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Boys, The (2019-) WoofUpgrade

Besides the maestro, Starlight's rejuvenation was my favorite thing. 22-Jul-2024
Homefucker took twitch to its ultimate, grew from it and became remarkable. Someone invited Smirk to the party so he can curse it? He's still smirking away and sounding like a condescending cunt. The twist befits him like a glove. Yes, I would submit to his gravelly words and old man charms. Is that all A-Train or are there other plastics involved? Nice. Mama's Milk has the right amount of daddy issues. Kimiko and Frenchie are still a power couple even though Frenchie has accent disabilities. Star watt. Starlight's abilities were stifled. The series made me realize that Karl Urban can be fun. Quaid can get away with a lot. Sage was waiting for this all her life and she's acing it. The Deep is reenacting some personal memories. Respect. There are stalling tactics that defy reason. The enemies keep bumping into each other but nobody keeps the promise to slaughter the other. One explanation should suffice. Nepo Homelander is sending Damien vibes. Anthony Starr has a grip on us. 12-Jul-2024
Twitch daddy twitch. 24-Jun-2022
The season belongs to daddy Homefucker. 24-Jun-2022
Shue clenches frustration devoutly, Starr chomps evil gleefully and the end punctuated surprisingly. 26-Aug-2019
Graduating superheroes to the next level...consequences. 17-Aug-2019

Tags: 2010s, Action, Brutal, Camp, Comic Book, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, From Another Planet, Fun, Fun Acting, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Hilarious, Kool Effects, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Sex, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Trashy, Twisty, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Gen V (2023) Howl

The finale entered the Buffyverse and maintained its excellence. The massacre was surprisingly joyful. Creativity was active. The newbies accomplished. We like them, even the evil ones. 03-Nov-2023
I felt yesteryear's essence. When access is limited, you shoot for the heart. Creating superheroes with limitations makes them more susceptible to bleeding. Hurt is the crux of the Superworld because it is in every other world.The series mind-blows and sets the future of comicbook heroes by having heart, progressive CGI and identifiable respect. 22-Oct-2023

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Good Dialogue, Heart Writ, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sex, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Witcher, The (2019-) WoofDowngrade

The half season was a trip down Xena memory lane without the charms of Xena, Gabrielle and or thrilling action. The action suffered from premature ejaculation. Over before it begins. GOT talk keeps reminding us how powerful Ciri is. Isn't three seasons enough time to finally see it and not constantly hear about it? I'd recast with more charisma and revamp with better professionals. Replacing just the main character is going to be wonky and talky and I want them all to feel as uncomfortable as I felt watching this season. I shifted interest in character to decipher if the actors really liked each other. 06-Jul-2023
S3E2. I'm savoring them/him. I hear GOT talk incessantly. That is not the cure for acceptance or sleepiness. 04-Jul-2023
S3E1: A toxic female can destruct a man's mythology but his heroism will reign supreme. Welcome back, daddy. 03-Jul-2023
Daddy dropped the hush a notch and it was sexy. A daddypalooza overwrote the overwrought female wokeness. The RPG "come to life" was fun. The mythology became a scientific equation instead of a scientific marvel. Can we find another solution to good girl being possessed by evil besides giving her a conscious? Bummer. Istredd. Boom! Dijkstra. Yes! Joey Batey. Lick, yeah! Neneke. Your highness. Daddy Supe speaks for itself. The females need more realism and the mythology needs better surprises. 27-Dec-2021
Daddy is something else but it was the ladies that kept me glued. 18-Jan-2020
Of course, I'm disquieted by the froggish whisper of the Witcher but he delivers comitted action moves and steady alpha charisma. Interspersed characterization maintains the show's freshness. (Is it part of its mythology that all pretty twinks get killed?) 15-Jan-2020

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Action, Brutal, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Fantasy, Fun Acting, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Magnetism, Star Power, Star Watt, Suspense, Tedium, Timid, Wit Snit, Writ Basic, Writ Tight



Mandalorian, The (2019-) Howl

Bella Ramsey is no Grogu. He's so cute. Action scenes are uplifting and well panned. Katee Sachoff suffers like a wounded warrior that has seen the worst, to her weakening and art's enjoyment. Papi porn voice is back. I felt the "force." 02-Mar-2023
In gaming lays the closest successful expansion of a beloved mythology. The creators present that inspiration along with a grand sense of fun. The child is everything. 19-Jan-2021

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Action, Adorable, Chemistry, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Good Acting, Kool Effects, Music Rocks, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Star Watt, Tough, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



