TV Posts Tagged as 'Horror'
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Curse Of The Necklace, The (2024)
Everyone and everything is on the cusp, elements are appreciated and nonsense can be fun. 30-Oct-2024
House of Heat (2024-)
They look, talk and walk like ducks but don't like being called ducks. Only Fans creators are thrust inside a fish tank so they can observe, teach and grow their businesses. Some peel their clothes off while others tease it. Everyone is judgmental, scared and hostile. It was difficult to side with anyone because a lot of them believe they have the answer to surviving the mess they're in. Chase's beauty kept melting off the more he talked. The gay couple was so united in their bond that there was no space to breathe. They clung dependently like Venom and Hardy. The straight couple only had sex with each other on camera. They were special. She wanted to hold on to chastity. Any man that needs to fuck so many times a day already cheated and had the threesome she denied him. Brother gay with an appealing body needed to purse his lips, not glow them. The arguments are loud, repetitive and frustrating. Maybe the creators will realize the answer when they are outside the box. I don't know the answer but I know how it ends. The women questioned everything and added motives later. We never got an answer to the smelly pussygate dilemma. Was she sexually violated or were men just being themselves? Is that the reason we have to label everything? To distance ourselves from others? They close every argument like there will be a sequel. I wish my brain would function as fluidly as these creators. It made the cuckoo in my head clock pop. They are killing the mystery of the fantasy by telling too much. 29-Jul-2024
Parasyte: The Grey (2024-)
I wasn't expecting much. The aliens were easy to spot. Hey dude, why you talking like that? Can they imitate anything other than a squid? Yes, they can. Viewership became verdant, I was addicted but their motor died. Emotions got no satisfaction but the revelations made it through. 12-Apr-2024
Gen V (2023)
The finale entered the Buffyverse and maintained its excellence. The massacre was surprisingly joyful. Creativity was active. The newbies accomplished. We like them, even the evil ones. 03-Nov-2023
I felt yesteryear's essence. When access is limited, you shoot for the heart. Creating superheroes with limitations makes them more susceptible to bleeding. Hurt is the crux of the Superworld because it is in every other world.The series mind-blows and sets the future of comicbook heroes by having heart, progressive CGI and identifiable respect. 22-Oct-2023
Chucky (2021-)
Jake Wheeler is becoming quite a twink daddy. Devon Evans is aging in reverse. He looks like a kid. Lexy is gutsy without a personal life to lift her up. Jennifer T. and Jennifer C. need to battle for best bitch titles. The writers toned down Jennifer's character and shenanigans and she beams because of it. Devon Sawa has the best character, up to-date. I kept seeing Sawa's name on the credits but couldn't match him to his character, until now. Wow. You mean he was the hot method actor who plays the President? He is as precise in his acting as the puppeteers were on Chucky. The lip sync is perfect, different movements are being explored and the bastard is as funny and wicked as ever. The focus of this season is The White House and aging. Love it! 03-Dec-2021
Fall Of House Of Usher, The (2023)
I understood the excuses but I didn't get the obscurity. The finale was a realization of how much of a merry-go-round the production put us through. The Final Destination kills should have ascended from that. When you add magic to horror it teeters on fanto realism. It made my head overload...with questions. Where was Lenore when daddy redecorated her mother's room? She asks to see her mom 5 days later? I believe one of the Dupin's got taller? Bless you, Sir Hamill. Once his character clicks we look forward to seeing him again. The mumbo jumbo accommodated what was easiest for the storytellers. The merry go round speeds up, there are few surprises but the cast and dialogue are superb. What fabulous creature is Gugino's character supposed to be? Is Pinhead her boss? I hope it's the girl one. 21-Oct-2023
SE5. There are so many crisp performances to marvel at. The story captivates but the horror aspect diminishes it. Whenever he gets a vision, we realize how the next victim will die. Stretching the story doesn't mean much if it once ended up in the trash because it contained too much information. The flashbacks are served nilly willy. The saboteur has no meaning but I love her. Poe's themes are observed but not acknowledged. When a creator succumbs to the title of the story he is manipulating things to fit not click. 20-Oct-2023
S1E2. Succession musical score adaptation is too blatant and soon to describe rich family hierarchy. The actors play it well but the characters are as interchangeable as their sexual proclivities. The scares are great ideas that are poorly executed. The mother's beginning is a testament of that. It should be scary but it's not, it didn't grip or create empathy. Flanagan name drops everything but the art he's pilfering. The story does not flatter Gugino and her character is beyond mysterious. I heard Hamill do a Joker laugh and I was amused. Flanagan still hasn't figured out how to shoot in the dark. The admirable parts are the ones created by accident. 19-Oct-2023
