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Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?  


We don’t even have pronouns for this.

That’s what accounts for the clumsy grammar of the statement parent Kori Doty issued about Doty’s newborn baby, Searyl Atli Doty. For that matter, it also accounts for the clumsy grammar of the sentence you just read.

Anyway, Kori Doty’s statement read: “It’s up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity. I am not going to foreclose that choice based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”

As noted, the English language is not ready for this. For all its splendors, English offers no gender-neutral singular pronoun except “it.” Who wants to be an “it?”

If the language is not ready, well, truth to tell, neither is your humble correspondent. It’s a jarring realization.

Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?

Pronoun use at center of rape case involving former Chowchilla prisoner

The gender confusion in Scotland over prisoners now rears its head in Northern Ireland

I Set Out To Report On Violence Against Trans People

'I wanted to blow up the internet'

Trump to sign executive orders proclaiming there are only two biological sexes, halting diversity programs


EEOC won't advocate for trans and nonbinary people

Argentina to ban hormone therapy for trans children

Tags: All Rights, Anguish, Argument, Ban, Children, Choices, Concern, Confusing, Court, Disabled, Education, Environment, Fear, History, Inclusion, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Political, Prison, Rape, Sex Identity, Trans, Women In Charge, World, Writing

Filed under: Gay+



Squid Game (2021) Full MoonDowngrade

S2 is missing something. Impact. A feeling of exhaustion permeated and interrupted some of the proceedings. The games didn't rivet, the cast was stereotypically goofy, compassion was limited and sense started to drag. The ship shenanigans didn't have closure or purpose. I presume the save will be last minute in S3. Thinking you can overtake a heavily guarded facility is ludicrous. In life I doubt that a majority of people would choose to die. I wanted to see people go home. Why doesn't anyone hook up? A grab and a rub here and there wouldn't hurt. How do the men deal with morning wood? I'm losing empathy. 04-Jan-2025
If you can't afford happy things, you become bitter, if your are unable to provide, you become addicted and if you can't eat, you die. It's called poverty. A group of instinctual individuals are given the opportunity to have their financial struggles resolved. They have to play children's games that are only safe in rhythm but not rhyme. If you lose, you die. If you win, it's a lot. The characters are specific, writing is a brainstorm and the whole is an abundance of I've never seen anything like this before. 07-Oct-2021
S1E7. The VIPs were from Palm Springs. 05-Oct-2021
S1E4. I am petrified and addicted. 01-Oct-2021

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Best In Drama, Brutal, Chemistry, Creepy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Discomfort, Drama, Foreign, From Another Planet, Game Show, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Scary, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Twisty, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writing Reigns

Filed under: TV



Designing Women (1986 - 1993) Woof

The characters are strong, the funny keeps you laughing, the writing was pensive, passionate and controversial, the originals were fabulous and a black man in a girl's dress is always funny. Once Suzanne and Charlene depart the sizzle and purpose is gone. A talented trio of actors become shadows of the characters they were replacing without a voice of their own. The fatter Delta Burke got the funnier she became. You can feel the antagonism in the writing though. She was saddled with savage criticism and disdain but her talent was her shield. We could have done with less Julia fits but nobody could sell it like Dixie Carter. She was legs, elegance and conviction. Annie Potts liberated herself and her character. She sounded like she could give birth to a McConaughey. Jean Smart aced dumb and won our hearts. The last two seasons are somber and desperate. TG Alice Ghostley and Mr. Taylor are there to be irreverent and hilarious. 30-Dec-2024

Tags: 1980s, 1990s, Brutal, Camp, Chemistry, Classic, Drama, Elegance, Enthusiastic, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Pitchy, Political, Relationships, Sentimental, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Sweet, Tacky, Tough, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writing Reigns