She-Hulk (2022-) WoofDowngrade

I experienced it, like I did in childhood, watching Saturday Morning Cartoons for comfort, avoiding abuse and with eyes wide open. It's cheeky and fun with nothing in particular to say. For instance, wouldn't She-Hulk's vagina muscles crush a normal guy's dick or is it rubbery? Moments of pondering lost. Everything court is not "The Good Wife." Why does Wong only make contact with Jennifer when she's She-Hulk but green screened when the actress is present? I got a "The Good Wife" shiver. A great babysitter. 15-Sep-2022

Tags: 2020s, Action Fun, Camp, Crapfun, Director's Slice, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, From Another Planet, Fun, Hot Swatch, Juvenile, Kool Effects, Nostalgic, Sweet, Wit Snit



Lost In Space (2018-) Woof

S3. All grown up and still dazzling us. 03-Dec-2021
Season 2 served so much syrup it almost drowned the pancakes. The Robinsons' catastrophe meter wriggled so much I wondered why they're not in pieces. Am I supposed to notice that the robot has a big ass? The action rumbles, throttles and shakes you down. Big-screen treatment for a TV mindset. Dr. Smith is a hoot bitchier, the actors are scratching their posts and I'm still in. 05-Jan-2020
Even though the orangutan inspired robot invalidates its predecessor the show succeeded in modern interpretation. There's papi squish, mama force, baby hutzpah and multicultural opportunity. Constructive sci-fi action and Parker Posey's iteration of Dr. Smith as the ultimate lying bitch are its standouts. 29-Jun-2018

Tags: 2010s, Action, Chemistry, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Director's Touch, Drama, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Mystery, Over the Top, Relationships, Repetitive, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Thriller, Unity, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ Tight



Jupiter's Legacy (2021) WoofDowngradeArf

SE5. I'm not done yet. They talk a lot. I wander then I rewind to listen that they are griping about the same depressing shit as last episode. Did Hollywood run out of realistic looking hair or are lousy wiggers not fireable? They gave Daddy the homeless wig. Daddy's hair drips and droops and looks exactly like it sounds. The cast is jelling but the story needs some mushrooms. 14-May-2021
A great pastiche of superhero adventures and the miserable lives it processes. It's familiar, obliterating and fun. 09-May-2021

Tags: 2020s, Action, Action Fun, Amiable, Camp, Chemistry, Comic Book, Corn, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Relationships, Repetitive, Star Power, Star Watt, Wig Crack, Words Spoke



Eli (2019) Woof

Future twink is tortured via experimentation for his better health. All its flaws are abolished by a ludicrous surprise that lashes out at parenting, religion and common sense. I found myself rejoicing at the outcome. 19-Oct-2019

Tags: 2010s, Accidental Watch, Action, Camp, Cliche, Conspiracy Theory, Director's Slice, Drama, Fun Acting, Funny, Horror, Kool Effects, Mystery, Psychological, Sci-Fi, Silly, Suspense, Tough, Twisty, Wit Snit, Writ Tough



Walking Dead, The (2010-) Full MoonDowngradeEarly Exit

The Governor capped villainy, the creators refuse to scientifically explain or move beyond its gloomy existence and another season of Negan smirks is off-putting. I'm quitting because it has no end and they are killing the future of zombie inspiration by hogging and pummeling us with it. 21-Feb-2019
Oops, I thought the show was evolving. 29-Nov-2018
Sometimes it's hard to see past the corn fields. 12-Nov-2018
They gambled 7 minutes too long. The alpha phased out. 05-Nov-2018
The most staggering surprises arise after sobering us for heartbreak. It was poetry. 11-Dec-2017
It ended to satiate the fans, bathed from blood of a cliched and predictable heart plus a curtain close. 03-Apr-2017
This is the 3rd time that Jeffery Dean Morgan has invaded a series at its vertex. I was always waiting for the grand manifestation of the buildup and all we got was a daddy with lots of fuckability, a frozen smirk that unnerves and trite villainy. Do over. 11-Nov-2016
Mature grit. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to interpret as we wish. 09-Nov-2016

Tags: 2010s, Action, Best In Horror, Comic Book, Cowboy, Daddy Squish, Decent FX, Director's Slice, Drama, Early Exit, Good Acting, Gross, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Political, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tired, Twisty, Writer's Peak



Sense8 (2015 -2018) HowlUpgradeFull Moon


The sex was terrific.

It pulled from all of us and temporarily created a beautiful landscape and a force. They were our Mod Squad and art inspiration. Credit to the Wachowskis for creating the world we should be living in and for always arousing us with forward action sequences. In another time this might have been our anthem but America doesn't sing anymore. 01-Jul-2018
Its underappreciation may be due to time and how forward the message of power in inclusivity registers. Each 8 represents a struggling community that with aide, strife can be eased and joy enhanced.

