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Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?  


We don’t even have pronouns for this.

That’s what accounts for the clumsy grammar of the statement parent Kori Doty issued about Doty’s newborn baby, Searyl Atli Doty. For that matter, it also accounts for the clumsy grammar of the sentence you just read.

Anyway, Kori Doty’s statement read: “It’s up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity. I am not going to foreclose that choice based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”

As noted, the English language is not ready for this. For all its splendors, English offers no gender-neutral singular pronoun except “it.” Who wants to be an “it?”

If the language is not ready, well, truth to tell, neither is your humble correspondent. It’s a jarring realization.

Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?

Pronoun use at center of rape case involving former Chowchilla prisoner

The gender confusion in Scotland over prisoners now rears its head in Northern Ireland

I Set Out To Report On Violence Against Trans People

'I wanted to blow up the internet'

Trump to sign executive orders proclaiming there are only two biological sexes, halting diversity programs


EEOC won't advocate for trans and nonbinary people

Argentina to ban hormone therapy for trans children

Tags: All Rights, Anguish, Argument, Ban, Children, Choices, Concern, Confusing, Court, Disabled, Education, Environment, Fear, History, Inclusion, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Political, Prison, Rape, Sex Identity, Trans, Women In Charge, World, Writing

Filed under: Gay+



'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women

Filed under: Gay+



Young men reveal why they’re single 


They’re single but they’re not mingling.

New data from the Pew Research Center has shown that 63% of men under 30 are single – up from 51% in 2019.

COVID isolation and women’s high expectations for something serious are the main reasons they’re avoiding going out and coupling up, young guys say.

“Dates feel more like job interviews now. Much more like ‘What can you do for me and where is this going?'” said Ian Breslow, a 28-year-old high school teacher who lives in Astoria.

Young men reveal why they’re single

11-year-old reads aloud from ‘pornographic’ book

‘I’m a father and I couldn’t do this’

Gay couple beaten in Times Square

A return to chastity?

Man, 26, poses as teen at high schools, now charged with sex crimes

‘I was sucking and cutting at the same time’

Why are so many gay men single?

I use 'we/us' pronouns but that's not why I missed out on a much-needed job

Tags: Awareness, Books, Children, Disease, Disruption, Education, Employment, Enforcement, Environment, Fear, Funny, Future, Gay, Hostility, Injury, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage, Misrepresentation, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Rejection, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Shutdown, Snitch, Terraforming, Video, Violence, What Men Want, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Health/Food



LGBTQ students consider quitting college at an alarming rate 


More than 1 in 4 LGBTQ college students have considered dropping out of school because of mental health challenges, a survey released Thursday shows.

And a vast majority of LGBTQ students – 92% – say their mental health status has negatively impacted some part of their college experience.

LGBTQ students consider quitting college at an alarming rate

NY hands out worthless diplomas to high school ‘grads’

America’s students “don’t know anything”

LGBTQ Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners not seeking re-election

'Largest score decline' in reading and math for nation's 9-year-olds

Power of NO

Victimhood U: colleges’ leftist brainwashing is making young Americans miserable

NAEP scores show disheartening trends for the lowest-performing students

Tags: College, Community, Education, Environment, Fail, Fear, Inclusion, Insecurities, Intelligence, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Neglect, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Punishment, Quit, Sex, Shutdown, Students, Teacher

Filed under: Gay+



Church depicts Jesus as genderqueer with breasts, a beard and make-up so ‘everyone sees themselves in Christ’ 


The national church of Iceland has apologised for circulating a children’s Sunday school advertisement that depicted Jesus Christ as genderqueer.

The cartoon poster from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland shows a rosy-cheeked Christ with breasts, beard and make-up jumping in front of a rainbow.

Church depicts Jesus as genderqueer with breasts

These parents say LGBTQ+ lessons violate their religions

Tags: Advertising, All Rights, Apology, Art, Backlash, Children, Church, Equality, Fear, LGBTQ, Parental Burden, Religion, Support, Sweet

Filed under: Gay+



I asked my daughter's teachers not to call her a boy... they reported me to social services 


‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body. She was still developing. So, I wondered if the change of name was connected to this.’

When she phoned her daughter’s co-educational state secondary school, the receptionist claimed the name change ‘must be a mistake’.