Filed under: TV



Ultimatum, The (2024) ArfDowngrade

I get anxious whenever I hear Sandy's voice. She sounds like a spoiled housewife with a lozenge stuck in her throat and her reasoning for everything is ludicrous. I was disappointed that the Lacheys did not comfort Nick for having strong feelings about Sandy's infidelity. She claims that her and JR only kissed twice but cameras beg to differ. There were make-out sessions with extra cuddles under the sheets with no wet willies or stiff underwoods guaranteed and the bedbugs elicited the moans the cameramen thought they heard. Madame Web has spun her web and entrapped two gullible and dependent men in it. She is no victim. She likes them because they are not superheroes but think they are. I'm surprised the Lacheys didn't suggest JR whip out his dick for Nick (not Lachey) to suck. They humiliated that man mercilessly. Sandy brings out the toxic in me. TG it's almost over. Everything JR says is nonsense. Big men don't pretend they're on Fantasy Island on Max, don't want to get married but can't shut up about wanting it and oozes hostility when the jig is up. Is Zaina buying JR's love or paying for her exit? I still dig Caleb. He's the only one who tried to stand up to reason. His mystery deepens. He exists in his own little planet of misfit toys crashing onto earth. He acts like an over-chilled teen that mommy Mariah is afraid to disappoint because he will rebel and she'll have to have sex post relationship. When the original couples reunited it turned into a "how was school today, honey?" type scenario. After cashing in all the vouchers the producers promised them, every person was enlightened, the fairy tale is real, men never get woodies while cuddling, that bitch was not crying over her dog or JR, women are consumed by victimhood, asshole parents make asshole children who want to make more asshole children, the producers made them say that because 4 people thought the show was shit and this has been a turned-off season. 13-Dec-2024
Zaina and J.R. came to play. Neither has regard for the other or anybody else. Sandy came to annoy her lover and fuck hot shit. J.R. disrespected every man when he barred his fake wife from consoling her desperate husband after finding out their intimacy went too far. Morality clauses state that all couples must break up before embarking in new matrimony. Nick came to lose it, get free psychotherapy and nerve pills. Caleb's mellow puts me in a trance and it's why I presume Mariah is well-spoken but blank. He turns them into robots. He's sexy until he starts re-programming you. He turned Aria into a Stepford. 4 people woke up and realized the madness of The Lacheys and abruptly departed like in the island of Dr. Moreau. Exactly how many other people did the Lacheys fuck to realize they belong together? After the contestants departed the show became insecure and gave us more of what we didn't want. J. R. and Sandy's horny gas lighting. I want to fuck them both and hand them over to Pazuzu for some lady cement and calf extensions. You bet I'd watch the porn tape, but make no mistakes these aren't marrying candidates. They want to get married so they can pretend to be happy whilst performing diabolical sexual acts on others. J.R. and Sandy deserve most unfeeling humans honors. Nick should have been given an ultimatum, to cruise establishments that cater to singles and find another match or the experiment is over for the whore. "J.R., please remove your dick from my future wife's face." 08-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Celebrity, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Drama, From Another Planet, Fun, Grating, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Maddening, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, NSFW, Over the Top, Overcooked, Pitchy, Political, Predictable, Preposterous, Psychological, Questionable, Reality, Relationships, Repetitive, Sap, Scary, Sex, Showy, Shrill Act, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Talk, Trashy, Warbly, Weird, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ Basic, Writ Thin

Filed under: TV



Boys, The (2019-) WoofUpgrade

Besides the maestro, Starlight's rejuvenation was my favorite thing. 22-Jul-2024
Homefucker took twitch to its ultimate, grew from it and became remarkable. Someone invited Smirk to the party so he can curse it? He's still smirking away and sounding like a condescending cunt. The twist befits him like a glove. Yes, I would submit to his gravelly words and old man charms. Is that all A-Train or are there other plastics involved? Nice. Mama's Milk has the right amount of daddy issues. Kimiko and Frenchie are still a power couple even though Frenchie has accent disabilities. Star watt. Starlight's abilities were stifled. The series made me realize that Karl Urban can be fun. Quaid can get away with a lot. Sage was waiting for this all her life and she's acing it. The Deep is reenacting some personal memories. Respect. There are stalling tactics that defy reason. The enemies keep bumping into each other but nobody keeps the promise to slaughter the other. One explanation should suffice. Nepo Homelander is sending Damien vibes. Anthony Starr has a grip on us. 12-Jul-2024
Twitch daddy twitch. 24-Jun-2022
The season belongs to daddy Homefucker. 24-Jun-2022
Shue clenches frustration devoutly, Starr chomps evil gleefully and the end punctuated surprisingly. 26-Aug-2019
Graduating superheroes to the next level...consequences. 17-Aug-2019

