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Monsters: Menendez Brothers (2024) Woof

The end road was chock full of accomplished performances. Mr. Lane tapped into heartache and regret and transmitted it to the audience. It was sheer strength. Leslie Grossman found a character that matched her skills like a glove. She was fun. Chavez built as his character progressed. A little askew, unsure but learning. The "cry" bit was genius. Koch appeared wallflowered but eager to surprise. He wore those glasses like Joan Crawford would, with confidence. A very capable group of actors. A hurricane of thoughts strikes briefly to annihilate jury members' votes. It was compelling. I didn't recognize her but there was something about the voice, legend and talent that felt like home. When I realized it was Ms. Lawrence I applauded. The final flashback back-pedaled all the emotions and perceptions that transpired. My vote didn't matter because they figured it out for us. The idea that the parents were blameless because their crimes were invisible does not free them of guilt, sin or karma. The only fact I'm sure about is that the eggs wouldn't have cracked if the parents hadn't laid them. 26-Sep-2024
S1E6. Art no longer belongs to the creator once someone else experiences it. It evolves, balloons then remains stagnant. The brothers are handsome and well-cast. The constant affection between them signified an unbreakable bond. Paying attention is necessary to reap the benefits of arcs and surprises. Sevigny is so accurate in her portrayal that she becomes as lost in the story as the real mother did in life. Good work. Javier is a beautiful monster that masters gut wrench and authority. Episode 6 was, so far, the best. The sex, abuse, the heritage, the privilege and mental enslavement were given honest and heartfelt consideration. It was the first time in a long time that I felt akin to characters that represented me. (It's not always about color, most of the time it's about shared experiences.) Brilliant direction and colorful words added to the episode's crescendo. 25-Sep-2024

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Enthusiastic, Fun, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Good Dialogue, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Magnetism, Music Rocks, Psychological, Relationships, Sentimental, Sexy, Star Watt, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Danny Thomas Show, The (1953-1965) Full Moon

There seems to be silence on the legacy of this classic sitcom. It started as Make Room For Daddy and mushroomed into The Danny Thomas Show. I saw all of the latter and only a handful of the other. The actress playing his wife, in the first half, had disdain for the man and it showed. Her composure did not scream nurturing, romantic or in love. Wrong place for the wrong actress. Danny played a version of himself. He was a singer/comedian who worked nightclubs. Jabbing at Danny's Lebanese culture was open, respectful and knowledgable. Lucy & Desi were his parents (friends) and Dick Van Dyke was his cousin (spin-off.) The show was blessed with energetic ideas, comic genius and non-stop showmanship. Danny must have learned how Lucy did it because he found his cute and sarcastic wit. Second wife was glamorous, vindictive, funny and hot. Marjorie Lord went shopping with Lucy Ricardo, cooked in fashion, got him in the mood and plotted her revenge in a very elegant and comical manner. The son is a scene stealer. Even when he made a mistake he diverted it with more funny. His adorability peaked in his tweens and crashed in his teens but he had a memorable run. Funny as fuck. The daughter was a prime teen that left before her character became unbearable. She had her moments. Louise was the household maid that was played by two elder pros. She got to hug white children, gossip with the wife, celebrate as a family member and sass the boss. A proud black woman. She isn't in all the episodes but the character remained til the end. The guest stars were numerous. The writers succeeded in incorporating them into strong storylines. The topics were basic, like feminism, how men can't do anything right, a woman can do anything men can do, a gift abolishes snarls and make-up sex is her way of accepting an apology. Penny from Lost In Space enters as a cute sister moppet that was supposed to bring adorability and sunshine. She was a work in progress. She laughs during line readings and when Mr. Thomas is doing his thing. She's cute and annoying. He was a great teacher, though. He hands a season to his working buddy and his domineering wife, played by the original Ursula from the Little Mermaid. It was an odd experiment giving supporting players full reign. They had to fill really big shoes and were no longer the sitcom air freshener. Ursula flopped around like she was getting paid to play charades on land. She was a bit too much. Danny was a ham. He sang in almost every episode. He shoved it down our throats but was so adamant and easy going that we learned to accept it and stopped praying that he didn't sing in the next episode. They had minorities galore and a successful run from the 50s through the 60s. Well-written, comical, consistent and timeless. One of a kind. Why don't we ever celebrate it? 06-Jun-2023

