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Woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat 


Police in Ohio have released grisly footage of a crazed woman who allegedly stomped on a cat's head before feasting on the feline in full view of horrified witnesses.

Woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat

Pastor accused of drowning cats as cops make astonishing discovery in his home

Tags: Abuse, Animals, Arrest, Food, Hunting, Kill, Mental Health, Religion, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food




The Fast Food Fried Chicken Anthony Bourdain Thought Was Finger-Licking Good

The Chain Restaurant With The Actual Best Biscuits In The Biz

This Iconic Fried Chicken Chain Is Expanding Fast

Reparations! For every Taco Bell there needs to be a Popeye's Chicken around the corner. I've suffered enough. 22-Jun-2021

Tags: Celebrity, Charity, Chef, Cultural, Experience, Food, Old Man Dying Wish, Poverty, Preference, Reparations

Filed under: Wisps



Influencer fires trainer — after spotting him eating McDonald’s burger 


The bombshell recalled how she arrived for a training session and saw the self-proclaimed gym shark “eating a McDonald’s burger” — and “That’s when I decided it wasn’t going to work for me anymore,” Hanniely declared.

Influencer fires trainer

Kamala Harris reveals her callous soul

Tags: Celebrity, Children, Diet, Employment, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Exercise, Fast Food, Food, Lifestyle, Limited, NSFW, Politics, Termination, Training, Weird, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food




Tags: Art, Asian, Black, Daddy Squish, Exhibit, Fantasy, Feet, Food, Interracial, Jock, Legs, Muscle, Nature, Portrait, Pose, Tight, Toned, Toys

Filed under: Photos_(NSFW)



NBC Shit Show: ‘Ultimate Slip ‘N Slide’ Production Shut Down Over ‘Explosive Diarrhea’ Outbreak 


The upcoming TV competition series, adapted from the classic backyard waterslide by Wham-O, has shut down indefinitely after up to 40 crew members fell violently ill during production on a remote ranch in Simi Valley, California, TheWrap has learned. According to a person with knowledge of the production, the outbreak of “awful explosive diarrhea” left people “collapsing” on set and “being forced to run into port-o-potties.”

NBC Shit Show

Study says children on a vegan diet may have stunted growth and other health problems

My vegan brother refuses to come to Thanksgiving if it's not meat-free

Three people suffer organ failure in California after eating 'death cap' vegetable they bought from food truck

Tags: Consequences, Contagion, Contamination, Diet, Environment, Food, Health, Hollywood, Illness, Injury, Nature, Truck, Vegan

Filed under: Gay+



How top chef meat-free revolution has driven customers away 


The chef who was once the toast of the NYC restaurant world has hit rocky ground as customers in his NoMad restaurant, which once topped the city's best restaurant list, have dropped off, and a restaurant deal in the prestigious new 425 Park skyscraper has fallen through - both after he insisted on vegan menus.

How top chef meat-free revolution has driven customers away

Vegan smothers herself in BLOOD and storms Louis Vuitton

Only 9% of Americans can read a nutrition label

India bans exports amid food supply concerns

If you order gluten-free

Vegan restaurant caves and adds another helping of meat

Former Vegan Restaurant Chain Shuts Down After Activists Protest

Tags: Ban, Chef, Fail, Food, Health, Mental Health, Misconduct, Parasite, Preference, Restaurant, Service, Shortage, Shutdown, Vegan, Video, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Gay sex club in supermarket basement arouses imagination 


Sources in the Slope — the domain of Bill de Blasio, the late Paul Auster, and ’hood heroes Foxy Brown, Steve Buscemi and John Turturro — say the regular event is known as Pickle’s Playhouse and is run, naturally, by none other than Pickle himself.

It seems the gang has been double-bagging there for at least nine months.

Gay sex club in supermarket basement arouses imagination

What it’s really like to be gay at the gym

Supervisor pushes to bring back gay bathhouses in San Francisco

‘Non-stop gay sex parties’

Gay men are celebrating one big advantage they have over straight men

Tags: Bar/Club, Business, Court, Exclusivity, Food, Gay, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Shopping

Filed under: Gay+



Children dying in Somalia as food catastrophe worsens 


More than 200,000 Somalis are suffering catastrophic food shortages and many are dying of hunger, with that number set to rise to over 700,000 next year.

Children dying in Somalia

Activist demanding $800,000 for every black resident

BLM-backed candidate sentenced to 22 months in prison

Girls' poisoning 'unforgivable'

Senegal arrests Islamic agitators for claiming prime minister is gay

Bail revoked for couple accused of locking adopted children in filthy shed

Saudi Arabia executes more than 100 foreigners in 2024

Children executed and women raped in front of their families

Tags: $, Accusation, Activism, Adoption, Arrest, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Children, Cultural, Death, Education, Environment, Extinction, Family, Food, Food Shortage, Fraud, Gay, Hate, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Crime, Politics, Poverty, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Religion, Slave Labor, Slavery, Support, Termination, Terror, Threat, Torture, Tour, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



 I’m gay, not “queer” and Pride has gone too far 


I personally started to see the switch in 2016 when I was informed I didn’t deserve a seat at the Pride table for fighting back against the Toronto Pride parade’s efforts to deny the shooter in the Orlando nightclub mass killing was a self-loathing Muslim extremist. (Funny how things come full circle.)

But that was just the start.

Desperate to find a cause to replace the fight for gay rights, the radical activists turned to gender identity and trans rights.

Suddenly all those who fancied themselves woke started using preferred pronouns in their correspondence. It was absurd.