Tags: 2010s, Action, Brutal, Camp, Comic Book, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, From Another Planet, Fun, Fun Acting, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Hilarious, Kool Effects, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Sex, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Trashy, Twisty, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tight, Writ Tough

Filed under: TV



Oppenheimer (2023) Arf

I understand the importance of the man who did something incredible for his country. A race to be the first superpower to create the best weapon science has to offer. Robert Downey had problems looking sincere being white in a black and white picture. His cranium didn't look right. Jesse Plemons and Matt Damon should play brothers and Ben Affleck must play the hated stepbrother. Daddy Josh was a beholding sight. Florence Pugh showed up to fuck and flip her acting light switch on and off, again. The wind did a better job of styling Emily's hair than the stylist. That's what beautiful hair is supposed to look like. Emily's acting switch was constant. Her story didn't expand. There was more that I wanted to know about her but I was being hypnotized by psychedelics and uniforms. You can't be suspended for three hours and not fall down throughout. There wasn't much keeping it afloat. No action and little surprises. It felt professionally cold. Really, what's an atomic bomb movie without Godzilla, destroying cities? Were moviegoers using Barbenheimer to sleep?

Tags: 2020s, Disappointment, Drama, Inactivity, Political, Predictable, Repetitive, Sexy, Tedium, Timid, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: Movies



Below Deck: Mediterranean (2016-)  Howl

A sissy charter boarded to incite havoc. Did Captain Sandy plant those dirty towels to force Tumi into authority? Kyle is either hopelessly in love or in big trouble. The new cast has not clicked yet so we give them a pass. Max complained about being underfed so the ladies tossed him in a salad and ate him alive. The man was trying to say, I can eat the same food everyday, if its good. If straight guys want to sexualize females, follow the gays. Sit and watch as they convince the women to do as "he" wants. Shouldn't security be investigating and shutting down a boat with more than one illness? I hope it wasn't the food. 07-Sep-2021

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Bad Acting, Brutal, Crapfun, Emasculating, Enthusiastic, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Political, Reality, Relationships, Showy, Shrill Act, Wig Crack, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ w/Possibilities

Filed under: TV



Barbie (2023) Whimper

Women can do anything except fight wars, raise non-toxic boys or shut up. Barbie is a politic, a preacher and a bore. Man hate shuffles in so often that enjoyment is stifled. The cast is brilliant. Margo and Ryan were perfect iterations of iconic toys and the support kept up but the story just memes on the same subject, over and over. The film distinguishes the sexes without exploring true intentions or circumstances. The best way for feminists to free themselves from a man's grasp is to never marry and to abolish religions that place them in dire situations. 16-Dec-2023

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Camp, Cheeky Acting, Chemistry, Cliche, Cold, Comedy, Conspiracy Theory, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Insanity, Fantasy, Good Acting, Grating, Inactivity, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, Oncer, Political, Preposterous, Pretty, Repetitive, Revenge, Silly, Star Watt, Tacky, Tedium, Timid, Weird, Writer Humiliation

Filed under: Movies



Porn Theatre (2004) Woof

Before social media, gay men congregated in straight porn theaters for sex and sympathy. They made money, were entertained, became excited, desired, it curbed loneliness and they got to fuck some woman's husband. Drags, trans and sissy boys roamed the theater like rats, scurrying around, scoping the cheese and avoiding the light while cheese daddy sat still with his legs wide open, waiting to be licked clean for respect and/or money. Street King Daddy shit. Sex is thrust upon us. It makes the impact real. The hunt is on. Sexual simulation stimulated when real or fake. Conversations skillfully explained where the community was at. Some of the players counted how many big dicks they sucked that night. Were they given a discount? The ticket manager was a sad hetero too old to attract a fuck. She thinks that convincing a gay crush to marry her would become an arrangement they both could enjoy. I could see it as a Broadway musical. It takes very little time to establish character purpose and that's great for the film. It provides the map to how we got here. 27-Jun-2023

Tags: 2000s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Classic, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Foreign, Fresh, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Life, Political, Relationships, Sexy, Star Watt, Stink Wigs, Sweet, Tough, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight

