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Man who was 'held under hot water' by his boyfriend 


The victim, identified by the pseudonym Zach, told BBC News his boyfriend used to have a 'heart of gold' but that his behaviour changed during lockdown.

'One night I was just getting in the shower and he stormed in, tore the shower rail off the wall, held me under the hot water, and started screaming in my face,' Zack recalled.

Man who was 'held under hot water'

EMT found guilty of attempting to murder gay man

NBC execs accused of coercive sex and retaliatory firing by American Horror Stories actor

Tags: $, All Rights, Attack, Court, Domestic Violence, Employment, Gay, Police, Relationships, Sex, Treatment, Violence, World



Ex-wife describes all-too-common pain women feel when their gay husbands come out 


Cora Schumacher has shared with the German publication Spiegel that she is not a fan of how her ex-husband publicly shared the news that he is gay. She alleged in the interview that Ralf gave her no notice that he would be publicly sharing his relationship with his boyfriend, Etienne — effectively coming out.

“That was such a stab in the heart,” Cora told Spiegel.

Ex-wife describes all-too-common pain

Husband who drugged wife for 50 men to rape 'wanted to have gay sex

...learning he was gay made her feel like “an old pair of sneakers”

My boyfriend keeps doing something suspicious with his male best friend

Woman seeks advice over her “not gay” boyfriend who “sexted” guys on Grindr

A gay guy’s boyfriend is willingly doing conversion therapy

Liam Payne ‘struggled with his sexuality’ and ‘sexted men’

Tags: Advice, Celebrity, Court, Divorce, Family, Fraud, Gay, Honesty, Marriage, Perception, Preference, Rape, Relationships, Sex Identity, Woman's Rights, World



My Traumatizing Years With Bryan Singer 


Stuerman met Singer in 2009 in New York City when he was 18 years old, and entered into a sexual relationship with him shortly after; Singer was 43. Their time together ended after Stuerman was fired as Singer’s assistant in June 2013 on the film “X-Men: Days of Future Past,” which opened the following year. Stuerman believes his relationship with Singer was abusive and traumatic. He says he was further traumatized by witnessing an incident in 2012 in which Singer allegedly assaulted someone.

My Traumatizing Years With Bryan Singer

NATIONAL‘Ex-gay’ leader confesses to having gay sex in ‘multiple falls

Jealous Man Fatally Stabbed Boyfriend

My Agency Fired Me’ After I Refused to ‘Take My Clothes Off

Gay Bay Area millionaire is convicted of 1998 cold case shooting murder

Gay San Jose councilmember investigated for oral sex with minor

Tim Walz Accused Of 'Inappropriate' Student Relationship

Gay couple who sexually abused schoolboy then camped out in woods...

U.S. Marshals arrest fugitive gay sex offender

Founder of Surrey Pride, 40, had sex and smoked a bong with a 12-year-old boy

Tags: Aging, Bio, Celebrity, Children, Contagion, Disease, Divorce, Education, Gay, History, Hollywood, Kill, Legend, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Marijuana, Men In Charge, Mental Health, Misconduct, Murder, Music, Parties, Politics, Portrait, Relationships, Seniors, Sex, Sexual Abuse, Teacher, Treatment, Violence, World, Youth



Sinead O’Connor Says Prince Assaulted Her During A Pillow Fight 


Per the Times, O’Connor writes in her memoir that she was called to Prince’s Hollywood mansion and was scolded for swearing in interviews. Then the story takes a strange turn — O’Connor writes that while at his home, Prince berated his butler to serve her soup, although she repeatedly said she didn’t want any, and then “sweetly” suggested the two have a pillow fight.

Sinead O’Connor Says Prince Assaulted Her During A Pillow Fight

Dustin Lance Black faces trial after assault charge

‘Top Chef’ Emmy-Winning Chef Loses Deals In Aftermath Of Arrest

Bhad Bhabie posts and deletes video of herself allegedly being abused

Adrian Wilson arrested on domestic violence charges

WESTON CAGE Allegedly Struck His Mother

Chris Brown Accused of “Brutally and Severely” Assaulting Concertgoers

Netflix axes controversial nine-hour Prince documentary

Tags: Arrest, Bio, Cancellation, Celebrity, Celebrity Children, Chef, Court, Domestic Violence, Environment, Family, Film, Gay, Guns, History, Hostility, Legend, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Misconduct, Music, Parental Burden, Portrait, Relationships, Sports, Treatment, Violence



Did New York’s soon-to-be Lt. Governor steal hair extensions & a Chanel bag from his ex? 


