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Young men reveal why they’re single 


They’re single but they’re not mingling.

New data from the Pew Research Center has shown that 63% of men under 30 are single – up from 51% in 2019.

COVID isolation and women’s high expectations for something serious are the main reasons they’re avoiding going out and coupling up, young guys say.

“Dates feel more like job interviews now. Much more like ‘What can you do for me and where is this going?'” said Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria.

Young men reveal why they’re single

11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book

‘I’m a father and I couldn’t do this’

Gay couple beaten in Times Square

A return to chastity?

Man, 26, poses as teen at high schools, now charged with sex crimes

‘I was sucking and cutting at the same time’

Why are so many gay men single?

I use 'we/us' pronouns but that's not why I missed out on a much-needed job

Tags: Awareness, Books, Children, Disease, Disruption, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Environment, Fear, Funny, Future, Gay, Hostility, Injury, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage, Misrepresentation, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Rejection, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Shutdown, Snitch, Terraforming, Video, Violence, What Men Want, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Gay male couples like San Francisco. Lesbians like the Berkshires 


Gay male couples tend to gravitate toward big cities on the U.S. coasts, while lesbian couples tend to prefer smaller, more pastoral cities or towns, according to 2020 census figures that reinforce some preconceived notions about LGBTQ communities in the U.S.

Gay male couples like San Francisco

This is what women sexually fantasise about

‘My Gay Guy Friend Is Rude and Blames It on Gay vs. Lesbian Culture’

Why do the straights walk so much slower?

Woman claims getting off the contraceptive pill made her a lesbian

This TikToker thinks his family proves the “gay gene” exists

Idaho is one of the least populated states

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Effect, Environment, Fantasy, Gay, Home, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Portrait, Preference, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Study, Travel, Women, Writing

Filed under: Health/Food



LGBTQ+ Senator Proposes Ban on 'Religious Indoctrination' of Kids 


“There is a well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children,” according to the amendment. “Abusers within churches and other religious institutions often use events like church or youth-group-sponsored camps and retreats to earn children’s trust and gain unsupervised access to such children in order to commit such abuse.”

LGBTQ+ Senator Proposes Ban

LGBTQ-Affirming School Closing After Churches Stop Funding

Gay fathers confronted at Arizona religious school


How a vicious gay-bashing ring unfolded in Christchurch

Pope Francis says Italian seminaries should reject gay applicants

Catholic Diocese refuses to host concert over performance by Gay Men’s Chorus

Florida gets ‘F’ rating for treatment of LGBTQ community

Lifeguard files lawsuit because he was offended by the Pride flags

Pope Francis allegedly repeats gay slur

Tags: $, Activism, All Rights, Ban, Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Church, Court, Criticism, Education, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Flag, Funding, Gay, Interview, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Neglect, Opinion, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Parenting 101, Policy, Politics, Priorities, Religion, Shutdown, Treatment, Violence, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read 


Dolly Parton's mission to help kids read

...exhibit aims to promote a love of reading

Tags: Books, Celebrity, Charity, Children, Dedication, Education, Environment, Instructional, Intelligence, Interview, Investment, Music, Parenting, Pride, Support, Sweet, Trending, Video

Filed under: Health/Food



Sam Smith appears to be harassed in NYC park, called ‘pedophile,’ ‘groomer’ 


British pop star Sam Smith was subjected to vile anti-LGBT slurs in a New York City park, video shows.

Sam Smith appears to be harassed

‘Obsession With Labels’

Black Americans are split on trans and nonbinary issues

Deni Todorovic tried to get a taxi

Soho House cancels Palm Springs swim club plans

Catholic bookstore sues over preferred pronouns

Parents raise concerns after trans athlete allegedly deals girls welts, bruises...

Tags: $, Auto, Books, Business, Celebrity, Confusion, Court, Cultural, Hostility, Interview, LGBTQ, Music, Perception, Rejection, Religion, Service, Sports, Travel

Filed under: Gay+



Board rejects curriculum that mentions Harvey Milk 


Proponents of the ban say Milk was a sexual predator, referring to a disputed claim that the gay rights icon had an inappropriate relationship with a minor. Opponents say changing the curriculum four weeks before school is scheduled to start would unnecessarily throw teachers’ lesson plans into turmoil.

