All Posts Tagged as 'Horror'
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Love Song For A Vampire - Annie Lennox
Out To Run
Blink Twice (2024)

The wait for resolution is interminable. Channing Tatum didn't menace enough. Naomi Ackie seemed too woke to fall for a Peter Pan man. It would have been fresh if the girls had just said "no" to the leery invitation to a private island with no transportation back. Peter would have to arrange a deceitful method to get them there. That's menacing. A beautiful palette and luscious atmosphere held the key to my interest but when the climax happens its a compilation of memes that spoke volumes and represented very little. It's a harsh topic that needed to play out so the audience can understand the reasons people do anything. 29-Jan-2025
Arcadian (2024)

It's the end of the world and Nic Cage remains to fight it. He's kept his twin sons safe for 15 years. They farm, scavenge and kill during the day but hatch down everything before dark. The mystery deepens even with revamped scares. Cage downplays heroism because after 15 years of vigilance his character is tired. His strength is in his conviction and hope. The boys were well cast. They both lit bulbs. The twins' asides were a welcome. The farm is where they found their warmth and exhaustion. A better way to separate the dark action sequences (not black enough or bright enough) would elicit more excitement because a lot of good work remained unseen. I want to know what that needle thing was, more about the occurrence, life before the end of the world, end of the world, those things and the future. 28-Jan-2025
A Quiet Place: Day One: (2024)

A movie where silence is golden only resonates with "good face" actors. Lupita is characterized as an unpleasant doom manipulator. The cat that doesn't meow really pissed me off. By making the cat mute they missed out on fresh ideas and unforgettable scenes. Hounsou was relegated to extra. The action repeats but it doesn't refresh. More monster exposition would have added coherence and sustainability. What is their backstory? What happened to the crying babies? Deaf people who can talk? The rules of the game were acknowledged rather swiftly and the setups were obvious and corny. Pizza, really? 08-Jan-2025
Subservience (2024)

It adds enough to the genre to make it interesting but it doesn't supply enough tech or empathetic reasoning to make it a classic. Ms. Fox is a royal maximizer of presence and a soulless entity suits her well. Michelle Morone made me want to go to the bathroom and jerk off to straight italian porn. Madeline Zima played a thankless role that depended solely on her likability and that's better than nothing. The movie satisfied but didn't satiate. More tech or more sex would have knocked it towards art park. No budget for more tech means they would have to physically create it. So, create it. Hubby would have become addicted to robot sex because that's what men do. "I only fucked her a few hundred times, sweetie. I was practicing for when you got your heart back. I didn't want to disappoint you." 09-Dec-2024
Alien: Romulus (2024)

From the first creak to the last scream, the interpretation of a classic is uncanny. Fede lip synchs Alien/Aliens achievements and aces it. He is not a copyist, though, he does everything the first two did differently but with the same dreadful spirit. The suspense was familiar and foreboding, the face huggers were scary as fuck, Andy is my favorite synthetic and the heroine was non-assuming. 22-Nov-2024
Bad Moon, The (1996)

As soon as I realized the original material centered around a pet beast, my mind started to baton twirl. Thor was the title and the name of the dog. But, the movie is about a werewolf, a mother and son, or is it? Mariel Hemingway was peak star watt that carried the weight of the movie's heart. The son is there to make the dog look good. Michael Pare was a one-time specimen that carried out his mission like a rebellious animal. Romance violently exits in the first 10 minutes, a brother/sister/uncle dynamic takes its place, Thor was the best actor and the transformation didn't suck. Man vs beast has been re-re-written so they tried something else. How does a dog protect his family when uncle is the king of canines and the myth rules don't apply? 05-Nov-2024
Horror Relief: What About It?
Senor Bardem
The PR flag
Drag Me To Hell
Dick Frisk
My Dad Left
Cussing Toys
The Creeper
Curse Of The Necklace, The (2024)

Everyone and everything is on the cusp, elements are appreciated and nonsense can be fun. 30-Oct-2024
Late Night With The Devil (2023)

In order for the premise to thrive, the guests must shine. The little girl was inspired by the Scary movie franchise. The host had the most but was overshadowed by ponderous material. Support did not attempt to break a stereotypical shell to elicit empathy or further their characters. It didn't intrigue me, convince me or frighten me. (My mother wins most awesomemest possession of a devil in realtime.) It's almost impossible to recreate magic that only happens once in a lifetime. 22-Oct-2024
The Doctor
Hold Your Breath (2024)

The circumstances are creepy and claustrophobic, the era is that "time of the month" and the outcome is numb. Paulson gives more than it deserves. The daughters are convincing. The pace is nerve wracking. The scares were substantial. How does a person survive in an area nature doesn't want them in? Paulson is an easy follow but the ending copped out. 08-Oct-2024
House Of Spoils (2024)

Food can be an orgasmic delight or a fatal mistake. The film runs with it but keeps making U-turns to nonsensical scares. The premise felt fresh but lazy. I thought up cooler things to do with food to scare besides making it icky. Ms. DeBose restrained herself esp. her face. Her close-ups didn't convey much because her face was speaking a foreign tongue. I had no idea what she was thinking. Once again, the bombardment of one subject doesn't match the progression of the film. The script should never read like a resume. It shouldn't end like one either. Isn't the last line about hobbies and likes? 09-Oct-2024
Deliverance, The (2024)

X-corist, Amyty and Geist are the main ingredients that make up this film. It's three interwoven white stories rewritten for black people. Andra Day portrayed a monster with minimal happy days. She was constantly confrontational, inconsistent and influenced. If it weren't for dames Monique and Close, I would have left. I don't think anybody can play an old hillbilly slut better than Glenn. Evil Glenn was appetizing and distinguished. Monique created a believable character from top to bottom and didn't fidget. A successful sequel to The Exorcist might have consisted of observing Regan's memories returning and their dire effects. Regan: Pazuzu Returns! 04-Sep-2024
Immaculate (2024)
Sydney Sweeney gave great face, the crew provided atmosphere and the director kept to the script. It was good but it needed a shot of dare. It was the perfect opportunity to experiment with explosive ideas but they were controlled by standards. The story was equally divided as an Omen prequel and a Rosemary's Baby. 25-Aug-2024