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'They look like linebackers with boobs.' 

An ex-inmate of a California women's prison has spoken of the terror of being locked up with 'big, burly and aggressive' male-to-female transgender detainees thanks to a recent state law.

'They look like linebackers with boobs.'

Lesbian Dating App Uses Facial Recognition to Exclude Trans Women

Trans detainee 'lives in fear' of reprisals now he's back in an all-male lockup

Bachelorette Star Accused Of Faking Gender Transition For Attention

Hulking transgender athletes take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium

Black trans nonprofit leader allegedly stole $99K for a Mercedes & luxury goods

Almost two thirds of transgender women in prisons are serving sentences for sex offences

Trans child molester held in women's prison 'sexually assaulted cellmate

Tangled web of 'Zizian cult' duo who planned to marry and were both netted for separate murders

Tags: $, ?, App, Ban, Burden, Charity, Children, Confusion, Crime, Dating, Differences, Employment, Equality, Fear, Greed, Hostility, Humiliation, Interference, LGBTQ, Men, Murder, Opportunity, Preference, Prison, Punishment, Rape, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Terror, Theft, Threat, Trans, Vegan, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women

Filed under: Gay+



Gay bro says his dog stopped respecting him after watching him bottom 


“The guy was being pretty rough and I was getting into it moaning being slutty you know bottom things until the top pointed out the dog was watching us,” he writes. “I got him out of the room and closed the door but since then my dog doesn’t seem to want to listen to me, respect my authority, or even spend much time with me. I try to pet or hug him and he growls or moves away, that wasn’t the case before.”

Gay bro says...

I’m okay with my son being gay… as long as he’s not a bottom

My Husband and I Don’t Have Sex. It’s Hard to Stomach What He Does Instead

Tags: Advice, Animals, Confusion, Environment, Etiquette, Father, Gay, Humiliation, LGBTQ, Men, Nature, NSFW, Parental Burden, Pets, Profiling, Sex, Shutdown, Training

Filed under: Health/Food



Pundit mocked for denouncing “lesbians on the moon” 


NASA hiring lesbians is like bad pornography.

Pundit mocked for denouncing “lesbians on the moon”

Lesbian teacher arrested for sex with student when wife was out of town

School teacher is slammed for bragging about 'indoctrinating' students

Two Women Face Federal Charges

Texas removed six Black children from their homes

Prosecutor demands cancellation of birth certificates for lesbian couples

...Captain Sandy Has ‘Qualified Captains’ With Her When Filming

Lesbian couple caught having intercourse on McDonald’s lawn

Tags: Adoption, Cancellation, Celebrity, Child Abuse, Children, Confusion, Criticism, Cruelty, Education, Family, Laws, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Minors, Murder, Opinion, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Sexual Abuse, Suicide, Teacher, Treatment, TV Gay Swatch, Video, What Men Want, Women In Charge, World

Filed under: Gay+



As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal 


I have pride. I no longer crave the comforts of normalcy because so much joy and insight has come on the other side of fear and being an outlier, even an outcast. I have divorced my comforts from those of people around me. I know now that our culture’s fringe is also its framework. That is the power of queerness. Normalization is, frankly, anti-queer. No amount of respectability politics can change that. Being normal is a lie people tell themselves to cover up the reality that they are merely common.

As a Gay Man, I’ll Never Be Normal

Shocking Details Emerge On The Gay TikTok Couple Convicted Of Murder

Detransitioning from Barbie to Ken

Ethiopia cracks down on gay sex in hotels, bars and restaurants

“Gay sex party” priest handed prison sentence

Gay Jewish teen met with neo-Nazi killer because he thought sex would be ‘legendary

Bill Maher mocks Don Lemon lamenting

Katy Perry photos show how far accused killer cop has fallen

Catholic school didn’t violate the law by firing gay teacher

Sicko worker filmed himself peeing in pickles, rubbing his genitals on meat

Tags: Celebrity, Chemicals, Clergy, Comedy, Confusion, Contamination, Court, Dating, Denial, Employment, Environment, Experience, Fetish, Food, Gay, Hate, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Limited, Murder, NSFW, Opinion, Portrait, Prison, Punishment, Religion, Restaurant, Safety, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Society, Surgery, Talk, TV, TV Gay Swatch, Vengeance, Video, Video Gay Swatch, Violence, World, Writer

Filed under: Gay+



Cardi B Believes Same-Sex Sexual Assault Can Cause Homosexuality 


“He started having crazy sex with women, he started having crazy sex with men,” she continued. “He just wanted to identify what he likes, all because he got sexually assaulted.”

