TV Posts Tagged as 'Early Exit'
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Grotesquerie (2024-) 

I refuse to start over. 11-Nov-2024
I just thought of something horrific. Is there more? 19-Oct-2024
S1E7. The finale made my eyes cross the other way. WTF? It's a great twist that could have served a better story because, here, it doesn't add up. 17-Oct-2024
The end is near because nothing is making sense. 11-Oct-2024
E4. Michelangelo created the priest's physique out of stuff we can eat. It's a shame he went beyond bonkers. Daughter is holding it steady and that's a good thing. The mystery is so blank that I don't know which imaginative door to open. Seams are showing. There is nothing wrong with working on a budget if we let imagination run amok.There are effects of lonesome kicking in which can lead to isolation. Too much of a good thing is exactly that. 04-Oct-2024
S1E3. Mother and daughter banter is true, the lead is no nonsense splendor and the priest is an orgasm. I have no idea where the series is going but I'll stick to it. Niecy has never been the same since she added irritable to her persona. She dimmed the exaggeration and punctuated the hurt which makes her a must-watch. The nun is as creepy as Bachelorette contestants. The nurse is a hoot vying for our attention. The daughter is invoking a detailed stereotype with respect. Mr. Kelce found Chris Pratt's watt and it fit like a glove. (That's what happened to it?!) The Murfs are not great at endings so I will enjoy the ride while it lasts. 03-Oct-2024
Perfect Couple, The (2024) 

S1E5. Is it really a choreographed dance sequence if we hardly see the legs of the dancers moving? I can get children to do that in their high chairs. Liev Schreiber's character hit a sour note when he sang, became vain for no apparent reason and he sang again, at the beach because the script ran out of words. He's either miscast, or yucking it up. When Lady Nic was in the kitchen talking to the Blunt chick, her marker indicated she was talking to her from our right but she was to the left. Who was Nic talking to? The script was so thin I could only zip through the words. Direction had no perception as to what people need as opposed to what they want. I didn't care for the victim. She spoke on a platform instead of speaking from the heart. 10-Sep-2024
S1E4. It follows its previous achievement like a spiritual intervention. Lady Nic sparkles but has little action. Eve Hanson is an Emily Blunt snoop. I don't understand why she would have liberty to expose private family pieces. Of course, Scooter can come on me bucketfuls but why is he there? Dakota is livening up and I like it. Benji chose to become Frankenstein over Dracula because he knew his monster only liked girls. Liev Scrheiber fits a sexual attraction but not a breathing husband. Subjects are limited, the wait is cumbersome, it's going to cheat but Lady Nic looked Barbie doll great. 08-Sep-2024
Love Is Blind Mexico (2024) 

In some cases it has to be. Neither sex display longevity skills.
She: Can he afford rent?
He: please be fuckable.
She: I lied in the pods about the quantity of children I have. Will he still babysit?
He: I hope she doesn't smell.
She: how dare you!
When my mind drifted I visualized an even faster and tackier method of hooking up. A gloryhole. The boys stick it in whatever sounds good and whichever female produces first will officially get married on live TV. The contestants are bold and calculating. I've endured 3 proposals and I'm not even done with ep. 2. Man cannot control woman unless he marries her. 11-Aug-2024
Baby Reindeer (2024) 

S1E1. It blew me away like someone rejecting sex, with a wave of their hand. True stories don't have to try so hard. The ingredients were flame broiled and the tiny portions of reality chicken were blended. Ms Gunning enacted the written word but could not inflect a believable, funny or endearing persona. Did Gadd concoct an Amytiville or is he telling it wrong? Either way, the errors were enormous. I understood the first greet and meet because he felt sorry for her. By the second day it would take me five minutes to realize this is no good. I definitely wouldn't comp her another drink that she doesn't drink. (Wrong! Big people always thirsty.) He comped her throughout their relationship. I presume it came out of his till. I'd have as little interaction with her as possible and give her polite social distance. Gadd got everything he deserved for having a life that anyone could steal. He flirted and sexually harassed his tormentor because he thought it was funny and sane. That stuff only works on the internet, not face to face. The makers don't want us to ponder who any of the real people are because they don't exist? Even though some random looked her up in 1995 and obtained her life history? Is he a stalker+? Did he used to be fat? And maybe, that too!? He's suspicious and not funny, at all. 25-Apr-2024
My Life With The Walter Boys (2023-) 

Trailer: I noticed she wakes up. It turned me and lady Davis off. 04-Jan-2024
S1E2. The fastest way to get over your whole family dying is to be surrounded by cute white boys. I feel comfortable in the space that's created. The newbies are training and the writers are suppressing cliches. The mother replacement needs prioritization. Her boys are toxic because she can't command them unless daddy steps in. She should teach them respect, about happy fairy tale endings, their wicked ways and how to shut them down. Cute but pleasant. 23-Dec-2023
Trevor Noah: Where Was I (2023) 

