Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Study'
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Gay male couples like San Francisco. Lesbians like the Berkshires
Gay male couples tend to gravitate toward big cities on the U.S. coasts, while lesbian couples tend to prefer smaller, more pastoral cities or towns, according to 2020 census figures that reinforce some preconceived notions about LGBTQ communities in the U.S.
Gay male couples like San Francisco
This is what women sexually fantasise about
‘My Gay Guy Friend Is Rude and Blames It on Gay vs. Lesbian Culture’
Why wind energy isn’t living up to its pollution-preventing potential
Wind power isn’t cleaning up as much pollution as it could, especially in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods, new research shows.
Why wind energy isn’t living
State of Emergency declared in Moore County
S California city dealing with unprecedented beach crowds, trash
Excess memes and ‘reply all’ emails are bad for climate
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
I have a recurring thought that might turn into a problem. I’m married to a man I adore, and we have an incredible sex life that I wouldn’t change for the world. Passionate, fun, multiple orgasms per session. However, while my body is overjoyed, my mind is struggling. My husband is slightly shorter than average, and his dick is slightly smaller than average as well. This is something I’ve always known and has never impacted our sex life. But I had a friend complaining about a below-average-sized lover, and it got me all in my head. Now when I look at my husband in bed, I can’t not notice that he’s smaller than what society says he should be. I never thought about it before, but it’s making me feel less attracted to him now. I find myself less inclined to give him hand jobs or blow jobs because I don’t want to think about his size. Why am I obsessing over this when I find sex with him so pleasurable? How do I get over this?
—Little Problem
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
Is it true ejaculating 21 times a month will drastically lower my husband’s risk of getting prostate cancer?
What Is the Average Penis Size
As “Hypercarnivores", Humans Were Apex Predators For 2 Million Years
While many modern humans opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet, new research suggests that our ancestors obtained the majority of their nutrition from meat, and only diversified their food intake to include more plants at the very end of the Stone Age.
The Coming Meat Utopia Is Real
Florida bans lab-grown meat
Martin Freeman gives up vegetarianism after 38 years
...all slices of meat in a doner to be the exact same thickness
DeSantis Florida's lab-grown meat ban
Are Plant-Based Toxins a Greater Risk Than We Thought?
Men With These 2 Pets Are Most Likely to Cheat
Infidelity can indelibly alter your relationship, turning what was once a happy coupling into one full of anger and resentment. While certain things can tip you off to a cheating partner—one too many late nights "at the office" or a phone they guard for dear life, to name a few—there's one factor you likely haven't considered factoring into your partner's faithfulness: their pets.
Men With These 2 Pets Are Most Likely to Cheat
Chicago-based record label CEO is fired after he and his wife are accused of setting up hidden cameras
Woman caught breastfeeding her hairless cat
Camels kicked out of beauty pageant for using Botox
Arizona man froze nearly 200 animals in garage freezer
It is illegal to have these seven animals as pets
Man charged after raping family dog
Argument leads to fatal stabbing of pit bull
American Parentxs Are Way Too Focused on Their Kidxs’ Self-Esteem
American parents today are also quick to protect their kids from disappointment and failure. We give participation trophies when kids don’t win first place; we fly into the school to deliver kids’ forgotten homework. But these well-meaning interventions backfire because a child with healthy self-esteem is a child who has learned, through experience, that he can overcome obstacles and disappointment. He’s had the opportunity to fail and has discovered that failing doesn’t preclude him from being loved.
American Parents Are Way Too Focused on Their Kids’ Self-Esteem
14-year-old guns down three other teens in Texas store shooting
Queen's Guardsman flattens child who stepped into his path
Man begs for a positive COVID test to avoid visiting relatives
This is the type of praise parents should stop giving kids
Uncle Refuses to Take 'Out of Control' Nephew on Vacation
Mum kicks out brat for ruining her daughter's birthday party
I Identify as Broke
Teen killer jailed for life after stabbing 13-year-old cheerleader 114 times
Forget gentle parenting and discipline
10 Parenting Tips Our Parents Gave To Us That Aren’t True Anymore
Don’t Hug Them...
10 Parenting Tips
Gen Xers Are Having Complicated Feelings About Their Parents
Boy, 9, is found locked in outdoor dog kennel in freezing cold
Megachurch leader, grandparents charged with murder, torture of 11-year-old
He Was an Abomination
Don Lemon says a woman’s ‘prime’ ends around 40
Man turned away from giving blood for refusing pregnancy test
Leslie Sinclair, a retired driver for an engineering company, was turned away from a blood drive at the Albert Halls clinic in Scotland. The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) organized the drive and were responsible for rejecting Sinclair because, as the Telegraph reports, they are dedicated to inclusivity.
