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My Little Margie (1952 - 1955) Woof

Ridiculousness is the charm that keeps you glued to seeing horrible people fail. The father thinks that by treating his adult daughter like a wife that she will outgrow her conniving ways. Yes, it's a Lucy wannabe. The daughter Margie is an unscrupulous Lucy in her 20s. The protagonist is adept at mimicking voices and throwing a punchline but she wasn't Lucy. The character is hard to like. It is structured as a last minute idea. Somebody wrote a porn script for fun, they couldn't meet a deadline so they repurposed it for television. Margie is everything the modern woman is blamed for. Woman domination is irrefutable. Single dad that looks great in shorts is raising an over-teen. He is so overwhelmed by her antics/lunacy that he employs his boss and "girlfriend" to sabotage her. The boss is especially inappropriate. Holy crap! They had a black elevator man that entered apartments and canoodled with the white folks in the building. He was allowed to touch them! He was funny. The old neighbor was a hoot dressing up in drag and joining forces with Margie to scam people. She was no Mrs. Trumbull. My favorites almost always involved hillbilly or Hindu disguises, etc. Romantic relationships never evolved. They acted and reacted like spouses and weren't ashamed. The lead actress worked hard and had perfect pitch but I wanted a slushie thrown in her face. I'm surprised it made it to classic but more amazed that it still stirs. 18-Jan-2025

Tags: 1950s, Accidental Watch, Chemistry, Classic, Comedy, Comfort Food, Crapfun, Cultural, Director's Touch, Enthusiastic, Eye Gouge, Fun Acting, Funny, Good Acting, History, Over the Top, Overcooked, Preposterous, Psychological, Relationships, Showy, Shrill Act, Silly, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Tough, Trashy, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tough



Squid Game (2021) Full MoonDowngrade

S2 is missing something. Impact. A feeling of exhaustion permeated and interrupted some of the proceedings. The games didn't rivet, the cast was stereotypically goofy, compassion was limited and sense started to drag. The ship shenanigans didn't have closure or purpose. I presume the save will be last minute in S3. Thinking you can overtake a heavily guarded facility is ludicrous. In life I doubt that a majority of people would choose to die. I wanted to see people go home. Why doesn't anyone hook up? A grab and a rub here and there wouldn't hurt. How do the men deal with morning wood? I'm losing empathy. 04-Jan-2025
If you can't afford happy things, you become bitter, if your are unable to provide, you become addicted and if you can't eat, you die. It's called poverty. A group of instinctual individuals are given the opportunity to have their financial struggles resolved. They have to play children's games that are only safe in rhythm but not rhyme. If you lose, you die. If you win, it's a lot. The characters are specific, writing is a brainstorm and the whole is an abundance of I've never seen anything like this before. 07-Oct-2021
S1E7. The VIPs were from Palm Springs. 05-Oct-2021
S1E4. I am petrified and addicted. 01-Oct-2021

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Best In Drama, Brutal, Chemistry, Creepy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Discomfort, Drama, Foreign, From Another Planet, Game Show, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Scary, Sci-Fi, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Tough, Twisty, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writing Reigns