Board rejects curriculum that mentions Harvey Milk

California to Fine School District $1.5M Over Rejecting Harvey Milk Textbook Materials

Pedophelia is ‘No Different than Being Gay’

Tags: $, Activism, Books, Celebrity, Children, Controversy, Court, Daddy Squish, Enjoying Life, Gay, History, Leaders, Legend, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Misconduct, Opinion, Pederasty, Politics, Punishment, Reality, Relationships, Sex, Training, Treatment

Filed under: Gay+



Young Folk Don't Believe in Fairy Tales 


As many as 90 per cent of young people believe that the tales are old-fashioned with 89 per cent of people surveyed saying they perpetuate gender stereotypes.

Seventy seven per cent believe that the classic stories are sexist while a quarter of parents said they wouldn't read 'offensive' tales to their young children at bedtime.

But parents have hit back, saying that fairy tales showed them both sides of life and that reading them to their young children was an experience they loved.

Young Folk Don't Believe in Fairy Tales

Many Americans reconsidering having children

Being Inclusive and Compassionate Does Not Mean Sacrificing Our Children

Hairdresser BANS non-binary people from her salon and suggests they visit PET GROOMER instead

Tags: Adoption, Ban, Beauty, Books, Business, Cancellation, Children, Concern, Crime, Education, Environment, Etiquette, Family, Fantasy, Hate, Irony, LGBTQ, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Politics, Rebellion, Study, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Woke teacher turns white pupils into SLAVES 


In the clips posted to social media, the educator is seen forcing white students in his classroom to serve as servants to their black classmates by taking their coats and feeding them snacks.

Woke teacher turns white pupils into SLAVES

Man, 52, sues his local bar for banning him

Ben Affleck's hometown labels him a 'white liberal'

Censorship news is a reminder your eBooks aren’t safe

Black kids attacked white students and forced them to say 'Black Lives Matter'

HS accused of barring white student actors from production

Extremists TORCH future cop training center

3,000 Asians in Texas had their driver’s licenses sent to a criminal group

'This is unrealistic and disgusting'

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Filed under: Gay+



This genius pianist was “openly, defiantly gay”, even in the 1800s 


Here, more than 100 years after his death, Tony Jackson is still recognized as one of the all-time great ragtime musicians. He ran the musical circuit of the Storyville section of New Orleans way back in the late 19th/early 20th century, influenced everything musical legends to pianist fashion, and was out and proud while doing it.

This genius pianist...

Better buy the books you want now

Tags: Art, Ban, Books, Celebration, Change, Controversy, Deletion, Gay, History, LGBTQ, Music, Respect, Sad, Success, Support, Talent

Filed under: Gay+



Turns Out Prince Was a Gay-Bashing Homophobe 


“When asked about his perspective on social issues—gay marriage, abortion—Prince tapped his Bible and said, ‘God came to earth and saw people sticking it wherever and doing it with whatever, and he just cleared it all out. He was, like, ‘Enough.’”

Prince Was a Gay-Bashing Homophobe

Chappelle’s Show Cancelled Amidst Transphobic Remarks

Drag show star is banned for joking that children should be taught to 'open their LEGS'

School Board rejects sex-ed books that discuss 'pulling out,' gender identity

Flight attendant fired for sharing her pro-life religious views

'Transgender lunatics'

Tags: $, Books, Cancellation, Celebrity, Children, Choices, Comics, Court, Drag, Education, Family, Free Speech, History, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Music, Religion, Revenge, Sex, Trans

Filed under: Gay+



Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot: I'm only granting one-on-one interviews to journalists of color 


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Wednesday that she will grant one-on-one interviews to mark the two-year anniversary of her inauguration solely to journalists of color, saying she has been struck by the “overwhelmingly” white press corps in Chicago.

“I ran to break up the status quo that was failing so many,” Lightfoot, who is Black, tweeted, also issuing a detailed letter to City Hall reporters on her decision. “That isn’t just in City Hall. It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.”

While the move isn’t unprecedented in recent years, it drew fierce scrutiny among the city’s press corps and beyond with members of the media quickly taking Lightfoot to task for her decision.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

Why Aren't Media Calling Lori Lightfoot a Racist?

