Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'History'
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Earliest Evidence of Our Human Ancestors Outside of Africa Found
Our ancient human relatives got around more than scientists previously thought. Researchers in China excavated stone tools that were likely made by our human ancestors some 2.12 million years ago — the earliest evidence ever discovered of the human lineage outside of Africa.
"It suggests a way earlier migration out of Africa than we ever would have imagined," said Michael Petraglia, a paleoanthropologist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, who was not involved with the study. "It's very exciting."
Live Science
Scientist challenges 'out of Africa' theory with new origin for modern humans
Ukraine Zoo To Euthanize All Animals
Zookeepers have made the heartbreaking decision to put down all the large animals—including lions and tigers—at a zoo in Ukraine after its enclosures were destroyed by Russian shelling.
Ukraine Zoo To Euthanize All Animals
Private taxidermy collection with more than 1,000 animals
'She deserves to rot in jail'
Toddler, two, sinks her teeth into 20-inch snake
Snake Researcher Dies From Rattlesnake Bite
Beloved Walrus Was Killed Because People Wouldn't Stay Away
Protected wild stallion found shot dead
California ranks among least safe states in America
"The safest states in America protect their residents from harm in a multitude of different ways, from keeping crime rates low and maintaining safe roadways to having strong economies and job markets that prevent people from falling into dangerous financial situations," said Chip Lupo, a WalletHub analyst.
California ranks among least safe states in America
As “Hypercarnivores", Humans Were Apex Predators For 2 Million Years
While many modern humans opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet, new research suggests that our ancestors obtained the majority of their nutrition from meat, and only diversified their food intake to include more plants at the very end of the Stone Age.
The Coming Meat Utopia Is Real
Florida bans lab-grown meat
Martin Freeman gives up vegetarianism after 38 years
...all slices of meat in a doner to be the exact same thickness
DeSantis Florida's lab-grown meat ban
Are Plant-Based Toxins a Greater Risk Than We Thought?
Men can get pregnant
A third of British schoolkids have been taught that a woman can have a penis, it was claimed today.
A survey of more than 1,000 kids aged 16-18 also revealed one in five were told men can get pregnant — even though it is biologically impossible.
Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was 'assigned' by medical professionals at birth. This meant, by their logic, that it could be changed later in life.
Men can get pregnant
Gay man piled-on after sharing pics of his newborn
...‘rise’ in transgenderism shows it’s a fad
Mystery of Denisovans, a Sister Species of Modern Humans
“This fossil represents the first discovery of Denisovans in Southeast Asia and shows that Denisovans were in the south at least as far as Laos. This is in agreement with the genetic evidence found in modern-day Southeast Asian populations.”
Mystery of Denisovans
Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade because it 'marginalizes students of color
A Seattle elementary school has canceled its upcoming Halloween parade and will be banning students from dressing in costumes on October 31, claiming that the annual event ‘marginalizes’ students of color who administrators claim do not celebrate the holiday.
Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade
Now moccasins are racist!
...complaint against show over claims producers FIRED them for requesting gender neutral dressing room
Former California state lawmaker indicted on federal bribery charges
Southlake school leader tells teachers to balance Holocaust books with 'opposing' views
Texas House Passes Bill To Bar Transgender Athletes From Women’s Sports
Manhattan junior high school will racially separate students
Student ‘forced to use police escort’
Texas student hits teacher in class
Lawn Boy and Gender Queer: A Memoir - do not violate rules
Why can't the school provide the children with materials to make their own costumes? 13-Oct-2021
More than 200 people in U.S. being monitored for possible monkeypox exposure, CDC says
More than 200 people in 27 states are being monitored for possible exposure to monkeypox after they had contact with an individual who contracted the disease in Nigeria before traveling to the United States this month, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To date, no additional cases have been detected.
“It is a lot of people,” McCollum acknowledged.
The efforts stem from the discovery that a U.S. resident infected with monkeypox traveled from Lagos, Nigeria, on an overnight flight to Atlanta that arrived on July 9; the person then traveled the same day to Dallas. On July 15, the individual sought care at a Dallas hospital emergency room, where the diagnosis of monkeypox was made.
More than 200 people in U.S. being monitored for possible monkeypox exposure, CDC says
US sees COVID-19 cases surge by 224% in last three weeks as CDC director says the Indian 'Delta' variant now makes up 83% of all new infections
More than 1.5 MILLION children around the world lost a parent, grandparent or caregiver due to COVID-19
As many as 200 Americans have now reported possible symptoms of 'Havana Syndrome,'
Covid: Anger as half of Australians in lockdown again
ICMR sero survey says two-thirds of Indians exposed to Covid
Georgia boy, 5, with NO underlying conditions, dies of COVID-19 complications including a stroke
More than half of California is under mask mandate again as hospitalizations jump 62%
I was a Covid super-spreader and the guilt is killing me
Colorado 10-year-old dies as health officials investigate plague activity
How To Mess Up Your Relationship With Your Parents
We all messed up the relationship with our parents at least once. Remember that time when dad didn’t talk to you for weeks? What about mom? Did she try to fix it up with a family dinner?
