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Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law 


David Peace has motor neurone disease, a terminal illness which gradually affects the brain and nerves.

David, who lives in central London, is one of a number of people behind renewed calls to update England and Wales assisted dying laws to allow terminally ill people, with six months to live, the right to end their life, subject to strict criteria.
A second reading of the assisted dying bill is due to take place in the House of Lords this autumn.

Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law

Jaime Osorio Márquez, dies by assisted suicide at 46

Inside the first Sarco pod suicide

Kenya court rules that criminalising attempted suicide is unconstitutional

Tags: Celebrity, Choices, Disease, Health, Laws, Life, Medical, Mental Health, Respect, Seniors, Suicide, Support, Tired, World



11 brutally honest reasons millenials don't want kids 


When it comes to embarking on the journey of parenthood, lots of millennials are saying, "Meh. No, thanks."

According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among 20-something women declined 15% between 2007 and 2012. Additional research from the Pew Research Center reflects a longer-term trend of women eschewing parenthood as the number of U.S. women who choose to forego motherhood altogether has doubled since 1970.

This trend is fascinating, in part because there's long been a taboo associated with people (particularly, women) choosing to opt out of parenthood. Women who choose not to have kids have been referred to as "shallow" and "self-absorbed," and even the pope has said the decision not to procreate is fundamentally "selfish."

In an effort to find out why so many young people are really deciding against parenthood, we solicited dozens of responses from our audience via Tumblr and Google Forms. The responses we received from people of all sexes and identities reveal that there are myriad reasons why people are opting out of parenthood — and all of them are equally valid.

11 brutally honest reasons...

'Kids were crying'

Autistic traits, behavioral problems in 7-year-olds linked with gender nonconforming play

‘Absolutely dumb’ argument over ‘parenting skills’ leaves one dead

Mom Accused Of Taping Her Mother To Chair For 24 Hours

Coach accused of offering $5,000 to buy children from parents

Italy makes it illegal to seek surrogacy abroad

Dad angry after losing video game fatally punched newborn

Mom Let Dad Kill Their Baby Over Fear of Abuse

7-year-old boy died on Christmas weighing only 7 pounds

Tags: $, Activism, Children, Choices, Death, Dedication, Elder Abuse, Environment, Family, Guns, Health, Identity Loss, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Murder, Nature, Opinion, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Policy, Representation, Responsibility, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Support, Survival, Trending, Video, Women In Charge, World



My Wife Is Mad I Found Our Child’s Donor Siblings 


My wife and I, both women, have one child, who is now 5. We used a sperm donor from a federally licensed bank, to ensure our legal parental rights. I conceived and carried the baby, and both our names are on the birth certificate. Here’s the thing: A couple of months ago, I brought up with my wife the prospect of finding our kid’s donor siblings. She told me she wasn’t crazy about the idea but that I should go ahead and do what I want (obviously, this was said without enthusiasm). I brought it up to her several times after that, and her response was the same fatalistic, “Do what you want, obviously my wishes don’t matter here.” I took my spouse at her word, and started looking. In a secure, vetted fashion (through the sperm bank itself), I was able to find a group of other families who used the same donor. And there are a bunch of kids—over a dozen!

I am overjoyed. I’m excited about the prospect of meeting these families, of our children having close relationships with their half-siblings as they grow up. Seeing pictures, hearing family stories, and learning about medical histories are all great outcomes of this. And as a lesbian, I am excited to connect with a lot of other families, many of them LGBTQ, and have a sense of community with them. My wife is threatened by all of this. She says it feels like I am saying, “Here’s our kid’s real family.” I feel that her stance is emotionally immature and centers herself, not our child’s needs. My wife was really upset over my findings. She has asked me to not tell our child (yet?), and told me she felt hurt because deciding to contact donor siblings was something she wanted us to do together. Which is clearly not true!

