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Movies Posts Tagged as 'Revenge'

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Subservience (2024) Woof

It adds enough to the genre to make it interesting but it doesn't supply enough tech or empathetic reasoning to make it a classic. Ms. Fox is a royal maximizer of presence and a soulless entity suits her well. Michelle Morone made me want to go to the bathroom and jerk off to straight italian porn. Madeline Zima played a thankless role that depended solely on her likability and that's better than nothing. The movie satisfied but didn't satiate. More tech or more sex would have knocked it towards art park. No budget for more tech means they would have to physically create it. So, create it. Hubby would have become addicted to robot sex because that's what men do. "I only fucked her a few hundred times, sweetie. I was practicing for when you got your heart back. I didn't want to disappoint you." 09-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Funny, Sort of, Horror, Pretty, Relationships, Revenge, Star Watt, Timid, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Abigail (2024) Whimper

The child did extraordinary things, quoted words not associated with children and plagiarized previous strokes. The last minute saves were so expected that emotional attachment got lost. Melissa Barrera gave Faith from Buffy vibes. Dan Stevens was blank. The first surprise is like everything before it. Once the cat is out of the bag the movie falls into WB TV status. Yes, it was a surprise but a sucky one. 28-Nov-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Baby Wrecks, Chemistry, Disappointment, Drama, Fatigue, Funny, Sort of, Over the Top, Predictable, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Scare Obvious, Shrill Act, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, TV-like, Vague, Words Spoke



Don't Move (2024) Woof

How does a suicidal woman survive when faced with danger? She puts her life-training to use because it's not death on her terms. Kelsey and Finn jelled. He rang a Hal Cooper bell. Suspense was tight and empathetic. We are in throughout the main's survival journey. Same'o circumstances upgraded. 28-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Chemistry, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Drama, Inspired, Music Swings, Psychological, Revenge, Star Watt, Suspense, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Godzilla Minus One (2023) Woof

Beautiful disaster. 04-Jun-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Action Stomper, Director's Achievement, Disaster, Drama, Foreign, Fun, Inspired, Monster Mash, Music Swings, Relationships, Revenge, Sap, Suspense, Thriller, Tight Effects, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful



High Plains Drifter (1973) Full Moon

Gunslinger makes a rest stop in a town with soft men and untrained women. Bandits have overpowered the town and laid police to rest. The men can't find the balls to fight back. When the stranger proves himself a survivor, the town convinces him to be their savior. The savior lacks adequate morals but he's kind to minorities and is rapey to women (that's how people flirted then.) He'll fight the enemy and them too. The action is a natural CGI-less wonder. I believe this was how life was and it appeared it. A great modern cowboy defined by the people who experienced him. The cowboy was a unique quip master with a ton of hilarious scenes. The women exerted their power and were heard. Little man was a sweet sidekick. A rousing blockbuster. 14-Jan-2024

Tags: 1970s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Classic, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Funny, Good Acting, Magnetism, Music Swings, Political Satire, Pretty, Relationships, Revenge, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Western, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Barbie (2023) Whimper

Women can do anything except fight wars, raise non-toxic boys or shut up. Barbie is a politic, a preacher and a bore. Man hate shuffles in so often that enjoyment is stifled. The cast is brilliant. Margo and Ryan were perfect iterations of iconic toys and the support kept up but the story just memes on the same subject, over and over. The film distinguishes the sexes without exploring true intentions or circumstances. The best way for feminists to free themselves from a man's grasp is to never marry and to abolish religions that place them in dire situations. 16-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Cliche, Cold, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Insanity, Fantasy, Good Acting, Grating, Inactivity, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, Oncer, Political, Preposterous, Pretty, Repetitive, Revenge, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Tedium, Timid, Weird, Writer Humiliation



Blue Beetle (2023) Bites

The pace had no time to set-up character appreciation, it had a billion particles to settle. The family dynamic was food, drink, celebration and insanity. George Lopez added comedy schtick to his act. He looked like a character booted from Bedrock because he was too loud and ornery. The breast queen should be playing Lady MacBeth not becoming a free TV actor. I can see her washing blood from her hands and implementing Elvira's cleavage cut. The rest of the family and the leads apply stereotypes without explaining them. There is no such thing as a stereotype because it's only a description of our heritage. Universal speak. Nobody passed the classic TV Q test and the silliness hardly stopped. The best of the mythology turned into a fiesta. The family went everywhere together. Really? When did they masturbate? Why did the family get superpowers? Beetle's nemesis was a bigger and badder version of himself. Couldn't we have gotten something a little different? If the production wanted to fill the female quota, why didn't they concoct some awesome female villains? He has lots and no villain is scarier than a latin woman scorned. She'll slash your tires. 27-Nov-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Art Devoid, Bad Acting, Bad Chemistry, Brutal, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Cultural, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Slouch, Enthusiastic, Fatigue, Over the Top, Physical Humor, Predictable, Preposterous, Relationships, Repetitive, Revenge, Sap, Shrill Act, Timid, Trashy, TV-like, Vague, Weird



Nun II, The (2023) Woof

If beliefs cause faith why can't we believe there are no demons? We have to fight them first so we know we're good. Taissa gave great face and Storm Reid was her partner, lapping it all up. They had an interracial team-up that felt genuine. Jonas Bloquet was eliciting Hammer tremors. The nun was still glorious, showing up scantily but creepy and ready to blow. Her backstory held. It's fun watching scared little mean girls. 17-Nov-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Horror, Horror Mild, Music Swings, Relationships, Revenge, Scary, Sentimental, Star Watt, Subtle, Suspense, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Scream VI (2023) Woof

