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Ohio school board unanimously fires 7 coaches after Jewish student-athlete was allegedly forced to eat pepperoni pizza 


The incident unfolded at the McKinley Senior High School in Canton on May 25 when the 17-year-old player said that head coach Marcus Wattley told him to sit in a chair in the middle of their gym and eat an entire pepperoni pizza. The student had been absent from a voluntary strengthening and conditioning practice.

Gilbert said that the student was under threat of having the other players being punished if he refused to eat the pizza. They also implied that he might be kicked off the team, he claimed. The student received therapy over the trauma from the incident.

Ohio school board unanimously fires 7 coaches after Jewish student-athlete was allegedly forced to eat pepperoni pizza

Football player SUES his coaches for $4m for forcing him to eat pepperoni pizza

Christian lifeguard gets an exemption to raising the rainbow flag

School bus driver charged with child abuse after allegedly pulling 6-year-old boy’s hair

School janitor makes sick confession about tampering with children's meals

Substitute teacher charged with assaulting student at elementary school

Tags: $, Backlash, Bullying, Celebration, Children, Choices, Court, Education, Employment, Etiquette, Hate, LGBTQ, Religion, Respect, Revenge, Sports, Termination, Threat, Toxic, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



Lesbian Legend Scoffs at Transgender Men, Gets Fired by Gay Group 


The organizers of the Milwaukee Pride Parade have fired this year’s lesbian Grand Marshall because she is critical of so-called “trans-women,” that is, men who wear female clothes and think they are women.

Lesbian Legend Scoffs at Transgender Men

Caitlin Clark Olympics snub down to the 'black gay mafia'

Dyke March Canceled for San Francisco Pride

Julie Bindel claims she was visited by police after her tweet was ‘reported by a trans man’

Transgender police officers can strip-search women under new guidance

Will the Democrats finally start listening to the TERFs?

Trump to remove all trans people from US military ‘on day one’

Nancy Mace Slams New York Times For Woke Transgender Language

Martina Navratilova tears into transgender actress

Gender-critical lesbian group can’t ban trans women from meetings

Tags: Activism, Ban, Cancellation, Celebrity, Discrimination, Disruption, Hypocrisy, Ignorance, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Military, Opinion, Politics, Pride, Rejection, Revenge, Sports, Trans, Woman's Rights, World

Filed under: Gay+



'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother' 


'I hate myself for making the decision to have a child. It's so hard, I feel like I don't have any freedom since I'm a mother. I'm just waiting for him to sleep, because I'll finally be alone.'

'I don’t want to be around my child. I don’t want to play with her, hold her, or be in the same room as her. I get so anxious just being around her or counting down the hours until she gets out of daycare. I am in therapy and on medication but nothing seems to get better. Not sure what to do.'

'They love you sooo much and then the teenage years. After that, they think you're a pain in the ass and have no time for you. The teenage years are better than how they ignore you when they are in their 20s. Then, it's like you never existed. Unless they need you to babysit.'

'I don't hate my son, I just hate being a mother'

Son kills mom before jumping from building

Teen Suffocated 4-Year-Old Half-Sister to Death

Brad Pitt 'choked' one of his children

She may plead guilty to hosting sex parties for underage teens

Man beat stepdaughter to death

‘Missing’ Texas boy Rudy Farias trapped as ‘sex slave’

NYC child thieves keep targeting bars

Nicolas Cage’s son accused of beating his mom

I’m an NYC mom of one and kids aren’t worth it

Tags: Accusation, Anxiety, Celebrity, Children, Choices, Family, Greed, Hate, LGBTQ, Marriage, Mental Health, Mom, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Worry, Parties, Regret, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Slavery, Suicide, Treatment, Unruly Child, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Subservience (2024) Woof

It adds enough to the genre to make it interesting but it doesn't supply enough tech or empathetic reasoning to make it a classic. Ms. Fox is a royal maximizer of presence and a soulless entity suits her well. Michelle Morone made me want to go to the bathroom and jerk off to straight italian porn. Madeline Zima played a thankless role that depended solely on her likability and that's better than nothing. The movie satisfied but didn't satiate. More tech or more sex would have knocked it towards art park. No budget for more tech means they would have to physically create it. So, create it. Hubby would have become addicted to robot sex because that's what men do. "I only fucked her a few hundred times, sweetie. I was practicing for when you got your heart back. I didn't want to disappoint you." 09-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Funny, Sort of, Horror, Pretty, Relationships, Revenge, Star Watt, Timid, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: Movies