Filed under: Movies



Succession (2018-2023) HowlUpgradeFull Moon

Sticks were lit. Just when I thought someone needed to slap Greg, he gets into a brawl. Baby prince stays hurt because his stick is not invincible, it didn't absolve him from violence. Kendall conjured many joyous and catastrophic emotions impressively. It's all about Shiv. Bound by family and inheritance but destined to never ascend the heights of her brothers' success and doomed to feel cheated. The only thing she can own, with no help from her dysfunctional family, is how she wants to live. Mattson was a prickly genius. Mother In Charge was defiant in her opinions and uttered her lines like they were Mr. Freeze popsicles. The best way to deal with family angst is to join it, beat it or annihilate it. The series dealt with all of it. Even emotionally dead mother fuckers can teach you that. 29-May-2023
Roman broke his stick. Daddy Prince sat and ate his stick. Shiv grew a different kind of stick. Greg towering over Mattson made my stick hard. The boredom and responsibility of a funeral was deftly created. Everyone was pondering death or trying to ignore it. Shiv is most like her father. 22-May-2023
Shiv is an accomplice to earth's destruction. The reds are absolutely wrong about everything but are our only salvation. A parent's misery festers like a ghost. It clings to others but is disabled by future reference. I want to shove a stick up Greg's ass and lick his face. I want to pay Shiv to shove anything up Tom's ass. I want to lick daddy's supreme balls as he describes how it feels like to eat a bacon cheeseburger. Mattson is a foot in our mouths. Connor is on the list of ok must fucks. I hope it strangles us in the end. 19-May-2023
I give a fuck! 19-Apr-2023
S3. Daddy Prince of Darkness battles Daddy Succession Supreme. Every "fuck" made me hard, every "you" made me cum. Daddies were exploding beautifully. Women sewed their own armor. Shiv is beloved, mother is a cunt, Geri is the family dog, Roman is a mutt, Tom is bewildering, Willa keeps up, Connor won't give up, Greg is a kitten and Mencken is a game. The fight would add up to very little if the top masters didn't emote so precisely. Daddy Succession bleeds every decision to keep his dynasty and children afloat. All he wants is respect. Daddy Prince is impatient about the future. He wants to be woke, now, when it matters. Daddy S knows better. Daddy P always gets what he wants because Daddy S spoiled him. There is a study of art that defines Daddy P because of his intensity but when he calms and speaks his pathetic truth, we want to fuck him, again. Yes, his pathetic is even hotter than his cocky. It's called parenting. The writers convey our thoughts instead of our speak because, in reality, we can't do so. But we would like to. We are not animals in cages. You cage the word and the animal comes out. Let it speak. The show spoke, delivered whoppers, kept to its guns and secured a successful season. 20-Dec-2021
Daddy suffering (Ken) hijacked it with an hilarious rap and alpha domination. I like to hear Shiv, I like to say Shiv, I love to watch Shiv. Holly Hunter (Rhea) is the clamped whisperer. When she nips it she doesn't let go. Tom shreds himself to death attempting to bare the soul of a character that rarely sees it. Culkin plays his character like he has no dick. Funny. Nobody messes with daddy. Writers that want to keep their jobs and a production that keeps on pushing it. It consummates on a boat big enough to fit two Below Decks in it. It was all about respect. 08-Aug-2020
The best corporate fuckers on TV. 06-Aug-2020
A malted shake with only whipped cream. That's a lot of protein. 24-Jul-2020
S1E3 found daughters giving handjobs, alphas verifying status on staircases and daddies snapping their tongues. I am no longer floating, my feet are firmly planted. 18-Oct-2019
Exposing how the family dynamic exploit each other for success. The sticks have returned:

Brian Cox - daddy doesn't need a stick

Nicholas Braun (Greg) - he'll carry anyone's stick

Alan Ruck (Connor Roy) - he licks them

Kieran Culkin (Roman Roy) - he shoves them up his nose

J Smith-Cameron - she's not carrying anyone's stick

Jeremy Strong (Kendall Roy) - alpha in the making swings his own. 18-Oct-2019

Tags: 2010s, Accidental Watch, Best In Drama, Brutal, Chemistry, Classic, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Enthusiastic, From Another Planet, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Great Acting, Greatness, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Political, Politics, Psychological, Relationships, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writer's Peak

Filed under: TV



Elephant Whisperers, The (2022) Howl

The caretakers introduce the history, solicit emotions and let the creatures' magnificence, intelligence and adorability speak for itself. The baby Dumbos were so cute. 15-Mar-2023

