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Movies Posts Tagged as 'Weird'

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Nightbitch (2024) Arf

Amy Adams reached deep to elaborate on a desperate housewife. She is the talent the film lacks. The dog's characteristics were outdated and confusing. Dogs cuddle, feed, shit, cling, get jealous, are dependent and will bite you. How does a dog with benign traits empower anybody? The philosophy didn't properly explain itself. Watch it for Miss Amy but ignore the silliness. 04-Jan-2025

Tags: Camp, Chemistry, Comedy, Creepy, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Funny, Sort of, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Questionable, Silly, Star Watt, Timid, Weird, Words Spoke



Servant, The (1963) Woof

The film presents interesting character development, a pace that is amicable and intelligent artists doing their thing. It's a product of 60's liberation. It was lust, sex and jazz. The mirror shots were cool and a stamp of British stroke. Lonely affluent man hires a streetwise butler to care for his expansive home and demands. The relationships are cold and it's hard to get a read on characters. The 50's aspect lulled me comfortably but the transition to the gogo 60's, turned my gut. Unexpected scenarios were aplenty. The film answers all our questions except, "why?" Every person we encounter is a power struggle. 26-Oct-2024

Tags: 1960s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Classic, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Funny, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Psychological, Relationships, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Twisty, Weird, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Wish (2023) Bites

I tried watching through the eyes of a child and it confused me. What do you mean that man has my wish. I made ten wishes yesterday and two came true. I don't even remember that one wish everybody's talking about. Fuck it. It's only one. The film has Ariana DeBose energy and a Barbie stance. DeBose is so excited to show us what she's got that she faux climaxes before she has to. Some of the songs actually sounded musical. Pine's Shatner was so good that it stunk. The last man with a working penis is stealing little girl dreams. (None of the dreams were to marry a man to save them?) The women and some of their friends band together to destroy him. Some of the friends consisted of weak or mentally disabled boys and feeble grandfathers with no reach. I presume we had to look towards the animals to find culture representation. No gays in sight. Sophia The First looked better than this and brought the magic. One of Disney's junkiest animations. 28-Apr-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Animation, Art Devoid, By the Numbers, Cheeky Acting, Dialogue Lament, Director Slouch, Drama, Grating, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, Preachy, Predictable, Shrill Act, Silly, Trashy, Vague, Weird, Writer Humiliation



There's Something In The Barn (2023) Bites

The director didn't add scope to cramped spaces. The set-up was an opportunity to marry into the Gremlins family but the creatives were inspired to make schlock. It was nice to have a boy do something in a movie besides being written out. The thing in the barn is not a CGI wonder or a Chucky miracle. It was old and dusty, like the script. I hope they hired some little people, at least. The film confuses weird with scary. The action sequences were frozen, the comedy was foggy and horror didn't show up. 01-Apr-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Camp, Chemistry, Cliche, Coincidence Laden, Cold, Comedy, Dialogue Lament, Director Slouch, Fatigue, Holiday, Horror Mild, Preposterous, Retread, Silly, Stupid Funny, Weird



Poor Things (2023) Arf

Oh. Emma ruined the word squishy for me. 08-Mar-2024
The whore of Frankenstein. The direction was stylish and the visuals were artistic but the script needed punching. The backstory was more interesting than the Frankenstein repeat. I wanted less of that. None of the actors clicked in the setting and Ruffalo's mumbly accent was troubling. TG he got naked. Emma Stone played the recovering retard like anyone would. She was okay but she didn't ignite the fire that would make men want to imprison her. Ramy's wedding pants were awful. I couldn't identify with a woman who is allowed a smooth awakening because she is trapped in a make believe world. She didn't know the value of a dollar, a meal, a man, rent, a closet, bordello gangbangs and logic. Stepping out on the town in lingerie would have been disastrous and mind altering in the real world. She is not a hero. She is like every other woman trapped in a setting that a man built. 08-Mar-2024

Tags: 2020s, Bad Acting, Cold, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Horny, Lesbian, Music Swings, Silly, Slow, Star Watt, Timid, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ w/Possibilities