I’m gay, not “queer”

This meme is making people gay

Famous non-binary tells lesbian she should stay home if she doesn't want to see penises

New York county's transgender sports ban takes effect

Florida is quietly denying transgender residents updated birth certificates

Walmart rolls back DEI & LGBTQ+-inclusive policies

Shoppers Shocked To See 'Merry Christmas' Signs At Target, No Gay Nutcrackers

The trans rights movement is on the fast track to failure

Spain says it will BAN trans women from female sport

LGBTQ-friendly market banned from historically gay Dallas neighborhood

Tags: Activism, Ban, Business, Choices, Criticism, Denial, Food, Laws, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Neighbor, Opinion, Policy, Politics, Safety, Sex, Shopping, Sports, Trans, Woman's Rights, World

Filed under: Gay+



Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating 

The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.

...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts

Wife’s veganism has become a third party...

Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat

Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died


I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore

Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'

I cried at my vegan wedding

Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan

Tags: Advice, Anger, Anxiety, Choices, Death, Diet, Family, Fish, Food, Fraud, Health, Marriage, Meat, Medical, Parental Burden, Policy, Portrait, Rejection, Restaurant, Science, Sex, Travel, Vegan, Warning, Wedding, Weird

Filed under: Health/Food



Woman Pulls Out Gun On McDonald's Employees For Not Receiving Free Cookie 


Hendricks, described as "yelling and irate" at the time, maintained that she was entitled to a free cookie because an employee did not ask her about a reward program, according to the documents.

Woman Pulls Out Gun

Woman slams SUV into Popeyes because her order didn’t have biscuits

‘Shoot them.’ Chipotle order turns chaotic

BK assistant manager arrested for serving trashed fries to customers

Angry customer kills Sonic Drive-In manager following argument

McDonald’s employee followed random customer into bathroom, stabbed him in face and neck

Jack in the Box worker run over, spit on...

McDonald’s employees intentionally filled fish filet with bacon and gave it to Muslim child

Tags: Business, Crime, Disruption, Etiquette, Food, Greed, Guns, Hostility, Restaurant, Safety, Termination, Threat, Unruly Child, Violence

Filed under: Gay+




A salad should consist of elements that were missing during the day. 24-Sep-2024

Tags: Food, Opinion

Filed under: Wisps



Cat owners place their pets on VEGAN diets, despite warnings from vets 


Cats are being put on trendy vegan diets by owners, despite vets warning that a total lack of meat can be fatal for their pets.

Cat owners place their pets on VEGAN diets

Dogs poop less if they eat human-grade food

Warning over new breed of super rodents

‘We Were Killing Them With These Little Pitchforks’

Rats raid storage units, destroying belongings worth thousands of dollars

How to keep rats out of homes and gardens

Rats are taking over a Soledad neighborhood

Jury convicts father after infant son suffers over 50 rat bites

Tags: Addiction, Animals, Attack, Children, Choices, Contamination, Danger, Destruction, Diet, Effect, Environment, Extinction, Food, Health, Injury, Interference, Kill, Nature, Parental Crime, Pests, Pets, Population Control, Protection, Reckless, Safety, Self Interest, Stupid, Terraforming, Toxic, Vermin, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



Migrants are 'drinking all day,' 'having sex in the stairs' in taxpayer-funded New York hotels 


An employee at Row, one of New York City's best-known hotels, became a whistleblower Wednesday after he released video and photos of illegal immigrants trashing the hotel and leaving fresh food out to rot.

Rodriguez shared videos of fresh, "good food" sitting out to rot in trash bags because "the migrants don’t want to eat them."

"They said they don’t like it," he said. "This is all food that is going to waste. This is insane."

Migrants are 'drinking all day'

NYC can’t cater to migrants’ ‘cultural taste’ on food

Marco Murillo, 13, stabbed to death outside Chick-fil-A

Migrants' refusal to leave New York hotel met with outrage

Migrant crisis causes chaos in the streets

Shake Shack Founder Shutters Two Manhattan Restaurants

Block turned into illicit open-air market for migrants

How Venezuelan gang members are slipping into the U.S.

Illegal immigrants linked to vicious sex crimes

Rape surges 11% in NYC — as bail reform, vulnerable migrants, depleted NYPD

Tags: $, Americans, Burden, Business, Chaos, Children, Crime, Cultural, Destruction, Food, Greed, Inappropriate, Invasion, Kidnap, NSFW, Overpopulation, Politics, Poverty, Rampage, Rape, Revolt, Safety, Self Interest, Sex, Sex Worker, Slavery, Spoiled, Surge, Takeover, Terror, Threat, Toxic, Violence, Waste

Filed under: Gay+



So long, salad bar: Grocers get creative, consider robots to revive prepared food 


Grocery stores have shut down self-serve salad bars during the pandemic. They’ve taken away displays of fresh olives and dips. And they’ve replaced giant kettles of ready-to-ladle hot soup with sealed to-go containers.

The deli and prepared food areas that used to draw traffic to stores and differentiate grocers have fallen from favor as customers worry about the spread of the coronavirus, cook more from scratch and try to limit their time in stores.

Grocers are trying to revive those parts of the store with new approaches. At Publix, salad bars and hot bars have reopened, but employees dish out each item. Wegmans moved hummus, olives and more behind a counter where cheese shop employees fill orders. And at Texas-based H-E-B, some coolers carry prepared meals from local restaurants and a former food bar became an ice chest of beers.

So long, salad bar

Robotic waiter makes some restaurant customers recoil

Palm Springs Stores on the Chopping Block in Kroger-Albertsons Merger

California’s $20 fast food minimum wage could be hiked again

Tags: $, Business, Change, Contamination, Environment, Etiquette, Food, Future, Health, Modernization, Politics, Restaurant, Robot, Safety, Service, Shopping, Tech

Filed under: Health/Food



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