TV Posts Tagged as 'Entertainment'
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Floor, The (2024-)

Daddy's back ensuring that self tanner can cure the crypt. The season is blurry with memories of Karens sabotaging Florences. 12-Oct-2024
In what world would we consider the in-laws smart? None because Neverland would outsmart them. Rob Lowe transmits cryptic vibes. If you don't know who Elizabeth Taylor and Mariah Carey are, your parents may have raised you stupid. (The contestant was 70 and maybe gay.) 06-Feb-2024
Danny Thomas Show, The (1953-1965)

There seems to be silence on the legacy of this classic sitcom. It started as Make Room For Daddy and mushroomed into The Danny Thomas Show. I saw all of the latter and only a handful of the other. The actress playing his wife, in the first half, had disdain for the man and it showed. Her composure did not scream nurturing, romantic or in love. Wrong place for the wrong actress. Danny played a version of himself. He was a singer/comedian who worked nightclubs. Jabbing at Danny's Lebanese culture was open, respectful and knowledgable. Lucy & Desi were his parents (friends) and Dick Van Dyke was his cousin (spin-off.) The show was blessed with energetic ideas, comic genius and non-stop showmanship. Danny must have learned how Lucy did it because he found his cute and sarcastic wit. Second wife was glamorous, vindictive, funny and hot. Marjorie Lord went shopping with Lucy Ricardo, cooked in fashion, got him in the mood and plotted her revenge in a very elegant and comical manner. The son is a scene stealer. Even when he made a mistake he diverted it with more funny. His adorability peaked in his tweens and crashed in his teens but he had a memorable run. Funny as fuck. The daughter was a prime teen that left before her character became unbearable. She had her moments. Louise was the household maid that was played by two elder pros. She got to hug white children, gossip with the wife, celebrate as a family member and sass the boss. A proud black woman. She isn't in all the episodes but the character remained til the end. The guest stars were numerous. The writers succeeded in incorporating them into strong storylines. The topics were basic, like feminism, how men can't do anything right, a woman can do anything men can do, a gift abolishes snarls and make-up sex is her way of accepting an apology. Penny from Lost In Space enters as a cute sister moppet that was supposed to bring adorability and sunshine. She was a work in progress. She laughs during line readings and when Mr. Thomas is doing his thing. She's cute and annoying. He was a great teacher, though. He hands a season to his working buddy and his domineering wife, played by the original Ursula from the Little Mermaid. It was an odd experiment giving supporting players full reign. They had to fill really big shoes and were no longer the sitcom air freshener. Ursula flopped around like she was getting paid to play charades on land. She was a bit too much. Danny was a ham. He sang in almost every episode. He shoved it down our throats but was so adamant and easy going that we learned to accept it and stopped praying that he didn't sing in the next episode. They had minorities galore and a successful run from the 50s through the 60s. Well-written, comical, consistent and timeless. One of a kind. Why don't we ever celebrate it? 06-Jun-2023
Law Of The Jungle, The (2023)

There's a tattoo daddy whose tattoos were written with lousy penmanship. There's a perfect Jesus. All Muscle Beauty and No Brawn is a cuddle bunny. My favorite was the gay guy who reminded me of Styles from Teen Wolf. What a good boy he was. 20-Mar-2023
The challenges were poor and juvenile. The team members were melodramatic and aggressively weak. There is a large pot of money to compete for but the show sabotages it by allowing certain teammates to steal from it. The competitors play to whatever devil grants them some money. They have hard luck stories to back up why they might play only for themselves. It's rough out there for a cowboy and his horse. It's a tacky version of Outlast with sexy guys and heart. 20-Mar-2023
Outlast (2022-)

It's Dr. Kevorkian Island for survivalists. 16-Mar-2023
I have to applaud Netflix for providing a reality show that delayed my sleeping pill by an hour and a half because I was pissed and self punishing. Every Jesus that stepped up to compete with the psychotic nation, were cancelled. It's not like real life but it is. People that cheat (at awards, merit, talent, money, sex, love, representation and telling the truth) with expectations of fair-play, doom us. Their stories are only fake to people that avoid it, it's life to everybody else. 16-Mar-2023
S1E5. The challenges are brutal, there are no individuals to root for, some of the women in charge are vindictive shit stirrers and I can't stop watching. What is the point of having women on our team if they're going to be heartless? Where's the balance? Takeover is not equality. It's that thing that happened at the White House with the white people. 15-Mar-2023
Summer House Reunion (2022)

Congratulations Kyle, you married a lizard. Daddy emcee was only drunk enough to drop an intern's child on their face. Kyle was done up pretty but he didn't move much for fear of smudging it. A girl outed Carl's ginormous penis. Girls, 7 inches is the size gay babies train on. There are bigger things out there. Andrea found a dummy to trade his dick in for a green card. Ciara doesn't need to apologize for violent acts because she is black and a white person enslaved her great, great, great, great grandparents in a galaxy far far away, a long long fucking time ago. Danielle became a racist after an enraged black woman attacked her. Alex thought his dick grew an inch when he insulted a man for his lack of look. Ha! 10-May-2022
Ultimatum, The (2022) 

Reunion. How did Nick Lachey get so pink? He looks like fried pork. I love fried pork. Sweet and sour and a dash of soy sauce. Yum. Vanessa disguises her witchcraft well. I'm almost beguiled. I get it. He's almost to the point where he doesn't remember Marvel movies. Take all his money and drop out of the hemisphere. Pregnancies are the pathway to a cheating man's heart. "He aint fucking no raptor in lingerie. No Way!" Why do bisexuals keep sneaking around? It's 2022. Are they perverts? Someone came out as a lesbian and I guessed it because the curls in her hair stopped bouncing. I knew there was something askew. Beautiful giants need to stop raging on women that record them doing what giants were born to do. It's not a giant's fault that women aren't with it. Lesbians need to stop pretending they like small cocks on giant men. Braids on a man never looked more Groot. Pretty other thing got criticized on national TV for not keeping his mate from going full lesbian. Dude, that's rough. He's so pretty. Love is the easiest thing to replace, just close your eyes...and wish it bigger. Gigolos will appear with free tickets to nowhere. 16-Apr-2022
S1E1. The quickest way to get your partner to acquiesce to children and marriage is to dump them. Works every time. They don't need to go on a stupid reality show. Isn't that what the Lacheys stated at the beginning of the show? 11-Apr-2022
Grammy Awards (2022)

Tevor Noah is no longer a comedian. He patched his tongue and made fun of Brady Bunch things. If a singer arrives in a rolls royce to deliver an "I don't care" message to an ex, she's a stalker. Gaga suffered from unflattering songs. The boys established an afro contest. Yum. Nobody ever burned my hair like that! Tevor Noah comes in second because he moans in accent. Bruno Mars wins the afro daddy contest. I'll massage his roots until he climaxes or I pull them all out. The rock n roll lesbian with Sharon Stone looks was awesome. Jon Batiste wins third. Yeah, I want to see if I can reach his afro before he cums. We must stop promoting people to be themselves because that might include "I want to slap you!" 03-Apr-2022