Movies Posts Tagged as '1950s'
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World Without End (1956)

Astronauts propelled into an apocalyptic earth have to encourage a frightened future society that sun and violence is necessary for survival. Rod Taylor wastes no time getting undressed and that was a good thing but somebody chopped up his story. Future women were equipped with beauty and a desire to experience a man at his most sweaty. Cavemen were created from an atomic blast that made them violent and gave them the capacity to rule the environment. It's a film with good ideas that are jumbled. Future woman was the only realistic effect. They were gorgeous in skimpy space suits. The film couldn't expand on why the cure for everything is to fight. 16-Jan-2025
Kind Lady (1951)

A band of marauders suck the life out of a rich elderly woman with kindness to spare, isolated loneliness and owner of great art. Maurice Evans adds finality to his charmed villain, Angela Lansbury exemplified trash with two hearts and there were constants that gave it hope. The suspense gripped, the actors ascended and the story fascinated. Lady Barrymore excelled as a victim worth saving. 28-Jun-2024
Not A Stranger (1955)

Stallone was The Robert Mitchum of his era but no one could beat Mitchum in his own. He had a back like Hulk, Rocky eyes and Superman's countenance. Mitchum wanted to become a doctor but couldn't afford it. His father was a drunk that drank his wife's suffering money and wasted their son's future. His medical student enrollment will be terminated if he doesn't pay his fee. Olivia de Havilland is the good nurse captivated by Dr. Hulk and exhibiting fangirl craze and saved up money. He is the distant thing that doesn't find her distracting but she's someone to talk to. He'd rather become a doctor. Olivia is an independent foreigner that mistakes his intentions of marriage as fairytale truth. He just wants to be a doctor. That's why he got drunk on his wedding night. Big man gains a god complex once his superiority is solidified and success follows. He believes that the medical profession needs to follow code, even though he breaks them at home. Olivia wants to start a family but the giant wants to fuck things he likes. Actor watt was at 100%. Olivia wrecked her accent and our hearts. Frank Sinatra was a hardy friend that tried to tame the hulk's rage. Anytime a surgical procedure went wrong bigback clobbered the shit out of the culprit, even if they were his boss. Doctor withstands life with a wife he's not absorbing and becomes a maniac doctor. Sympathy, miracles and delusions. How do you cure a god complex? Have him fail. Gloria Grahame was a Poison Ivy sketch ready to buckle a giant. Her lip liner was everything. Passionate mischief enacted with horses. Cute. 27-Nov-2023
Woman Possessed (1958)

A mother who has dedicated her whole life to making sure her son could take care of himself are reunited after two years of studying and accomplishing. He's a doctor, now and engaged to be married. His fiancee is with him and he's brought her along to marry. The introductions are awkward, full of rich people manners that can't mask hate. The conversations are human. Mother expounds an opinion that changes their lives forever. The couple bicker about how much control the mother has over her son and the backhanded humiliation future wife receives. Sometimes he was right, other times she was and half the time, both were. The mother blames the fiancee's weakness as to why she needs to suffer in her world. She was horrible when no one was around and she never let them see her sweat in a dress. The jury flip flops as did I. Uncle was cute, old maid was tired, of course, she had a mansion to clean, dress and cook for and young maid's exit was fucked up. The birthday party was a topper. The irony explains itself, the ladies were in good form and was that a lesbian ending? 22-Jul-2023
Somebody Up There Likes Me (1956)

Rocky was a criminal with a violent streak that learned to harness his rage and become a boxing champion. A boxer fights until he is bested and the beast subsides. The story is decisive and instructive. Newman found the soul the tribute demanded. The supporting cast shook like broadway during an earthquake. The show must go on. The fighting was desperate and raw. The soul was accurately apparent and the film strived for perfection. 17-Jul-2023
Another Man's Poison (1951)

Bette's 50s era was full of Lady Davis folklore and drag queen reboots. Lady Davis was forced to compete with herself. A worn out hunk has beef with her husband because he foiled a heist and he's being blamed. Bette is at the height of shifty. She parlays her caricature tics to mixed effects. She is over until somebody fucks with her animal. The feelings reeled a barracuda out of her. The camera decided that Bette's gift was mechanical and that the new way was better. They highlighted her flaws and disheveled her tidiness. The disclosures felt possibly true, Bette's messy art was always entertaining but it's a crappy movie. 10-Apr-2023
This Woman Is Dangerous (1952)

