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11 brutally honest reasons millenials don't want kids 


When it comes to embarking on the journey of parenthood, lots of millennials are saying, "Meh. No, thanks."

According to data from the Urban Institute, birth rates among 20-something women declined 15% between 2007 and 2012. Additional research from the Pew Research Center reflects a longer-term trend of women eschewing parenthood as the number of U.S. women who choose to forego motherhood altogether has doubled since 1970.

This trend is fascinating, in part because there's long been a taboo associated with people (particularly, women) choosing to opt out of parenthood. Women who choose not to have kids have been referred to as "shallow" and "self-absorbed," and even the pope has said the decision not to procreate is fundamentally "selfish."

In an effort to find out why so many young people are really deciding against parenthood, we solicited dozens of responses from our audience via Tumblr and Google Forms. The responses we received from people of all sexes and identities reveal that there are myriad reasons why people are opting out of parenthood — and all of them are equally valid.

11 brutally honest reasons...

'Kids were crying'

Autistic traits, behavioral problems in 7-year-olds linked with gender nonconforming play

Tags: $, Activism, Children, Choices, Dedication, Environment, Gender, Health, Identity Loss, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Nature, Opinion, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Representation, Responsibility, Safety, Saving The Environment!, Support, Survival, Trending, World



Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read 


Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read

...exhibit aims to promote a love of reading

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Dedication, Education, Environment, Instructional, Intelligence, Interview, Investment, Music, Parenting, Pride, Support, Sweet, Trending, Video



Spanish Law Requires Kids To Do Chores. What a Great Idea 


Suddenly I’m thinking of moving to Spain.

A bill introduced recently in the nation’s parliament would require that Spanish children do housework and homework. They would also be required to “participate in family life” and “respect their parents and siblings.”

Wow. Good luck with that.

Back here in the United States, I can barely get my 16-year-old to take out the trash. Sometimes, it feels like Middle East peace talks must be easier.

Meanwhile, other parents don’t even ask their kids to pitch in—either because they’ve completely surrendered, have concluded that it’s easier to do the job themselves, or have decided that after-school activities and playtime are more valuable. Children have gone “from being our employees to our bosses,” Jennifer Senior notes in her book All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood.

Spanish Law

Tags: Children, Choices, Culture, Dedication, Environment, Etiquette, Future, History, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Policy, Regret, Threat, Training



The Benefits of Having a Clean Home 


There are many benefits to having a clean home. Aside from being crucial for your overall health and wellness, there are a few other benefits to keeping your home clean. We know it can be hard to keep your house clean sometimes, that’s why you should consider hiring a cleaning service when you are unable to do the cleaning yourself. We want to make sure you know the benefits of keeping your home nice and clean.

Good Men Project

Tags: Air, Awareness, Choices, Clean, Dedication, Environment, Health, Saving The Environment!, Science



Why Does It Feel Like No One Wants To Commit? The Answer Is Simpler Than You Think 


Dating is more complicated than ever right now: You can be Gatsbyed, breadcrumbed, and ghosted by your Tinder match... all in the same week. And even when a great first date gives you butterflies, knowing what to do next can be confusing AF. Luckily, in Elite Daily's series, We Need To Talk, our Dating editors break down the latest terms, trends, and issues affecting your life with their own hot takes to figure out how to navigate finding love in a world that changes faster than you can swipe left.

PSA: “Commitment” is not a dirty word. Whether the person you’re talking to is “sooooo busy with work” or “honestly not looking for anything serious right now,” it can feel like there’s an endless list of reasons no one wants to define the relationship, and an endless number of people who will lead you on, only to break your heart. Asking someone whether or not they want to commit to you can be more nerve-wracking than interviewing for your dream job and waiting on pregnancy test results combined, and it can make finding an exclusive relationship feel next to impossible. The good news? It’s not just you, and contrary to popular belief, casual hookup culture isn’t the only thing to blame.

Elite Daily

Tags: Dating, Dedication, Environment, Lifestyle, Modernization, Nature, Psychology, Relationships, Treatment



Would you give up having children to save the planet?  


When people ask her if she has children, Münter, who is 44, has a prepared answer: “No, my husband and I are child-free by choice.” Saying child-free, she argues, doesn’t imply you are deprived, as the more standard “childless” might. And by letting them know it isn’t a sad topic to be avoided, she says, “it opens up the door for them to ask: ‘Oh, that’s interesting, why did you choose not to?’” Münter wants to move the awkward topic of overpopulation into the mainstream. “The more we talk about it, the more comfortable people will feel talking about it and then, maybe, things will change.”