Chicago cops turn their backs on Mayor Lori Lightfoot at hospital where one officer was being treated and another died after shooting

Black Lives Matter Utah chapter president steps down

Chicago mayor to boost police budget following cop murder

'We're a state of refuge': Governor Newsom to welcome Afghan refugees to California

Lightfoot says city will sue gang members to ‘take their assets’

Cook County breaks 1,000 homicide mark for the first time in 27 years

I have the biggest dick in Chicago'

Lori Lightfoot's book banning tweet lampooned

Tags: Ban, Books, Court, Crime, Cultural, Etiquette, Funding, Investment, It Does Not Compute, Journalism, Leaders, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Neglect, Police, Politics, Preference, Preservation, Race, Rebellion, Rejection, Revolt, Segregation, Violence, Women In Charge

Filed under: Gay+



Why having kids doesn’t necessarily make you happier, according to research 


Parents often refer to their children as their “pride and joy.” But research tells a different story: Having kids doesn’t necessarily make people happier.

Most parents feel that their children are incredibly important sources of life satisfaction, says Jennifer Glass, professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and a demographer who studies the relationship between parenthood and well-being.

“But that’s not the same thing as happiness, and it’s not the same thing as financial well-being, good physical health or good emotional health,” Glass tells CNBC Make It.

So, why does having kids not provide the happiness that we think it will?

Why having kids doesn’t necessarily make you happier, according to research


Mom tells sleeping son's girlfriend to kill herself

'We want Biden out'

Anna Sorokin blasts her father after he tells how he indulged her

Four teens arrested in gruesome elderly carjacking death

Parents Turn In Teen Elderly Killers

Privileged events coordinator, 26, charged with shoving 87-year-old to her death

Angry girl refuses to move for three-time combat veteran, 96

Georgia parent is stopped from reading sexually explicit book about slavery...

Tags: Books, Children, Choices, Complaint, Crime, Education, Etiquette, Fear, Future, Happiness, Hate, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Parental Pride, Parenting, Self Interest, Seniors, Sex, Social Media, Spoiled, Theft, Threat, Training, Weapon, Women In Charge, Writing

Filed under: Health/Food



NY Public Library keeping Dr. Seuss books in circulation 


The New York Public Library will keep six controversial Dr. Seuss books on the shelves despite this week’s decision to cease their publication due to racist imagery.

The library, which serves Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island, said it does not censor books and will keep the controversial titles in circulation until they are no longer in suitable shape to lend out, a spokeswoman said.

NY Public Library keeping Dr. Seuss books in circulation

Kamala Harris’ tweet about Dr. Seuss resurfaces amid racial controversy

Rethinking & Examining Dr. Seuss’ Racism

Spaniards prepare to wear blackface for annual Three Kings parade

Judge RESIGNS after she was suspended for using n-word in video during attempted break-in by black burglar

Backlash after school banned ‘Jingle Bells’ over Christmas

Tags: Books, Cancellation, Celebration, Children, Classic, Crime, Cultural, Entertainment, Freedom, History, Invasion, Library, Overreaction, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Perception, Politics, Theft, Tradition, World, Writing

Filed under: Gay+



Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade because it 'marginalizes students of color 


A Seattle elementary school has canceled its upcoming Halloween parade and will be banning students from dressing in costumes on October 31, claiming that the annual event ‘marginalizes’ students of color who administrators claim do not celebrate the holiday.

Seattle elementary school cancels its annual Pumpkin Parade

Now moccasins are racist!

...complaint against show over claims producers FIRED them for requesting gender neutral dressing room

Former California state lawmaker indicted on federal bribery charges

Southlake school leader tells teachers to balance Holocaust books with 'opposing' views

Texas House Passes Bill To Bar Transgender Athletes From Women’s Sports

Manhattan junior high school will racially separate students

Student ‘forced to use police escort’

Texas student hits teacher in class

Lawn Boy and Gender Queer: A Memoir - do not violate rules

Why can't the school provide the children with materials to make their own costumes? 13-Oct-2021

Tags: Ban, Books, Bullying, Celebration, Children, Court, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Fail, Fashion, Fear, Freedom, Fun, Halloween, History, Ignorance, Intelligence, Interference, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Opinion, Overreaction, Politics, Segregation, Sports, Trans, Video, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Stories written by children are far more likely to feature MALE characters – regardless of whether the writer is a boy or a girl 


They found that regardless of age boys and girls were more likely to write about characters with a traditionally male name.

With only half of girls writing about boys in their stories, the researchers say it shows boys will continue to write about their gender as they grow up, but girls will still write as much about boys as they do their own gender.

Stories written by children are far more likely to feature MALE characters

Gaming culture is toxic

Tags: Awareness, Books, Business, Children, Court, Games, Nature, Parenting, Preference, Sex, Study, Writing

Filed under: Gay+



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