History lends the movie charm. Joan's precision was in full bloom. A gangster's mole with looks of steel, going blind. A jealous gangster can't fathom his girlfriend going out of town to get her eyes fixed. A doctor that performs miracles and spits sunshine saves her. Romance ensues as he keeps spitting sunshine and performing miracles to encapsulate her. Boyfriend heads towards her destination as the clouds start rolling by. He's rampaging, killing everything that gets in his way, even the sun. It drools and pants more than it deserves but Joan is a centerpiece worth watching. She saved the day by using woman's most cherished accompaniment, her purse. She was so focused that she portrayed blind even when she could see. Why isn't she looking at the other actors? She keeps looking towards us. Who the fuck is she talking to? She dotes on doctor's adorable child like she meant it! The crime drama finds movement at the end but the melodrama sort of killed it. 28-Feb-2023
Screaming Skull, The (1958)

Rich woman with psychological problems marries a dried up coochie player in the hopes of finding normalcy and family. Daddy coochie gaslights because he thinks she is incapable of the truth and doesn't want to cause her more anxiety. Her parents drowned because she couldn't save them. Her latest coochie grabber's ex-wife may be haunting her new home. Daddy leaves her home alone a lot. I saw a crappy colorized version that hinted how nice it would have been in color if you separated it by seconds. Marriage is entrapment and not a contract. The only way to prove to yourself that you are not psychologically impaired is to marry. Your partner will legally let you know what's wrong with you. 23-Jan-2023
Throne Of Blood (1957)

Kurosawa's imagining of Macbeth was intoxicating. He lingered until we felt the character's desperation. The background was still and intimidating. The actors wore silent film faces with impassioned speak. Toshiro Mifune was a beast royale as MacBeth. Isuzu Yamada was fabulously haunting as his Lady. The rustle of her dress, the scary predictions, the make-up and bouts of violent madness. She was a favorite thing. Deaths were choreographed with coherent math and geography. Inspiration is achieved. Masterpiece recreation is impossible because the best things in it happened by accident. 28-Mar-2022
Man In The Attic (1953)

Jack The Ripper is on the loose and living in "Our Town." He is compelled to kill because he can sense debauchery and orgasms from his female victims. He may be bunking with an actress and her left wing family. Aunt Bee from Mayberry is the "Karen" the town needs or she may be a nosey bitch. Jack Palance has the most muscular face in moviedom and is of great height. Whether he is or isn't is not the point of the film, whether all actresses are whores, is. 19-Feb-2022
Quiet Man, The (1952)

It's a cultural fairy tale that vibrates with status and wondrous oblivion. It's as pretty as the people breathing life into it. Culture doesn't deny itself, it contributes to the world. White people made me feel good. So what? 23-Jan-2022
Hondo (1953)

A wife/mother abandoned by hubby on Apache terrain staves off conflict when an Indian head takes a liking to her son. Apaches don't cry and revere baby boys as gifts. An ultimatum is issued. She must decide on an Indian for a husband or the Apaches will kidnap and raise her son. She keeps hoping her husband returns but the Apaches think he's dead. In struts John Wayne as a half Apache gunslinger that causes as much ruckus as he does saving. The best westerns contain wide landscapes, big hearts and simple writing. Society (Apaches) has the right to teach a boy to become a man for the benefit of his survival. Wayne is classic and Geraldine has the audacity to stand up for her son and protect their homestead. The kid is precious.
(If you want to be an asshole, you can count how many times the make-up runs off Apache legs or you can just enjoy a great story.) 26-Dec-2021
War Of The Worlds, The (1953)

God was so angry at us in the 50's that he sent aliens with innovative tech to destroy us. The film details the science and the purpose. Actors are effective. Effects hold up. Its relevance withstands. 26-Nov-2021
Bat, The (1959)

Lesbian writer moves into a fully staffed mansion that quits once "The Bat" killer strikes town. Some of the pestilence Agnes Moorhead has to rid her mansion of is the Queen of Horror, Vincent Price. "The Bat" killer has only one claw. They couldn't afford a seamstress? Silly shenanigans aside, it's about a famous artist on the down low living a glorious life with her lover as her maid. Brilliant. That part. 02-Nov-2021
Iron Mistress, The (1952)

The mistress is a knife. Men are constantly dueling, women are constantly conquering. The woman is torn between great sex or better fashion. The love obsession keeps fumbling her preference. Her main preference keeps dueling and killing to break her iron will. Iron doesn't break as easily as a blade bends. The black experience is joyous, the thoughts are candy flavored and the premise is pristine, repetitive and dull. 30-Sep-2021