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Rupert Everett complains that the transgender rights movement has ‘completely overshadowed’ gay issues 


He criticised what he sees as an overly reproachful outlook among young people, and spoke of his fears of being “cancelled” for speaking about transgender issues.

“This might be the first time that the older generation has felt that they have to tiptoe around the younger generation and turn everything off,” he said.

While Everett claimed to support “wokeness” because “everything it stands for is, essentially, great,” he regretted that gay rights appear to have taken a backseat to trans issues, citing Russia’s recent move to ban same-sex marriage.

Rupert Everett complains

Majority of elite female athletes favor categorization by biological sex

Trans population is not as high as the 'totally unreliable' census figures suggest

Gay Catholic Flight Attendant Fired By United Airlines After Telling a Coworker That People Can’t Change Their Sex

The National Park Service Has Removed the Word “Transgender”

Tags: All Rights, Celebrity, Choices, Court, Employment, Environment, Equality, Gay, LGBTQ, Misrepresentation, Perception, Preference, Sports, Study, Termination, Trans, Travel, World



Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?  


We don’t even have pronouns for this.

That’s what accounts for the clumsy grammar of the statement parent Kori Doty issued about Doty’s newborn baby, Searyl Atli Doty. For that matter, it also accounts for the clumsy grammar of the sentence you just read.

Anyway, Kori Doty’s statement read: “It’s up to Searyl to decide how they identify, when they are old enough to develop their own gender identity. I am not going to foreclose that choice based on an arbitrary assignment of gender at birth based on an inspection of their genitals.”

As noted, the English language is not ready for this. For all its splendors, English offers no gender-neutral singular pronoun except “it.” Who wants to be an “it?”

If the language is not ready, well, truth to tell, neither is your humble correspondent. It’s a jarring realization.

Is notion of a genderless humanity going too far?

Pronoun use at center of rape case involving former Chowchilla prisoner

The gender confusion in Scotland over prisoners now rears its head in Northern Ireland

I Set Out To Report On Violence Against Trans People

'I wanted to blow up the internet'

Trump to sign executive orders proclaiming there are only two biological sexes, halting diversity programs


EEOC won't advocate for trans and nonbinary people

Argentina to ban hormone therapy for trans children

Tags: All Rights, Anguish, Argument, Ban, Children, Choices, Concern, Confusing, Court, Disabled, Education, Environment, Fear, History, Inclusion, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Political, Prison, Rape, Sex Identity, Trans, Women In Charge, World, Writing



LGBTQ+ rights attorneys accused of improper judge shopping 


On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Liles Burke released a 50-page report by a three-judge panel in the Middle District Court of Alabama that accuses 39 attorneys of judge shopping in a 2022 case they brought challenging Alabama’s ban on gender-affirming health care for trans youth. Of those, nine face possible sanctions that could at least complicate, if not end, their legal careers.

LGBTQ+ rights attorneys accused

...appeals to Akufo-Addo to sign Anti-Gay Bill into law

Mahama won’t know peace until he signs anti-gay bill

FA sued over Rainbow Laces campaign

Meta's new hate speech guidelines permit users to say LGBTQ people are mentally ill

Judge scraps Biden's Title IX rules, reversing expansion of protections for LGBTQ students

Gay leader leaves Pride org to help cut DEI programs

Tags: Activism, Campaign, Career, Choices, Cultural, Death, Disruption, Education, Employment, Interference, Laws, Leaders, LGBTQ, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Politics, Religion, Sex, Trans, World



Video captures boy, 12, being bullied, choked on bus by a girl 


A Virginia mom has shared horrifying video of her 12-year-old son being attacked on a school bus by a female classmate — who left him with red marks and bruises after choking him in the shocking display of bullying.

Video captures boy, 12

Teen Girl Kills 12-Year-Old Brother

Mom demands to know why 19 month-old daughter came home 'mauled'

Man obsessed with pigs killed own dad

Dad charged with murder after son, 7, succumbs to injuries...