The mythology may confuse but when all wicks (acting, action, sex, character development, koolness, heart and beauty) are turned on, its' fireworks. 13-Aug-2017
So fun, delirious and high. It's reaching for somewhere we want to go. Love the intertwining stories and characters. Thanks for the inclusion and the sizzling latino gay. It's a head-punch. 03-Nov-2015

Tags: 2010s, Action, Adorable, Best In Drama, Best In Unity, Comic Book, Daddy Squish, Decent FX, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Mystery, Political, Pretty, Romance, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Weird, Writing Reigns



Bewitched (1964-1972) Full Moon

...because Tabitha (Erin Murphy) was an adorable moppet
...because Aunt Clara (Marion Lorne) was squishier than my dog
...because Dick York (Darrin) was such the professional that we never noticed the pain he was in 26-Jun-2018
...because Samantha stood for every unappreciated group that the child in me could figure out
...because it can't be sexist if its a "happy couple"
...because even when the fx failed them they never deferred from perfection... because for every three they missed they got one so perfectly right
...because Paul Lynde was a great gay uncle when they weren't allowed to socially exist
...because ever since this show capitalized on what magic should be we have been pretending that magic doesn't exist (except in realistic boring conjuring ways)
...because Gladys Kravitz (Alice Pearce) and the artist who created her epitomized the nosy neighbor until she became understood
...because Endora (Agnes Moorehead) is the lesbian Drag mother-in-law we deserve
...because Elizabeth Montgomery can kick Harry Potter's ass with just one twitch. 21-Jun-2018

Tags: 1960s, 1970s, Adorable, Art, Beautiful, Best In Comedy, Best In Drama, Best In Gay, Camp, Classic, Colorized, Comedy, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Heart Writ, History, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Political, Romance, Sentimental, Silly, Special, Star Watt, Twisty, Unity, Wit Snit, Writ Tight, Writer's Peak



Star Wars Rebels (2014 -2018) WoofUpgradeHowl

It respected the original material, voiced it beautifully and the mythology added a punch to the Star Wars Universe. The geek points sum up "the force" where the films could only preach it. 08-Mar-2018
It delivers on the promise of throwback and mythology aside. You'll still believe. 18-Nov-2015

Tags: 2010s, Action, Animation, Best In Animate, Classic, Comedy, Comic Book, Cute, Decent FX, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Funny, Good Looking Art, Great Voice Acting, Kool Effects, Pretty, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Twisty, Unity, Writer's Peak



Lost (2004 - 2010) Woof

A lot of brilliance transpired on this show. It was destined to be a contender for all-time. Performers, writers and directors were regurgitating superlatives to create a unique, enthralling and vivid TV landscape until we realized it had no end game. We were about to cum when you suddenly stopped yanking and swiftly put your clothes back on and left us to digest that consummation with a limp dick. 15-Feb-2017

Tags: 2000s, Brutal, Conspiracy Theory, Daddy Squish, Director's Slice, Disappointment, Drama, Fantasy, Fatigue, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Manipulation, Overcooked, Preachy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Silly, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tedium, Twisty, Weird, Wit Snit



Sense8: A Christmas Special (2016) Howl

The Wachowskis esp. Lana, are intent in overwhelming every one of our watching filmic senses and this beautifully crafted episode hardly disappoints. Gayest kickass show ever. 25-Dec-2016

Tags: 2010s, Action, Beautiful, Comedy, Comic Book, Crime Drama, Director's Slice, Drama, Fantasy, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Political, Romance, Sci-Fi, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Twisty, Weird, Wit Snit, Writ Tight



Penny Dreadful (2014 - 2016) Howl

It was quiet, pensive and reverential. The characters crept, itched and bit into the souls of classic monsters and they never declined. If the story paused at the beginning of every season it never relented at season's end. The finale was a big bag of anticipative gifts. We welcomed Lily's (Billie Piper) relentless feminism and humanity; Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett) wolfing out; John Clare's (Rory Kinnear) heartbreak and compassion and the great Eva Green as Vanessa Ives turning her vicious on. Their was plenty of well choreographed action sequences and moments of beauty. A speck of Shakespeare and Dickens lingered haltingly to add haunt and poetry and Patti Lupone in any amplitude is always welcome. The "Tuesday" line was a sweet nod to Buffy and as a fan I savored it. 22-Jun-2016

Tags: 2010s, Action, Beautiful, Brutal, Camp, Classic, Comic Book, Costume, Cowboy, Daddy Squish, Decent FX, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, History, Horror, Hot Swatch, Kool Effects, Romance, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Wit Snit



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