Tags: 1950s, 1960s, Accidental Watch, Adorable, Amiable, Best In Comedy, Best In Variety, Celebrity, Chemistry, Classic, Comedy, Cultural, Cute, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Entertainment, Enthusiastic, Fun, Funny, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hilarious, Music Rocks, Musical, Relationships, Romance, Sexy, Showy, Silly, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Sweet, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ Thoughtful, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writer's Peak



Muted (2023-) WhimperEarly Exit

As soon as I confused the boyfriend with the main character, I booked. Dude, I thought his marks were fake. Wow, he looked better in the past. Boo, I just insulted a person. They were both lovelies. I was watching on a different wavelength. I didn't want to have to rethink my imaginary flashbacks. The lady in charge of investigation hinted that it was schlock anyway. 31-May-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Cliche, Crime Drama, Drama, Early Exit, Gay, LGBTQ, Mystery, Pretty, Sexy, Star Watt, Tedium, Timid, Trashy, Warbly, Weird



Law Of The Jungle, The (2023) Woof

There's a tattoo daddy whose tattoos were written with lousy penmanship. There's a perfect Jesus. All Muscle Beauty and No Brawn is a cuddle bunny. My favorite was the gay guy who reminded me of Styles from Teen Wolf. What a good boy he was. 20-Mar-2023
The challenges were poor and juvenile. The team members were melodramatic and aggressively weak. There is a large pot of money to compete for but the show sabotages it by allowing certain teammates to steal from it. The competitors play to whatever devil grants them some money. They have hard luck stories to back up why they might play only for themselves. It's rough out there for a cowboy and his horse. It's a tacky version of Outlast with sexy guys and heart. 20-Mar-2023

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Action Fun, Camp, Crapfun, Daddy Squish, Drama, Entertainment, Enthusiastic, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Hot Swatch, LGBTQ, Psychological, Reality, Relationships, Revenge, Sentimental, Sexy, Showy, Shrill Act, Spanish, Sports, Star Watt, Stupid Funny, Words Spoke



Luis Miguel (2018-) Woof

Children connected to great art are drippings. It doesn't bang at the end because the legend pulls back and stops talking. It becomes a showcase for why he agreed to do the series in the first place. Art is bigger than a man's character. 23-Nov-2021
S3E2. Mariah needs more bleach. Mariah's raspy voice and street smarts are reimagined as a black person with perfect diction trying to pass as white. Did anybody study Mariah Carey? Mariah looks white but sounds black. Fake Mariah looks black and sounds white. 21-Nov-2021
S1E12. Enacting the miserable life of a wonder boy. His beauty, talent, luck, success, sex and family disappointment. Diego Boneta swags like the legend and is pretty too. Oscar Jaenada played the conniving dad like the aggressive uncle we all know and don't want to talk to. Mom and dad spew fine words without mental insight. Mother is saintly. A woman lost in the clouds, attempting modernization, succeeding at it but getting distracted by birthing and security. Her story is incomplete. The baby Luis' were great. The voices enchanted. It compelled as many times as it expired. Like organic. 14-Nov-2021

Tags: 2010s, Brutal, Camp, Chemistry, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Enthusiastic, Fun Acting, Funny, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Indecipherable, Music Rocks, Musical, Nostalgic, Relationships, Sentimental, Sexy, Twisty, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Funny, Writ w/Possibilities



Elite (2018-) Full Moon

Sexy gorgeous creatures don't preach, they do. 04-Jul-2021
The beautiful ones return in high style and peak bloom.

Fluidity is tunneled, pummeled and charged. The freedom to inherit all relationship prospects is an elite politic that facilitates mass hurt because the kids that invented it are incapable of successfully mastering it. They're human.

The parents do as Oprah taught them and heal most of their miracles' hemorrhage with gifts and money.

The beauties confusing the system to reclaim justice was resplendent.