...passed out, drunk on beach while kids wandered off alone

Christine Quinn's 2-Year-Old Son Taken to Hospital After Husband's Assault

Parents allegedly suffocate baby in couch cushions after passing out

Boyfriend allegedly assaulted girlfriend’s baby so badly he had a stroke

Stepdad who forced kids to sleep in ‘igloo-style doghouse’ in yard before killing 10-year-old boy

Tags: Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Child Abuse, Child Burden, Choices, Environment, Family, Hate, Heartless, Hostility, Mental Health, Murder, Neglect, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parental Crime, Rage, Safety, Travel, Treatment, Video, Violence, Women In Charge, World, Youth



Woman says 'rushed' gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal 


Keira Bell is taking the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust to court over the treatment she received for gender dysphoria, a condition where a person experiences distress due to a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity.

The 23-year-old, who used to identify as a boy, said the puberty-delaying drugs and testosterone prescribed to her have irreversibly damaged her physical and mental health.

Ms Bell started receiving treatment, including hormone blockers, after "roughly three sessions" at the Tavistock Centre. She says at the time she had "no doubt" she wanted to become a boy.

Ms Bell described her decision to transition as a teenager as a "coping mechanism" and says there was "no real investigation" into the other mental health issues she was going through at the time.

Gender reassignment treatment left her suicidal

More than 50% of trans and non-binary youth in US considered suicide

Why detransitioners are crucial to the science of gender care

When My Chinese Trans Identity Gets Lost in Translation

Gender dysphoria should be treated like anorexia

Detransitioner says testosterone treatment caused ‘more anxiety’

Tags: Awareness, Backlash, Children, Choices, Cultural, Environment, Etiquette, Family, Health, Injury, LGBTQ, Medical, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Politics, Reckless, Safety, Science, Suicide, Tradition, Trans, Treatment, World, Youth



I asked my daughter's teachers not to call her a boy... they reported me to social services 


‘I’d read up on gender identity and reassured her she could be as gender non-conforming as she wanted, but I wasn’t going to let her harm her body. She was still developing. So, I wondered if the change of name was connected to this.’

When she phoned her daughter’s co-educational state secondary school, the receptionist claimed the name change ‘must be a mistake’.

... they reported me to social services

Ca school district transitioned child without telling parent,

Maher says Biden admin ‘all-in’ on trans indoctrination of kids

Now I Know Who I Really Am

Teacher who refused to use student’s pronouns arrested

Teacher helps students change names, pronouns without parents’ knowledge

Lying to Parents About Trans Kids Hurts Kids

Teacher shortage forcing schools to cancel classes

UCLA student sues California doctors, says she was 'fast-tracked' into transgender surgery

California law beginning Jan. 1, 2025, bans schools from notifying parents of kid’s pronoun change

Tags: Arrest, Cancellation, Celebrity, Change, Children, Choices, Coming Out, Consent, Consequences, Court, Education, Enforcement, Etiquette, Fail, Family, Fear, Identity, Intelligence, Interference, LGBTQ, Medical, Opinion, Parental Rage, Parental Responsibility, Pederasty, Politics, Portrait, Priorities, Questionable, Quit, Representation, Teacher, Termination, Threat, Training, Trans, Video, World, Youth



Amish Brothers Won’t Do Prison Time After Impregnating Their 13-Year-Old Sister 


Two Amish brothers have pled guilty to molesting their 13-year-old sister — but none of them will likely be serving prison time.

Aaron Schwartz, 22, and his brother Petie, 18, were arrested in June after being accused of repeatedly raping their underage sister, who was 12 years old when the attacks started, according to the Webster County Citizen, a local newspaper.

Authorities first became aware of the sexual assault when the sister became pregnant by one of the brothers, the County Citizen reports. The brothers were arrested, and Petie and Aaron each allegedly admitted to having sex with the girl six times over the past year, local station KOLR reports. Their two younger brothers, both minors, also allegedly had sex with the sister.

