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'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women

Filed under: Gay+



One Killed After Driver Crashes Into Pride Parade In South Florida 


A driver slammed into spectators Saturday evening at the start of a Pride parade in South Florida, killing one person and seriously injuring another, authorities said

The pickup truck driver acted like he was part of the Wilton Manors Stonewall Pride Parade but then suddenly accelerated when he was told he was next, crashing into the victims, Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis said, according to WSVN-TV. Wilton Manors is just north of Fort Lauderdale.

One Killed After Driver Crashes Into Pride Parade In South Florida

Driver Slams Into Cyclists During Arizona Race, Critically Injuring Several

Bisexual student battered in ‘unprovoked and completely random’ homophobic street attack

Dem mayor claims truck incident is 'terrorist attack' against LGBT people. Then the truth comes out.

Gay couple hospitalised after ‘terrible attack’

Man posing as officer attacked gay men in a park

Gang member gets 10 years in prison for anti-gay attack

Overdoses of two gay men found to be homicides

Teen gets probation in attack on gay man at 14th & U McDonald’s

Three Arrested in Palm Springs Hate Crime Assault on Transgender Woman

Tags: Attack, Celebration, Crime, Death, Gay, Injury, Investigation, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Murder, Pride, Theft, Trans, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



Young Latin Americans see violence against women as normal 


Two in every five teenage boys in eight countries in Latin America and the Caribbean believe a drunk woman is to be blamed for getting raped, even if she is unconscious, according to a survey released on Wednesday.

The survey by aid agency Oxfam, interviewed 4,731 men and women aged 15 to 25 in Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, and showed violence against women is seen as normal.

...violence against women as normal

Suspect arrested after woman was set on fire and burned to death

Mother was caught escaping to Canada after 'trying to strangle daughter

Chilling words killer told a young mom before shooting her and her baby

Stomach-churning words of illegal migrant

Nine-year-old girl goes missing after man followed her into store

Recidivist sicko busted in sex assault spree

Why 'illegal' migrant arrested for appalling child sex crime won't be deported

Concert of Brazilian pop star marred by chaos as fans report being 'raped, drugged and mugged'

Tags: Children, Crime, Cultural, Inhumanity, Men In Charge, Murder, Parental Crime, Rape, Religion, Safety, Self Interest, Self-hatred, Sex, Supremacy, Trans, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women, World

Filed under: Gay+



Palm Springs police receive multiple reports of public sex along trail area 


"Community members got a hold of us and said they really had a problem with trying to take a walk in one of our nature preserves as well as some private property because people were having sex in public," said PSPD Chief Andy Mills.

...multiple reports of public sex

Police are confused

Gay “clowns” photographed having sex on top of a moving train

Gay Bar Owner Removes Security Team After Video Surfaces

Four San Diego Gay Bars Targeted In Pellet Gun Attack

Windows at several Palm Springs businesses shattered

Man Acquitted of Attacking Gay Men in D.C. Park

Michigan man admits planning mass shooting of gay people

White Party Palm Springs canceled for 2025 and future

Tags: Attack, Cancellation, Chemicals, Club/Bar, Complaint, Crime, Cruelty, Cruising, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Exhibit, Gay, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Nature, Neighbor, No Punishment, NSFW, Parties, Sex, Termination, Travel, Vandalism, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



California to replace 'alien'  


“This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative,” he added. “By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

California to replace 'alien'

How does Demi Lovato know that aliens are offended by the term 'ALIENS'?

Crime Rate for Illegal Aliens Vastly Understated

Suspected crime tourism ring targeting Southern California neighborhoods

New York Is Wasting Taxpayer Money on Migrants and a Reparations Commission

Enraged Chilean beats bystander to death with fire extinguisher

Tags: $, Americans, Celebrity, Change, Community, Competition, Consequences, Crime, Cultural, Disruption, Environment, Etiquette, Identity, Murder, Name, Policy, Politics, Reckless, Self Interest, Society, Takeover, Treatment, Violence, Word Deletion, Words

Filed under: Gay+



My sister uses hippy-dippy ‘gentle parenting’  


“During the first two days of their stay, her daughter drew on my walls with crayon,” said the disgruntled woman. “And her son pulled up flowers I had recently planted in my garden bed and threw a rock at my car parked in the driveway.”

“To top it all off,” she continued, “they both kept constantly pulling my golden retriever’s hair and hitting my dog in the face.”

My sister uses hippy-dippy ‘gentle parenting’

Toddler Calls Their House...