Abigail (2024) Whimper

The child did extraordinary things, quoted words not associated with children and plagiarized previous strokes. The last minute saves were so expected that emotional attachment got lost. Melissa Barrera gave Faith from Buffy vibes. Dan Stevens was blank. The first surprise is like everything before it. Once the cat is out of the bag the movie falls into WB TV status. Yes, it was a surprise but a sucky one. 28-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Baby Wrecks, Chemistry, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Over the Top, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Scare Obvious, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, TV-like, Vague, Words Spoke

Filed under: Movies



5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out 


You probably wonder why you should even continue with online dating or go out to mingle when it never results in your getting asked on dates.

You don’t know what you could be doing wrong, and wonder if perhaps all of the good men really are taken. From where you sit, it seems as though other women don’t have this same problem.

5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out

Mom hires 'deprogrammer' for daughter

Dana White’s Slap-Fighting League


School ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died

George Santos accused of sexual harassment

‘Grabbed my bacon’

Sam Brinton is a cautionary tale

Vogue model arrested for shockingly violent murder of man

Gay man keeps getting ditched by his friends for Sniffies hookups

Tags: Advice, Choices, Cruelty, Dating, Death, Employment, Equality, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Female Toxicity, Friendship, Gay, Illness, LGBTQ, Marriage, Medical, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Crime, Politics, Preference, Rejection, Relationships, Revenge, Sad, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Theft, Tragedy, Travel, Video, Violence

Filed under: Health/Food



Don't Move (2024) Woof

How does a suicidal woman survive when faced with danger? She puts her life-training to use because it's not death on her terms. Kelsey and Finn jelled. He rang a Hal Cooper bell. Suspense was tight and empathetic. We are in throughout the main's survival journey. Same'o circumstances upgraded. 28-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Chemistry, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Inspired, Music Swings, Psychological, Revenge, Star Watt, Suspense, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: Movies



Accidente (2024) Arf

It rivets early but the cast kept chugging. An accident occurs that tests the strength of several families. Intriguing twists kept me interested. The fault of the accident was misfortune. The actors appeared hired from mysterious little black books. All fuckable. Charro should get an award for making toes curl. That gorgeous motherfucker. I noticed mexicans have perkier asses than other boys. I couldn't find a flat ass. Even the little ass was perky. The story didn't know when to quit and cash in their chips. It became melodramatic and telenovela centric. The players pulled their weight but gravity matter ignored them. The story became too coincidental to explain. It over reached. Fun was had and some surprises worked but the teapot wasn't hot enough to make tea. 03-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fatigue, Foreign, Fun Acting, Funny, Good Acting, Lifestyle, Mystery, Revenge, Sentimental, Shrill Act, Spanish, Star Watt, Sweet Dick Energy, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tight

Filed under: TV



Andy Cohen’s Text Message to Brandi Glanville 


Andy and Kate then laughed, with Kate saying, “Yeah!”

“’So FaceTime us back. Okay girl love you!’” Andy added.

“’Love you b***h,’” said Kate.

Brandi allegedly responded with the message: “’I will bring my hot dildo.’”

Andy Cohen’s Text Message to Brandi Glanville

‘Dark Secrets,’ ‘Psychological Warfare,’ and Cocaine

Lawyers Throw Stones At Probe Clearing Andy Cohen

Caroline Manzo graphically details Brandi Glanville ‘forcibly fondling’ her

‘Angry’ Noah Schnapp, 19, kicked out of NYC club

Bleary-eyed Andy Cohen slurs his words

Tags: Accusation, Bi, Celebrity, Complaint, Court, Gay, Gossip, Investigation, Judgment, Lesbian, Lifestyle, Men In Charge, NSFW, Politics, Reality, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Tradition, Treatment, TV Gay Swatch, Video