Tags: 2020s, Adorable, Chemistry, Cultural, Director Movement, Documentary, Drama, Heart Writ, Political, Relationships, Touching, Words Spoke

Filed under: Movies



Under The Shadow (2016) Woof

A mother is left to fend for herself when her husband is called to duty. The building scares and the apartment is freaky. The actor/daughter was a happy accident. She was cute and alert. The lack of music created tension. Mother's home is crumbling, the war is raging, daddy hardly calls, little girl starts hallucinating, women had no power and she's losing her mind. The mother and daughter had natural reactions. The level of trust spiraled as mine did. Can she do it or is she fucked? The mother's parenting skills are questioned throughout. The scare jumps were surprisingly scary. The fight had guts. Did she really slap that child? If it was real, she didn't flinch. I see sheets with a different eye, now. Unique. 14-Mar-2023

Tags: 2010s, Baby Wrecks, Brutal, Chemistry, Creepy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Art, Drama, Foreign, Funny, Heart Writ, Horror, Music Swings, Political, Psychological, Suspense, Touching, Tough, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight

Filed under: Movies



Snowtown Murders, The (2011) Woof

A rough telling of a serial murderer who uses his hate for gays, family and all that get in his way to torture and kill. 4 brothers live with momma on a decrepit block, in a creaking house and a scary neighborhood. A neighbor babysits three of the boys and sexually molests them. I didn't quite understand how the mother found out. Did the LGBTQ tell her? She meets a man full of hatred who disguises it with charm. The teen boy is having boy problems. He keeps getting raped, losing friends and his mother is a follower who can't attract a proper man to follow. Teen bonds with new daddy unaware that he's an asshole. New daddy can't stop talking about killing pedos. The followers in his life concur. They should be allowed to kill them freely. Daddy gets into teen's head and secretly shares a sadistic side that the kid embraces because he is a victim of the people daddy wants to eviscerate. The Australian cast are so realistic that I couldn't understand them. TU cc. There are images that keep repeating in my brain because that caused it to silently scream whilst watching them. There's murder, rape, perversion, animal desecration, torture, hurt and realism. The film qualifies as Texas Chainsaw's cousin. 09-Mar-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Brutal, Chemistry, Creepy, Crime Drama, Director's Art, Drama, Enthusiastic, Foreign, Funny, Sort of, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Music Swings, Political, Psychological, Rapey, Scary, Suspense, Tough, Violent, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ Tight

Filed under: Movies



All Quiet On The Western Front (2022) Howl

The details identified were gratifyingly fresh. The movie is relentless from beginning to end, setting up the dreams of boys as they're woked into becoming men in a war that could have been avoided. The significance that war is not a boys game runs throughout. War creates toxic men and brave soldiers with hell in their dreams. The politics were presented with the right amount of exposure and clarity. I understood it. A great musical score minimizes itself so the story can sing. It sang with an orchestra. Deft hands aplenty and cheers. 21-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Stomper, Best In Foreign, Best In War, Brutal, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director's Achievement, Drama, Enthusiastic, Foreign, Funny, Good Acting, Heart Writ, History, Hot Swatch, Music Swings, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Sentimental, Sweet, Touching, Violent, War, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writing Reigns

Filed under: Movies



Woman King, The (2022) Whimper

Not only were the true Agojie violent cutthroats they were also responsible for the massacre and enslavement of millions. According to historians the women were discarded third wives that husbands no longer found worthy of sharing a bed with. King Ghezo was one of the biggest slave traders of his time and trained the discarded women to massacre, sacrifice, enslave and sell men, women and children, no matter the tribe. The film fantasizes that the amazonian women formed their own empowerment group and conquered the white people that invaded them. White characters are sketched with no humanity which makes the action appear cruel instead of intoxicating. In the world of the living, the white people being fought were trying to abolish slavery and succeeded in killing the women instantaneously. Production was handed a bold cast to portray male versions of themselves. What a pity they couldn't find real women to emulate. 05-Jan-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, By the Numbers, Chemistry, Cultural, Depressing, Dialogue Lament, Director Experiment, Drama, False Action, Fantasy, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Macho Posing, Manipulation, Over the Top, Political, Preachy, Predictable, Preposterous, Retread, Revenge, Sap, Silly, Timid, Writer Weakness

Filed under: Movies



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