For too long, she feels, the issue has been swept under the rug. “We can talk about emissions and climate change, but talking about population gets such an emotional reaction.”

The last thing she wants to do is make parents feel guilty, or to shut them out of the conversation. Procreation, after all, is natural. And if you have two children, you are only replacing their parents, rather than adding extras. But if you’re not yet a parent and can’t suppress your parental instincts, says Münter, “my ask is that you consider adopting one of the 153m orphan children that are already on the planet and need a home. Or, if you are dead set on having your own, my hope would be that you just have one and then if you want more, adopt.” Ultimately, she says, “your kids and your kid’s kids will be the ones who benefit from humans deciding to slow down our rate of growth. It will slow down climate change, ocean acidification, cutting down the wild places.”

Would you give up having children to save the planet?

Tags: Dedication, Environment, Health, Hypocrisy, Investment, Lifestyle, Modernization, Nature, No more Heroes, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Pregnancy, Privilege, Safety, Saving The Environment!, Science, Self Interest, Social Media, Stepping Up, Survival, Treatment, Waste



Why wealthy parents who bankroll their adult children are hurting them 


For some wealthy parents, the pressure to extend their social and financial status to their adult children can be overwhelming.

The recent college admission scandal revealed shocking things parents were willing to do to secure spots at top schools. But those same motivations drive some parents to bankroll their kids' lives into early adulthood, often to the detriment of the family.

"How many times have we seen in wealthy families where the breadwinner is so inundated with making a living and providing for a family, that love, intimacy and closeness are shown through financial means," says Dr. Alex Melkumian, a psychologist and financial therapist.

Support that keeps a young person living above their means can undermine their independence and create deep insecurities.


Tags: $, Backlash, Children, Choices, Dedication, Development, Exclusivity, Lifestyle, Parental Burden, Privilege, Psychology, Responsibility, Saving The Environment!, Support, Training



What's Your Purpose? Finding A Sense Of Meaning In Life Is Linked To Health 


Having a purpose in life may decrease your risk of dying early, according to a study published Friday.

Researchers analyzed data from nearly 7,000 American adults between the ages of 51 and 61 who filled out psychological questionnaires on the relationship between mortality and life purpose.

What they found shocked them, according to Celeste Leigh Pearce, one of the authors of the study published in JAMA Current Open.

People who didn't have a strong life purpose — which was defined as "a self-organizing life aim that stimulates goals" — were more likely to die than those who did, and specifically more likely to die of cardiovascular diseases.


Tags: Aging, Dedication, Environment, Happiness, Health, Life Expectancy, Mental Health, Nature, Poll, Seniors



California May Make Abortion Pill Available at All Public University Student Health Centers 


California, the nation’s most populous state and a national leader in protecting and advancing reproductive health, could become the first to ensure that medication abortion is available to college students in public universities.


Tags: Abortion, All Rights, Celebration, Dedication, Drugs, Education, Environmentalist, Health, Laws, Medical, Nature, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Product, Program, Respect, Support, Woman's Rights



Inside the vigilante group of New Yorkers who hunt rats at night 


Rats aren't only a part of New York City’s underground — they're an inseparable part of its pop culture. There’s Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles, Pizza Rat, and even Cannibal Rat. But for every celebrity rat, there’s another 250,000 to 2 million anonymous rodents living in the city — and the city health department is fighting to bring down.

Last year, three people in a Bronx city block made the news for contracting leptospirosis through rat urine. Only two survived.


Tags: Animals, Dedication, Disease, Ecology, Environment, Environmentalist, Health, History, Kill, Laws, Pests, Population, Program, Respect, Science, Survival



Robots Are Potential Tools to Study and Treat Sexual Behavior 


As part of our ongoing “Sexbot Perspectives” series, we’ve asked several experts this question: What is the potential or the possible pitfalls of developing sex robots? Our aim: To create dialogue and help shape the best possible future—one that will be deeply influenced by breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and robotics.

Kate Darling, a self-proclaimed “Mistress of Machines,” researches robot ethics and human-robot interaction at MIT Media Lab. Her main interest is using machines to explore violence and empathy.

This timely subject includes studying anthropomorphism: the tendency for people to project lifelike traits onto non-human entities, and, as a result, relate emotionally to them.