Ultimatum, The (2024) ArfDowngrade

I get anxious whenever I hear Sandy's voice. She sounds like a spoiled housewife with a lozenge stuck in her throat and her reasoning for everything is ludicrous. I was disappointed that the Lacheys did not comfort Nick for having strong feelings about Sandy's infidelity. She claims that her and JR only kissed twice but cameras beg to differ. There were make-out sessions with extra cuddles under the sheets with no wet willies or stiff underwoods guaranteed and the bedbugs elicited the moans the cameramen thought they heard. Madame Web has spun her web and entrapped two gullible and dependent men in it. She is no victim. She likes them because they are not superheroes but think they are. I'm surprised the Lacheys didn't suggest JR whip out his dick for Nick (not Lachey) to suck. They humiliated that man mercilessly. Sandy brings out the toxic in me. TG it's almost over. Everything JR says is nonsense. Big men don't pretend they're on Fantasy Island on Max, don't want to get married but can't shut up about wanting it and oozes hostility when the jig is up. Is Zaina buying JR's love or paying for her exit? I still dig Caleb. He's the only one who tried to stand up to reason. His mystery deepens. He exists in his own little planet of misfit toys crashing onto earth. He acts like an over-chilled teen that mommy Mariah is afraid to disappoint because he will rebel and she'll have to have sex post relationship. When the original couples reunited it turned into a "how was school today, honey?" type scenario. After cashing in all the vouchers the producers promised them, every person was enlightened, the fairy tale is real, men never get woodies while cuddling, that bitch was not crying over her dog or JR, women are consumed by victimhood, asshole parents make asshole children who want to make more asshole children, the producers made them say that because 4 people thought the show was shit and this has been a turned-off season. 13-Dec-2024
Zaina and J.R. came to play. Neither has regard for the other or anybody else. Sandy came to annoy her lover and fuck hot shit. J.R. disrespected every man when he barred his fake wife from consoling her desperate husband after finding out their intimacy went too far. Morality clauses state that all couples must break up before embarking in new matrimony. Nick came to lose it, get free psychotherapy and nerve pills. Caleb's mellow puts me in a trance and it's why I presume Mariah is well-spoken but blank. He turns them into robots. He's sexy until he starts re-programming you. He turned Aria into a Stepford. 4 people woke up and realized the madness of The Lacheys and abruptly departed like in the island of Dr. Moreau. Exactly how many other people did the Lacheys fuck to realize they belong together? After the contestants departed the show became insecure and gave us more of what we didn't want. J. R. and Sandy's horny gas lighting. I want to fuck them both and hand them over to Pazuzu for some lady cement and calf extensions. You bet I'd watch the porn tape, but make no mistakes these aren't marrying candidates. They want to get married so they can pretend to be happy whilst performing diabolical sexual acts on others. J.R. and Sandy deserve most unfeeling humans honors. Nick should have been given an ultimatum, to cruise establishments that cater to singles and find another match or the experiment is over for the whore. "J.R., please remove your dick from my future wife's face." 08-Dec-2024

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Celebrity, Crapfun, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Drama, From Another Planet, Fun, Grating, Hilarious, Hot Swatch, Maddening, Manipulation, Mean Spirited, NSFW, Over the Top, Overcooked, Pitchy, Political, Predictable, Preposterous, Psychological, Questionable, Reality, Relationships, Repetitive, Sap, Scary, Sex, Showy, Shrill Act, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Talk, Trashy, Warbly, Weird, Wit Crack, Words Spoke, Writ Basic, Writ Thin



Penguin, The (2024) ArfUpgrade

OK, the finale gave me a little something. 11-Nov-2024
Let's employ some costumers! 10-Nov-2024
S1E7. The performers were never less than perfect. Cristin Milioti is a Talia Shire find. Rhenzy's light turned off for a minute. Theo needs to make more angry nude scenes. Daddy Penguin is fantastic but the subject is anti-comic and judgmental. The gangster bit is a familiar take on nothing. An artist should be able to distinguish Gotham City from The Bronx. Perfectionism is abundant but the point is lost. Villains need heroes to stop them, lest we all become villains. I admired much but I cared very little. It's guise threw me off.

By the way, costumes are part of reality. What's up with a lack of that? 10-Nov-2024
S1E1. Colin delivers a towering performance in a series whose only connection to the DC world is the names. It's predictable gangster angst for people with amnesia who no longer remember comics or original gangsters. 20-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Action, Comic Book, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Drama, Fun Acting, Funny, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Mystery, Questionable, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Talk, Weird, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tough, Writ w/Possibilities



Grotesquerie (2024-) WoofDowngradeWhimperEarly Exit

I refuse to start over. 11-Nov-2024
I just thought of something horrific. Is there more? 19-Oct-2024
S1E7. The finale made my eyes cross the other way. WTF? It's a great twist that could have served a better story because, here, it doesn't add up. 17-Oct-2024
The end is near because nothing is making sense. 11-Oct-2024
E4. Michelangelo created the priest's physique out of stuff we can eat. It's a shame he went beyond bonkers. Daughter is holding it steady and that's a good thing. The mystery is so blank that I don't know which imaginative door to open. Seams are showing. There is nothing wrong with working on a budget if we let imagination run amok.There are effects of lonesome kicking in which can lead to isolation. Too much of a good thing is exactly that. 04-Oct-2024
S1E3. Mother and daughter banter is true, the lead is no nonsense splendor and the priest is an orgasm. I have no idea where the series is going but I'll stick to it. Niecy has never been the same since she added irritable to her persona. She dimmed the exaggeration and punctuated the hurt which makes her a must-watch. The nun is as creepy as Bachelorette contestants. The nurse is a hoot vying for our attention. The daughter is invoking a detailed stereotype with respect. Mr. Kelce found Chris Pratt's watt and it fit like a glove. (That's what happened to it?!) The Murfs are not great at endings so I will enjoy the ride while it lasts. 03-Oct-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Director's Touch, Drama, Early Exit, Fun Acting, Good Acting, Good Dialogue, Hot Swatch, Maddening, Mystery, Psychological, Religion, Star Watt, Twisty, Vague, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful



Agatha All Along (2024) Arf

Rio stole it. Her cackle was magnifico. 01-Nov-2024
No one rocked their costumes and I had no idea what the legend was supposed to be. TG it was all about her. She always sounds dulcet and like she's singing her words. The mythology is too expansive to look up. I can only judge what I see. Billy is not living up to its promise. I keep picturing the actor with a backpack. Hello, Rio. 26-Oct-2024
The twenty minutes away from you know who was a respite. It almost started to sing except it tried a Murf on a Marvel. 18-Oct-2024
I released all my chakras for opinions and they couldn't concede that Agatha was a good actress. I thought the Wiccan was Loki's son. Did the 90's show get canceled because Rupp died early? We need to replace Kath with a Barbra. She, at least can sing. It would also light Patti up. Dark treks are unappealing, the characters are slow to unite and the constant parody is disrespectful to a story that might have soared had it been edited to make us care. It's way beyond my puberty level. 13-Oct-2024
I can't explain what I saw because all I heard were screeching tires speeding through acting school. It's so H.R. Puff n Stuff. She goes one step beyond over and is not convincing in multiple roles. My favorite Wednesday knows what to do. The legends would follow suit except they don't know what they're saying. Agatha gives good face without the elocution to match. I gave her a chance but she didn't convince me. Nothing else matters. 21-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Comedy, Comic Book, Disappointment, Fantasy, Juvenile, No Chemistry, Over the Top, Silly, Timid, Warbly, Weird, Wit Snit, Writ Thin



Bromans UK (2017-) Arf

An International Male catalog with skimpy naked men that should be licked. 31-Aug-2024

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action Fun, Camp, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Game Show, Hilarious, History, Hot Swatch, Preposterous, Pretty, Reality, Relationships, Sports, Stupid Funny, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke



Love Is Blind Mexico (2024) WhimperEarly Exit

In some cases it has to be. Neither sex display longevity skills.

She: Can he afford rent?

He: please be fuckable.

She: I lied in the pods about the quantity of children I have. Will he still babysit?

He: I hope she doesn't smell.

She: how dare you!

When my mind drifted I visualized an even faster and tackier method of hooking up. A gloryhole. The boys stick it in whatever sounds good and whichever female produces first will officially get married on live TV. The contestants are bold and calculating. I've endured 3 proposals and I'm not even done with ep. 2. Man cannot control woman unless he marries her. 11-Aug-2024

Tags: 2020s, Drama, Early Exit, Enthusiastic, Foreign, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Lifestyle, Reality, Romance, Sex, Shrill Act, Stupid Funny, Weird



Boyfriend, The (2024-) Woof

S1E6. The boys are sweet and childlike in a comic book sort of way. No one lets their guard down enough, even in private. They bear the pain instead of exfoliating it. American gay dating differs. You get dumped with dick pics. These boys are corny, manic depressive and oppressed. Dude, I would have been raped 11 times by the time anyone plotted anything. 04-Aug-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Crapfun, Creepy, Foreign, Fun Acting, Gay, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Psychological, Questionable, Reality, Romance, Sentimental, Slow, Sweet, Timid, Vague, Weird, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Basic



Boys, The (2019-) WoofUpgrade

Besides the maestro, Starlight's rejuvenation was my favorite thing. 22-Jul-2024
Homefucker took twitch to its ultimate, grew from it and became remarkable. Someone invited Smirk to the party so he can curse it? He's still smirking away and sounding like a condescending cunt. The twist befits him like a glove. Yes, I would submit to his gravelly words and old man charms. Is that all A-Train or are there other plastics involved? Nice. Mama's Milk has the right amount of daddy issues. Kimiko and Frenchie are still a power couple even though Frenchie has accent disabilities. Star watt. Starlight's abilities were stifled. The series made me realize that Karl Urban can be fun. Quaid can get away with a lot. Sage was waiting for this all her life and she's acing it. The Deep is reenacting some personal memories. Respect. There are stalling tactics that defy reason. The enemies keep bumping into each other but nobody keeps the promise to slaughter the other. One explanation should suffice. Nepo Homelander is sending Damien vibes. Anthony Starr has a grip on us. 12-Jul-2024
Twitch daddy twitch. 24-Jun-2022
The season belongs to daddy Homefucker. 24-Jun-2022
Shue clenches frustration devoutly, Starr chomps evil gleefully and the end punctuated surprisingly. 26-Aug-2019
Graduating superheroes to the next level...consequences. 17-Aug-2019