Cardi B Believes

‘Leave Your Mistake’ Kids ‘at Home’

I think Cardi is right. Having been raped by both sexes before puberty forced me to choose my sexual preference on the spot. I chose the less icky one.

After 10 days of munching on grass and feeling like there was an individual floss strip for every one of my teeth, I confronted her. I didn't want to do it anymore. She became agitated and threatening but I didn't budge. She was going to tell my mother my secret and I was going to get it. I presumed that she caught me using my mother's hairbrush to rub my penis. Dude, it had the softest bristles. I would rather get beat. She fumed and I won.

On a hypocritical note, I continued to allow my male cousin to rape my dick as I faked unconsciousness during sleepovers. 27-Apr-2024

Tags: Celebrity, Children, Confusion, Consequences, Music, NSFW, Parental Crime, Sex, Sex Identity, Sexual Abuse

Filed under: Gay+



Student ‘slave auctions’ illustrate the existence of a hidden culture of domination and subjugation in US schools 


“They needed another person to be in the video, and being the only Black person left in the locker room, they all turned to me,” one of the Black students said. “I made it clear I didn’t want to do it and tried to leave, but wasn’t able to.”

Clad in their underwear and with their eyes downcast, the three were paraded through the locker room and put on an auction block. At least one of the Black teens had a belt representing a noose looped around his neck.

One of the parents, Ashley Palmer, posted on Facebook that her son had been “sold” by his classmates.

Student ‘slave auctions’

Bullying of LGBTQ students on the rise

Audience member shouts racial slur during concert

Child welfare investigations are a constant threat

Speaker Among orders probe into gay activities

Black Harvard Democrat charged with anti-gay hate crime

...abusing student with gay parents

Tags: $, Attack, Bullying, Child Abuse, Children, Choices, Concert, Confusion, Cultural, Education, Etiquette, Fetish, Gay, Hate, Hostility, Insensitivity, Investigation, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, Misconduct, Music, Opinion, Parental Crime, Politics, Rejection, Safety, Sex, Students, Surge, Training, Treatment, Violence, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Sam Smith appears to be harassed in NYC park, called ‘pedophile,’ ‘groomer’ 


British pop star Sam Smith was subjected to vile anti-LGBT slurs in a New York City park, video shows.

Sam Smith appears to be harassed

‘Obsession With Labels’

Black Americans are split on trans and nonbinary issues

Deni Todorovic tried to get a taxi

Soho House cancels Palm Springs swim club plans

Catholic bookstore sues over preferred pronouns

Parents raise concerns after trans athlete allegedly deals girls welts, bruises...

Tags: $, Auto, Books, Business, Celebrity, Confusion, Court, Cultural, Hostility, Interview, LGBTQ, Music, Perception, Rejection, Religion, Service, Sports, Travel

Filed under: Gay+



Men can get pregnant 


A third of British schoolkids have been taught that a woman can have a penis, it was claimed today.

A survey of more than 1,000 kids aged 16-18 also revealed one in five were told men can get pregnant — even though it is biologically impossible.

Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was 'assigned' by medical professionals at birth. This meant, by their logic, that it could be changed later in life.

Men can get pregnant

Gay man piled-on after sharing pics of his newborn

...‘rise’ in transgenderism shows it’s a fad

Tags: Abortion, Confusion, Education, Enforcement, Experimentation, Gay, History, Instructional, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misrepresentation, Parental Burden, Politics, Pregnancy, Science, Sex, Training, Trans, World

Filed under: Health/Food



‘State of emergency’ declared for LGBTQ people 


The move comes as the activist organization documented more than 76 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that have been signed into law in 2023, more than double the amount signed last year; 2022 was previously considered the worst year on record for anti-LGBTQ legislation.

‘State of emergency’

...falsely accusing girl, 9, of being transgender

Middle school students chant their pronouns are 'U.S.A.'

Man guns down lesbian in front of her girlfriend

Protesters march outside Dodger Stadium hours before Pride Night

Pride flags torn down...

Laurence Fox defends burning 'LGBTQ+' flags on Father's Day

LGBT movement ‘losing control of itself’

Spanish town to ban LGBT flag

City votes unanimously to ban Pride flag

Tags: Activism, Anguish, Ban, Burden, Child Burden, Children, Confusion, Consequences, Disruption, Education, Enforcement, Environment, Flag, Laws, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Rage, Politics, Priorities, Protest, Punishment, Rampage, Religion, Sports, Trans, Treatment, Video, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



Why I quit using my students’ preferred pronouns 


I used to use my middle-school students’ preferred pronouns.

It seemed polite.