At speaking events, Darling admits to loving robots more than just about anyone. Studying them is more than a career—it’s a passion. So I’m happy to share Darling’s response to Future of Sex on the potential and possible downsides of sex robots.

Future of Sex

How linking our brains to computers could change humanity

Tags: Action, All Rights, Children, Choices, Dedication, Education, Environment, Health, Instructional, Mental Health, Nature, Program, Safety, Sex, Tech, Therapy, Treatment, Violence, World



Man cured his stuffy nose by MASTURBATING - and doctors explain it DOES work 

A man claimed that masturbating cleared his sinuses - and doctors said he was right.

Skyler, a husband from Arizona, said that when he couldn't fall asleep due to his stuffy nose, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

He appeared on the show The Doctors where the professionals broke down the science behind his X-rated trick. They explained that during an orgasm the muscles contract around the body, including inside the nose, which can temporarily relieve sinus pressure for both men and women.

Research has shown orgasms can also help with the immune system, insomnia, stress, pain and overall help live longer.

Man cured his stuffy nose

Tags: Aging, Choices, Dedication, Disease, Education, Entertainment, Environment, Health, Inspired, Masturbation, Mental Health, Nature, Regiment, Science, Sex, Support, Therapy, Treatment



Drinking More Cold Water Burns a Few More Calories 


Does drinking more water really help dieting? A small study says drinking more cold water may help you burn a few more calories each day. How many? You burn about 50 calories per quart (or liter) of cold water, or about 25 calories per typical water bottle full of cold water. The effect mostly comes from the body needing to heat up the water in your digestive tract. It's a small effect, about the equivalent of five plain M&M candies.

How much water you should drink each day regardless of dieting is a common question. Apart from the water you get in food, medical references say women should drink about nine cups of beverages each day (73 ounces) and men should drink 12.5 cups (100 ounces) of beverages. With exercise, you should replenish the water you lose through sweat. See how much water to drink for walking and exercise.

Very Well

Tags: Choices, Dedication, Diet, Exercise, Health, Instructional, Regiment, Science, Water



Mayonnaise is disgusting, and science agrees 


For much of the past year, I have fought a one-sided battle with a popular fast casual restaurant chain that we’ll call “Ready.” Unlike most restaurants, Ready doesn't make sandwiches, assemble salads, or otherwise perform acts of cookery upon customer request. Instead they sell nominally healthy, whole-ingredient-based pre-made soups, salads, and sandwiches. Because I’m lazy and impatient, I’m Ready’s perfect customer and not just because Ready has a location in Popular Sciences’ building. They also have another four locations (including one that sells beer) along my commute. So you'd think that Ready sandwiches would be a regular part of my nutritional rotation. But they aren't, because Ready’s sandwiches are disgusting.

The problem is that Ready saturates almost every sandwich with a miasma of mayonnaise. When Ready doesn't use mayonnaise, they use a yogurt dressing which is mayonnaise for people who are ashamed that they're eating mayonnaise. The shame is justified, the yogurt dressing is not. Sometimes Ready uses a less vile condiment, like a whole grain mustard—a condiment with dignity. But when they do, the powers that be cannot allow its presence to go unmolested. No, the mustard gets mixed in with mayonnaise in an abomination called mustard-mayo. Mixing Sriracha with diarrhea doesn’t improve the presence of the latter. Why would adding mustard to Satan's sauce improve the situation?

Popular Science

Tags: Abuse, All Rights, Argument, Choices, Clean, Dedication, Diet, Environment, Food, Health, Inclusion, Inspired, Justice, Killer, Lifestyle, Opinion, Product, Regiment, Restaurant, Science, Stepping Up, Support, Warning, Waste, Weight



Climate change's impact on human health is already here — and is 'potentially irreversible,' report says 


Climate change is already having an extraordinary impact on human health worldwide — affecting the spread of infectious diseases, exposing millions to air pollution and heat waves and dramatically reducing labor productivity, according to a report released Monday.

"The human symptoms of climate change are unequivocal and potentially irreversible," the report by the British medical journal The Lancet says, and the situation is so serious that significant gains by modern medicine and technology are being undercut.

"The delayed response to climate change over the past 25 years has jeopardized human life and livelihoods," the report says.

USA Today

Tags: Abuse, Choices, Dedication, Disease, Ecology, Environment, Health, Nature, Parenting, Population, Scam, Study, Treatment, Unity, Video, World



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