AHS: Delicate (2023)
S1E1. Big K is horrific and almost interesting. Emma Roberts is avoiding the camera, lest it tell something. She only understands ditzy blonde characters. The idea is a respectful homage but production keeps hurting it. Fantastical coincidences are painful recreations and hallucinatory effects are weak. We can only concentrate on one big thing at a time. Ryan always wanders. It seems like we're counting down until a stand-in with plastic taped to her butt, creates the illusion that we are witnessing and recording K's magnificence, naked. 27-Sep-2023
Witcher, The (2019-)
The half season was a trip down Xena memory lane without the charms of Xena, Gabrielle and or thrilling action. The action suffered from premature ejaculation. Over before it begins. GOT talk keeps reminding us how powerful Ciri is. Isn't three seasons enough time to finally see it and not constantly hear about it? I'd recast with more charisma and revamp with better professionals. Replacing just the main character is going to be wonky and talky and I want them all to feel as uncomfortable as I felt watching this season. I shifted interest in character to decipher if the actors really liked each other. 06-Jul-2023
S3E2. I'm savoring them/him. I hear GOT talk incessantly. That is not the cure for acceptance or sleepiness. 04-Jul-2023
S3E1: A toxic female can destruct a man's mythology but his heroism will reign supreme. Welcome back, daddy. 03-Jul-2023
Daddy dropped the hush a notch and it was sexy. A daddypalooza overwrote the overwrought female wokeness. The RPG "come to life" was fun. The mythology became a scientific equation instead of a scientific marvel. Can we find another solution to good girl being possessed by evil besides giving her a conscious? Bummer. Istredd. Boom! Dijkstra. Yes! Joey Batey. Lick, yeah! Neneke. Your highness. Daddy Supe speaks for itself. The females need more realism and the mythology needs better surprises. 27-Dec-2021
Daddy is something else but it was the ladies that kept me glued. 18-Jan-2020
Of course, I'm disquieted by the froggish whisper of the Witcher but he delivers comitted action moves and steady alpha charisma. Interspersed characterization maintains the show's freshness. (Is it part of its mythology that all pretty twinks get killed?) 15-Jan-2020
Black Mirror (2023-)
S6E1. Joan Is Awful is fun until buffoonery steps in. I refused to change my brain frequency to understand it. S6E2. Diversity appeared out of sorts in a Scottish mystery that was dull, basic and predictable. I couldn't wait for it to end. E3. Beyond the Sea. I didn't have to pretend my mathematical rationality was misfiring. Perfectly constructed and understandable. The actors leant it broadway huff and puff. The watts illuminated emotional longing. Aaron Paul had an opportunity to steal and he took it, succeeding in hosting more than one spirit. Josh Hartnett plugs sweaty emotion into an astronaut whose reason for life has ended. Kate Mara is an other. The era suits Mara and her beautiful chops. S6E4. Mazey Day. Resembling Brittney Spears is not reason enough to grant a stranger mercy. S6E5. Trash that you shuck out the window after inspecting it. Beyond The Sea was the exception to mediocrity. It was great. 18-Jun-2023
You (2018-)
It gassed up, almost made it out of the parking lot, but got blindsided by a food truck. What is the commonality between the women Joe obsesses over? They are very different. At least now he can afford to buy more cages. 12-Mar-2023
S3E9. The dork talks to dead people, now? It's a lazy writing gimmick. Who's bankrolling the fancy cages? Why is the entrance to the cage not padlocked? How do people shit in that cage? Shouldn't they, at least, be wearing diapers? Why do all movie assholes like to be tied up? Greg Kinnear seems to be the only one that understood the assignment. 12-Mar-2023
I heard it gets better but the 2 new episodes I watched seemed like they ran out of gas at the CW parking lot. 12-Mar-2023
It's indifferent to the story. Joe is surrounded by people that are too cliche to make fun of. He is being uncharacteristic, it made me forget what his fetish is and he has no equal match. 19-Feb-2023
Psycho settles into suburban madness. The psychology is rewritten to fit a desperate suburbanite. Pretension is the clarification of ascension. Psychos don't have bouts of good feelings. If they do it's the reason they're killing. Silence as I listened to Penn Badgley make me laugh, hurl and cum. Respect to Victoria Pedretti's restraint as a frustrated woman. Shalita Grant filled her empty cup. Travis Van Winkle enshrined it. Dylan Arnold needed more daddy laps. Tati Gabrielle was feathery. Daddy Speedman needed Dylan Arnold to sit on his lap. The whole was to make a monkey out of me. I love that shit! 02-Nov-2021
Leave it to California ("the Hellmouth") to turn a serial into a romantic victim. The pyschology was bi-polar and the disentanglements were happenstance and charred. I'm not excited to see a third season. 31-Dec-2019