When asked whether he’d do it again, Aaron told investigators, “Not to a little one like that,” according to a probable cause statement obtained by

Amish Brothers Won’t Do Prison Time After Impregnating Their 13-Year-Old Sister

Iraq is about to pass a law that will allow men to marry nine-year-old girls

...island paradise was rocked by a child sex abuse scandal that saw half its male population jailed

Tags: Child Abuse, Children, Choices, Family, Incest, Laws, Lifestyle, Marriage, Men In Charge, No Punishment, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Pregnancy, Protection, Rape, Religion, Sex, Threat, Violence, Woman's Rights, World, Youth



Younger LGBTQ people have a problem with kink at pride... 


Julian says he doesn’t think kink should be allowed at Pride: “Just because I’m at a Pride event doesn’t mean I’m consenting to see your naked, hairy ass flapping out of your leather pup costume.”

He goes on to state, “Pride should be for everyone: kids, teens, allies, my nana. Live out your horny fetish fantasies in private.”

Younger LGBTQ people have a problem

I’m a side

Pride revelers run screaming...

Schools roll out LGBTQ restrictions

LGBTQ references removed from classrooms

Teachers at high school told to remove Pride flags

School board votes in favor of pride flag ban

This Pride month, fellow gays, keep your kinks at home

Buenos Aires Gay Community warns of dangers under Milei

How Gay Marriage Ruined Democratic Activism

Tags: Activism, Backlash, Ban, Celebration, Change, Children, Choices, Classless, Community, Education, Etiquette, Flag, Gay, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marriage Equality, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, NSFW, Opinion, Parental Burden, Politics, Pride, Safety, Sex, Sexual Harassment, Travel, Video, Warning, World, Youth



 I’m gay, not “queer” and Pride has gone too far 


I personally started to see the switch in 2016 when I was informed I didn’t deserve a seat at the Pride table for fighting back against the Toronto Pride parade’s efforts to deny the shooter in the Orlando nightclub mass killing was a self-loathing Muslim extremist. (Funny how things come full circle.)

But that was just the start.

Desperate to find a cause to replace the fight for gay rights, the radical activists turned to gender identity and trans rights.

Suddenly all those who fancied themselves woke started using preferred pronouns in their correspondence. It was absurd.

I’m gay, not “queer”

This meme is making people gay

Famous non-binary tells lesbian she should stay home if she doesn't want to see penises

New York county's transgender sports ban takes effect

Florida is quietly denying transgender residents updated birth certificates

Walmart rolls back DEI & LGBTQ+-inclusive policies

Shoppers Shocked To See 'Merry Christmas' Signs At Target, No Gay Nutcrackers

The trans rights movement is on the fast track to failure

Spain says it will BAN trans women from female sport

LGBTQ-friendly market banned from historically gay Dallas neighborhood

Tags: Activism, Ban, Business, Choices, Criticism, Denial, Food, Laws, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Neighbor, Opinion, Policy, Politics, Safety, Sex, Shopping, Sports, Trans, Woman's Rights, World



Here Are the Porn Terms Gays Searched For the Most in 2023 


While “no fats, no femmes, no Asians,” seems to be a common refrain amongst gay men in real life and on Grindr, when it comes to porn, gay men love to see Asians and femmes, almost as much as they love to see a straight guy having gay sex.

Here Are the Porn Terms

Max Lorde shares his, ahem, unusual ritual before bottoming

Gay guys describe the male physiques that really get them going

...most-viewed gay porn categories in each US state

Twinks rule the world...

Here’s who should pay on gay dates...

What fantasies are hot in theory, but not in practice?

Man desperately wants to know if he’s going to be into twinks forever

Dude, be lucky it's twinks. The next evolution is children and I heard that sucks. 03-Dec-2024

Tags: $, Choices, Dating, Gay, LGBTQ, List, Men, NSFW, Porn, Preference, Sex, Video, What Men Want



Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow 


Can you imagine the club that would allow a player to opt out of wearing a 42 on his jersey for Jackie Robinson Day? Or refuse to wear some camo for a Military Appreciation Day? Complete disaster.

Unfortunately, the Rays management approached this differently, allowing homophobia amongst a handful of 20-somethings to drive the uniforms that some of the players wore.