Tags: 2010s, Action, Brutal, Camp, Comic Book, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director Art, Director's Slice, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fantasy, From Another Planet, Fun, Fun Acting, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Hilarious, Kool Effects, Political, Psychological, Relationships, Sex, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Trashy, Twisty, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Bridgerton (2020-) WoofUpgradeHowl

Colin loved Penelope like a brother and took passion out of romance. She should've courted Eloise, or at least, Genevieve. A lesbian wedding a must enjoyment. Polly Parker convicted herself as a single woman having to do it all. Two daughters are spoiled and the other lives on social media clouds. Polly turned a villain into a worthy victim and the daughters were hilarious. Cressida is a character for the ages. Madsen slipped into gregarious outfits and ate evil little bitch as a protein. She was awesome. Nicola supplied the right amount of blood. I think Bailey was wasting his humps on a pillow. His wife checked out. Easy fix. She transforms into a man and returns as the beautiful black prince from the first season. The wife wont get fired. They can dedicate a season or two to exploring how she became. I will have a squish party if the boxer comes out or disrobes (not in front of the wife, of course.) It transports us to a beautiful, outlandish, artistic world. 19-Jun-2024
S3E5. The only bump I want to see is on Jonathan Bailey's bum. Colin did not eat Pen like a french pastry and she didn't knock the salt off his pretzel. Intimacy skied into sibling fuckery in frozen waters. He needed to tongue her down, squeeze and suck the shit out of that bounty and impress her and us with Bridgerton "John Holmes" dick. Excellence returned with a sense of humor. Mama and daughter Bridgerton need to swap partners. One deserves a virgin and the other is boring. Can Will Mondrich come out too? 17-Jun-2024
Interracial coupling was not natural. Mrs. Bridgerton didn't freak out and the daughter didn't scream rape because he was dainty, dark and didn't like to talk. 28-May-2024
Are we ever going to see a man work? The owner/bartender doesn't count. He only serves drinks when he's there which is rare. 28-May-2024
Season 3. The most edible one needs to stop the presses. Is it always going to be about the denial that hate is love, marriage is a must and density will guide the way? I mean't destiny. I'm disappointed. The black talent brought it up a notch. Lowering it would have added character depth. "You wowed us." "Provoke me to empathize."
Season Two was as beautiful as one of Lord Bridgerton's ass muscles. Queen Charlotte. Lady Danbury. Lady Bridgerton. Lady Portia. Eloise. Pen. Wigs. Costumes. Romance. Moooah. 30-Mar-2022
S1E8. A woman wraps up the marriage contract when she can birth a good shank to serve the round table. Men like ideals in women's heads so that our explanations make sense to them. It was brotime, sweetie! They took the cultures out of the equation. We judge them individually. Every actor willed good force. It was fun, it was camp, it was time and we're in it. The ending was delicious and I'm trading the duke in for the boxer. The duke has an "I'm so pretty" snarl. The other looks like my camper. Good job. 28-Dec-2020
S1E7. Mid-thru is an explanation of how black culture became elite. I bought it. The series needs more scandal and debauchery though. I'm replacing yes, daddy with yes, duke. 27-Dec-2020
S1E2. Not necessarily the show I want to binge on after mother telling me my black is white but it's Shonda so I'll give it a go. The shock of seeing black empowered gentleman and ladies of the pre-Victorian era makes my brain explode with fact check assumptions. I don't because I want to accept it on its own merit. Most of the cast whistles, foams and pours whilst the rest couldn't get out of their modern heads. The business at hand is to score the most pristine and delicate virgin hopefully with fine manners (a "yes girl") to fulfill a man's dream of future family and success. A woman's power is to profit from the business, band and thwart any mismatch that might bring a daughter harm and make sons proud. Shonda adds her sight of man appreciation, Shondaspeare fast talk and on your knees intrigue. I remember Nicola Coughlan because I wanted to eat her like she ate that cake. She's delicious. The picture for myself didn't get any clearer because I'm watching black people pretending to live whites lives. It makes the future modern brain wonder what the hate was all about. 26-Dec-2020