Man turned away from giving blood
...husband of TEN MONTHS is actually a WOMAN
Trans skateboarder, 29, who beat 13-year-old girl to first prize is a REJECTED Olympic qualifier with too much testosterone
60% of Americans say people can’t switch genders
The Money behind the Transgender Movement
Every trans child treated on NHS will have medical records scrutinised
Those who detransition avoid medical help
Detransitioner was prescribed testosterone after 30-minute call
‘Dangerous’ comments about suicidal trans kids
New study questions the effectiveness of colonoscopies
Colonoscopies are a dreaded rite of passage for many middle-age adults. The promise has been that if you endure the awkwardness and invasiveness of having a camera travel the length of your large intestine once every decade after age 45, you have the best chance of catching – and perhaps preventing – colorectal cancer. It’s the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Some 15 million colonoscopies are performed in the US each year.
Now, a landmark study suggests the benefits of colonoscopies for cancer screening may be overestimated.
New study questions the effectiveness of colonoscopies
VEGAN fast-food favourites are laden with fat and salt
This website analysed the nutritional content of vegan burgers, sandwiches, wraps and sausage rolls available at McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Nando's and Greggs.
VEGAN fast-food favourites are laden with fat and salt
'No longer friends' after 'traumatising' fry-up's weird extras
Vegan activist is tackled by diners
Being an 'unhealthy' vegan can RAISE the risk of breast cancer
Sugar-free diet drinks actually make you fat
Vegan mother is found guilty of killing 18-month-old with fruits and vegetables
Vegetarians more likely to fracture hips
Restaurant gets rid of plant-based dishes
McDonald's discontinued its fake meat burger the McPlant
Plant-based diet is not always virtuous—or healthy
Home Depot Has Gone Woke
It asks employees to literally "check" their "privilege," whether it be "white privilege," class privilege," "Christian privilege," "cisgender privilege," "able-bodied privilege," or "heterosexual privilege."
Home Depot Has Gone Woke
75% of voters say Democrats are 'out of touch' and 'condescending'
Trans organization recruiting Ukrainian refugees for sex work
Woke turns on lesbian author
Gay Ohio Teacher Fired
LGBTQ activist displaced from his home
School nurse suspended after voicing concern for 11-year-old
'Stupidly woke'
Iowa library temporarily closes after complaints about 'liberal agenda'
22 percent of millennialxs say they have “no friends”
Today, members of the millennial generation are ages 23 to 38. These ought to be prime years of careers taking off and starting families, before joints really begin to ache. Yet as a recent poll and some corresponding research indicate, there’s something missing for many in this generation: companionship.
A recent poll from YouGov, a polling firm and market research company, found that 30 percent of millennials say they feel lonely. This is the highest percentage of all the generations surveyed.
“no friends”
No One Cares
Church of England faces calls to ban funeral flower arrangements
Size DOES matter!
Reducing the depth of penetration by an inch led to a statistically meaningful drop in the amount of pleasure experienced.
'The longer the erect penis, the less likely the rings had an impact on sexual pleasure,' they write.
Size DOES matter!
My Husband Is Suddenly Very “Well Endowed”
Teen gets USB cable stuck in penis...
Ladies do prefer men with hair...
Julian Morris Comes Out
'everyone knows it's wrong'
What can — or should — we learn from porn?
"Porn is a potent force for pushing back on common perceptions of Asian men as desexualized, or non-sexual, in American culture," argues Jesh Fiszel, another Asian American creator-performer, who says he was inspired by the now-retired Long's endeavors. "Our content has subtle racial subtext to inform our audience…while also allowing people to watch it" for pure erotic pleasure.
"In terms of whether it's possible for pornography to influence people's self-acceptance, in terms of how their bodies look and their sexual orientations, or their acceptance of others, a few research articles substantiate that idea," adds Emily Rothman, a Boston University professor of community health and proponent of porn literacy studies. "Anecdotally, people have told me that is true, too."
What can — or should — we learn from porn?
'Fast carbs' DON'T make you fat!
A study published last week in the peer-reviewed journal Advances In Nutrition concluded that 'fast carbs' are no more likely than 'slow carbs' to lead to weight gain.
Fast carbs such as white bread are also known as high-GI foods because of their high glycemic index.
'High-glycemic index foods have been hypothesized to promote fat storage and increase risk of obesity,' the study said.
For example, the study noted a database from the University of Sydney that lists 27 values for brown rice ranging from 48 to 87. The GI values for white rice ranged from 17 to 94.
'Fast carbs' DON'T make you fat!
Worried mom who can't work out why her son is getting bullied over his lunchbox
The reason the son gets bullied is because the lunch is not enough sustenance for a growing boy to get the power that he needs to take down a bully. That's a shitty lunch. Grapes create holes in your stomach and the rest of the monkey meal will keep him in the bathroom, where the perverts linger. 30-Aug-2021