The mystery continues and concludes, the ones are masters of bitchiness and heartbreak and the thread is reinforced nylon. Brava! 29-Mar-2020
The season was mapped mathematically and it hit every point. The actors are snug in their roles and stamping their characters. The drama makes you talk to yourself, the police work is thought out and everything looks delicious. Cool as fuck. 23-Sep-2019
They represent with no restraints and the teens are regarded with soul. The societal menace is heavier, coddling is out and the hurt is overwhelming. They are fighting a world adults complicated with wee survival skills. Beauty is diverse and it lingers because the writers keep tearing at it. 23-Nov-2018

Tags: 2010s, Adorable, Best In Drama, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Cultural, Cute, Daddy Squish, Dating, Director Art, Drama, Elegance, Foreign, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Great Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Political, Pretty, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Sexy, Special, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Thriller, Touching, Unity, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ Tough, Writing Reigns



Pose (2018-2021) HowlUpgradeFull Moon

If you preach and back it up with great talent, you supersede. 30-Jun-2021
Gorgeous ladies...and men, musical zest, smashing show and a hopeful ending. It broke it and healed it...the heart. 28-Aug-2019
"The Man That Got Away." Judy defined it and Billy spelled it out. 25-Aug-2019
It gave us a vogue teaser, it made gold edible and the love story was sexy. 23-Aug-2019
Ryan's episode didn't hand me an enigmatic vogue but it gave me beauty of soul. 23-Aug-2019
Do I have to vogue to earn a gay family like this or is that sentiment stuck in the past? The show retains its high sheen fabulosity but ballroom direction needs to stress its entertainment notch in order to fly closer to Billy Porter's coordination. 21-Jul-2019
Earned. 23-Jul-2018
Squirt. 15-Jul-2018
The release was due to its faithful history and devotedly charged performances. 10-Jul-2018
Every week it grows in beauty and endearment. One more moon and Papa Murph makes me blow.

Christopher Meloni is now inducted into Daddy Squish Hall of Fame. 03-Jul-2018
It's about family. 27-Jun-2018
Ryan is tapping into the artistic awakening of its raw talent. Learning as they go. 24-Jun-2018
The seed has been planted but in order for it to grow it needs to escalate the celebration. 23-Jun-2018

Tags: 2010s, By the Numbers, Camp, Cliche, Comedy, Cultural, Dance, Director Art, Drama, Elegance, Fashion, Funny, Gay, Great Acting, Heart Writ, History, Hot Swatch, Magic, Music Rocks, Musical, Nostalgic, Preachy, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Sexy, Star Power, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Touching, Unity, Wit Snit, Writer's Peak



Special (2019-) WoofEarly Exit

S2E2. Dude killed it by going woke. Just be yourself. 12-Jun-2021
Intelligently pondered and naturally funny. It would rather genuinely portray its aspects than coddle them. A mother to praise, a friend to boast and a sex life to dissect. Ryan O'Connell is less special and more like us. I hope he takes that as a compliment. 20-Apr-2019

Tags: 2010s, Adorable, Comedy, Director's Slice, Drama, Early Exit, Funny, Gay, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Sentimental, Sexy, Special, Star Watt, Sweet, Wit Snit, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Acapulco Shore (2014-) Woof

The men are supreme alpha dogs. The girls keep tripping on penis and alcohol on their way to womanhood. Welcome to a fucker's paradise. The sexes loathe each other as much as the American version except the Mexican men are allowed to call the women messy, hairy and girlish whores as the women are free to be messy, hairy and girlish whores. 18-Mar-2021

Tags: 2010s, 2020s, Accidental Watch, Brutal, Camp, Comedy, Crapfun, Creepy, Crime Drama, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Drama, Foreign, Funny, Hot Swatch, Hyper, Relationships, Sexy, Shrill Act, Silly, Stupid Funny, Tacky, Tough, Wit Crack, Wit Snit, Writ Tough



Tiny Pretty Things (2020-) Woof

S1E10. I had the anal inclination to re-edit the dance sequences but that's none of my business. The beats of bitchiness were right on point. 25-Dec-2020
S1E8. Wet dream. I want Ramon to ravage Oren. 23-Dec-2020
We are more diverse, more insightful and sexually inclusive. Why the hate? They are empathetic and compassionate for an episode and distrusting for the next. Everyone is out for themselves and only housesitting relationships. If it didn't seem like reflection, I'd question it harder. Still hot. 20-Dec-2020
S1E1. I was thrilled by the opening but it went off-key. I am invested in the bandit but I am intrigued by the suspects. They are comprehensible messes whose extreme choice of sport labels them aggressive super achievers. They thrive, compete and celebrate because of pain. Ballet is a cruel career choice and the series doesn't dilute it. It has bits for everyone. LGBTQ lives are lived without the need of gay preachers to explain it. It's sexy, provocative, enticing, dance crushing and trashy. Don't fuck it up. 17-Dec-2020

Tags: 2020s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Dance, Director's Touch, Drama, Fun Acting, Funny, Gay Swatch, Music Rocks, Mystery, Relationships, Sexy, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Tight



October Faction (2020-) Woof

"The Americans" in the Buffyverse with its own ideas.

