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My Traumatizing Years With Bryan Singer 


Stuerman met Singer in 2009 in New York City when he was 18 years old, and entered into a sexual relationship with him shortly after; Singer was 43. Their time together ended after Stuerman was fired as Singer’s assistant in June 2013 on the film “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” which opened the following year. Stuerman believes his relationship with Singer was abusive and traumatic. He says he was further traumatized by witnessing an incident in 2012 in which Singer allegedly assaulted someone.

My Traumatizing Years With Bryan Singer

NATIONAL‘Ex-gay’ leader confesses to having gay sex in ‘multiple falls

Jealous Man Fatally Stabbed Boyfriend

My Agency Fired Me’ After I Refused to ‘Take My Clothes Off

Gay Bay Area millionaire is convicted of 1998 cold case shooting murder

Gay San Jose councilmember investigated for oral sex with minor

Tim Walz Accused Of 'Inappropriate' Student Relationship

Gay couple who sexually abused schoolboy then camped out in woods...

U.S. Marshals arrest fugitive gay sex offender

Founder of Surrey Pride, 40, had sex and smoked a bong with a 12-year-old boy

Tags: Aging, Bio, Celebrity, Children, Contagion, Disease, Divorce, Education, Gay, History, Hollywood, Kill, Legend, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marijuana, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Misconduct, Murder, Music, Parties, Politics, Portrait, Relationships, Seniors, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Teacher, Treatment, Violence, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Young men reveal why they’re single 


They’re single but they’re not mingling.

New data from the Pew Research Center has shown that 63% of men under 30 are single – up from 51% in 2019.

COVID isolation and women’s high expectations for something serious are the main reasons they’re avoiding going out and coupling up, young guys say.

“Dates feel more like job interviews now. Much more like ‘What can you do for me and where is this going?'” said Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria.

Young men reveal why they’re single

11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book

‘I’m a father and I couldn’t do this’

Gay couple beaten in Times Square

A return to chastity?

Man, 26, poses as teen at high schools, now charged with sex crimes

‘I was sucking and cutting at the same time’

Why are so many gay men single?

I use 'we/us' pronouns but that's not why I missed out on a much-needed job

Tags: Awareness, Books, Children, Disease, Disruption, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Environment, Fear, Funny, Future, Gay, Hostility, Injury, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage, Misrepresentation, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Rejection, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Shutdown, Snitch, Terraforming, Video, Violence, What Men Want, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law 


David Peace has motor neurone disease, a terminal illness which gradually affects the brain and nerves.

David, who lives in central London, is one of a number of people behind renewed calls to update England and Wales assisted dying laws to allow terminally ill people, with six months to live, the right to end their life, subject to strict criteria.
A second reading of the assisted dying bill is due to take place in the House of Lords this autumn.

Assisted dying: Campaigners renewed hope for change in the law

Jaime Osorio Márquez, dies by assisted suicide at 46

Inside the first Sarco pod suicide

Kenya court rules that criminalising attempted suicide is unconstitutional

Tags: Celebrity, Choices, Disease, Health, Laws, Life, Medical, Mental Health, Respect, Seniors, Suicide, Support, Tired, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Dyslexic Gay Man Not Accepted By Tampa Bay Community 


Some people thought he was trying to be funny and got mad about it. Then we found out he’s dyslexic but it’s still weird.

Dyslexic Gay Man Not Accepted

Italy not signing LGBTQ+ rights bill

Pronouns, tribal affiliations now forbidden in SD public univ. employee emails

Minnesota bans Gay & Trans Panic Defense

Hundreds of gay men evicted from Dallas hotel after AKA Sorority members complained about their attire

GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis Under Fire

Ford exits LGBTQ+ index

This anti-DEI activist is targeting LGBTQ rights

I Have Tourette’s, and I’m Gay

Tags: $, Ban, Bullying, Business, Cancellation, Charity, Club/Bar, Community, Court, Disease, Disruption, Employment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Hostility, Hypocrisy, Laws, LGBTQ, Neglect, Parties, Policy, Politics, Priorities, Protections, Punishment, Rejection, Respect, Sad, Society, Support, Survival, Travel, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



Why are we catching more diseases from animals? 


The world is grappling with the new coronavirus, which has spread from China to at least 15 other countries.

Outbreaks of new infectious diseases are typically seen as a "one off".

But the new virus - thought to have stemmed from wildlife - highlights our risk from animal-borne disease. This is likely to be more of a problem in future as climate change and globalisation alter the way animals and humans interact.

How can animals make people ill?
In the past 50 years, a host of infectious diseases have spread rapidly after making the evolutionary jump from animals to humans.

The HIV/Aids crisis of the 1980s originated from great apes, the 2004-07 avian flu pandemic came from birds, and pigs gave us the swine flu pandemic in 2009. More recently, it was discovered severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) came from bats, via civets, while bats also gave us Ebola.

Humans have always caught diseases from animals. In fact, most new infectious diseases come from wildlife.

