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Rupert Everett complains that the transgender rights movement has ‘completely overshadowed’ gay issues 


He criticised what he sees as an overly reproachful outlook among young people, and spoke of his fears of being “cancelled” for speaking about transgender issues.

“This might be the first time that the older generation has felt that they have to tiptoe around the younger generation and turn everything off,” he said.

While Everett claimed to support “wokeness” because “everything it stands for is, essentially, great,” he regretted that gay rights appear to have taken a backseat to trans issues, citing Russia’s recent move to ban same-sex marriage.

Rupert Everett complains

Majority of elite female athletes favor categorization by biological sex

Trans population is not as high as the 'totally unreliable' census figures suggest

Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex

The National Park Service Has Removed the Word “Transgender”

Tags: All Rights, Celebrity, Choices, Court, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gay, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Perception, Preference, Sports, Study, Termination, Trans, Travel, World

Filed under: Gay+



Mejico fans chanted their favorite gay phrase


Late in the match, fans started chanting the word “puto” as the clock ticked down.

Mejico fans chanted their favorite gay phrase

3 men attacked after LGBTQ+ event

Gay couple hyperventilate after being chased down by armed cartel

Afraid to Leave Home

LGBTQ event at FL church ignites public anger and protest threats

Three Americans died of carbon monoxide poisoning in a Mexico City Airbnb

American woman was also found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning at Mexico City apartment

‘Alarming rise’ in homophobia at football matches

Mexico fans again chant anti-gay slur in the U.S.

Hamas Executed Gay Terrorists Within Its Ranks Who Raped Male Israeli Victims

Tags: Attack, Celebration, Chemicals, Choices, Complaint, Culture, Death, Entertainment, Environment, Gay, Hostility, LGBTQ, Mental Health, NSFW, Overreaction, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Segregation, Sports, Threat, Tradition, Travel, Vacation, Video, Violence, Warning, World, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Education advocate calls for criminal charges against NYC staff who took own kids to Disney World 


As first reported by The Post, Linda M. Wilson, a Queens manager of “students in temporary housing,” and five employees she supervised used “forged permission slips” to take their daughters, sons and grandkids to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Washington, D.C., New Orleans, and upstate Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, among multiple locales.

“What happens here stays with us,” Wilson allegedly told her colleagues in what investigators called a cover-up.

Education advocate calls for criminal charges

Utter humiliation for famed female chef

Council accepts resignations of mayor and town recorder

NYC judge shuts door on Post reporter when questioned over ruling

America's worst mayor frantically tried to cover up how much money she blew on glam sessions and parties

Tags: $, Boundaries, Cancellation, Charity, Chef, Children, Complaint, Etiquette, Greed, Homeless, Interference, Investigation, Misconduct, Parental Crime, Resignation, Theft, Travel, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



Gay male couples like San Francisco. Lesbians like the Berkshires 


Gay male couples tend to gravitate toward big cities on the U.S. coasts, while lesbian couples tend to prefer smaller, more pastoral cities or towns, according to 2020 census figures that reinforce some preconceived notions about LGBTQ communities in the U.S.

Gay male couples like San Francisco

This is what women sexually fantasise about

‘My Gay Guy Friend Is Rude and Blames It on Gay vs. Lesbian Culture’

Why do the straights walk so much slower?

Woman claims getting off the contraceptive pill made her a lesbian

This TikToker thinks his family proves the “gay gene” exists

Idaho is one of the least populated states

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Effect, Environment, Fantasy, Gay, Home, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Portrait, Preference, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Study, Travel, Women, Writing

Filed under: Health/Food



By the time you sit on our planes, 'you're just pissed at the world' 


United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz acknowledged key pain points customers face when traveling today, including airlines' increasingly shrinking seat sizes.

"I think we are nearing a point certainly that we can't do that anymore," Munoz told ABC News. The interview was conducted prior to the U.S. grounding of the Boeing 737 Max.

He said that air travel used to be a thrilling experience but has turned into a laborious process.

"It's become so stressful," he told the outlet, "from when you leave, wherever you live, to get into traffic, to find a parking spot, to get through security."