The largest teachers union in the nation encourages it.

What harm could it do?

Why I quit using my students’ preferred pronouns

Demi Lovato ‘got tired’ of using ‘they/them’ pronouns

Tags: Anguish, Celebrity, Children, Confusion, Education, Etiquette, Exclusivity, Music, Opinion, Parental Burden, Portrait, Suicide, Teacher, Tired

Filed under: Gay+



A quarter of youngsters being treated at transgender clinics may just be autistic 


Up to a quarter of youngsters treated in transgender clinics may simply be autistic, according to new research.

Those attending gender identity clinics are many times more likely to show signs of autism than the population at large, doctors found.

Last night, critics said the figures called into serious question the practice of 'affirming' a young person's chosen gender and putting them forward for potentially irreversible medical treatment without a thorough examination of their psychiatric condition.

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are more likely than others to become fixated on an idea – be it true or false – which they can then find almost impossible to drop, warned Stephanie Arie-Davies, founder of the campaign group Transgender Trends.

...may just be autistic

Trans clinic is investigated for harming 600 children

More than 1,000 children were given puberty blockers

Gender clinic 'pushed gay teens into transitioning'

SD Is Going to Force Trans Kids to Detransition

'My son was never trans - he had severe OCD'

4 out of 5 kids who question gender ‘grow out of it’

'Child Butchers'

Trans doctor warns against new Spanish law

'Ya'll need to start leaving these kids alone'

Tags: $, Awareness, Ban, Children, Confusion, Court, Crime, Danger, Education, Enforcement, Environment, Health, Injury, Laws, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Military, Misrepresentation, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Regret, Science, Sex Identity, Sexual Abuse, Study, Trans, World

Filed under: Gay+



Walking children back from the cliff of gender ideology 


Amanda said it was clear through repeated conversations with her daughter that her daughter didn’t understand what a “gender identity” was or what it meant. And how could she? She was just 13 years old — far too young to understand who she was, let alone who she would like to be.

Walking children back from the cliff of gender ideology

LGBTQ Mom admits she regrets letting her son, 4, transition to a girl

Mom Demands Investigation after School Secretly Gives Daughter a ‘Chest Binder’

Christian teacher claims she was fired for refusing to lie about kids’ pronouns

Tags: Children, Confusion, Employment, Etiquette, Injury, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misunderstanding, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Priorities, Regret, Sex Identity, Teacher, Termination, Treatment, Unruly Child

Filed under: Gay+



Historically debunked '1619 Project' to be released as Hulu docuseries 


"‘The 1619 Project’ is an essential reframing of American history. "

Historically debunked

Tags: Backlash, Change, Confusion, Documentary, History, Misrepresentation, Video

Filed under: Gay+



5 Signs Your Husband Is Gay 


As the media has shown us over and over again, many a man “comes out” by being forced out due to their blatant disdain towards homosexuality. Tangled in their own web of lies Mark Folley, Ted Haggard, Phil Hinkle, and Jim McGreevey all played their “no gay me for me cards” only to be caught with their pants down with individuals of the same sex!

Whether it’s protecting their emails and texts, or always changing the subject about where they’ve been, if your man is uber-sensitive in these arenas, then there’s a good chance that one of two things is up:

He’s having an affair or...

5 Signs Your Husband Is Gay

Tags: Advice, Confusion, Consequences, Denial, Fraud, Marriage, Mental Health, NSFW, Relationships, Respect, Sex, Sex Identity, Training, Woman's Rights

Filed under: Gay+



Kids shouldn't choose their 'preferred pronouns 


New polling shows most Americans believe children should not be able to choose their own "preferred pronouns" and should instead stick with gendered pronouns that align with their biological sex.

Kids shouldn't choose their 'preferred pronouns

Case closed against boys who used wrong pronouns

Kids were told they were 'homophobic' if they didn't wave a Pride flag

We must defeat gender ideology and protect children

Stonewall and Mermaids will ‘get rid of gay people’

Gay YouTuber says he “might kill” a teacher if they talk to his son about sex

Teachers can't be forced to use alternative pronouns

Gay man slams school district over gender identity instruction

Influencer Oli London Shares He’s Detransitioning Back to Male

Iranian boy is born WITHOUT a penis

Tags: Activism, All Rights, Anatomy, Charity, Cheating, Child Burden, Children, Choices, Confusion, Court, Disturbed, Drag, Education, Enforcement, Gay, Judgment, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Misrepresentation, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Religion, Replacement, Representation, Science, Sex, Sex Identity, Social Distancing, Study, Takeover, Threat, Unruly Child, World, Youth

Filed under: Gay+



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