Why are we catching more diseases from animals

Some pet owners are advocating against rabies vaccines

Hundreds of baby emperor penguins stranded on breakaway iceberg miraculously survive

Tags: Animals, Backlash, Choices, Contagion, Death, Demands, Development, Disease, Environment, Etiquette, Health, Hostility, Injury, Lifestyle, Medical, Nature, Neglect, Neighbor, Outbreak, Overpopulation, Pets, Politics, Priorities, Safety, Science, Survival, Threat, Treatment, Virus, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



Everyone Really Hates Anti-Vaxxers and Keto 


Okay, everybody, the Worst Wellness Trend of the 2010s Tournament has officially drawn to a close, with anti-vaxxing claiming the number one slot once and for all. To be honest, we're not totally surprised. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids are, after all, notorious for lifting rhetoric from the reproductive rights movement and pretty much completely responsible for the revival of once-dead diseases like measles. Wellness rocks!

Everyone Really Hates Anti-Vaxxers and Keto

The Crime of Gay Sex

Tags: Contagion, Diet, Disease, Gay, Hate, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, List, Men, Mental Health, Politics, Reckless, Safety, Sex, Treatment, Virus, Warning, World

Filed under: Health/Food



Cats Kill a Staggering Number of Species across the World 


Exotic species such as pythons, Asian carp and cane toads often dominate the invasive species discourse. Few biological invaders, however, have wreaked as much ecological havoc as one of our most cuddly companions: cats.

Cats Kill a Staggering Number of Species


Wyoming hunter tortured wolf, paraded it around bar then shot it dead

Having a Cat Can Double Your Chances of Developing Schizophrenia

Horrifying last moments of mum eaten alive by safari park tiger


Dog owner allegedly decapitates bulldog after adopting him

City Defends Cop Who Shot Man's Blind, Deaf Dog

Las Vegas valley struggles with rabbit overpopulation

Tags: Animals, Change, Children, Choices, Death, Disease, Environment, Health, Interference, Kill, Killer, Mental Health, Misconduct, Nature, Neglect, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Pests, Pets, Safety, Terraforming, Threat, Treatment, Violence, Warning, World

Filed under: Health/Food



To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way 


The science is clear: without drastic action to limit temperature rise below 1.5C, the Earth, and all life on it, including all human beings, will suffer devastating consequences.

To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way

Scientists fear Earth may have gone past the point of no return with climate change

Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds

Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns

Patient in Guinea is killed by disease that causes 88% of sufferers to bleed to death is considered a breach for a mother to throw her daughter a shower...

Why climate change activists have failed to score public support

US abortion numbers have risen


Tags: Abortion, Contamination, Death, Disease, Environment, Health, Hypocrisy, Injury, Life Expectancy, Neglect, Overpopulation, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Politics, Pregnancy, Priorities, Privilege, Reckless, Safety, Science, Terraforming, Waste, Women

Filed under: Health/Food



More Patients Are Losing Their Doctors — And Trust 


Fred used to go to a community health center in Rhode Island, but then accessing care there began to frustrate her.

She described making repeated phone calls for a same-day appointment, only to be told that none were available and that she should try again tomorrow. After one visit, she said, one of her prescriptions never made it to the pharmacy.

And there was another time when she waited 40 minutes in the exam room to consult with a physician assistant — who then said she couldn’t give her a cortisone shot for her knee, as her doctor used to do.

Fred said that she won’t be going back.

More Patients...

2 red flag phrases that could signal that your doctor is dismissing your concerns

Men infected during mpox outbreak faced stigma, shame

Life-saving HIV clinic unexpectedly closes its doors with little explanation

Tags: Choices, Disease, Disruption, Employment, Health, Medical, Medicine, Neglect, Performance, Politics, Rejection, Safety, Shutdown, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



Taking an antibiotic after sex helps gay men curb STDs 


As the United States reckons with a burgeoning sexually transmitted disease crisis, a broadening chorus of public health experts are calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to endorse prescribing a preventive antibiotic pill to gay and bisexual men and transgender women at high risk of STDs.

Taking an antibiotic

More Younger People Are Getting Colorectal Cancers

Rise in infections of drug-resistant stomach bug

Shigellosis infection rising among gay & bi men

Young Gay Latinos See a Rising Share of New HIV Cases

Tags: AIDS, Bacteria, Contagion, Disease, Gay, Health, Investigation, LGBTQ, Medical, Medicine, Safety, Sex, Toxic, Treatment, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



New Calif. bill would force restaurants to offer only water or milk as drink options on kids menus 


Newly passed legislation in California would prohibit restaurants from offering any drinks other than water or milk on kids menus. Now it’s headed to Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown’s desk for his signature.

What are the details?
Senate Bill 1192 dictates that menus at privately owned businesses can list only water or milk as default drink options to accompany kids meals. The purported aim is to curb obesity and diabetes in children by discouraging the consumption of sugar-laden beverages.