Filed under: Gay+



House of Heat (2024-) Arf

They look, talk and walk like ducks but don't like being called ducks. Only Fans creators are thrust inside a fish tank so they can observe, teach and grow their businesses. Some peel their clothes off while others tease it. Everyone is judgmental, scared and hostile. It was difficult to side with anyone because a lot of them believe they have the answer to surviving the mess they're in. Chase's beauty kept melting off the more he talked. The gay couple was so united in their bond that there was no space to breathe. They clung dependently like Venom and Hardy. The straight couple only had sex with each other on camera. They were special. She wanted to hold on to chastity. Any man that needs to fuck so many times a day already cheated and had the threesome she denied him. Brother gay with an appealing body needed to purse his lips, not glow them. The arguments are loud, repetitive and frustrating. Maybe the creators will realize the answer when they are outside the box. I don't know the answer but I know how it ends. The women questioned everything and added motives later. We never got an answer to the smelly pussygate dilemma. Was she sexually violated or were men just being themselves? Is that the reason we have to label everything? To distance ourselves from others? They close every argument like there will be a sequel. I wish my brain would function as fluidly as these creators. It made the cuckoo in my head clock pop. They are killing the mystery of the fantasy by telling too much. 29-Jul-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Bad Acting, Brutal, Camp, Cliche, Crapfun, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fatigue, Funny, Gay, Horror, Hot Swatch, Hyper, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mean Spirited, Over the Top, Politics, Predictable, Preposterous, Psychological, Questionable, Reality, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Shrill Act, Silly, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Trashy, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ Basic

Filed under: TV



Gay Ex-Amazon Employee Claims He Was Hit On by Female Boss, Then Fired 


An organizational psychologist who worked for Amazon has filed a lawsuit claiming he was fired for being gay and for raising concerns about his supervisor’s bullying and unwanted sexual advances.

Gay Ex-Amazon Employee Claims He Was Hit On by Female Boss, Then Fired

Google exec fired after female boss groped him at drunken bash

He was fired for not being 'inclusive'

Men experience sexual harassment, too

Gay man has the perfect comeback

'Predatory' female prison librarian 'grabbed genitals' and 'spoke about lesbian sex'

The alarming rate of teachers charged with raping young boys in America

Megan Thee Stallion sued for harassment after allegedly having sex with woman

Bi former umpire sues MLB for sexual harassment

Michael Rainey Jr. Says He's 'Still Processing' After Being Sexually Assaulted

Tags: Accusation, Bi, Celebrity, Court, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Music, Punishment, Rape, Revenge, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Shame, Sports, Supremacy, Teacher, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Godzilla Minus One (2023) Woof

Beautiful disaster. 04-Jun-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Action Stomper, Director's Achievement, Disaster, Drama, Foreign, Fun, Inspired, Monster Mash, Music Swings, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Suspense, Thriller, Tight Effects, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful

Filed under: Movies



There’s good reason why strong female role models deter other women from aiming for the top 


Does every appointment of a female leader need to be a “breakthrough moment” for women? We hear this story endlessly – Jacinda Ardern, prime minister of New Zealand until last January; Sanna Marin, the outgoing prime minister of Finland; and Natalia Gavrili?a, prime minister of Moldova until last February, were all profiled as pathbreakers who would herald a new generation of female politicians. Yet, as women – including British female MPs – limp away from office, demoralised by abuse and succeeded by men, one wonders just how much inspiration their stories offer to younger people. In the past two decades, the number of women in global politics has risen dramatically. Now growth is plateauing. Meanwhile, women are flooding out of tech, just as they flooded in a few years ago.

There’s good reason

Teacher charged with luring ‘mentally ill’ student into sex

'God told her to'

My Sis Slept With All My Boyfriends. I’m Taking It Out on Her Son

High School Teacher Accused of Sex Trafficking

Omaha teacher caught in the act with student

Why ‘girl’s girl’ feminism is bullshit

Mariah the Scientist is arrested in Atlanta for ripping a woman's WIG off

Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava relinquishes crown

Center Township constable arrested...

Tags: $, Advice, All Rights, Arrest, Attack, Backlash, Beauty, Business, Celebrity, Change, Children, Contest, Crime, Disabled, Disturbed, Family, Feminism, Greed, Hate, History, Inappropriate, Injury, Mental Health, Misrepresentation, Politics, Prison, Resignation, Revenge, Sex, Sex Identity, Sex Worker, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Slave Labor, Teacher, Threat, Trafficking, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Straight girls are calling their exes ‘bitches’ 


Straight women are getting a kick out of saying that they were in a lesbian relationship, “not with a woman, of course, but with a man who was a bitch.”

Straight girls are calling their exes ‘bitches’

Emily Ratajkowski’s Estranged Husband Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Multiple Women

Wynonna Judd's daughter is charged with prostitution

Tags: Backlash, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Feminism, Hostility, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, Men Not In Charge, Mental Health, Neglect, Parental Crime, Politics, Priorities, Prison, Relationships, Revenge, Sex, Sex Worker, Trending, Words

Filed under: Gay+



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