Movies Posts Tagged as 'Eye Gouge'
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Martyrs (2008)

The only way women can see the light is if they get punished for being women. The opener cues you in, the orphanage grants the characters humanity, the grown up versions are psychotic, the violence is pukey and the horror is inane. The more intimate the story, the bigger the chills. Here, the bigger the story, the more impossible it sounds. I do not get off on seeing women beat and suffering endlessly esp. for stupid reasons, but I realized that lesbians might. The film avoids sex as a respect to all women. Dude, I'd rather go back in time and get raped again than suffer through this. 17-Oct-2022
Rock-A-Bye Baby (1958)

Starlet is knocked up by a Mexican bullfighter that she drunkenly married one day and literally died the next. Her career is on the upswing. Her next film is entitled "The White Virgin Of The Nile." With no recourse, she turns to her childhood buddy and hometown slub for help. After a secret birth, she delivers him the babies to babysit while she makes the film. Jerry Lewis' exasperating talent is at half mast. When he lets loose we cringe, when he sings and curls his lip we bite ours. He won't let comedy be. He needs to smash it with babyface spasms and off-color perversity. He doesn't matter one bit. It's a beautiful film to observe. The music is light, the story is sweet and life was simple. Marilyn Maxwell exemplifies the Hollywood Goddesses of her time and the clothes accentuated her power. Connie Stevens was purity enchantment. It's a piece of candy I didn't want but I tried it and couldn't stop eating or talking about it. 20-Dec-2020
Jaws 3 (1983)

The fun stops here. 22-Jun-2020
Cats (2019) 

Of course, I was going to hate it. Wrecked performances, grave CGI, clipped penises and roach choreography. I couldn't finish it. 09-May-2020
Aftershock (2012)

The horror is rendered by characterization and the abomination is in how viciously they get treated. It may be novel for a disaster movie but it damages our senses. 04-Oct-2019
Us (2019)

When a director can't wrangle a decent performance from two accomplished actresses (Nyong'o and Moss,) he isn't done with his training. The movie makes no sense and it doesn't deserve to breathe on anything resembling art. 15-Sep-2019
Halloween (2018)

Devoid of purpose, study and reverence. The psychology of Laurie Strode was as an empowered victim that elicited strength from catastrophic violence. She's not Sarah Connor and she wouldn't burden a child with her horrid mythology. The holiday wasn't nostalgic and the nods to Hitchcock (who's that?) were extinct. Hallmark movies concoct bigger frights. 08-Feb-2019
Bad Teacher (2011)

So mean that it renders the characters inhuman. 07-Dec-2018
Confessions of a Pop Performer (1975)

It's a constant pile-up you can't stop watching. 25-Sep-2018
Call Me By Your Name (2017)

Its insulting in its timing and the delusion that a teenager's "me too" is a right of passage. The disparity in size (Hammer's giant) and childlike looks (Timothee Chalamet) adds unseemliness to its presentation. Hammer distributes much awkwardness and little desire, maybe because he realized the discomfort of its subject.
Man/boy love is tricky if you don't account for its repercussions. It doesn't represent the gay community but it indicates that straits will stick it to anything and that uniting in sex will not absolve our confusion.
I'll call you what my first lover/daddy/asshole called himself..."bugarron." 07-Aug-2018
Collector, The (2009)

Schooling for psychopaths on how to execute an ugly death. It's bloody torture. 20-Jun-2018
Justice League (2017)

It will continue to embarrass for as long as production is allowed to churn arid cornpop. They can't orchestrate a thrilling action sequence, the costumes don't befit a hero and it certainly doesn't flatter the artists (everyone clunks around) and the villain seems extracted from an outdated RPG. Cavill wakes up to serve us what's left of the Superman character and Amy Adams and Diane Lane are the only Amazons. Most of the artists left their joy elsewhere.
It needs to look at its animation for inspiration. 14-May-2018
Psycho III (1986)

Misdiagnosed. 10-Apr-2018
Extreme Movie (2008)

It belongs locked in a time capsule. Every teenage boy perversion is enacted without respect or acknowledgement of their desire. It is a catapult of "me too" and a denigration of all sexes. Depicting men and women as competitors in love or sex doesn't bode well for a society hellbent on exposing its normality.
When Matthew Lillard exclaims that he can't say that joke because he has two daughters but continues reading it, the movie and the immature men who made it are slanderously defined. 09-Mar-2018
Battlefield Earth (2000) 

As soon as Travolta opens his mouth to spit fey Shakespearean New York, the attention-span for the story disappears. While you wait for Travolta to stop putting us on you start noticing that the character's rubber hands bend and lay inappropriately, the Eiffel Tower boots adds clunk and slump to their walk and that their pouches swell at attention. I left before any of it made it to my bloodstream. 21-Dec-2017