Barbie (2023) Whimper

Women can do anything except fight wars, raise non-toxic boys or shut up. Barbie is a politic, a preacher and a bore. Man hate shuffles in so often that enjoyment is stifled. The cast is brilliant. Margo and Ryan were perfect iterations of iconic toys and the support kept up but the story just memes on the same subject, over and over. The film distinguishes the sexes without exploring true intentions or circumstances. The best way for feminists to free themselves from a man's grasp is to never marry and to abolish religions that place them in dire situations. 16-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Cliche, Cold, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Insanity, Fantasy, Good Acting, Grating, Inactivity, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, Oncer, Political, Preposterous, Pretty, Repetitive, Revenge, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Tedium, Timid, Weird, Writer Humiliation



May December (2023) Whimper

Lack of clarity and character purpose slows a movie about a female child molester. The boy was thirteen, she got caught, went to jail, became pregnant and married the victim. Natalie Portman is the actress that arrives 20 years later to witness the aftermath and understand the feelings involved in a messy woman's choices so she can better portray her in an upcoming film. The couple believes it might bring redemption but it's not clear what Portman's true intentions are. Julianne Moore settles on a safe space where the husband, children and neighborhood are trapped within the woman's bubble of fantasy and control. She never thought she did anything wrong except cheat on her husband. Boy grows up and remembers feelings that were not kosher, his dependence on his wife gives him no place to run to and he needs to blast it to any one that can help him understand. Charles Melton's abused boy is a frozen fuckboy in a bubble of his own that conveyed not much more than the script. Melton pauses and clamps trying to act through something that's keeping him away. The beautiful score is unsettling and builds to nothing. Moore has a few moments, Portman gave us brilliant seconds but the styles never coalesced. The script mumbles and only hints at evoking feeling. When a woman is a victim of abuse, her story is always front and center. If the man is the abuser he has to register as a sex offender, not live by schools or children, be destroyed for life and never be the lead in his own story. Why didn't this victim get the same respect? 03-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Cold, Daddy Squish, Director Slouch, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Inactivity, Music Swings, Rapey, Relationships, Slow, Star Watt, Subtle, Timid, Unenthusiastic, Vague, Weird, Writ w/Possibilities



Hole In The Ground, The (2019) Arf

Single mother starts a new life with her son in the boondocks. Woods are spooky with a giant hole in the ground. Baby boy disappears into the woods and returns different. A neighbor's history tells of a mother falling apart at losing her son to the woods, going to prison, killing her son and being constantly haunted. She becomes deranged, unacceptable but tolerated. No one believes her truth because all nutty people are considered liars. But the nutty people are always right. We don't want to look at that shit so we ignore it, the way we don't Santa and Barbie. Mama believes the lady's mythology when she too faces that dilemma. The child is a spooky chill, the mother's face speaks volumes and the director allows us space to breathe. Cliches disrupt the flow. Dreams no longer surprise. The end was a meh and a what. Craft without sense. 29-Nov-2023

Tags: 2010s, Accidental Watch, Baby Wrecks, Chemistry, Cliche, Coincidence Laden, Creepy, Director Movement, Fun, Good Acting, Horror, Music Swings, Mystery, Sentimental, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Blue Beetle (2023) Bites

The pace had no time to set-up character appreciation, it had a billion particles to settle. The family dynamic was food, drink, celebration and insanity. George Lopez added comedy schtick to his act. He looked like a character booted from Bedrock because he was too loud and ornery. The breast queen should be playing Lady MacBeth not becoming a free TV actor. I can see her washing blood from her hands and implementing Elvira's cleavage cut. The rest of the family and the leads apply stereotypes without explaining them. There is no such thing as a stereotype because it's only a description of our heritage. Universal speak. Nobody passed the classic TV Q test and the silliness hardly stopped. The best of the mythology turned into a fiesta. The family went everywhere together. Really? When did they masturbate? Why did the family get superpowers? Beetle's nemesis was a bigger and badder version of himself. Couldn't we have gotten something a little different? If the production wanted to fill the female quota, why didn't they concoct some awesome female villains? He has lots and no villain is scarier than a latin woman scorned. She'll slash your tires. 27-Nov-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Art Devoid, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Cultural, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Slouch, Enthusiastic, Fatigue, Over the Top, Physical Humor, Predictable, Preposterous, Relationships, Repetitive, Revenge, Sap, Shrill Act, Timid, Trashy, TV-like, Vague, Weird



