Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Fashion'
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This Guy Rocked a Romper Around NYC and Everyone Has an Opinion: WATCH
The hottest fashion trend of the summer the Romper, er, RompHim, has hit the streets of New York City and – not surprisingly – it’s polarizing.
QPark hit Washington Heights, Harlem, and Times Square, but didn’t hit the gay neighborhoods of Chelsea and Hells Kitchen, though there’s little doubt some copycat clips will pop up shortly.
This Guy Rocked a Romper
The jockstrap's 150th birthday is a gay milestone
Her Standard Uniform Was 'Distracting' Customer’s Husband
Lala used a voiceover to share her experience, stating, “I had a lady complain today because my work uniform was a ‘distraction’ to her husband.”
Her Standard Uniform
6 Coachella Valley spots fail inspection
Male Pre-K Teacher Upset That Boss Told Him To Wear 'Appropriate' Undergarments
“I do a lot of running around and activities with the children, so the center has literally told me to wear athletic clothing to work,” he wrote. “I am fine with that. I typically wear a t-shirt and either athletic shorts or joggers.”
The man added that he is well over six feet tall and since he works with toddlers, his job requires him to bend over a lot.
Male Pre-K Teacher Upset
Group Wants To Erase LGBTQ+ Sex Ed
School district cancels 'vulgar' musical with Jesus and two gay parents
Gay cruise line pleads with guests to stop making adult content
LGBTQ+ Groups Denied Spot in Parade
Fast fashion is 'choking Africa in dead white people's clothes'
Parts of Africa are drowning in millions of used garments the fast fashion industry ships over each year - even though big names like H&M and Zara have made pledges to recycle the used clothing.
H&M, a major offender in the industry, produces three billion garments a year alone and only recycles about 10 percent of them - the rest is shipped to places like Accra, the capital of Ghana, where there are heaps of used clothing flooding waterways.
Fast fashion is 'choking Africa
Valenciaga's Kid Bondage Fashion
Home Depot Has Gone Woke
It asks employees to literally "check" their "privilege," whether it be "white privilege," class privilege," "Christian privilege," "cisgender privilege," "able-bodied privilege," or "heterosexual privilege."
Home Depot Has Gone Woke
75% of voters say Democrats are 'out of touch' and 'condescending'
Trans organization recruiting Ukrainian refugees for sex work
Woke turns on lesbian author
Gay Ohio Teacher Fired
LGBTQ activist displaced from his home
School nurse suspended after voicing concern for 11-year-old
'Stupidly woke'
Iowa library temporarily closes after complaints about 'liberal agenda'
Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade because it 'marginalizes students of color
A Seattle elementary school has canceled its upcoming Halloween parade and will be banning students from dressing in costumes on October 31, claiming that the annual event ‘marginalizes’ students of color who administrators claim do not celebrate the holiday.
Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade
Now moccasins are racist!
...complaint against show over claims producers FIRED them for requesting gender neutral dressing room
Former California state lawmaker indicted on federal bribery charges
Southlake school leader tells teachers to balance Holocaust books with 'opposing' views
Texas House Passes Bill To Bar Transgender Athletes From Women’s Sports
Manhattan junior high school will racially separate students
Student ‘forced to use police escort’
Texas student hits teacher in class
Lawn Boy and Gender Queer: A Memoir - do not violate rules
Why can't the school provide the children with materials to make their own costumes? 13-Oct-2021
The Teens Have Spoken: Virginity Rocks
After generations of teens defied their parents, religion and society through daring acts of furtive fucking, today’s teens have flipped the script, declaring virignity the most subversive sexual act of Gen Z.
“Virginity Rocks” is the seemingly chaste new slogan teens across the country are sporting on shirts, hats, lanyards and other merch, and while some bear it ironically, the trend has also caught the attention of pro-abstinence communities.
While the man behind the brand, 27-year-old YouTuber Danny Duncan, told the New York Times he began wearing the shirts as a joke in 2017, he added that he’s glad to see fans have embraced the initially “tongue-in-cheek” slogan in different ways.
