Movies Posts Tagged as 'Mystery'
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Blink Twice (2024)

The wait for resolution is interminable. Channing Tatum didn't menace enough. Naomi Ackie seemed too woke to fall for a Peter Pan man. It would have been fresh if the girls had just said "no" to the leery invitation to a private island with no transportation back. Peter would have to arrange a deceitful method to get them there. That's menacing. A beautiful palette and luscious atmosphere held the key to my interest but when the climax happens its a compilation of memes that spoke volumes and represented very little. It's a harsh topic that needed to play out so the audience can understand the reasons people do anything. 29-Jan-2025
Arcadian (2024)

It's the end of the world and Nic Cage remains to fight it. He's kept his twin sons safe for 15 years. They farm, scavenge and kill during the day but hatch down everything before dark. The mystery deepens even with revamped scares. Cage downplays heroism because after 15 years of vigilance his character is tired. His strength is in his conviction and hope. The boys were well cast. They both lit bulbs. The twins' asides were a welcome. The farm is where they found their warmth and exhaustion. A better way to separate the dark action sequences (not black enough or bright enough) would elicit more excitement because a lot of good work remained unseen. I want to know what that needle thing was, more about the occurrence, life before the end of the world, end of the world, those things and the future. 28-Jan-2025
Are You In The House Alone? (1978)

Kathleen Beller was a momentary icon that embodied being the naive girl that falls into temptation and then gets called out for it. Princess is being stalked and nobody gives a shit. Gwyneth's twin mother, Blythe supplies enough misunderstandings to compel her child to rebel. Baby Dennis Quaid's swag was thinking he could make women cum with only his dick. The film begins post crime with warnings and horror elements woven into it but it's not that. It's a sober approach that questions why all rapists can't get convicted. Life has a way of adjusting a lack of human justice though, by cursing the guilty party. "Scream like I screamed, bitch." 03-Nov-2024
Hold Your Breath (2024)

The circumstances are creepy and claustrophobic, the era is that "time of the month" and the outcome is numb. Paulson gives more than it deserves. The daughters are convincing. The pace is nerve wracking. The scares were substantial. How does a person survive in an area nature doesn't want them in? Paulson is an easy follow but the ending copped out. 08-Oct-2024
Kind Lady (1951)

A band of marauders suck the life out of a rich elderly woman with kindness to spare, isolated loneliness and owner of great art. Maurice Evans adds finality to his charmed villain, Angela Lansbury exemplified trash with two hearts and there were constants that gave it hope. The suspense gripped, the actors ascended and the story fascinated. Lady Barrymore excelled as a victim worth saving. 28-Jun-2024
Firstborn (1984)

Michael Apted takes a serious and realistic approach to the venomous step-parents that single parents bring home because they're lonely. Terri Garr adds manic depression to a woman whose future options are crumbling. She latches on to leeches that pay her false attention. The brothers do a great job of conveying how invasive "new dad" feels at different stages of a boy's life. Real dad is fucking twinksies and getting them pregnant so he can replace them. Peter Weller's lips were artistically meant for masks and unmentionable things. Unmasked he's hair, eyes, hips and wickedly intimidating. He dispenses sexual tension and satisfaction whenever he punishes the boys. Scary uncle syndrome. Baby Corey was the younger brother whose life as a victim made him stronger than he thought. Baby Jessica Parker aced acting classes but failed the fashion academy. I don't know if Baby Downey Jr.'s character was supposed to be gay. If they intimated it I missed it. Boy acted like he was trolling for dick. 06-Apr-2024
Night Must Fall (1937)

2 ladies living alone in an Oz cottage, on Disney land, invite a Tim Burton forest to bloom in their garden. They are served by two maids. The young maid is bungling, the old maid's had it and the matriarch wants her fired. Her problem is that her boyfriend wont marry her. He can't afford it. Matriarch agrees to talk to him but he charms the diaper out of her, instead. She offers him a job as an invalid's aide and he becomes an inhabitant and protector of bored ladies." Niece is the family loser that never got over her shyness enough, to attract a decent man or a job. She didn't know how to say, "no." Niece and philanderer were hate/love throughout but it didn't deter him from lighting her bulb. Proximity and attraction make sense (unless you're related.) Robert Montgomery was cornfed to pretend and prance like a force. May Whitty was a cranky matriarch that got her life gift a little too late. Power without youth creates hate. She was great. Rosalind Russell glowed as a dork and splintered glass when everything got darker. A murderer has hit the neighborhood and everyone is on high alert. The niece and the scoundrel play a great tennis match. She becomes a Karen that profiles him as a minority suspect and he's making sure that how he insults her, is within his rights. Did he or didn't he is not the question. Montgomery explains to Rosalind that the reason she needs him to be a criminal is because catching him is the last orgasm she's going to have. 02-Jan-2024
Big Sleep, The (1946)