By the time you sit on our planes

Travel shaming has reached epidemic proportions

Tags: Finance, Modernization, Policy, Travel

Filed under: Health/Food



A replacement battery costs more than an electric car 


A family in Florida drove into a major problem after buying a used electric vehicle: the replacement battery for their dead car wound up costing more than the used car was purchased for.

A replacement battery costs more than an electric car

Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars

California needs to charge electric vehicles only during the day

Siblings had to stop 6 times in 1 day to charge their rented Tesla

New law that will require electric car owners to pay $200 every year

Study finds electric vehicles lose value more quickly than gasoline

US summer home power bills to jump by nearly 8%

Damning report reveals dangerous Tesla Cybertruck flaws

California abandons diesel truck ban and other clean-air rules

Tags: $, Auto, Burden, Business, Electricity, Environment, Fail, Laws, Leaders, Prices, Safety, Travel

Filed under: Health/Food



Palm Springs police receive multiple reports of public sex along trail area 


"Community members got a hold of us and said they really had a problem with trying to take a walk in one of our nature preserves as well as some private property because people were having sex in public," said PSPD Chief Andy Mills.

...multiple reports of public sex

Police are confused

Gay “clowns” photographed having sex on top of a moving train

Gay Bar Owner Removes Security Team After Video Surfaces

Four San Diego Gay Bars Targeted In Pellet Gun Attack

Windows at several Palm Springs businesses shattered

Man Acquitted of Attacking Gay Men in D.C. Park

Michigan man admits planning mass shooting of gay people

White Party Palm Springs canceled for 2025 and future

Tags: Attack, Cancellation, Chemicals, Club/Bar, Complaint, Crime, Cruelty, Cruising, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Exhibit, Gay, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Nature, Neighbor, No Punishment, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Termination, Travel, Vandalism, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence

Filed under: Gay+




Gage Edward Slams Ex-Boyfriend Jeff Lewis as “Pathetic”

Gay couple enjoys straight friends on cruise, until they see extremist Facebook posts

Gay man, married for 20 years, questions brother-in-law’s allyship

Josh Seiter Says He Pretended to Be Transgender as an ‘Experiment’

Queer Works CEO charged with stealing $940,000 from city

– this is why I only sleep with older men

Guy doubles down on making male Harris voters his ‘concubines’

Man allegedly kills 80-year-old roommate over argument about Thanksgiving meal preparation

Chase Chrisley named as suspect in assault incident

Tags: Accusation, Advice, Celebrity, Children, Consequences, Divorce, Drama, Exploitation, Family, Friendship, Gay, Hypocrisy, LGBTQ, Marriage, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parody, Relationships, Sexual Harassment, Threat, Trans, Travel, Troubles, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



Alaska Airlines launches gender-neutral uniform 


"We have updated our uniform guidelines, effective today, to provide more freedom and flexibility in individual and gender expression," the airline said in a statement on Monday.

Alaska Airlines launches gender-neutral uniform

Passenger is arrested for 'masturbating FOUR times

LA County Vote To Stop Travel To Texas & Florida Over Anti-LGBTQ+ Measures

Will No Longer Address Passengers As

Traveler claims United flight attendant refused to serve him because he’s gay

Is it cool to vacation in countries where it’s illegal to be gay?

Tags: Anxiety, Ban, Business, Change, Court, Employment, Inclusion, LGBTQ, Profiling, Service, Sex, Sex Identity, Travel, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Video captures boy, 12, being bullied, choked on bus by a girl 


A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Video captures boy, 12

Teen Girl Kills 12-Year-Old Brother

Mom demands to know why 19 month-old daughter came home 'mauled'

Man obsessed with pigs killed own dad

Dad charged with murder after son, 7, succumbs to injuries...

...passed out, drunk on beach while kids wandered off alone

Christine Quinn's 2-Year-Old Son Taken to Hospital After Husband's Assault

Parents allegedly suffocate baby in couch cushions after passing out

Boyfriend allegedly assaulted girlfriend’s baby so badly he had a stroke

Stepdad who forced kids to sleep in ‘igloo-style doghouse’ in yard before killing 10-year-old boy

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Choices, Environment, Family, Hate, Heartless, Hostility, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Rage, Safety, Travel, Treatment, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Younger LGBTQ people have a problem with kink at pride... 