Twins united is a powerful concoction. He's gay with no tolerance for sweetness and of suppressed privilege. She questions why her life doesn't fulfill her essence. They both do everything to upset their parents. Their awakening untangles excitedly.

Family history keeps the mythology pressing on.

Daddy has a gun, grandma has a gun, they all have a gun but no one grips it like mama.

The show handles its business like a bullet - straight through - no bullshit - not for squeaky screamers.

"Big Bad" seems to be representing.

There are a variety of monsters, entanglements and enlightenments. A vast world to enjoy and explore. 29-Jan-2020

Tags: 2020s, Accidental Watch, Action, Brutal, Chemistry, Comic Book, Creepy, Daddy Squish, Decent FX, Director's Slice, Drama, Elegance, Fantasy, Fun, Funny, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Horror, Hot Swatch, Nostalgic, Political, Scary, Sexy, Star Watt, Suspense, Tough, Twisty, Wit Snit, Words Spoke, Writ Tight, Writ Tough



Earthquake Bird (2019) Arf

The heat emanating from the threesome should have sufficed to generate a clearcut mystery on its own but inserting the crime interrogation, downgraded it. I stayed for the vibrant actresses and the sexy terminator. 29-Nov-2019

Tags: 2010s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Daddy Squish, Drama, Fatigue, Hot Swatch, Pretty, Revenge, Romance, Sexy, Star Watt, Suspense, Timid, Writ w/Possibilities



After (2019) Woof

Swoon worthy romance uplifted by an amiable cast, pensive writing, a beautiful girl and a squish with a killer accent. 18-Oct-2019

Tags: 2010s, Chemistry, Director's Touch, Drama, Gay Swatch, Good Acting, Heart Writ, Hot Swatch, Light, Pretty, Relationships, Romance, Sentimental, Sexy, Soundtrack Rocks, Sweet, Writ Tight



I Dream of Jeannie (1965-1970) Howl

Unlike Samantha, Jeannie was a divine gift created to titillate and destroy the alpha. Her naivete and subservience was primal but it was the weapon she deployed to bring Tony (Master) to his knees. Women with reach to men always expanded their power. It's what they do with it. If you convince the man, you conquer a nation.

Barbara Eden was an exceptional being high on adorability and sexual attraction. Larry Hagman was the consummate alpha bat. Bewitched was about domesticity and Jeannie was about the liberation of sex. Even when the show orbits outrageous, we forgive for love of character/actor. 19-Sep-2019

Tags: Adorable, Camp, Chemistry, Comedy, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Fantasy, Funny, Great Acting, Hot Swatch, Political, Relationships, Romance, Sexy, Star Watt, Sweet, Wit Snit, Writ Tough



Better Than Us (2018-) Howl

The show is better than us. It carves a world where man can receive restitution for a feminist movement. It's not about robots but how we perceive them to be the sexual gratifiers, the mothers and the household maintainers of the future world. The more freedom granted to a woman the less a man needs her. The men are also tested by libido, masculine energy and faithfulness. Women have the capacity to liberate themselves from subjugation, even in a robotic state.

For every false move there are two excellent ones to eclipse it. This is the robot myth that should have preceded Battlestar. 11-Sep-2019
Robot fabulosity pulls you in but it's the intertwining story threads that keep you posted. 08-Sep-2019

Tags: 2010s, Chemistry, Crime Drama, Cultural, Daddy Squish, Director's Touch, Drama, Elegance, Foreign, Funny, Good Acting, Hot Swatch, Mystery, Political, Relationships, Sci-Fi, Sexy, Star Watt, Suspense, Sweet, Thriller, Twisty, Wit Snit, Writ Tough



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