Parent proudly calls herself a ‘Venmo mom’

World-famous Navy SEAL turned fitness expert shares shocking video who slapped boy with autism for damaging Mercedes-Benz emblem possibly avoiding jail time

Mom fails to feed 4-year-old daughter solid foods for 6 months

Nine-year-old's tattoo sparks controversy online

Tags: Animals, Arrest, Backlash, Children, Choices, Crime, Damage, Education, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Exercise, Family, Female Toxicity, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Mom, Neglect, Opinion, Overreaction, Parental Burden, Parental Laziness, Politics, Punishment, Survival Skills, Takeover, Training, Unruly Child, Video, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Woman who allegedly ripped hijab off student's head charged with hate crimes 


A woman who allegedly snatched a hijab from the head of a Saudi Arabian college student and tried to choke her with it has been charged with hate crimes, authorities in Portland, Oregon, said.

Woman who allegedly ripped hijab...

Islamic authorities in Russia's Dagestan ban full-face veil after attacks

Fans fume at ejected NFL star Azeez Al-Shaair

Fraudster unveils plan to turn Minnesota lakeside into enormous Muslim town

Tags: Abuse, All Rights, Ban, Celebrity, Complaint, Crime, Cultural, Exclusivity, Fashion, Hostility, Misconduct, Oops, Politics, Religion, Re-population, Safety, Self Interest, Sports, Terror, Threat, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+





A Florida man claims to have been woken up on Christmas Eve by a home intruder sucking on his toes, according to a police report.

The unnamed 20-year-old man in Bradenton, Florida told police that he was soundly asleep when the sensation of a man sucking his toes snapped him out of his slumber, according to documents obtained by The Smoking Gun. Police responding to reports of a burglary were the first to be told details of the bizarre incident.


Man threw mangos at neighbor because he ‘thought he was gay,’

Ambushers are baiting and beating gay men across France

Chicago man pleads guilty to extorting gay men online

Furious groom discovers his new bride is a man

Houston park ranger accused of targeting gay men at parks

Police arrest man wanted in several sexual assaults

Gay couple on dating app expects new Miami lover...

D.C. jury convicts man for hate crime assault against gay couple

Tags: Arrest, Attack, Blackmail, CockTease, Court, Crime, Drag, Environment, Fraud, Invasion, LGBTQ, Marriage, Neighbor, Rape, Stalk, Theft, Threat, Unique, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



19-Year-Old Male Claims He Was Gang-Raped By Group Of Men In Central Park 


The victim, a 19-year-old male, told authorities he was walking in Central Park around 1 a.m. in the morning Wednesday when he saw a group of five men sitting on a bench, according to the New York Post.

The men proceeded to get up and pursue the 19-year-old, the New York Post reported.

19-Year-Old Male Claims He Was Gang-Raped By Group Of Men In Central Park

At least 22 people shot, 2 fatally, after assailants get out of an SUV and fire assault rifles at a club, police say

Family members want answers following deadly mass shooting in Northwest Miami-Dade

Britain's most notorious serial rapist 'attacked in prison in planned hit'

Tags: Crime, Gay, Guns, Investigation, Prison, Rape, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Violence, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Rockville student receives indictment for alleged manifesto with school shooting plan 


Formal indictments were filed against a Rockville, Maryland student accused in April of writing a manifesto that detailed a potential school shooting as the teen is expected to make another court appearance in late June.

Rockville student receives indictment

Natalie ‘Samantha’ Rupnow had disturbing fascination with other school shooters

Tags: Court, Crime, Education, Guns, LGBTQ, Murder, Rampage, Threat, Trans

Filed under: Gay+



The rise of the gay killer: Why pop culture is suddenly thirsty for queer blood 


As the world becomes more and more of a nightmare, with an impending climate catastrophe and negative news arriving via push notification every other hour, people have turned to an unorthodox escape method: true-crime stories.

But in a noticeable shift from normal proceedings, true crime shows are now reintroducing us to a particularly deadly protagonist: the gay serial killer. Ryan Murphy’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace followed gay serial killer Andrew Cunanan as he pursued fame, love and money, killing anyone who crossed his path. Netflix docu-series Don’t F**k With Cats gave viewers an insight into the twisted mind of Canadian murderer Luka Magnotta. Later this year, The Barking Murders, a three-part drama starring Sheridan Smith and Stephen Merchant, will explore the crimes of the so-called "Grindr killer" Stephen Port, who murdered at least four men.

