Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Diet'
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Influencer fires trainer — after spotting him eating McDonald’s burger
The bombshell recalled how she arrived for a training session and saw the self-proclaimed gym shark “eating a McDonald’s burger” — and “That’s when I decided it wasn’t going to work for me anymore,” Hanniely declared.
Influencer fires trainer
Kamala Harris reveals her callous soul
Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating
The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.
...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating
L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts
Wife’s veganism has become a third party...
Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat
Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died
I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore
Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'
I cried at my vegan wedding
Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan
Cat owners place their pets on VEGAN diets, despite warnings from vets
Cats are being put on trendy vegan diets by owners, despite vets warning that a total lack of meat can be fatal for their pets.
Cat owners place their pets on VEGAN diets
Dogs poop less if they eat human-grade food
Warning over new breed of super rodents
‘We Were Killing Them With These Little Pitchforks’
Rats raid storage units, destroying belongings worth thousands of dollars
How to keep rats out of homes and gardens
Rats are taking over a Soledad neighborhood
Jury convicts father after infant son suffers over 50 rat bites
Everyone Really Hates Anti-Vaxxers and Keto
Okay, everybody, the Worst Wellness Trend of the 2010s Tournament has officially drawn to a close, with anti-vaxxing claiming the number one slot once and for all. To be honest, we're not totally surprised. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids are, after all, notorious for lifting rhetoric from the reproductive rights movement and pretty much completely responsible for the revival of once-dead diseases like measles. Wellness rocks!
Everyone Really Hates Anti-Vaxxers and Keto
The Crime of Gay Sex
As “Hypercarnivores", Humans Were Apex Predators For 2 Million Years
While many modern humans opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet, new research suggests that our ancestors obtained the majority of their nutrition from meat, and only diversified their food intake to include more plants at the very end of the Stone Age.
The Coming Meat Utopia Is Real
Florida bans lab-grown meat
Martin Freeman gives up vegetarianism after 38 years
...all slices of meat in a doner to be the exact same thickness
DeSantis Florida's lab-grown meat ban
Are Plant-Based Toxins a Greater Risk Than We Thought?
Why can't vegans eat mayonnaise?
Because mayonnaise has egg in it, it's not vegan. A food product that's vegan is made without any animal products. Instead of eggs, commercial vegan mayonnaise brands may use aquafaba, which is the thick liquid from cooking or soaking chickpeas.
Farmer's son accuses school of 'preaching veganism'
A school has been accused of 'preaching' veganism and criticising the agriculture industry's role in climate change after a 12-year-old who lives on a farm complained.
Farmer's son accuses school of 'preaching veganism'
Vegan diet influencer Zhanna D’Art dies of starvation
Meat eaters get hit hardest as inflation sees grocery bills soar
Milk is more expensive according to 51 percent of those surveyed; for prepared foods it is 50 percent of those questioned and for seafood 49 percent.
A quarter said they are buying less red meat as a result of the price hikes. Meat prices rocketed by up to 25 per cent last spring, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when meat plans were hit by staff shortages caused by the virus.
They subsequently dropped, but Bloomberg's data suggests shoppers are once again feeling the pinch.
Morning Consult economist John Leer told Bloomberg: 'We’ve got these pockets of inflation without having corresponding wage growth, and that’s going to put consumers in a really tough spot.'
For Hispanic and black Americans, more than 40 per cent report spending more money on food since the start of 2021. For white Americans that figure is 30 percent.
Meat eaters get hit hardest
Italian restaurant in Philadelphia suburb is shut down after hepatitis A outbreak kills
Vegan Mom Convicted of Murdering 18-Month-Old Son by Diet
Eating “Healthy” Might Be Hurting Your Performance
Crazy vegan strips down
Villagers' rage as Russell Brand plans to turn their pub into a vegan restaurant
Man ENRAGES animal rights activists by calmly eating
Vegans and vegetarians depressed twice as often as meat-eaters
Americans' life expectancy continues to fall
Lab-grown meat is up to 25 times WORSE for the climate
VEGAN fast-food favourites are laden with fat and salt
This website analysed the nutritional content of vegan burgers, sandwiches, wraps and sausage rolls available at McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Nando's and Greggs.
VEGAN fast-food favourites are laden with fat and salt
'No longer friends' after 'traumatising' fry-up's weird extras
Vegan activist is tackled by diners
Being an 'unhealthy' vegan can RAISE the risk of breast cancer
Sugar-free diet drinks actually make you fat
Vegan mother is found guilty of killing 18-month-old with fruits and vegetables
Vegetarians more likely to fracture hips
Restaurant gets rid of plant-based dishes
McDonald's discontinued its fake meat burger the McPlant
Plant-based diet is not always virtuous—or healthy
Why Everyone Is So Rude Right Now
Of course, it’s the people-have-lost-their-everloving-minds incidents that make the news, but they are also a reflection of a deeper trend; Americans appear to have forgotten their manners, especially with those whose job it is to assist them. Lawyers are reporting ruder clients. Restaurants are reporting ruder clients. Flight attendants, for whom rude clients are no novelty, are reporting mayhem. (FAA fines for unruly behavior have already exceeded a million dollars this year.) So legion are the reports of discourtesy that some customer-facing businesses have been forced to play Miss Manners.