Well, you might not be that young, but what difference does this make. Most adults have a somewhat challenging relationship with their parents. While parents neglect the fact that you are a responsible grown-up, you are hiding behind their wisdom. How many times have you asked your parents for their advice regardless of their experience level? Hopefully, not too many times. We all make that mistake because we neglect that our parents don’t know it all.
Two out of three (66%) of adolescents age 12–17 live with both parents, 24% with their mother only, 5% with their father only, and 5% with neither parent [1]. The quality of parents’ relationships makes a difference to children in many ways. — Act for Youth
How To Mess Up Your Relationship With Your Parents
Gayle King reveals she is BANNING unvaccinated family members from Thanksgiving
Moms and dads watch while children, aged 5 to 7, engage in 'full-on fight fest' after school in Brooklyn park
Mayor de Blasio insists mask mandate WILL be in effect in NYC public schools this fall despite latest CDC guidance
Parents of toddler who plunged 150 feet to her death when her grandfather accidentally dropped her from deck of cruise ship have lost
CBS News reporter quits, says she can now 'be candid' about her support for 'abortion rights'
5-Year-Old Ohio Boy Shot by 'Intoxicated' Mother, Currently in Stable Condition, Police Say
Teen shot friend in West Jordan church parking lot
Far more adults don’t want children than previously thought
Marie Claire sparks outrage among pro-life groups with article saying Hollywood should depict MORE abortions because that is more reflective of reality
Leo Terrell slams professors who claim 'standard English' is racist: 'I find it insulting'
"Let me just be very clear because I find it insulting. They are asking or basically trying to present the idea that Black English or let’s call it what it is, ebonics, is being taken away from the Black community,"...
Terrell said that the Black community rejects Black English because it is "improper."
Leo Terrell slams professors
Jewish Democrats are not being 'partners in justice'
Teaching critical race theory isn't happening in classrooms
Bruce Lee's daughter is tired of white men
Soul Cap swim ban is racist
Why I'm sick of "woke" culture
Woke people wear locs or baby fros and use coconut oil, olive oil, and hemp soap. They blog, they have a brand, they wrap themselves in henna or war paint at festivals even though they rarely engage in a physical war, if they ever engage at all.
Woke people have the best graphic T-shirts and catchiest hashtags. They have great jobs or no job because their families can afford to float them, they are the first to pop up at a protest, take the best viral images, and run home to talk about it on the internet. Sharing variations of the same image repeatedly.
'Where is the outcry when blacks kill other blacks?' Well, let me show you. It can be found within the countless murals (sidewalk and wall) found in the black community; the countless trees lined with teddy bears and liquor bottles; the hostility toward police in the community who are sworn to protect and serve and who are always present except at the time of many violent attacks. It can be seen in the overflow of emotion at funerals of slain young people; and, due to the lack of positive safe outlets for grief and loss counseling and the miseducation of effective coping mechanisms, will often lead to self-medication to suppress these emotions. Leading to high rates of drug abuse and alcoholism. I can go on and on. So honestly, all the 'Woke People,' aka Poverty/Struggle Pimps, exit left
Why I'm sick of
6 Dr. Seuss books to stop being published because of racist imagery
'These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong'
6 Dr. Seuss books to stop being published because of racist imagery
DOES YOUR DOG BARK A LOT? Or is he one of those quiet pooches who barks only when things get really exciting? Most dogs bark at least a little.
Dog barks are not words. But although your dog will never tell you about his parents or the weather or the amazing bone he had yesterday, his barks still communicate important information.
Your dog’s barks may not be words, but he probably barks a little differently depending on what kind of thing has got him excited. If you listen closely, you may find you can tell the difference between a bark directed toward a package deliverer and one directed toward a friend at the door. The bark to a passing dog may be different than the bark at a passing car.
Brand formerly known as Aunt Jemima reveals new name
The longtime brand announced they would remove the outdated image of Aunt Jemima at the end of 2020, with the name change happening at a later date. The new logo is slated to appear on store shelves in June 2021.
The history of Aunt Jemima is somewhat muddled, but in a 2015 piece for The New York Times, Riché Richardson, an associate professor of African American literature in the Africana Studies and Research Center at Cornell University, explained the brand’s name and original logo were inspired by a minstrel song about a "mammy" caricature, “Old Aunt Jemima.”
Brand formerly known as Aunt Jemima reveals new name
Spanish Law Requires Kids To Do Chores. What a Great Idea
Suddenly I’m thinking of moving to Spain.
A bill introduced recently in the nation’s parliament would require that Spanish children do housework and homework. They would also be required to “participate in family life” and “respect their parents and siblings.”
Wow. Good luck with that.
Back here in the United States, I can barely get my 16-year-old to take out the trash. Sometimes, it feels like Middle East peace talks must be easier.
Meanwhile, other parents don’t even ask their kids to pitch in—either because they’ve completely surrendered, have concluded that it’s easier to do the job themselves, or have decided that after-school activities and playtime are more valuable. Children have gone “from being our employees to our bosses,” Jennifer Senior notes in her book All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood.
Spanish Law