Julian says he doesn’t think kink should be allowed at Pride: “Just because I’m at a Pride event doesn’t mean I’m consenting to see your naked, hairy ass flapping out of your leather pup costume.”

He goes on to state, “Pride should be for everyone: kids, teens, allies, my nana. Live out your horny fetish fantasies in private.”

Younger LGBTQ people have a problem

I’m a side

Pride revelers run screaming...

Schools roll out LGBTQ restrictions

LGBTQ references removed from classrooms

Teachers at high school told to remove Pride flags

School board votes in favor of pride flag ban

This Pride month, fellow gays, keep your kinks at home

Buenos Aires Gay Community warns of dangers under Milei

How Gay Marriage Ruined Democratic Activism

Tags: Activism, Backlash, Ban, Celebration, Change, Children, Choices, Classless, Community, Education, Etiquette, Flag, Gay, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage Equality, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, NSFW, Opinion, Parental Burden, Politics, Pride, Safety, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Travel, Video, Warning, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out 


You probably wonder why you should even continue with online dating or go out to mingle when it never results in your getting asked on dates.

You don’t know what you could be doing wrong, and wonder if perhaps all of the good men really are taken. From where you sit, it seems as though other women don’t have this same problem.

5 Reasons Men Don't Ask You Out

Mom hires 'deprogrammer' for daughter

Dana White’s Slap-Fighting League


School ignored teen’s sickness complaints before she died

George Santos accused of sexual harassment

‘Grabbed my bacon’

Sam Brinton is a cautionary tale

Vogue model arrested for shockingly violent murder of man

Gay man keeps getting ditched by his friends for Sniffies hookups

Tags: Advice, Choices, Cruelty, Dating, Death, Employment, Equality, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Female Toxicity, Friendship, Gay, Illness, LGBTQ, Marriage, Medical, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Crime, Politics, Preference, Rejection, Relationships, Revenge, Sad, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Sports, Theft, Tragedy, Travel, Video, Violence

Filed under: Health/Food



Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating 

The “Dublin Declaration of Scientists on the Societal Role of Livestock” says livestock “are too precious to society to become the victim of simplification, reductionism or zealotry” and calls for a “balanced view of the future of animal agriculture”. One of the authors of the declaration is an economist who called veganism an “eating disorder requiring psychological treatment”.

...‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

L.I. vegan baker accused of supplying shop with Dunkin' Donuts

Wife’s veganism has become a third party...

Vegan food is 'worse for your health than eating real meat

Warning to be aware of when eating sushi as woman tragically died


I Don’t Eat Salad For Dinner Anymore

Woman switches strict vegan diet for 'animal only'

I cried at my vegan wedding

Woman Says She Ordered a Burger After Finding Out Her Date Was Vegan

Tags: Advice, Anger, Anxiety, Choices, Death, Diet, Family, Fish, Food, Fraud, Health, Marriage, Meat, Medical, Parental Burden, Policy, Portrait, Rejection, Restaurant, Science, Sex, Travel, Vegan, Warning, Wedding, Weird

Filed under: Health/Food



Does Gentle Parenting Work for Black Folks? 


“Some of it makes sense to me, and some of it doesn’t,” Rowland told Martinez during their conversation. “I respect it though, because what general parenting is trying to do is break the generational curse of talking at your kids and making them feel seen and respected.” The singer added that she’s using trial and error to find the parenting approach that works best. “I’m unlearning things that happened to me in my childhood with my son,” she said.

Does Gentle Parenting Work for Black Folks?

Ben Gordon 'punched his son in the face MULTIPLE times

“His Son Is Ugly”

George Floyd's daughter announces $250M lawsuit against Kanye West

18-year-old charged after 2 students killed, 1 injured after shooting

The Government Is Uprooting Children From Loving Homes

T.I.'s son King Harris, 19, arrested

Trio stuffed 6-year-old in dryer spin cycle

Dad tortured his 4-year-old daughter into a ‘vegetative state’

Mother killed her 2 toddler boys ‘by placing them in an oven

Tags: $, Abuse, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Children, Court, Culture, Equality, Family, Greed, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parenting, Performance, Sad, Sports, Supremacy, Training, Travel, Treatment, Unruly Child, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



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