Noah plays Detroit and spends most of his time talking about Germany's history (who cares) and woke shit (ack) that is not proven. He thinks he was there. He has nothing relevant to say, is not as funny as Matt Rife and is a little racist. 28-Dec-2023
Bear, The (2022-) 

The pacing was slow but I was patient. The cast were trying to create authentic characters and the lead was stalkable. That helps because you have to follow them and little Nic Cage a lot. It veered seldom from work, concentrated on personalities and the history that made them toxic. I wished the repairs had finished. Bonds seem stronger at work because they are constantly there. Creation flows when your personal life loses its seeds. S2E6 changed everything. I couldn't bear it. The episode was a spectacle of questionable art. I woke up from my coma to ask myself if I was being fooled. Did the jar spill beans instead of pearls? Was the lead hot or just in need of a bath? The same problems kept arising. Repetition with an artsy flair. I couldn't finish the episode, the show or the dinner. 11-Sep-2023
Muted (2023-) 

As soon as I confused the boyfriend with the main character, I booked. Dude, I thought his marks were fake. Wow, he looked better in the past. Boo, I just insulted a person. They were both lovelies. I was watching on a different wavelength. I didn't want to have to rethink my imaginary flashbacks. The lady in charge of investigation hinted that it was schlock anyway. 31-May-2023
Beef (2023-) 

S1E2. I watched it once and it put me to sleep. I tried again and saw until E5 but it couldn't keep me in my seat. The actors didn't shake their co-starring status. The coincidences got silly. The reactions become predictable and repetitive. Rage is not specifically psychoanalyzed and character actualization is shallow. As I watched I thought, "who gives a fuck." In the end, I said "maybe I should go give a fuck somewhere else." 19-Apr-2023
Last Of Us, The (2022-) 

I can't identify with the fairy tale. 27-Feb-2023
There's an odor of mendacity and I'm not sure where its coming from. A different spice gets added every week to give that child's jokebook a break. They run a bath, the water boils, the barbecue is on and we already know who's going to fry. The spices are becoming experiments in art, a lack of inspiring action and insecurity in storytelling. Ellie is the kind of girl that would spit on deaf boy's food when no one is looking. The character is lacking baby Dakota Fanning genius. Papi Pedro's melody sways us to stay for the main course but the thing they think is gumbo, is not. It's, maybe, a protein shake. 13-Feb-2023
Not saving boys or giving them parts in movies is becoming a Hollywood tradition. A snarky and petulant baby girl is rescued so she can realize her dream of becoming a toxic man. Pascal is the footman on the rescue mission and the only one forcing his acting talent to burst. Anna Torv is saddled with being a man whose deep scars hide a harsher man. It's an eerie Walking Dead iteration that seems to add nothing worth noting. 17-Jan-2023
Andor (2022-) 

Why is Diego Luna the only person in the Star Wars universe with a spanish accent? Where is he from, ToTo Rico? 10-Dec-2022
S1E1. They've contained the preach and amped the celebration of woman as a man. I don't understand how a boy finds hope or gains imagination by watching women fake what daddy used to do. The series looks pristine and familiar but the force is no longer a man's home. 09-Dec-2022
Wednesday (2022-) 

S1E2. It identifies with the world of art without the soul of the artist. Tim Burton's strongpoints are macabre and whimsy. His art is diffused to welcome misguided talent and a questionable existence. Jenna Ortega had already perturbed me as a porn star, the feelings don't tingle for Wednesday at Hogwarts either. She thinks her character is a surly sour bitch when that is what all teens are. If Wednesday, is indeed, a creepmeister she would be hunting the enemy that tried to kill her, to fuck it, enslave it and torture him forever, not Buffy/Cordelia them to death. It's missing a lack of heart. 28-Nov-2022
Never Have I Ever (2020-) 

I never will. Mindy Kalling of much success and little discernable talent. 15-Aug-2022
Is It Cake? (2022-) 

S1E1. Mikey Day actually sounds like that? I thought that was an SNL inflection. The refrain is killing me. The artistic aspect (cakes) are impressive but the format and its presentation are unforgivable. The reason the guest stars are not household names is because the majority of people don't want to hear them. I am leaving because I'm allergic to certain sounds and I don't eat cake. 23-Mar-2022
Book Of Boba Fett, The (2021-) 

S1E2. It knocked me out right after the credits. It's a higher dosage of a GOT sleeping pill. 06-Jan-2022
S1E1. It incurs GOT type boredom. 30-Dec-2021