Tags: 2020s, Brutal, Chemistry, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Discomfort, Drama, Elegance, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Nostalgic, Overcooked, Psychological, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Tough, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight



Summer House (2017-) WhimperUpgradeArf

Reunion Pt. 1. Dude, Carl has Ozempic neck. Ciara confused a fuck for a marriage proposal with ten kids. Whatever Wes is hiding must be inside his underwear because the part in his hair reminds me of a barber shop quartet. Lindsay and Carl are both liars except the giant slayed his prey with one cancellation. Why wasn't Robin Hood sitting on Amanda's lap? Isn't his ass worth it? 07-Jun-2024
Paige schooled Ariana DeBose on what a mentally challenged slut is. Is Robin Hood aware that we can flip him like a pancake and concentrate on that instead? Ciara kissed the aioli and didn't throw up. Gabby's problem is that she can't hit someone. Ariana DeBose? Bravo is not like BET. Carl needs to know that he can also be flipped and motor boated from behind. 27-Apr-2024
Ariana DeBose can replace Danielle and nobody would notice. Can Ciara please stop pretending to like white people? Can Lindsay stop pretending that there isn't more to her and the balloon guy than previously suggested? Is she diddying him to other girls? Is Amanda unaware that any man would eat and massage Robin Hood's ass if he asked? Is Lindsay aware that anybody would motorboat her giant, without asking, because of his hairy thunder thighs? 15-May-2023
Is dating Lindsay making the giant's hands smaller? 12-Mar-2023

Tags: 2010s, Camp, Cliche, Fake, Fatigue, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Incomprehensible, Juvenile, Overcooked, Reality, Relationships, Shrill Act, Tacky, Weird



Ripley (2024-) Whimper

Johnny Flynn did not make me understand why anybody would envy Dickie's life enough to steal it. Dakota Fanning was misused. She never really progressed past her harsh demeanor. She needed the director to shake the professionalism out of her. She was supposed to be the heart and the meat of the story but there was little proof the character had any. I would have air horned her when she couldn't say Dickie with a straight face. Why were the details so repetitive and why did I have to look up Caravaggio to understand what the killer was all about? Because, besides talking to dead people, it's complicated. Inspector Ravini added a shot of testosterone to the murky blunders. He was a beautiful respite from Ripley's underwhelming reactions. Unfortunately, the Lucy episode betrayed him. The idea that Scott could play both characters in front of an expert investigator, whilst sporting a goatee and messy hair and not get found out was a slap in the face of the entire investigation and series. Even Ricky wasn't that stupid. Ripley never got to spaz out. Bummer. Dickie was never pictured in the papers when they thought he was missing and when he was wanted for murder. The cops didn't go door to door with a picture of Dickie asking the hotel clerks if they've seen this man. Why? Woodbine showed up again for no reason other than to fill his quota. He also kept his eyes mostly closed. Comprehension did not seem feasible at that point. 19-Apr-2024
E5. You can't ask a fish to play a canine. Instead of using it's time to add depth to other characters it kept depending on only one artist. It is not feasible that a person of his character would return to the scene of the crime and less feasible that nobody would care. Details that read well were ignorantly distributed. I read the original book, was entertained by the film and remembered it wasn't this boring. 17-Apr-2024
E3. Of course I'm still mad that they didn't supply any crayons for the coloring book but papito's italian accent made up for it. He added finality to certain words and made them linger with musicality. I crinkled half the book joyously laughing. I pinched him and hugged myself. 16-Apr-2024
E2. I'm losing patience. It doesn't matter what spectrum an actor falls into, when asked to play a boy, they better act like one. 14-Apr-2024
E1. Black and white can be a statement, the past and or a representation. Schindler's List was black and white so the violence wouldn't be glamorized and the subject exploited. I have no idea why this interpretation needs to be in black and white. It's insurmountable misery. The ambience is french/italian movies from the 60's that bored or didn't easily make sense. It shouldn't be noir. Paper Moon? The Little Rascals? It's not Hitchcock. If the black participants hadn't kept their eyes open, I wouldn't have noticed them. I recognized Woodbine's name after the credits. Who did he play exactly? Yes, the shadow at the bar. The mystery sweeps, the movement is slow but the leads keep you interested.