... they reported me to social services

Ca school district transitioned child without telling parent,

Maher says Biden admin ‘all-in’ on trans indoctrination of kids

Now I Know Who I Really Am

Teacher who refused to use student’s pronouns arrested

Teacher helps students change names, pronouns without parents’ knowledge

Lying to Parents About Trans Kids Hurts Kids

Teacher shortage forcing schools to cancel classes

UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

California law beginning Jan. 1, 2025, bans schools from notifying parents of kid’s pronoun change

Tags: Arrest, Cancellation, Celebrity, Change, Children, Choices, Coming Out, Consent, Consequences, Court, Education, Enforcement, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Fear, Identity, Intelligence, Interference, LGBTQ, Medical, Opinion, Parental Rage, Parental Responsibility, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Priorities, Questionable, Quit, Representation, Teacher, Termination, Threat, Training, Trans, Video, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Gay IDF soldiers slam LGBTQ protesters’ ‘fake understanding’ of human rights 


Shay Abergil, 34, a paratrooper reservist, says gay and lesbian Israelis now have a “complicated relationship” with the LGBTQ community outside Israel.

“We always hear New York Pride being such a great and fun event, but then you have these protests and activists that make the event less fun, it’s even dangerous to wear a Star of David or speak Hebrew out loud,” Abergil added.

Gay IDF soldiers

Saudi Arabia Reportedly Sentences Netflix Comedian to 13 Years

Why LGBTQ activism and Palestinian nationalism are incompatible causes

'They are unnatural'

Lynch mob attacks two gay men having sex in a car

Hundreds attend gay IDF soldier’s memorial service

Two trans women stabbed to death at home in Pakistan

Mali lawmakers pass law to throw gay citizens in jail

Jews and gay people should hide identity in ‘Arab neighbourhoods’

LGBTQ+ Afghans ‘suffer sexual and physical abuse’

Tags: Animation, Attack, Death, Environment, Fear, Gay, Laws, LGBTQ, Military, Murder, Neighbor, Opinion, Politics, Portrait, Prison, Punishment, Sex, Social Media, Threat, Trans, Tribute, Violence, War, World

Filed under: Gay+



Residents of popular Southern California city on edge amid wave of violence 


Just this weekend, five men were arrested after a giant brawl broke out on the beach, leaving one person stabbed and another with a broken ankle. Both victims were hospitalized.

Earlier in the week, 32-year-old Jawann Dwayne Garnett, who police say is homeless, was arrested after violent attacks on three female beachgoers. He has since been charged with attempted rape and attempted murder.

Southern California city on edge amid wave of violence

Police Seek Public’s Help After Elderly Man Attacked in Palm Springs

Historic Gay Nightclub Loses License Over Violence

Tags: Anguish, Attack, Bar/Club, Community, Crime, Environment, Fear, Ghetto, Health, Homeless, Injury, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Neglect, Politics, Protection, Safety, Seniors, Shutdown, Travel, Violence, Warning

Filed under: Gay+



San Francisco will allow police to deploy robots that kill 


The vote was 8-3, with the majority agreeing to grant police the option despite strong objections from civil liberties and other police oversight groups. Opponents said the authority would lead to the further militarization of a police force already too aggressive with poor and minority communities.

San Francisco will allow police to deploy robots that kill

San Francisco changes course amid public outrage

Man a ‘little traumatized’ by security guard beatdown in subway

Neighbors remain concerned over triple deadly shooting in Palm Springs

Suspect held after another California mass shooting

8 people shot, 1 killed at gas station

Big Brother concerns over plan to use drones to fight crime at Central Park

Text-to-911 now available throughout Pennsylvania

Tags: Backlash, Choices, Crime, Fear, Laws, Murder, Police, Politics, Rejection, Robot, Safety, Shooting, Support, Violence

Filed under: Gay+



I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up 


I have a recurring thought that might turn into a problem. I’m married to a man I adore, and we have an incredible sex life that I wouldn’t change for the world. Passionate, fun, multiple orgasms per session. However, while my body is overjoyed, my mind is struggling. My husband is slightly shorter than average, and his dick is slightly smaller than average as well. This is something I’ve always known and has never impacted our sex life. But I had a friend complaining about a below-average-sized lover, and it got me all in my head. Now when I look at my husband in bed, I can’t not notice that he’s smaller than what society says he should be. I never thought about it before, but it’s making me feel less attracted to him now. I find myself less inclined to give him hand jobs or blow jobs because I don’t want to think about his size. Why am I obsessing over this when I find sex with him so pleasurable? How do I get over this?

—Little Problem

I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up

Is it true ejaculating 21 times a month will drastically lower my husband’s risk of getting prostate cancer?

What Is the Average Penis Size

Tags: Advice, Anatomy, Exercise, Fear, Future, Health, Humiliation, Interference, Masturbation, Men, Pride, Relationships, Science, Self Interest, Sex, Study, Treatment, Women In Charge

Filed under: Health/Food



Kenya Doomsday Death Toll Hits 200 


The bodies are believed to be those of followers of a pastor based in coastal Kenya, Paul Mackenzie. He’s alleged to have ordered congregants to starve to death in order to meet Jesus.