My Wife Is Mad

Former Same-Sex Couple Sues State of Nebraska for Full Parenting Rights of Each Other's Children

'She was my soulmate and I vow swift justice and vengeance'

Michael Bloomberg's housekeeper was rescued after being KIDNAPPED at gunpoint

Sperm donor wins custody of child over lesbian birth mother

Tags: Advice, Children, Choices, Court, Crime, Death, DNA, Employment, Family, Kidnap, Laws, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Parental Burden, Police, Relationships, Respect, Support, Termination, Violence, World



Community advocates for change after cyclist’s death... 


Investigators believe the suspect vehicle is possibly a 2014-2019 Nissan Versa. The vehicle is believed to be dark colored and should have major front-end damage with missing parts.

Community advocates for change after cyclist’s death...

E-biking teens are attacking people

Tags: Accident, Attack, Auto, Children, Choices, Community, Competition, Crime, Death, Etiquette, Parental Crime, Rampage, Safety, Solutions, Support, Unruly Child



Americans Just Want Immigrants for the Food 


In 2016, Donald Trump posed in front of a taco bowl, fresh from Trump Tower Grill, and declared “I love Hispanics!” It fooled only the very gullible. Taco bowls, while delicious, are to Mexico what unlimited salad and breadsticks are to Tuscany, and his love for one didn’t stop him from trapping hundreds of Latin migrants at border camps. Trump can eat as many taco bowls as he wants, but he’s still racist.

Unfortunately, a new survey confirms that Americans, and people all over the world, tend to have Trump’s mindset when it comes to immigrants (or just non-white people), their contributions to culture, and their food. A YouGov survey of seven European countries and the U.S. found that the “most commonly agreed benefit of immigration has been better food.” The only country that responded differently was France, where everyone was more focused on how immigrants could make their soccer team better. And while the food may be a boon, Americans at least are still worried about providing welfare to migrants, and the (unfounded) crime risk of letting immigrants into the country. Though Americans were the most accepting of any of the countries surveyed, just “one in four Americans (30%) believe [immigration] only brings benefits.” We want your food...we just don’t want you.

Americans Just Want Immigrants for the Food

Big Apple is 'near a breaking point'

500 migrants sneak across Texas border in just two hours

Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches

Beloved Mexican restaurant becomes the latest to shut its doors in California

‘Do you speak English or Spanish?’

Popular haircut sparks outrage across Texas

Tags: $, All Rights, Beauty, Business, Competition, Crime, Culture, Environment, Food, Gay, Hair, Immigration, Inclusion, LGBTQ, Overpopulation, Politics, Prices, Privilege, Representation, Respect, Restaurant, Shutdown, Support, Threat, Treatment, Unity, World, Youth



Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read 


Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read

...exhibit aims to promote a love of reading

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Dedication, Education, Environment, Instructional, Intelligence, Interview, Investment, Music, Parenting, Pride, Support, Sweet, Trending, Video



Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...


The opportunity for all Hawaii public school students to get free meals at school during the pandemic could end at the close of the school year, potentially cutting off thousands of kids from access to nutritious meals.

Hawaii Kids Could Lose Access To Free Meals At School...

Public school inspecting children's lunches and confiscating 'excessive' chips, soda, candy

Walmart and Kroger Are Banning Baby Formulas

Free school lunches for all set to end

CA To Give Free School Lunches To Students

Millions of Americans Might Lose Internet Access Today

What the pic is saying:

Front boy with green shirt talking to a teacher. Kid: you mean there's no food? Teacher: Yes, but you can still say gay. Girl With Kitten Shirt: They are dissecting a frog. Blonde Girl Next To Her: Oooooh, can I eat it? Polka Dot Girl: It looks yummy. Boy in Black Shirt & Combat Shorts: Will it jump in my stomach? Boy In Green Behind Shocked Blonde Girl: I'm going to cook it first. I brought a lighter. Teacher In The Blue: I said no more whining! Blonde Girl: I only asked if you had a mint. Teacher With Blue Necklace: I told you already. We can't go shopping at Walmart! 23-Mar-2022

Tags: $, Awareness, Ban, Charity, Children, Education, Food, Hate, Health, Hunger, Parental Burden, Politics, Priorities, Privacy, Privilege, Program, Support, Survival, Termination





What we do know is that recorded rat sightings in New York are at an all-time high. In December, Mayor Eric Adams posted, with great fanfare, a job announcement: The city was looking for a “highly motivated and somewhat bloodthirsty” candidate to take on the newly restored position of rat czar. (A brilliant idea, I thought; I had, after all, suggested that he take such action in an open letter.) Yet, three months later, the position still hasn’t been filled. A few weeks ago, the mayor himself had to pay a $300 fine for failing to control rats at a rowhouse he rents out to tenants.