(Cutest swimsuit ever!) 13-Apr-2024

Tags: 2020s, Crapfun, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Disappointment, Drama, Funny, Gay Swatch, Lifestyle, Magnetism, Predictable, Preposterous, Relationships, Repetitive, Silly, Slow, Star Watt, Tedium, Weird, Wit Crack, Wit Snit



Golden Bachelor, The (2023) Woof

Fuckboy! 01-Dec-2023
Daddy couldn't help himself from trying the new luggage he won on Let's Make A Deal. He showed Leslie how wires helped him move around the house and bestowed on Theresa, only sexual regard. 20-Nov-2023
Daddy gold was forced to walk and run, though I believe the run was CGI'd. Gerry was very vague when discussing how he felt about Theresa to her grandchildren and daughter. When he eye fucked Theresa's daughter she reacted like she liked it. I'm sure she wasn't listening to anything he was saying because he was saying that he wasn't in love with her mother. Either he let the cat out of the bag or he's a better actor than I thought. I ponder why Gerry is called Gary when it should be Jerry. 03-Nov-2023
Palmer didn't eyefuck anybody because he wasn't alone with them. Oh well, there's still paradise. Is the show on realtime? Do they walkie talkie what the public thinks to the producers? They made daddy walk. He only walked a few steps but every time he asked to walk a girl out he was holding on to them for dear life. When he opened the car door for a dumped, the producers rigged his suit jacket to hold him up. Good wire work. If talking about your ex on a first date is rude, why does it get a pass in old age? We found out that daddy is not made of gold, he bruises whenever a woman he doesn't care for touches him. Maybe, she's made of fire. 27-Oct-2023
What pickle ball means: Age deteriorates the quality of the vegetable, but rarely causes them to actually become unsafe for consumption IMO. Pickling is used to preserve foods and in the environment of brine, they last pretty well forever. That said, the texture and flavorings are going to get funky after a couple of years. 20-Oct-2023
Whilst the ladies were slapping old man's balls our daddy gold was sitting. When he appeared on an ATV he sat throughout. He made out with any lips that came towards him, sitting down. The rose ceremony took much longer because daddy had to sit after every rose. He pretended to be a gentleman but we know the handicapped woman helped him walk out. That lady whose daughter was getting married as she was clapping balls didn't give two shits. Mother is not a title but an action. I'm sure the son-in-law was relieved she wasn't there to fuck up his wedding. Becoming ill was karma. Not telling women playing I've Never... that she was milk intolerant was like going to an orgy and having sex with everybody whilst knowing you have crabs. Captain Sandy with a wig has munched on ladies before but is a bottom, now. A judge Judy superfan told another contestant to ziploc her joy. 20-Oct-2023
I tuned in because I wanted to survey the old hunk. There is no way a 72 year old can look that good. He's handsome, a people pleaser, tastes like Spanish Fly and wants to fuck. He proved his age when it took him about twenty minutes to put on his shoes. Good editing. Wink, wink. There were no Goldiggers amongst the 20 but I noticed a few madams and ex whores. Including younglings would have created the tension women of that age experience. Most of the elder women were loopy, defining an era that's no longer safe. I like Ellen. I don't know why but I do. One of the women looked like Captain Sandy in a black wig, the Maude impressionist was kicked out, Jesse eye-fucked the bachelor and I felt grandpa's burden. Every time he votes out an eccentric aunt, America will judge him. "The man is dumping grannies!" 30-Sep-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cliche, Crapfun, Creepy, Drama, Enthusiastic, Mat, Over the Top, Reality, Relationships, Romance, Star Watt, Timid, Trashy, Warbly, Weird, Writ Funny



Muted (2023-) WhimperEarly Exit

As soon as I confused the boyfriend with the main character, I booked. Dude, I thought his marks were fake. Wow, he looked better in the past. Boo, I just insulted a person. They were both lovelies. I was watching on a different wavelength. I didn't want to have to rethink my imaginary flashbacks. The lady in charge of investigation hinted that it was schlock anyway. 31-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cliche, Crime Drama, Drama, Early Exit, Gay, LGBTQ, Mystery, Pretty, Sexy, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Trashy, Warbly, Weird



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