Movies Posts Tagged as 'Great Voice Acting'
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Inside Out 2 (2024)

I let go of logistics and enjoyed it. 01-Oct-2024
Kingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes (2024)

Some of the mythological addendums are making me question my perception of its meaning. The path for everyone is bleak and backwards. What happened to the apes that weren't kept in cages and ran free, sometimes with humans? They must have another view. Wouldn't other countries have different ways of dealing with superior apes because of how many tribes worship them? The apes haven't accomplished much. Most still stutter, they haven't learned anything about spices or cooking and they spend all their free time collecting birds. The humans are kept in the shadows, with little speak and subservient representation. It's one-sided, it thinks it's fair but give us minimum time to explain. It would have been epic to parallel human hope against animal survival. We have to apologize for being god's descendant. In the real world we would have blasted every single one of them and sold their meat on sale at Wally World. When Lady Echo said she was searching for a book that would teach all humans to talk I thought she was talking about the bible. That would have been most likely. Humans didn't save any worthy technology, like I-Phones? This movie says we suck. The movie brought cinema magic and bewilderment, technological elegance, story of interest and the golden touch of a director. My feelings differ from my enjoyment. 12-Aug-2024
Toy Story 4 (2019)

The toys still wonder, crack smiles and grant blessings of a childhood institution from a very long time ago. The adventures became more human, the suffering became internalized, everybody grew up and moved on. Bittersweet. 12-Jun-2020
Song of the Sea (2014)

A planet's worth of beauty, a sprinkle of stars with heartbreak, comets of sweetness and a universe of joy. 10-Nov-2017
Batman: The Killing Joke (2016)
It's a really nice feeling to hear the original voice actors from the animated series reprising their iconic roles. There is much to celebrate in allowing Batgirl her Oracle backstory. The animation goes where none of the live films have dared but they also go to places we don't want these characters to take us. Admirable but fucked up. The ending is pretty shocking because instead of exacting revenge, Batman leaves us with a joke. The drama gives us much to think about. 25-Dec-2016
Jungle Book, The (2016)
It's as if Favreau had resurrected a film story from the embers of decaying copies of The Jungle Book. Everything enchanting you might expect gets emancipated onscreen. Neel Seethi adds luster because he's a real boy being asked to perform an overwhelming and desolate task. Pet peeves are minor. In an otherwise well voiced film I think it would have soared had Kaa been interpreted by a singing diva who would have added more seduction and dread as well a much needed showstopper. But Favreau and crew keep the childhood memories intact whilst lifting us up of our feet for a while. Job well done. 25-Oct-2016
Lion King, The (1994)
Disney Royalty. 29-Oct-2015