Tampa Bay Rays players refused to wear a Pride rainbow

Most Americans oppose biological men competing in women's sports

Twitter debates banning Libs of TikTok

Gay pride jersey sparks player boycott

MLB more pro-gay than Target

A gay manager was fired by the Chicago Blackhawks

NFL again allows a player to fund the most anti-gay organization in sports

Tags: Accusation, Activism, All Rights, Americans, Ban, Charity, Choices, Competition, Court, Employment, Gay, Interference, LGBTQ, Men In Charge, NSFW, Opinion, Politics, Protest, Rejection, Religion, Representation, Sex Identity, Sports, Termination, World



I secretly had sex with a bunch of 'straight' guys 


I started hooking up with a guy on my brother's soccer team when I was 13 years old.

I secretly hooked up with a few other players and fell in love with one of them.

I secretly had sex

Grant Coulson Gets Cheated On Days After Coming Out As Gay

NFL's 1st Gay Cheer Captains

What hard truths do gay men need to hear?

Sketch addresses allegations of being gay

I tried hooking up with a guy to see if I’m gay, but now I regret it

Republican National Convention dubbed 'the Grindr Superbowl'

...if this is your fetish, can you still identify as straight?

2 Nigerian Brothers Sentenced For Sextortion

TikToker has a theory on bi men misusing “gay privilege”

Tags: Addiction, Bi, Blackmail, Bullying, Child Abuse, Children, Choices, Cultural, Education, Environment, Gay, Hate, Hypocrisy, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Men, Mental Health, Minors, NSFW, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Responsibility, Politics, Portrait, Relationships, Replacement, Sex, Sex Identity, Sex Worker, Sexual Harassment, Social Media, Sports, Study, Suicide, Takeover, Threat, Vulnerable, World, Youth



Lily Allen says having children ‘ruined’ her career 


“It really annoys me when people say you can have it all because, quite frankly, you can’t,” the singer added. “Some people choose their career over their children and that’s their prerogative.”

Lily Allen says having children ‘ruined’ her career


Beyonce's butchered Jolene!

‘We Have to Pretend She’s the Second Coming’

'Jolene' Anti-Feminist???

American old-time fiddler was one of the earliest performers to be known as country music

Nana Akua SLAMS Beyonce's version of Dolly Parton's Jolene '

Willie Nelson wanted to get “gay married”

Gary Holt of Slayer Calls Beyoncé “The Most Overrated Talent on Earth”

Luke Bryan Calling Beyonce Out

Tags: Career, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Choices, Criticism, Feud, History, Music, Opinion, Parental Pride, Resignation, Video, Woman's Rights, World



The movies that made them gay 


In the spirit of the Oscars, we asked each of our editors to share the movie that most moved them as young LGBTQ+ people. And while the Academy overlooked most (but not all) of these titles the year they were released, they still hold a special place in our hearts and always will.

The movies that made them gay

Gay VOICE is a thing

Tags: Best, Choices, Film Trivia, Gay, LGBTQ, Science, Study, Video Gay Swatch



Killer's porn star dad says his first concern was that his son was gay 


Aldrich's father went on to say that being gay did not align with their religious values.

'You know Mormons don't do gay. We don't do gay. There's no gays in the Mormon church. We don't do gay.'

Killer's porn star dad

CNN anchor refuses to use chosen pronouns of non-binary Colorado Springs gay club shooter

Official is on leave after they were charged with stealing a Vera Bradley suitcase

Dad Sentenced to 70 Years for Torturing and Murdering 4-Year-Old

Dad is arrested for killing and DISMEMBERING his 11- month-old daughter

Retired NFL Player Accused of Assaulting Son, Son's Boyfriend

Lifestyle blogger is jailed eight years for starving his newborn son to death

Sheriff’s deputy stalked and killed by her father

Georgia school shooter was physically harassed by bullies, called ‘gay

This dad beat up his 2-year-old son for acting “gay”

Tags: Arrest, Bad Daddy, Children, Choices, Consequences, Crime, Death, Etiquette, Family, Fight, Free Speech, Hate, Injury, Journalism, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misconduct, Misrepresentation, Murder, NSFW, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parenting, Porn, Punishment, Rampage, Religion, Sex, Sex Identity, Shooting, Sports, Termination, Theft, Tragedy, TV Swatch, Violence, World



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