There's Something Wrong With The Children (2023) Bites

Mixed raced couples spend a weekend away with each other and their latino kids. Things go awry when they hit a cave on their hike with a luminous hole that only attracts the attention of children, even though it later states that adults can go in it too. The only thing that changes after the incident is that the kids stop being snarky and in charge. They turn robotic, obedient and deadly, sort of. The friends start accusing each of things real and induced by vagina magic. The men react off-key and don't have much of a bond. The women have a hypocritical relationship. Telling the truth only applies if they're drunk, tested or just can't stand each other. The mother blaming her friend for the death of her child rang. The children don't scare and revenge is unfulfilled. I thought putting a little sombrero and poncho on the siblings would not have necessarily scared us but it would've created iconic characters, like Freddy. The scariest things arise from stereotypes, not hate. 23-Jun-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, By the Numbers, Director Hands Off Approach, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Grating, Horror, Preposterous, Relationships, Stupid Funny, Timid, Weird, Writ w/Possibilities



3,000 Years Of Longing (2022) Whimper

It seems like a private joke to portray different languages without captioning them. The more times the movie lines or references are repeated the more we can understand and retain it. It's an educational tool. The descriptions fall mainly on Elba who portrays a physically commanding djinn with poetic romanticism with no woman to match him. Swinton's acting nuances become mismatched ticks. Queen of Shiba's story was the most interesting only because the actress portraying her provided model fabulosity. The leads remain within bottle safety throughout. The effects don't want to intrude on realism but that's what the story is about. I wanted to see Elba mixing spells, looking dashing or at least happy and having a magic ball while reciting Shakespeare with Lady Tilton. 23-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, Cliche, Daddy Squish, Director Slouch, Fantasy, Fatigue, Inactivity, Predictable, Relationships, Repetitive, Romance, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Unenthusiastic, Weird, Wit Crack, Writ w/Possibilities



Triangle Of Sadness (2022) Woof

The first half was Love Boat: Vomit/Shitter in 3D. The finale was a Gilligan's Island: The Professor Created A New Drug We Have To Try episode. The connections are slight. I did not believe Woody Harrelson as a captain. Over-the-top jibber jabber that had nothing to do with anything. The rich are dependent on service and can't survive circumstances in which work is allotted therefore the service becomes king. A servant serves until she earns the right to do otherwise. She can start a fire, hunt and cook. She, The King. Raping that beautiful boy belonging to an even more beautiful wife, was done for our amusement. Right? Bits are hilarious but I didn't really get what they were saying. 04-Mar-2023

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Chemistry, Comedy, Daddy Squish, Director Insanity, Director's Art, Drama, Elegance, Funny, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Physical Humor, Pretty, Relationships, Slow, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Weird, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Smile (2022) Whimper

If you want your black fiancee to dump you, seek comfort with your adorable ex whose a cop and explain to him that you are not mentally ill but cursed. Parker Posey and Hillary Swank's niece pants as much as she talks in the role of a useless psychoanalyst. It avoids the psychic explanation but grants us a hooey mythology. The smile is irrelevant. It's a wink to Joker's laugh gas. The kid's party had me rolling, the mother turning into a drag queen was unexpected but the juju was preposterous. 24-Feb-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Art Devoid, By the Numbers, Cliche, Coincidence Laden, Daddy Squish, Fatigue, Horror, Indecipherable, Over the Top, Preposterous, Shrill Act, Silly, Stupid Funny, Timid, Weird



Your Place Or Mine  (2023) WhimperEarly Exit

Antipathy between lead actors destroys chemistry and longevity. I heard Clark Gable had toxic breath, yet it didn't stop Vivian Leigh from tonguing him down. 20-Feb-2023

Tags: 2020s, Cliche, Comedy, Early Exit, Grating, Romance, Sap, Star Watt, Timid, Weird



Drop, The (2022) Whimper

I felt like it was written by someone that constantly cancels therapy sessions. Married lady who is attempting to bear child with hubby goes to a lesbian wedding, holds their kid and drops it. They react as you would expect and not. Everything that leads to the wedding is patronizing. Married lady who can't have no children and dropped a kid becomes an unworthy ally, mother and wife. All the characters are cuckoo, babbling about the latest politic that social media hypnotized them with. They're all talking with little connection. Jermaine Fowler had the chops but they didn't let him charbroil them until the end. Utkarsh Ambudkar played a fuck you rendition of an asshole. It was humiliating and brilliant. The ladies stood back as if they were auditioning for high rated TV. What's the point of cataloguing a trip that doesn't matter. 22-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Comedy, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Dialogue Lament, Director Experiment, Drama, Enthusiastic, Funny, Sort of, Gay Swatch, Life, Relationships, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Timid, Vague, Weird, Wit Crack, Writ w/Possibilities



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