Nov-2024
Servant, The (1963)

The film presents interesting character development, a pace that is amicable and intelligent artists doing their thing. It's a product of 60's liberation. It was lust, sex and jazz. The mirror shots were cool and a stamp of British stroke. Lonely affluent man hires a streetwise butler to care for his expansive home and demands. The relationships are cold and it's hard to get a read on characters. The 50's aspect lulled me comfortably but the transition to the gogo 60's, turned my gut. Unexpected scenarios were aplenty. The film answers all our questions except, "why?" Every person we encounter is a power struggle. 26-Oct-2024
Inside Out 2 (2024)

I let go of logistics and enjoyed it. 01-Oct-2024
Come And Get It (1936)

Lumber jack foreman secures a fortunate future by destroying the competition and engaging with the boss' daughter. Edward Arnold was boisterous, empathetic and in charge as the hero with huge aspirations but prone to trigger happy endings. The logging scenes were an educational interruption that impressed me. His engagement was sidetracked by a saloon singer that was as proud of her balls as he was of his future wife's. The meet/greet was cute and sometimes funny. His greed and her heartbreak was realized. He abandons girl and his bestie for success. He bears a son that is a tower of goodness, modernity and a cause for vapors. Hot as fuck. Daddy's reign allows us to eventually turn on him. Bestie accepts responsibility by honoring what women need. Years roll by, the children mature and foreman is a parasite king pin. Boss encounters his heartbreak's daughter and subjects her to creepy adventures that don't make sense. He showers her and her family repeatedly until they become one of their own but a switch of interest from our heroine forces the hierarchy to crack. Circumstances become pervy and desperate. I understood the desire but not the pain. An old classic that dared and a heroine that stood up for herself. 17-Sep-2024
Our Blushing Brides (1930)

Three working girls put their retirement on speed. The only way a woman could claim early retirement was to meet a man of privilege. The women were protective of each other and the men were perverse. The fate of all three women are different. By the end, the film relinquishes its madcap wit for serious drama. Joan Crawford was the big sister every friend needed. When lady Joan ignited, it was firecracker. Her character seemed to contradict herself, though. She couldn't succumb to a sexy one night stand with her dream date. Really? Dude, he had the most lavish treehouse ever. It had retracting stairs! And a view! Robert Montgomery was a pretty little thing that happenened to be the boss of the store the girls sold and modeled for. They wore new fashion to convince snobby zillas, they were attractive. Acting was pure, the funny had limits, and Lady Joan roared. 14-Aug-2024
Graduate, The (1967)

The film ponders thoughts of a future that exists against a romantic and sexual adventure. Besides the latin porn movies my parents took me to, this was my second time in a legit movie theatre. My lesbian aunt thought I should be exposed to art. I was embarrassed, though. The film rated higher than my intelligence. I did discover the secrets the adults were hiding and it was fascinating. Dustin Hoffman delivered cool vibes and technical practice. Anne Bancroft's controversial stamp is unmistakable. She was every straight boy's dream and every gay's nightmare. She established the cougar. She was to play Joan in Mommie Dearest but didn't. "What ifs" kept pouncing in my head. If Katherine Ross is nothing like her characters, I will cry. Talks are grown-up, defensive and obligatory. Direction is artistic and historic. 17-Jul-2024
Kind Lady (1951)

A band of marauders suck the life out of a rich elderly woman with kindness to spare, isolated loneliness and owner of great art. Maurice Evans adds finality to his charmed villain, Angela Lansbury exemplified trash with two hearts and there were constants that gave it hope. The suspense gripped, the actors ascended and the story fascinated. Lady Barrymore excelled as a victim worth saving. 28-Jun-2024
Hitman (2024)

I always thought Glen Powell was cute and up for anything. The film is devoid of action and unlike an episode of Police Woman. Chemistry almost always works when a latina is involved. The passion seemed legitimate. Powell kept donning disguises like he was at a Shakespeare festival. I've never seen an actor so relaxed and ready. Ryan Reynolds does not always have to play Deadpool. He was having fun, it was infectious and he saved a fluff piece. 11-Jun-2024
Holdovers, The (2023)

Giamatti is the cunt that the film feeds off of. The youngster missed an opportunity to turn on his star charm and lost out on bosom buddy gold. Ms. Randolph was the most mesmerizing character but we didn't see much of her to evaluate her capabilities. Carrie Preston played the nice character with inappropriate hypocrisy. I didn't believe a nice word she said. It made Christmas an overwhelming experience. It's a visit back to a place you want to forget. Music was timely and appreciated. The experience is a beautiful bird expecting to fly with only one wing. 05-May-2024
Talk To Me (2022)

Film still has problems easing diversity into a comfortable setting. They act like they're visitors in someone else's home. There are not enough emotional elements to connect the actors together. They are isolating themselves in a crowded room. Diversity always feels like the elephant in the room. Facing it might dispel the awkwardness and grant more entertainment. The lead doesn't supply enough oxygen to let us in on how she may be feeling besides the obvious. Joe Bird, on the other hand, established himself with eye movements and bodily functions. The film succeeds because it thought outside the box and the scares were great. 07-Apr-2024