Why Everyone Is So Rude Right Now
‘Hey! I’m waiting in your fucking line, asshole?
Man punches Blackx employee for not showing ID
Mother faces criminal charges for telling daughter to hit opponent
Fordham University 'fires a white English professor who mixed up the names of two black students
Filming Wendy’s workers at drive-thru backfires
Instacart driver DESTROYS elderly couple's groceries over pro-police sign in their front yard
"Yo, bitch, I can't show you my ID because my wallet weighs a lot.!!" Dude, show her your ID and move on. 08-Dec-2021
'Fast carbs' DON'T make you fat!
A study published last week in the peer-reviewed journal Advances In Nutrition concluded that 'fast carbs' are no more likely than 'slow carbs' to lead to weight gain.
Fast carbs such as white bread are also known as high-GI foods because of their high glycemic index.
'High-glycemic index foods have been hypothesized to promote fat storage and increase risk of obesity,' the study said.
For example, the study noted a database from the University of Sydney that lists 27 values for brown rice ranging from 48 to 87. The GI values for white rice ranged from 17 to 94.
'Fast carbs' DON'T make you fat!
Worried mom who can't work out why her son is getting bullied over his lunchbox
The reason the son gets bullied is because the lunch is not enough sustenance for a growing boy to get the power that he needs to take down a bully. That's a shitty lunch. Grapes create holes in your stomach and the rest of the monkey meal will keep him in the bathroom, where the perverts linger. 30-Aug-2021
Parental diet affects sperm and health of future offspring
When parents eat low-protein or high-fat diets it can lead to metabolic disorders in their adult offspring. Now, an international team led by researchers at the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research (CPR) have identified a key player and the molecular events underlying this phenomenon in mice.
The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease is a school of thought that focuses on how prenatal factors such as stress and diet impact the development of diseases when children reach adulthood. Experimental evidence indicates that environmental factors that affect parents do play a role in reprogramming the health of their offspring throughout their lifespan. In particular, parental low-protein diets are known to be related to metabolic disorders in their children, such as diabetes.
Science Magazine
From snake oil to science: I peddled 'clean' eating, wellness — until I learned the facts
Marketing that organic food is cleaner is all around us. Just take a look at the campaign “Skip the Chemicals.” It encourages consumers to fear the scary-sounding names of chemicals and adopt a better-safe-than-sorry attitude toward their food. Ultimately, though, it steers consumers toward more costly organic foods, although there is no evidence that organic foods are more nutritious.
The “Dirty Dozen” list is another marketing ploy. Not only did I have this list stuck to my fridge at home, I also encouraged my clients to download and share it. Using pesticide residue data from the USDA, it ranks food by the levels of detected pesticides to generate a list of the top 12 fruits and vegetables consumers should avoid in their conventional versions.
Take strawberries, which topped the list in 2018. The USDA published test results on tens of thousands of nonorganic fruit and vegetable samples across the country. Most of the samples of strawberries showed residues of at least one kind of pesticide and, in one sample of strawberries, 22 different pesticide residues were detected — but that doesn’t mean the pack of strawberries you buy at the grocery store will have 22 pesticides.
USA Today
Why woke diets featuring superfoods such as avocado and advocated by the likes of Ella Woodward are leading to a surge of distressing gut problems
The woman, in her mid-30s, looked pretty healthy, which, undoubtedly, was her goal. Sitting in my clinic – I’m a dietician at a busy London hospital – we began discussing her daily food and drink regime.
Work was busy and stressful, so there wasn’t much time for breakfast, apart from some fruit or a green juice. Lunch was a salad brimming with chickpeas and roasted vegetables and topped with a sprinkling of antioxidant-rich seeds.
Yet more vegetables and maybe some ‘plant protein’ – beans and nuts – for dinner. She tries to limit her dairy intake, choosing lattes made with almond or soya milk.
And yet, here she was, almost doubled over with gut pain, complaining of bloating, cramps and other more embarrassing, and distressing, digestive complaints.
‘I never touch junk food,’ she added, hopefully.
At this point, I know I’m going to have to break some bad news. She may think her diet is exemplary but, in fact, it’s the cause of her problems.
I call it ‘woke’ or overzealous healthy eating – consuming vast quantities of so-called ‘clean’ ingredients while avoiding entire food groups such as dairy, carbohydrates or meat for health or ‘ethical’ reasons.
And I believe this kind of trendy eating is behind a surge in cases of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that I, and my colleagues, have been seeing.
Daily Mail
Dieting Will Kill You Faster Than Obesity
Here’s one that will make you rejoice and groan at the same time: Dieting is worse for you than being overweight. That’s right, the restrictive behavior of significantly reducing calories and eliminating entire categories of foods puts such a toll on a body, it’s better to simply be obese. But why? It’s all due to weight-cycling, the well-established phenomenon that large shifts in eating habits lead to weight loss followed by even more weight gain. Studies show that along with excess pounds, a complex mess of changes to gut flora, metabolism, fats, and, yes, mental health all work together to make you fatter, unhealthier, and more miserable. So why should you quit your well-intentioned but altogether unhealthy diet plan? And what can you replace it with? Let’s get into it.
Dieting Will Kill You Faster Than Obesity
Doctors put overweight patients on a path to failure by focusing on shedding pounds