Love in the City followed four women living in New York City, each at different stages of life, trying to find or maintain relationships. During the show’s only season, which aired in 2014, Jones — a two-time cancer survivor who founded the nonprofit Pink Chose Me— moved in with Benjamin and had hoped to marry him and have children.

That is, until she caught him chatting with other women online via the now-defunct Google Talk, only weeks after she had surgery. In some episodes, Benjamin even openly flirts with a waitress while on a date with Jones.

“I don’t want to be married to a man, and have children with a man, that’s G-chatting inappropriately with another woman you claim you don’t care about,” she told him.

In the end, he told her, “You know what, I can’t do this.”

...Lt. Governor steal hair extensions...

OJ Simpson’s father was reportedly a gay drag queen

Obama Gay Rumors

Tags: Celebrity, Drag, Gay, Jock, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Opinion, Parental Crime, Politics, Relationships, Sex, TV Trivia




Gage Edward Slams Ex-Boyfriend Jeff Lewis as “Pathetic”

Gay couple enjoys straight friends on cruise, until they see extremist Facebook posts

Gay man, married for 20 years, questions brother-in-law’s allyship

Josh Seiter Says He Pretended to Be Transgender as an ‘Experiment’

Queer Works CEO charged with stealing $940,000 from city

– this is why I only sleep with older men

Guy doubles down on making male Harris voters his ‘concubines’

Man allegedly kills 80-year-old roommate over argument about Thanksgiving meal preparation

Chase Chrisley named as suspect in assault incident

Tags: Accusation, Advice, Celebrity, Children, Consequences, Divorce, Drama, Exploitation, Family, Friendship, Gay, Hypocrisy, LGBTQ, Marriage, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Parody, Relationships, Sexual Harassment, Threat, Trans, Travel, Troubles, Violence



How the 4B Movement Could Change America 


How’s your love life? She keeps her ballcap pushed down low and presses her lips into a tight line.

“I’m not interested,” she says. “I just don’t trust men. You don’t know what they’re thinking these days — whether they’re one of the guys with misogynistic thoughts. It’s so normalized. Why would I even risk it?” she says.

How the 4B Movement Could Change America

Two trans women beaten in train station while bystanders cheered

Rio Tinto report shows increase in sexual assault

Vasectomy appointments see ‘unprecedented’ increase

...lawmaker, 30, 'bullied male aide into sex then made him run her errands'

Pole-dancing city manager Kimberly Judge is fired

Teenage girl plotting mass shooting at high school is arrested after gun misfires

Pizza delivery woman stabbed a pregnant customer 14 times over bad tip

‘Crazy to me’

Taliban bans windows to stop women from being seen at home

Tags: Attack, Ban, Children, Fraud, Hate, Injury, Laws, LGBTQ, Medical, Parenting, Protest, Rage, Reaction, Relationships, Sex, Violence, Woman's Rights, Women In Charge, World



Buena Vista Park is a center of the gay cruising renaissance 


Running parallel to those public-facing elements of LGBTQ culture in San Francisco are traditions like cruising — seeking out public places frequented by queer people looking for consensual sex from suitors, usually afforded by way of a reciprocated gaze and gesture. The history of cruising dates back to the 1810s in England, but it wasn’t until the 1960s that cruising had its hyperlocal bloom as SF became the gay capital of America.

Buena Vista Park

Man who killed lover ‘because he was gay’ receives life in prison

...targeting gay cruising spots and extorting victims to have sex with him

Russian man arrested for allegedly running gay travel agency dies in custody

Tags: Attraction, Cruising, Cultural, Dating, Death, Entertainment, Environment, Gay, Laws, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Murder, Nature, NSFW, Politics, Relationships, Sex, Tradition, World



Clay Aiken Says He Lost “50 Percent” of His Fans After Coming  Out 


“The first four months that I was in [Spamalot], the show was selling out, standing room only,” he said. “You can actually look at the ticket sales the week after that cover came out. It went from selling very well to the week after the cover came out, the ticket sales dropped. Spamalot ended up closing a few months after that.”