The thrill of the cum trampled by a kick in the balls. The delicacies of love entrenched by intrinsic mind bending. Badgley steals the crown structuring the depth of his humanity and indignation. 20-Apr-2019
Last Of Us, The (2022-)
I can't identify with the fairy tale. 27-Feb-2023
There's an odor of mendacity and I'm not sure where its coming from. A different spice gets added every week to give that child's jokebook a break. They run a bath, the water boils, the barbecue is on and we already know who's going to fry. The spices are becoming experiments in art, a lack of inspiring action and insecurity in storytelling. Ellie is the kind of girl that would spit on deaf boy's food when no one is looking. The character is lacking baby Dakota Fanning genius. Papi Pedro's melody sways us to stay for the main course but the thing they think is gumbo, is not. It's, maybe, a protein shake. 13-Feb-2023
Not saving boys or giving them parts in movies is becoming a Hollywood tradition. A snarky and petulant baby girl is rescued so she can realize her dream of becoming a toxic man. Pascal is the footman on the rescue mission and the only one forcing his acting talent to burst. Anna Torv is saddled with being a man whose deep scars hide a harsher man. It's an eerie Walking Dead iteration that seems to add nothing worth noting. 17-Jan-2023
Too Hot To Handle (2020-)
Oh fuck. Monumental nudity not allowed. Boo! 18-Dec-2022
S4E3. The hornies are back. The series offered light nudity because they can and should. They served two pretty safe pipe extinguishers, one knockout but no monumentals. We're talking James and male ass here. He's the monumental that hasn't shown. 12-Dec-2022
Yo, call a doctor! The human race is hornier than we thought. It's not just us, its everybody! The children are fucked! 03-Jul-2021
No sex games, stripper parties or porn stars performing anatomy tricks. No Casa De Amor with an hour free of rules to tempt anyone. A lame exercise in controlling the libido does not a better date candidate make and I have no idea what point it's trying to make. (The winner takes home about $12.00 after taxes.) 19-Apr-2020
The norm is hornier than I thought. Love Island Castaways land on Mt. Celibacy and are tortured into going straight. The women are boob jocks and the men prance around blowing bro bubbles. The understanding is that what an independent woman wants, is a servant. It's not daring or tacky, not willing to titillate on a channel that permits it and not willing to locate a winning politic. "Tom Holland future" is an eerie panty shredder, women are still reaching for the biggest/complicated things, unruly racism is itching closer to our faces and Jesus left because he couldn't stand them. 18-Apr-2020
Watcher, The (2022)
Moving to a new neighborhood is like finding extended family. Neighbors expect things of you. You fake your way out, you eventually fall into their trap and they change you. Jennifer Coolidge is in it. She was mighty confident pulling out question marks. She's all you'd expect and more. Margo Martindale is sublime as a sparring neighbor that's always lawfully right. The asshole who I think claimed all men want to sleep with their daughters was intriguing. Mia Farrow was wasted as a tree communicator/hugger/companion. A neighbor that excludes humans from the safety of the environment is a nag. Every time Papa Cannavale raged, my loins pleasantly shifted but when he didn't stop, I got ED. The Wakandan investigator seemed too fabulous to be in this realm. Real-life haunted house stories are bullshit. A bunch of brilliant people coming up with an idea of creating history by actually destroying people's lives and documenting it. All I wanted was to see Martindale and Coolidge go at it. Coolidge as a porn star neighbor with loud parties and sex orgies (ooh ooh, she can invite Stifler), colorful guests and Martindale doing what she does best with lesbian tendencies. Ryan puts our head in a tumbler and expects us to figure it out. On what basis? 14-Oct-2022
Werewolf By Night (2022)
A monster mash that returns to its cinema roots to re-establish itself in the present. Story over matter, acting instead of over-compensation and violence with a due purpose. Harriet Sansom Harris has a voice you shyly obey, Laura Donnelly's spirit has cool tendencies and Buffy skills and I prefer Mr. Bernal in shorts and no makeup but I'll take him however he is served. Please, remember the shorts, though. 12-Oct-2022
Sins Of Our Mother (2022)
The most devious mother is the one that makes everybody think she's a great parent by constantly tooting her own horn, garnering prizes and adulation from an unsuspecting public and using her children's pain as confirmation that she is great. The woman in question is more of a monster than a sinner. Grandma blames a religious cult and a surviving child is a bundle of confusion. The good mom monster guise never lets up, even when the bloody bones are in her face. Everyone covers for everyone else, monster learned to lie from mother grandma and the murdering qualities from having children. We will never know how it happened because mother won't allow it. It might tarnish her image. 30-Sep-2022