Virginity Rocks
Meet the gay designer of men’s tights who wants to let your bulge breathe
Among aficionados of men’s tights, there’s one designer to name-drop these days: Jeffrey Scott.
Known simply as the ‘TightsGuy’ online, Scott is building a brand as a bespoke designer of stretchy tights, leggings and singlets for men.
Gay Star News
Tips for Big Guys
How to Dress to Look Thinner
How Bad is it to Eat Really Fast?
The Scenario
One night, your friend goes to a nice restaurant where the food is plated like small works of contemporary art and proceeds to scarf down their filet mignon like it's a post-blaze Crave Case from White Castle. Truth be told, your friend waits too long between meals and eats like a starving stray just about anywhere you go. Aside from making you look bad in front of the judgey maître d', is eating this fast bad for your health?
The Facts
Before we get to a hard yes or no, here's a mini-lecture on the mysterious workings of the digestive system "from gum to bum," according to Lisa Ghanjhu, an associate professor of gastroenterology and hepatology at NYU Langone Medical Center. The more work you do with your teeth and stomach, she says, the less work needs to be done the further down as your food gets into the large and small intestines where the actual absorption of nutrients takes place.
Critics of Ugly Male Romper Outfit Denounced as ‘Troubling and Misogynistic’ Bigots
A Kickstarter for a men’s romper, the RompHim, has raised nearly $300,000—and has prompted widespread mockery this week. But if you poke fun at the RompHim, you’re actually revealing your own masculine fragility, social justice warriors are now insisting.
Writing for Wussy, an Atlanta-based queer publication, Matt J. Jones says that “the torrent of femme bashing rhetoric that has followed [the RompHim] is troubling.” The memes satirizing the RompHim “still enforce gender roles and highlight acts of misogyny through veiled jokes,” he says.
“Yes, masculinity is fragile enough that an article of clothing, even gender neutral options, can shake people to the core. … Hopefully this bit of internet history goes silent sooner than later, and these gender hangups are just remembered as a sad weak moment of uber-masculinity gone awry,” Jones writes.
Science Just Figured Out Why Your Shoelaces Keep Coming Undone
Why do shoelaces come undone as soon as they're tied?
It turns out the answer may be more than poor tying.
Mechanical engineers at the University of California Berkeley found that the force of a foot on the ground along with the force of a swinging or walking leg combine together to untie even the best of knots, the BBC reports.
The first force relaxes the knot, the second pulls at the laces. The experts used a slow-motion camera in their experiments to figure out the science behind the problem.
The rise of 'modest' fashion
Modest dressing is a global cultural movement on the rise.
Trend analysts have dubbed what they interpret as a new wave of feminism the "pluri-empowerment" factor, says Iza Dezon, a trend forecaster at Peclers Paris.
"An empowered woman is no longer subject to a specific definition, nor must she live by a specific set of values," she explains. "We're seeing the opening up of what empowerment means, allowing women to create their own definitions."
The modest movement has been gaining steam for a few years now and the hijab has become a recognized symbol. In 2014 DKNY launched a bespoke modest fashion collection. In 2016, Dolce & Gabbana released a line of luxury hijabs and abayas.
Eletrunks: Underwear that Elevates Your Lifestyle.
Solve men's underwear problems: Readjusting, Chafing, Sweatiness. Side benefits: No riding up, Softest fabric, Great for everyday life
The Original Meaning of Sagging Pants (men and women pull your pants up!)
Many people don't know this but in the prison system when a man sags(wears his pants below his butt) that man is saying to others that he is sexually available. Now there is slight variation between some sources. I've also heard and read the opposite which is that if a man sags his pants it means he is someone's "Bitch" or "spoken for." Either way sagging pants have a sexual meaning.. Below I have posted two VERY interesting interviews. The first is an interview by MSNBC with incarcerated prison inmate Fleece Johnson. The next is an interview with some young men in school. If you are unable to click the link and go directly to the video, then copy and paste the link into your browser.
Young Students