Rodent droppings found at restaurant

They Lost Their Jobs Because They Put Their Dog Down

Growing number of Mass. communities being overrun by pesky rodents

Rats found infected with virus that causes COVID

Rat soup shuts down popular restaurant

Is Birth Control the Solution?

Rat problem?

Infectious disease spread by rat urine seeps into NYC

Rat urine is causing uptick in rare disease

Tags: Accusation, Animals, Attack, Bacteria, Choices, City, Clean, Contagion, Contamination, Court, Culture, Danger, Death, Disease, Environment, Family, Food, Health, Illness, Kill, Neglect, Outbreak, Performance, Pests, Politics, Restaurant, Safety, Shutdown, Support, Survival, Takeover, Termination, Terraforming, Threat, Toxic, Vermin, Warning



Restaurant closes for 'day of kindness' 


This Massachusetts restaurant has a tip for rude diners – be nice, or don’t eat.

The owners of Brewster-based Apt Cape Cod decided to shut down for a "day of kindness" after a slew of customers apparently mistreated its staff, cursed and demanded take orders before the restaurant even opened for business.

"There were a few incidents that were so horrendous – the cursing and not being understanding of our short staff and limited menu – we had someone call in at 6:30 a.m. before we even open demand take out saying, ‘I’m going to come in, and you're going to serve me," Emilia Povero, a manager at Apt Cade Cod told FOX News. "That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Our staff doesn't need to deal with this."

Restaurant closes for 'day of kindness' after customers disrespect staff

Do you want to pay $50 for a hamburger, Joe?

Pennsylvania business owners meet with lawmakers about worker shortage

Chipotle employee hurls scissors at customer after he makes complaint

No one wants to work for Chick-fil-A.

California bans under-18s from dining without parents

Chick-fil-A workers threw their food away right in front of them

Taco Bell locations are forced to CLOSE dining rooms indefinitely

99 Cents Only to close all 371 stores

Tags: Ban, Business, Children, Choices, Closed, Crime, Disruption, Employment, Enforcement, Etiquette, Hostility, Labor Shortage, Mental Health, Parental Crime, Rampage, Representation, Respect, Restaurant, Safety, Shopping, Shutdown, Support, Theft, Video, Violence



Mark Fleischman, 82, reveals he'll commit suicide at Swiss Dignitas clinic on July 13 


'I can't walk, my speech is fucked up and I can't do anything for myself,' Fleischman, said. 'My wife helps me get into bed and I can't dress or put on my shoes. I am taking a gentle way out. It is the easiest way out for me.'

Mark Fleischman, 82, reveals he'll commit suicide

The last photos taken by people who took their own lives

Man, 20, Plans Assisted Suicide After Goodbye BBQ

Mum, 42, with agonising illness begs MPs for right to die

Young Man wants to end life amid mental health struggle

‘People wouldn’t let their pet suffer this’

'Why I'm ready to die'

She's 47, anorexic and wants help dying. Canada will soon allow it

Trans indigenous Canadian slams doctors for denying her euthanasia request

Woman, 28, decides to be euthanized due to crippling depression

Tags: $, Aging, Choices, Death, Disease, Health, Illness, Injury, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Mercy, Pain, Population Control, Respect, Society, Suicide, Support, Trans, Treatment, World



He's Wrong For Booking Hotel Room To Escape His 'Sobbing' Wife? 


After the long journey and the funeral, the man claimed that he was exhausted and needed sleep.

“I was so tired and since I'm a light sleeper I can't fall asleep easily or I could wake up easily,” he shared.