Tentative queer readings of murderous protagonists in films from decades gone by, such as We Need to Talk About Kevin, Kill Bill and several Bond villains who have flirted with homoeroticism (the most brazen example being Javier Bardem in Skyfall), have opened the door to the killers of today who are explicitly and unavoidably gay. The renewed interest in gay killers can be seen as a continuation of pop culture’s preoccupation with “gay death” – it’s just now we’re doing the killing as well as being killed.

“Gay people secretly wish for their own destruction. Whereas straight people secretly envy the unhinged libidinal urge of queer life.”

The rise of the gay killer

‘No evidence to suggest’ TikTok star accused of murdering therapist was victim’s patient

Heir to $292M pie fortune made chilling online search before alleged ‘frenzied’ stabbing of roommate

California man, 27, stabbed gay teen to death to hide sexual encounter

Colorado victims sue over attack at LGBTQ+ nightclub that killed five

Man shot inside Pittsburgh club, suspect taken into custody

Campus cameras showed a student leaving...

Boyfriend convicted of gruesome murder of LGBTQ+ rights activist

Judge declares mistrial after jury deadlocks over killing of gay student

Tags: Club/Bar, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Gay, Guns, Injury, LGBTQ, Murder, Relationships, Representation, Safety, Threat, Violence, Voyeur, Warning, World

Filed under: Gay+



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video

Filed under: Gay+



Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom 


A federal judge issued a preliminary injunction Friday ordering a central Indiana middle school to allow a transgender student to have access to the boys restroom.

Judge Orders Middle School To Let Trans Use Boys Restroom

Trans kids barred from using the right bathroom at school

Lia Thomas banned

Female students were told to strip naked for trans rapist

Trans prisoner who stalked 13-year-old girl 'to be moved from men's to women's jail'

Should trans prisoners be sent to women’s or men’s prisons?

Transgender women barred from many UK events

Puberty blocker ban for children with gender dysphoria to be made indefinite

Tags: Ban, Boundaries, Change, Children, Choices, Crime, Enforcement, Environment, Medical, Mental Health, Minors, NSFW, Parental Burden, Parental Worry, Policy, Priorities, Prison, Safety, Sex, Sports, Students, Trans, World, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Drunk mom abandoned severely injured 9-year-old son in crash 


The 9-year-old son of Monica Tutt, 39, received a gash so deep his skull was visible, and he also had air in his brain, bleeding in his brain, and a fractured skull, officers said.

Drunk mom

Woman pissed about being jumped in line chokes 12-year-old girl trying to play peacekeeper

'Delusional' mayor Tiffany Henyard dubbed the 'worst in America'

Dad ties noose around neck of son’s friend when teen shares that he’s gay

Convicted killer clown released from prison

‘This isn’t the Jerry Springer Show’

FEMA woman who 'told workers to avoid Florida homes with Trump signs' is fired

Progressive duo in crime-ridden Oakland are fired following decisive elections

Black CEO Who Was Once Featured in Forbes Could Be Headed to Prison

DEI trainer recorded bullying beloved gay principal who then committed suicide

Tags: $, Accident, Activism, Alcohol, Backlash, Children, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Etiquette, Friendship, Gay, Greed, Harassment, Injury, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Mother, Neglect, Offensive, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Priorities, Rage, Self Interest, Suicide, Termination, Theft, Threat, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Father turns in 10-year-old son after he allegedly threatened to 'shoot up' Florida school 


A 10-year-old Florida boy’s father turned him in after he made a threat to "shoot up" a high school on Snapchat, authorities announced Friday.

The threat was made in Wakulla County, about 25 miles south of Tallahassee. While a student reported the threat, the boy's father turned him in on Thursday, according to the Wakulla County Sheriff's Office.

Father turns in 10-year-old son

Ex-'Survivor' Contestant Taped Kids' Mouths Shut

Teens caught ransacking and raiding string of 7-Elevens on camera are turned in by THEIR parents

School Board Says It Is Installing Windows In Gender-Inclusive Bathrooms

More and more schoolkids being sent home for sexually assaulting classmates

Teen may be tried as adult for stabbing 13-year-old cheerleader to death

Tags: Accusation, Celebrity, Child Abuse, Children, Crime, Destruction, Education, Idiocy, LGBTQ, Minors, Misconduct, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Parenting, Punishment, Reality, Religion, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Shooting, Theft, Threat, Training, Trans, TV, Unruly Child, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



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