Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Clothes'
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This Guy Rocked a Romper Around NYC and Everyone Has an Opinion: WATCH
The hottest fashion trend of the summer the Romper, er, RompHim, has hit the streets of New York City and – not surprisingly – it’s polarizing.
QPark hit Washington Heights, Harlem, and Times Square, but didn’t hit the gay neighborhoods of Chelsea and Hells Kitchen, though there’s little doubt some copycat clips will pop up shortly.
This Guy Rocked a Romper
The jockstrap's 150th birthday is a gay milestone
White jeans are inarguably the chicest part of any casual summer look. During a time of the year where khakis run rampant and flip flops finally see the light of day, they’re one of the few warm-weather items that truly elevate your look. But as much as I love them, I find it so odd that the one time of year we’re allowed to wear white jeans is also the time of year when we’re our sweatiest and come in contact with the most dirt. How the heck are you supposed to keep white jeans bright white when you’re not really supposed to even wash your jeans?
To get the job done right, we’ll have to enlist the holy trinity of laundry: distilled water, vinegar, and baking soda.
“Baking and white vinegar are natural cleansers and distilled water is super important as, unlike tap water, it has no minerals and won’t leave behind mineral residue as it dries,” says Maeve Richmond, founder of home organizational company Maeve’s Method. “The baking soda and white vinegar are working together to create a powerful natural stain remover solution.”
Well and Good
Clothing Swaps Can Be a Lifeline for Queer and Trans People
Last year Wiley, a trans man, organized a large clothing swap among his friends and community. Although it wasn’t exclusive to queer and trans people, most of the attendees were queer or trans. According to people who came to the swap, what happened there was magical.
Years before, when he was starting to dress in a masculine style, Wiley struggled to afford new clothing, but received a donation of masculine clothing from a trans woman. Now that he had more clothing, he was happy to pass these items on to other butch and masculine-of-center people. The clothing swap included clothing for fat people, a group that often struggles to find comfortable clothing. Books and beauty products were added to the exchange. Wiley himself even acquired a beloved Dave Matthews Band long-sleeved T-shirt. The leftover clothing was donated to worthy causes, like the Boys and Girls Club.
You Probably Had No Idea That These 5 Things Are Causing Your Butt Acne
No part of the body is safe from breakouts — not even your butt. Butt acne, otherwise known as folliculitis, is caused by bacteria surrounding the hair follicles of your backside. Sounds delicious, I know. Face, chest, and back acne are all caused by clogged pores, but what exactly causes butt acne?
Unlike traditional acne, which comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors, butt acne is easy to identify. It usually comes in the shape of a small, red bump around the follicle or, in extreme cases, it's a juicy, pus-filled sucker not unlike those that can pop up on your cheek or forehead.
On the bright side (there had to be one, right?), butt acne isn't necessarily painful. Dermatologist Jamie MacKelfresh, MD, told Everyday Health that because these bumps form on top of the surface, they are “more likely to be itchy or irritating than painful.”
Elite Daily
Critics of Ugly Male Romper Outfit Denounced as ‘Troubling and Misogynistic’ Bigots
A Kickstarter for a men’s romper, the RompHim, has raised nearly $300,000—and has prompted widespread mockery this week. But if you poke fun at the RompHim, you’re actually revealing your own masculine fragility, social justice warriors are now insisting.
Writing for Wussy, an Atlanta-based queer publication, Matt J. Jones says that “the torrent of femme bashing rhetoric that has followed [the RompHim] is troubling.” The memes satirizing the RompHim “still enforce gender roles and highlight acts of misogyny through veiled jokes,” he says.
“Yes, masculinity is fragile enough that an article of clothing, even gender neutral options, can shake people to the core. … Hopefully this bit of internet history goes silent sooner than later, and these gender hangups are just remembered as a sad weak moment of uber-masculinity gone awry,” Jones writes.
The rise of 'modest' fashion
Modest dressing is a global cultural movement on the rise.
Trend analysts have dubbed what they interpret as a new wave of feminism the "pluri-empowerment" factor, says Iza Dezon, a trend forecaster at Peclers Paris.
"An empowered woman is no longer subject to a specific definition, nor must she live by a specific set of values," she explains. "We're seeing the opening up of what empowerment means, allowing women to create their own definitions."
The modest movement has been gaining steam for a few years now and the hijab has become a recognized symbol. In 2014 DKNY launched a bespoke modest fashion collection. In 2016, Dolce & Gabbana released a line of luxury hijabs and abayas.
Q: Why do people wear socks?
Socks are worn to absorb sweat that is produced by the feet and for warmth during cold seasons. They keep the feet free of bacteria and fungi that cause diseases, such as athlete's foot, and help prevent calluses.