He's Wrong For Booking

Tags: Advice, Choices, Death, Marriage, Shutdown, Support



'I had a choice between food and lights' 


I have kids," said Hughey. "My bills are backed up and I had a choice between food and lights, and I had to get my lights back on."

'I had a choice between food and lights'

Consumer sentiment continues to drop as inflation drives up prices

Go meat-free and fly less

Here's how to save money on cooling bills as prices rise

Record high electricity rates are hitting Massachusetts residents

Utility rate increase announced for New Bothwell

'I feel cheated'

Residents in Palm Springs mobile home park deal with power outage

PS mobile home park seek answers after a month of power outages

California braces for rolling blackouts amid 'extraordinary heat event

Tags: $, Demands, Electricity, Food, Leaders, LGBTQ, Neglect, Out, Poor, Prices, Privilege, Sad, Self Interest, Seniors, Service, Shopping, Support, Survival, Tips, Warning



Cruise ships still pose a health disaster threat  


Montgomery was among the first to get ill. “I started feeling sick on March 9th, a week before it spread throughout the ship,” she said. “I kept telling my managers that I think we have COVID on board and they’re just giving people cough medicine and sending them back to work. They just thought I was being a dramatic woman.” (Requests for comment from Carnival have not been returned.)

Cruise ships still pose a health disaster threat

8 hospitalized after turbulence on AA

Is summer travel causing long TSA lines at airports?

AA canceled 10-year-old connecting flight without telling her parents

AA passengers were left 'sobbing'

More than 1,400 US flights canceled

AA sent a 12-year-old unaccompanied passenger to the wrong state

AA stopped a family from boarding a flight with special needs daughter

Europe's drought could signal the death of river cruising

Think twice about traveling to Mexico

Tags: $, Anxiety, Business, Cancellation, Children, Choices, Disease, Disruption, Environment, Fear, Health, Hypocrisy, Injury, Mental Health, Neglect, Parental Worry, Politics, Preference, Reckless, Support, Termination, Threat, Travel, Video, Warning, Water, World



Why Drinking Water All Day Long Is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated 


Water is cheap and healthy. And drinking H2O is an effective way for most people to stay hydrated. The National Academy of Medicine recommends that adult women and men drink at least 91 and 125 ounces of water a day, respectively. (For context, one gallon is 128 fluid ounces.) But pounding large quantities of water morning, noon and night may not be the best or most efficient way to meet the body’s hydration requirements.

“If you’re drinking water and then, within two hours, your urine output is really high and [your urine] is clear, that means the water is not staying in well,” says David Nieman, a professor of public health at Appalachian State University and director of the Human Performance Lab at the North Carolina Research Campus. Nieman says plain water has a tendency to slip right through the human digestive system when not accompanied by food or nutrients. This is especially true when people drink large volumes of water on an empty stomach. “There’s no virtue to that kind of consumption,” he says.

Why Drinking Water...

NM declares water emergency

Tags: Awareness, Food, Health, Hydration, Perception, Science, Shortage, Support, Survival, Water



Home Depot Has Gone Woke 


It asks employees to literally "check" their "privilege," whether it be "white privilege," class privilege," "Christian privilege," "cisgender privilege," "able-bodied privilege," or "heterosexual privilege."

Home Depot Has Gone Woke

75% of voters say Democrats are 'out of touch' and 'condescending'

Trans organization recruiting Ukrainian refugees for sex work

Woke turns on lesbian author

Gay Ohio Teacher Fired

LGBTQ activist displaced from his home

School nurse suspended after voicing concern for 11-year-old

'Stupidly woke'

Iowa library temporarily closes after complaints about 'liberal agenda'

Tags: Business, Cancellation, Children, Criticism, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Environment, Fashion, Gay, Home, Inclusion, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Library, Men, NSFW, Offensive, Policy, Politics, Preference, Quit, Service, Sex, Sex Work, Shutdown, Study, Support, Survival, Teacher, Termination, Trans, Video, Voting, World, Writer



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