Movies Posts Tagged as 'Cute'
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Merry Men, The (2024)

There's more than stupidity going on here. The cast is amiable and hardworking. Britt is a misdiagnosed charmer. Prattes legs were mesmerizing, it's fun to see old witches again, Maxwell Caulfield's moment was a go daddy thing, Chad Michael Murray had the body, the robotics, enthusiasm and Farrah's hair. They derailed the "hate at first love" train and depicted how people really get together. I didn't stay for the pancakes but I waited for the bacon. Merry whatever the fucks! 25-Nov-2024
Inside Out 2 (2024)

I let go of logistics and enjoyed it. 01-Oct-2024
Firstborn (1984)

Michael Apted takes a serious and realistic approach to the venomous step-parents that single parents bring home because they're lonely. Terri Garr adds manic depression to a woman whose future options are crumbling. She latches on to leeches that pay her false attention. The brothers do a great job of conveying how invasive "new dad" feels at different stages of a boy's life. Real dad is fucking twinksies and getting them pregnant so he can replace them. Peter Weller's lips were artistically meant for masks and unmentionable things. Unmasked he's hair, eyes, hips and wickedly intimidating. He dispenses sexual tension and satisfaction whenever he punishes the boys. Scary uncle syndrome. Baby Corey was the younger brother whose life as a victim made him stronger than he thought. Baby Jessica Parker aced acting classes but failed the fashion academy. I don't know if Baby Downey Jr.'s character was supposed to be gay. If they intimated it I missed it. Boy acted like he was trolling for dick. 06-Apr-2024
Elemental (2023)

Sweetness and beauty interrupted by elemental disbelief. Ember only sets fire to certain things. The fire family moved to a town that operated like a water park. What happens when it rains? Fire affects rain and humidity. One of the fire people should have died in the flood. What are their clothes made of? Ember was lead on a floaty at Ripple's family water house and it didn't melt, pop or make her drown. It's a very nice movie that chose not to teach children a studied lesson. 03-Feb-2024
The More The Merrier (1943)

During WW2 there was a shortage of living space in America. Washington was doing its part by opening rooms for rent. The demand became high and cutthroat. There were more no vacanciy signs than opportunities. A man had to do what he had to do. An old man cons himself a room that belongs to an independent female. He had snowman personality, writer's wit and desperate charm. He was harmless and she was uptight, lonely and sold. Jean Arthur was a working gal and a component of liberation. Men were fighting and women were in charge and in demand. There were 8 girls for one boy. Charles Coburn has seen life and thinks that he can relax his roomie's anal retentiveness by giving her life adventure. The roommates had rifts and instances of sentimentality but things escalated once the old man rented his half of the room to a young serviceman without consent. Joel McCrea had little patience, was a straight shooter, doomed and a tall milkshake. He's seen worst than the old man and he just wants escape. Tensions roll out, a family is born and rules are broken. Silly and comforting. A Lucy Ricardo life without Ricky. Cute from top to bottom. 19-Dec-2023
Adam Project, The (2022)

Super daddy, a chunk (of meat) and his mini spar through time travel to end time travel. Sci-fi is comic book, action is diverting, writing is pensive but the three leads hold it together. The boy mimicked an asshole just like Ryan Reynolds would. Mark Ruffalo is a war torn daddy born to parent an asshole. The wattage, the funny, the adorable and the sweet were all there. 13-Mar-2022
Cinderella (2021) 

A talented cast is assembled to remake a classic remade too many times with bigger bluster. A downfall of blockbusters but not of little films. They can sneak in some truth without being punished. It's a parody that attempts to bring circumstances, thoughts and decisions to the shenanigans. Idina has grade A moments in song and in soul sharing. Billy brought his showmanship. The prince passed the "inferno" test with a flip and a voice. We waited for Minnie Driver to awake and when it happens, it is fitting. 007 hits his marks like a gunslinger. Cabello looks like a waitress from different eras in all of her guises but she can sing, act, charm and have fun. I had fun. It belongs to a future cult. 13-Feb-2022
Red Notice (2021)

Red Notice fulfills "land of magic" type escapism. The writers created an intriguing caper and an enigmatic cast to play act it. Gal Gadot can act. Well. Daddy King Rock delighted in being the brunt of a joke, constantly, in fabulous fashion. Dickwad Reynolds steals it by being a cantankerous benevolent criminal who is also Deadpool. The director took advantage of its DCU historical significance and developed some solid characters. Heart tug. 11-Jan-2022
Scoob (2020)

Scoob wasted little time visiting memory lane. Shaggy almost lost me when he ate the meat that Scooby dragged across the city's streets. Shaggy's voice doesn't crack enough. Scooby's diction has cleared up and he's become an Avenger. The visits from neighboring toons are a nice touch but are not properly integrated into the Scooby mythology. It's origins taught kids how to unmask the monsters in their lives and fight back. The movie missed that point. They sure were cute, though. 28-Nov-2021
Lady Takes A Sailor, The (1949)

Promising businesswoman gets hit by a submarine while sailing. A sunshine spitting mariner reluctantly rescues her. She becomes privy to a super submarine but its captain remains a mystery. Once ashore she galvanizes the press and her business support with the story of her rescue. They think she is lying so they cancel her. Business funding is out, the camera footage proving her truth has been stolen and she's losing followers. Meanwhile, daddy spit sunshine's career is being threatened if the public believes her. It's oneupmanship of a tingly kind, romance of another with two star legends willing to do anything for a laugh and adoration. Eve Arden never hurts. Screwball comedy masters. 06-Sep-2021
Luca (2021)

A resplendent world where a sea monster gets out of his comfort zone, becomes a boy, makes connections and finds a purpose. The tale is beautifully animated, smoothly told and a sweetheart to watch. 09-Aug-2021
Dumbo (2019)

Everything elephant was precious but the presentation is preoccupied with telling the audience how to feel instead of writing it. If you can't find the words or interactions, add more magic. The pink elephants were successfully woven in. It was happy. 18-Jan-2021
Bad Hair (2020)

Girl gives in to the establishment of success and gets a weave. The essence of the owner lives in the hair and it has a thirst for blood. The film is campily set and perfectly cast, utilizing every 80s fashion tragedy to funny effect. Vanessa Williams arrives to chew scenery and she eats divinely. Elle Lorraine is the joke, the punchline and the effect. The knitting of the weave was excruciating and the hair sucking the blood flow from a dripping vagina was handy. 31-Oct-2020
Dora And The Lost City Of Gold (2019)

Latin spunk, sense of adventure, poop songs, fart swamps, cousin flirtations, CGI friends and city ineptitude. It's Dora The Explorer. The parents (Pena/Longoria) are cute but their exploration days seem limited to couch surfing for leftover Tostitos to finish off their guacamole dip. Nancy Pelosi makes the most of her cameo by surprising as a jungle witch. (I kid.) It qualifies as a most craptacular stupid thing that makes a sad heart laugh. 25-Oct-2020
Trolls World Tour (2020)

Stomach ache candy and toxic individuality. It's B.C. and origin celebration that children can't apply to this generation. We descend from pods and no longer recognize individuality. You can try but the color will be swiped out of your candy. Its message is barbaric but its delight and bewitchery force us to "suck it." 13-Sep-2020