Exactly what I didn't expect, in a place I wouldn't think of. 16-Nov-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Crapfun, Director Movement, Drama, Fun, Funny, Sort of, Horror, Psychological, Relationships, Revenge, Sequel, Star Watt, Twisty, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Babysitter, The (1969) Woof

The wife, the babysitter, the lesbian daughter and her friends are fucking up daddy's high profile murder case. (Father is the assistant district attorney.) The parents are nearing retirement, they have a habit of filling 24 hour schedules so they don't have to look deeply at each other. His wife won't give him any because she has a 6 month old baby. It appears she didn't want another one. She hires a babysitter every night. The babysitter is a groovy chick that understands the dynamics of life. She also understood what men wanted from her. Daddy was a man whose lack of family appreciation drives him to free himself, return to earth and gain some respect. 07-Jul-2023

Tags: 1960s, Accidental Watch, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Crapfun, Crime Drama, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Relationships, Revenge, Romance, Sexy, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Suspense, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Extraction 2 (2023) Woof

Daddy's ready to act, pounce and revive an unwilling survivor. Movements and betrayals were triumphant. Hemsworth receives magnificent aide in battle as he abandons all pity towards his enemy and unleashes an animal that knows no bounds. The action slows enough to make us care about the characters but the action is the showcase and the director needs to make us a superhero film. People would cum web buckets or shit bats. 07-Jul-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Action Stomper, Big, Brutal, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director Movement, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Funny, Good Acting, Music Swings, Relationships, Revenge, Sentimental, Star Watt, Subtle, Suspense, Thriller, Tough, Violent, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Fright (1971) Arf

It predated classics that trumped it. It was a template for the future. It was also a piece of junk. It was a film full of ideas that had to bombastically announce them. Michael Myers lived in a multi-verse where Laurie Strode "is" his sister. He kidnaps her, a baby, rapes her in front of the child and recoils until he's horny again. Did she give birth to Michael Myers, Jr. from multi-verse Halloweens? There was a glimmer of Joker's "dance with the devil" choreography. It made babysitting a shitty job. The privileged are forced to hire child haters. The child was adorable even when being manhandled by all sorts of creepy adults. The house is where you want to film it, Susan George didn't need to act and everybody needed to tone it down. 04-Jul-2023

Tags: 1970s, Accidental Watch, Action Fun, Cheeky Acting, Coincidence Laden, Crapfun, Director Experiment, Drama, Funny, Sort of, Horror, Loud, Over the Top, Revenge, Scare Obvious, Shrill Act, Star Watt, Trashy, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



Gantz:0 (2016) Arf

Some of the realism popped. An Alexa prototype is god to mankind and can gift life and restore earth's biggest dilemma. There are monsters running amok, conquering earth and no human to contain them. The monsters amaze like boss battles but the characters are srtipped of personality. Why are there monsters running loose? How does Alexa resurrect us? Are the monsters left or right? Can a man fuck a girl back to life by winning the game? (Love the hair effect.) 22-Jun-2023

Tags: 2010s, Accidental Watch, Action, Animation, Camp, Director Movement, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Foreign, Preposterous, Revenge, Suspense, Vague, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities



I Spit On Your Grave (1978) Arf

It would be exploitation if the rape weren't the catalyst to the main's empowerment. Woman alone stays in the country where blue collar men with too much work, time, ugly women and no manners abound. City girl is a writer who handles well, is lonely, trusting and helpless. Among the victimizers is a challenged man that is susceptible to gang mentality and betrayal. The rape had elements of realism and buffoonery. The men are cartoonish during it, pulling faces and acting like they've never fucked anything before. Maybe, it was to soften audience blow. Our lady was courageous on and off camera. The comeback is not as powerful because the violence was of the Kool-Aid variety. They cut the penis dismemerment scene! Boo. 4K adds the clarity that time fixed. Scenes sparkle with beauty and the protagonist is a Charlie's Angel vigilante. 16-May-2023

Tags: 1970s, Accidental Watch, Action, Brutal, Camp, Classic, Creepy, Director's Achievement, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Funny, Sort of, Political Satire, Porn Violence, Psychological, Revenge, Scary, Star Watt, Suspense, Thriller, Tough, Violent, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities



Another Man's Poison (1951) Whimper

Bette's 50s era was full of Lady Davis folklore and drag queen reboots. Lady Davis was forced to compete with herself. A worn out hunk has beef with her husband because he foiled a heist and he's being blamed. Bette is at the height of shifty. She parlays her caricature tics to mixed effects. She is over until somebody fucks with her animal. The feelings reeled a barracuda out of her. The camera decided that Bette's gift was mechanical and that the new way was better. They highlighted her flaws and disheveled her tidiness. The disclosures felt possibly true, Bette's messy art was always entertaining but it's a crappy movie. 10-Apr-2023

Tags: 1950s, By the Numbers, Camp, Corn, Crapfun, Crime Drama, Director Insanity, Drama, Mystery, Over the Top, Psychological, Relationships, Repetitive, Revenge, Star Watt, Suspense, Tacky, Timid, Trashy, Twisty, Wit Crack, Words Spoke



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