Clay Aiken Says He Lost “50 Percent” of His Fans

Dave Portnoy, Received 2M Views After Dragging Beyoncé's NFL Halftime Show

“Can I Get A Refund?”

Tags: Backlash, Celebrity, Challenge, Criticism, Entertainment, Etiquette, Gay, Judgment, LGBTQ, Music, Opinion, Rejection, Relationships



The rise of the gay killer: Why pop culture is suddenly thirsty for queer blood 


As the world becomes more and more of a nightmare, with an impending climate catastrophe and negative news arriving via push notification every other hour, people have turned to an unorthodox escape method: true-crime stories.

But in a noticeable shift from normal proceedings, true crime shows are now reintroducing us to a particularly deadly protagonist: the gay serial killer. Ryan Murphy’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace followed gay serial killer Andrew Cunanan as he pursued fame, love and money, killing anyone who crossed his path. Netflix docu-series Don’t F**k With Cats gave viewers an insight into the twisted mind of Canadian murderer Luka Magnotta. Later this year, The Barking Murders, a three-part drama starring Sheridan Smith and Stephen Merchant, will explore the crimes of the so-called "Grindr killer" Stephen Port, who murdered at least four men.

Tentative queer readings of murderous protagonists in films from decades gone by, such as We Need to Talk About Kevin, Kill Bill and several Bond villains who have flirted with homoeroticism (the most brazen example being Javier Bardem in Skyfall), have opened the door to the killers of today who are explicitly and unavoidably gay. The renewed interest in gay killers can be seen as a continuation of pop culture’s preoccupation with “gay death” – it’s just now we’re doing the killing as well as being killed.

“Gay people secretly wish for their own destruction. Whereas straight people secretly envy the unhinged libidinal urge of queer life.”

The rise of the gay killer

‘No evidence to suggest’ TikTok star accused of murdering therapist was victim’s patient

Heir to $292M pie fortune made chilling online search before alleged ‘frenzied’ stabbing of roommate

California man, 27, stabbed gay teen to death to hide sexual encounter

Colorado victims sue over attack at LGBTQ+ nightclub that killed five

Man shot inside Pittsburgh club, suspect taken into custody

Campus cameras showed a student leaving...

Boyfriend convicted of gruesome murder of LGBTQ+ rights activist

Judge declares mistrial after jury deadlocks over killing of gay student

Tags: Club/Bar, Court, Crime, Entertainment, Gay, Guns, Injury, LGBTQ, Murder, Relationships, Representation, Safety, Threat, Violence, Voyeur, Warning, World



...when gay men tear each other down 


Why are people so horrible to each other, especially people in the same community? Experts theorize it's a combination of factors related to the rise of social media, a generation unburdened by the worst of the AIDS epidemic and changing laws and acceptance of LGBTQ+ people. As common enemies and threats fall away gay men may turn against each other to cope with their traumas, from lighthearted memes to cyberbullying to even the aforementioned revenge porn.

...when gay men tear each other down

The tale of the gay ballet husband is sending shock waves

Khalid confirms he's gay after being outed

United Fires Gay Flight Attendant For Anti-Gay Rhetoric

Police searching for Bay Area barber charged for sexually assaulting 2 men

Man allegedly played predatory ‘truth or dare’ games with preteens

A star urologist preyed on men and boys

Jury convicts gay Santa Clara councilmember Becker of perjury

Ex-SF gay biz association president pleads guilty to fraud charges

Tags: $, Business, Celebrity, Community, Court, Crime, Criticism, Cultural, Employment, Environment, Etiquette, Gay, Greed, Identity, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Misconduct, NSFW, Out, Porn, Relationships, Revenge, Termination, Travel, Video



LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence on the Rise 


The same study also found over 50 percent of gay men and almost 75 percent of lesbians said they suffered from psychological abuse from an intimate partner. Another study found bisexual folks and bisexual women in particular were the most likely to suffer from all forms of intimate partner abuse, followed by lesbians, heterosexual women, gay men, and heterosexual men.