New Calif. bill would force restaurants

McDonald’s is getting rid of free drink refills

Tags: Children, Choices, Disease, Drink, Environment, Health, Parenting, Restaurant

Filed under: Health/Food



Deadly fungal infection spreading at an alarming rate 


The fungus, a type of yeast called Candida auris, or C. auris, can cause severe illness in people with weakened immune systems. The number of people diagnosed with infections — as well as the number of those who were found through screening to be carrying C. auris — has been rising at an alarming rate since it was first reported in the U.S., researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday.

Deadly fungal infection

Elementary school temporarily closed as illness sickens 2 dozen

Rise of mpox cases in Chicago raises concern

Syphilis Outbreak Declared: 128% Increase In Cases Among Women

About 300 people at California hospital possibly exposed to measles

California city declares a public health emergency

Tags: Children, Choices, Contagion, Contamination, Death, Disease, Education, Fungus, Health, Hospital, Illness, Infected, LGBTQ, Medical, Safety, Sex, Shutdown, Surge, Warning, Women

Filed under: Health/Food



Congenital Syphilis Rates Are the Highest They've Been in More Than 20 Years 


After years of decline, rates of congenital syphilis are once again on the rise in the US. According to an analysis published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 5, cases of congenital syphilis—or a syphilis infection passed from mother to baby during pregnancy—rose 261% from 2013-2018, from 362 cases to 1,306 cases. Of those 1,306 cases in 2018, the CDC reported 94 resulted in stillbirths or early infant deaths.

“This is the highest number of congenital syphilis cases reported in the US since 1995,” Anne Kimball, MD, MPH, who works in the CDC's Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention, tells Health. “The rise in congenital syphilis parallels an increase in syphilis among women overall, so the increase is largely because more women of reproductive age (15-44) are getting syphilis. In fact, the US rate of primary and secondary syphilis has increased almost every year for nearly 20 years.”

Congenital Syphilis Rates Are the Highest...

CDC deploys team to investigate NY polio outbreak

STDs spike across the US as syphilis goes up by a QUARTER and HIV rockets by 16%

Gay men are twice as likely than straight men to have this painful disease

13 Doctor's office workers get herpes from janitor

Gender-neutral lavatories ‘have more germs than single-sex ones’

Tags: Children, Choices, Contagion, Disease, Environment, Gay, Health, Illness, Investigation, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Pregnancy, Safety, Sex, Travel, Vaccine, Warning, Women

Filed under: Health/Food





What we do know is that recorded rat sightings in New York are at an all-time high. In December, Mayor Eric Adams posted, with great fanfare, a job announcement: The city was looking for a “highly motivated and somewhat bloodthirsty” candidate to take on the newly restored position of rat czar. (A brilliant idea, I thought; I had, after all, suggested that he take such action in an open letter.) Yet, three months later, the position still hasn’t been filled. A few weeks ago, the mayor himself had to pay a $300 fine for failing to control rats at a rowhouse he rents out to tenants.


Rodent droppings found at restaurant

They Lost Their Jobs Because They Put Their Dog Down

Growing number of Mass. communities being overrun by pesky rodents

Rats found infected with virus that causes COVID

Rat soup shuts down popular restaurant

Is Birth Control the Solution?

Rat problem?

Infectious disease spread by rat urine seeps into NYC

Rat urine is causing uptick in rare disease

Tags: Accusation, Animals, Attack, Bacteria, Choices, City, Clean, Contagion, Contamination, Court, Culture, Danger, Death, Disease, Environment, Family, Food, Health, Illness, Kill, Neglect, Outbreak, Performance, Pests, Politics, Restaurant, Safety, Shutdown, Support, Survival, Takeover, Termination, Terraforming, Threat, Toxic, Vermin, Warning

Filed under: Health/Food



California cities rattled by prostitution, human trafficking in broad daylight 


Women wearing thongs in broad daylight on street corners, pimps following mothers taking their kids to school, and prostitutes twerking at traffic have become common scenes in California.

California cities rattled by prostitution

Teen found in Utah sex offender’s basement

Trey Songz, Atlantic Records and Kevin Liles sued for rape

‘Have to shoot her first’

Rehab employee federally charged with sexually abusing teen

Prostitutes Soliciting In Broad Daylight, Propositioning Kids

Berkeley student carjacked at gunpoint

Employee fires shots during robbery attempt

Queens hooker hangout

California has had ENOUGH!

Tags: $, Accusation, Anguish, Business, Celebrity, Chaos, Children, Children's Show, Choices, College, Crime, Disease, Disruption, Education, Enabler, Environment, Etiquette, Exploitation, Greed, Guns, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Misconduct, Music, Neighbor, Offensive, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Rage, Policy, Politics, Preference, Protest, Rape, Reckless, Sex, Sex Worker, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Slavery, Takeover, Theft, Threat, Trans, Unruly Child, Vengeance, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



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