More than 600 people are still missing.

Kenya Doomsday Death Toll Hits 200

Kenya cult: Children targeted to die first

We can’t let them condemn us to this hell

Haiti spirals to collapse as gangs tighten grip

The news story the world ignored

Kenya's pause to Haiti deployment

The former cop-turned-gang leader bringing Haiti to its knees

‘It is simply best not to get pregnant’

Children ‘piled up and shot’: new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur

‘Here are the girls who can get pregnant’

Tags: Abuse, Attack, Children, Community, Crime, Cultural, Education, Environment, Exclusivity, Fear, Hate, Kill, Lifestyle, Men In Charge, Murder, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Politics, Rape, Religion, Revolt, Safety, Self Interest, Self-hatred, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Slavery, Students, Suicide, Takeover, Threat, Torture, Violence, War, World

Filed under: Gay+



It’s Sickening How Many Guns Were Sold on Black Friday 


By the time Thanksgiving rolled around this year, the nation had witnessed 609 mass shootings but had not lost its appetite for guns. Data obtained by The Daily Beast reveals that more Americans tried to buy firearms on Black Friday than they did last year.

It’s Sickening

Boy, 10, 'shot his mom dead at close range for refusing to get him a $500 VR headset'

15-year-old injured cop, murdered his brother, 16, neighbor and three other people

Spring break horror...

Parents of gunman to stand trial in school shooting

Teacher files $40M lawsuit against school over shooting by 6-year-old

4 people killed, dozens injured in chaotic night of mass shootings

1 dead, at least 22 wounded in mass shooting at Juneteenth celebration

At least 6 teens shot

Boy, 11, gunned down mom after she refused to buy him VR headset

Tags: $, Celebration, Chaos, Children, Crime, Education, Environment, Fear, Greed, Guns, Holiday, Injury, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Safety, Shopping, Surge, Takeover, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Ricky Martin Faces Restraining Order in Puerto Rico 


El Vocero, a Puerto Rico newspaper, said the order states that Martin and the other party dated for seven months. The report quotes the order as saying they broke up two months ago, but the petitioner says Martin did not accept the separation and has been seen loitering near the petitioner’s house at least three times.

Ricky Martin Faces Restraining Order in Puerto Rico

Jeff Lewis dumps Stuart O'Keeffe

Ricky Martin Facing Prison Time Over Incest and Domestic Abuse

Claim of Sexual or Romantic Relationship With Nephew

Shakira could face 8 years in prison

Ricky Martin Is Suing His Nephew for $20 Million

Ricky Martin's nephew, 21, files sexual assault complaint again

French CNC President to Face Trial on Sexual Assault Charges Against Godson

Ricky Martin divorcing husband

Who is Max Barz?

Tags: Accusation, Cancellation, Celebrity, Court, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family, Fear, Gay, Incest, LGBTQ, Music, Punishment, Relationships, Sex, Threat, World

Filed under: Gay+



Trans Florida teacher worked for weeks after saying she ‘wanted to shoot some students’ 


A transgender Florida teacher upset over a hurtful online post was taken to a higher-up’s office for counseling — where she allegedly threatened to shoot some underperforming students.

Trans Florida teacher worked

Trans sex worker infected client with HIV

Starbucks sacks trans worker who accused customer of being transphobic

Trans activist whose neighbours are terrified of

Are Conservatives Winning the Debate on Transgenderism?

Trans activist arrested for murder

Gunman arrested...

Ring of trans women that targeted foreign men...

Gay Activists Helped Start This Transgender Fire

How about an ‘Enough Already Month’

Tags: Activism, Business, Children, Choices, Coffee, Disease, Drag, Education, Employment, Family, Fear, Guns, Hate, Hostility, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Murder, Neighbor, Parental Burden, Sex, Sex Worker, Teacher, Theft, Threat, Trans, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World

Filed under: Gay+



Substitute teacher in Texas left with bloody face after student... 


A series of clips circulating online showed the substitute teacher at DeSoto West Middle School being struck in the head Wednesday.

“Damn!” another student yelled out after educator Larry Brumfield was hit in the head, one clip shows.

Substitute teacher in Texas left with bloody face after student

Professor ‘haunted’ after shooter opens fire in his classroom

Student attacks school employee after Nintendo Switch taken away

Lamar High student punches teacher in face

‘It’s a human rights violation’

Violence against school teachers soars

Florida parent strikes school employee

Tags: Bullying, Children, Cultural, Education, Employment, Etiquette, Fear, Guns, Kill, Mental Health, Misconduct, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Spoiled, Suicide, Teacher, Threat, Treatment, Unruly Child, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



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