LGBTQ+ Intimate Partner Violence on the Rise

Abused gay men don't see they are victims

Trans activist mental health amid legal fight with ex

Pregnant trans man killed by partner

Man accused of killing gay Philadelphia journalist pleads guilty to murder

Judge says gay Oakland murder case can move forward

Police looking for boyfriend in the death of gay dancer

Ex-cop accused of killing gay TV presenter and his boyfriend faces new charges

I’m a gay man who was a victim of domestic abuse

“Cocoa” Shantel murdered by her ex-boyfriend

Tags: Environment, Gay, Hate, Hostility, Humiliation, Injury, LGBTQ, Mental Health, Murder, Portrait, Pregnancy, Punishment, Relationships, Safety, Sex, Suicide, Trans, Violence



Michael Jackson Used Sicko Signals & Code Words 


Married father of two James Safechuck — who appeared in Michael Jackson's famous 1988 Pepsi commercial at age 10 — has also accused the King of Pop of sexual abuse. Now a 36-year-old computer programmer, Safechuck claims that Jackson began abusing him on the European leg of the singer's Bad tour in 1988, can reveal.

Michael Jackson Used Sicko Signals

Baseball coach sexually assaulted 8 boys

Former Hillsborough resident found guilty of sexually assaulting his student

BBC man was on his sofa waiting for my child to perform...

“There Are More Female Perpetrators Than Society Like to Acknowledge”

A 10-Year-Old Girl Kissed Her Son And Daughter During A Game

Teacher enticed 9-year-old to send photo of genitals

Jermaine Jackson Is Accused of Sexual Assault

‘Diddy’ accused of sexual harassment and assault by producer

Afrika Bambaataa Faces Fresh Sexual Abuse Allegations From French Rapper & Fighter

Tags: $, Accusation, Advice, Celebrity, Children, Complaint, Court, Entertainment, Environment, Family, Gay, Investigation, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Misconduct, Opinion, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Parental Responsibility, Rape, Relationships, Sex, Sex Worker, Sexual Abuse, Sports, Students, Talk, Teacher, Tradition, Video, World



George Michael’s ex caught smashing his way into the late star’s home 


George Michael’s ex was busted for smashing his way into the late pop star’s London home — just days before the fourth anniversary of the singer’s Christmas Day death, according to reports.

Troubled hairstylist Fadi Fawaz, 47, was confronted Tuesday morning after breaking a window to get into the “Last Christmas” star’s empty $6.75 million home, the Sun said.

“This is my place. George wanted me to have it,” he allegedly yelled at officers who arrived at the house that Fawaz was kicked out of by Michael’s family last year, the UK paper said.

George Michael’s ex caught smashing his way into the late star’s home

“He would be mortified”

Who is Hugo D Almonte – Khalid’s ex who ‘outed’ him as gay?

Tags: Celebrity, Cultural, Emotional, Entertainment, Exploitation, Gay, Humiliation, Insecurities, Insensitivity, Legacy, LGBTQ, Lifestyle, Loneliness, Loser, Men Not In Charge, Mental Health, Music, Neglect, Preference, Privacy, Rampage, Relationships, Rescue, Respect, Self-hatred, Treatment, World



Gay couple sues fertility clinic because their child is a girl 


The Sanigers said that they decided on their kids’ names and even got Gmail addresses for them before they were married in 2013. They wanted two boys, and now they say that they will have to pay a lot to have their two boys because of HRC and Kolb “negligently, recklessly, and/or intentionally transferred a female embryo to the Sanigers’ gestational carrier.”

It is not clear why the couple specifically wanted two boys.

Gay couple sues fertility clinic

Gay Tech CEO Charged in 30-Year-Old Murder

Purchasing children and eradicating society

Parents heartbroken as baby girl registered as male

Father who pleaded with pediatrician ex-wife not to 'chemically castrate' their son, 9, is dealt crushing blow

Tags: $, Adoption, Care, Children, Court, Family, Gay, Health, Lesbian, LGBTQ, Murder, Parental Burden, Parental Confusion, Preference, Pregnancy, Priorities, Relationships, Self Interest, Sex Identity



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