As soon as Humphrey Bogart admitted that he was short he set the design for his character. He was also aware that his magnetism made up for any shortcomings and that he made women swoon. The women he encountered were self-sufficient and magnificent. Hair was at its loveliest, the fashion was fit, make-up was transformative and the ladies acted their asses off. It was a fast paced script that had actors spilling words over each other. The wit was non-stop and I laughed throughout. A private investigator is hired to find out whose blackmailing a man's daughter. Private investigates, flirts with the victim, flirts with her older sister, investigates, had sexy banter with many women, becomes overwhelmed by the mystery and never turns down the character's sadistic rizz. What they didn't do is not as important as what they did. Bogart was masterclass, Bacall made cigarettes sexy, the mystery intrigued and it's cool as fuck. 31-Dec-2023
Hole In The Ground, The (2019)

Single mother starts a new life with her son in the boondocks. Woods are spooky with a giant hole in the ground. Baby boy disappears into the woods and returns different. A neighbor's history tells of a mother falling apart at losing her son to the woods, going to prison, killing her son and being constantly haunted. She becomes deranged, unacceptable but tolerated. No one believes her truth because all nutty people are considered liars. But the nutty people are always right. We don't want to look at that shit so we ignore it, the way we don't Santa and Barbie. Mama believes the lady's mythology when she too faces that dilemma. The child is a spooky chill, the mother's face speaks volumes and the director allows us space to breathe. Cliches disrupt the flow. Dreams no longer surprise. The end was a meh and a what. Craft without sense. 29-Nov-2023
Killer, The (2023)

"Trust no one." If that thought had been applied to the killer's private life, the film would've been a masterpiece. The panic attacks start as soon as the movie is over. 16-Nov-2023
Whale, The (2022)

As soon as Brendan's eyes opened wide and lit like a bulb, I knew the character's representation was safe. Withering is an earth occurrence and examining it won't kill us any faster. When you wither you have no other option but to reflect on your life and try to make amends to people that deserved your love. One of Aronofsky's best abilities is creating horror with mood, drama and raw emotion. As dark as his art is, he doesn't want to jumpscare, he wants to haunt. The main's routines, fears, lies, talents and regret are highlighted in shadows, realism and good writing. Fraser owns the fatsuit. When younger I thought him a most sad beauty. It's not the shape of a man but the soul. The cast support like a perfect theater troupe. Aronofsky is beyond facades. 20-Oct-2023
Woman Possessed (1958)

A mother who has dedicated her whole life to making sure her son could take care of himself are reunited after two years of studying and accomplishing. He's a doctor, now and engaged to be married. His fiancee is with him and he's brought her along to marry. The introductions are awkward, full of rich people manners that can't mask hate. The conversations are human. Mother expounds an opinion that changes their lives forever. The couple bicker about how much control the mother has over her son and the backhanded humiliation future wife receives. Sometimes he was right, other times she was and half the time, both were. The mother blames the fiancee's weakness as to why she needs to suffer in her world. She was horrible when no one was around and she never let them see her sweat in a dress. The jury flip flops as did I. Uncle was cute, old maid was tired, of course, she had a mansion to clean, dress and cook for and young maid's exit was fucked up. The birthday party was a topper. The irony explains itself, the ladies were in good form and was that a lesbian ending? 22-Jul-2023
Airport (1970)

It technically educated the watcher on how airports manage and simply pointed out the obstacles they confront on a daily basis. All-star cast do what they do best and delivered. Helen Hayes brought star wit, watt, robbery and reigned beyond the material. She was it's light, its dark and its favor. Maureen Stapleton's guilt was gut wrenching. Van Heflin was believable as a twitchy loser trying to cash into morality. Story is favored over action which makes us care for them more as the inevitable happens. Dean Martin gives a heartfelt performance, Lancaster was in charge. Bissett epitomized the soul of a woman that finally grew up. The big bad were not terrorists or hijackers it was one person with a gripe that life was unfair to. Split screens worked well, the cast was gung-ho, the soap tasted like strawberries and the saves felt like hope. 30-May-2023
Horror In The High Desert (2021)

I don't know if I would have reacted so strikingly if I knew that it wasn't what it was. I think blind is the proper way to see it and befits the mock ending. The acting is the accuracy that sells the illusion. The words and direction built interest, tension and fright. Giving the villain an excuse was a misstep because it lets the cat out of the bag. It kicked Blair Witch's ass. 20-Apr-2023
Another Man's Poison (1951)

Bette's 50s era was full of Lady Davis folklore and drag queen reboots. Lady Davis was forced to compete with herself. A worn out hunk has beef with her husband because he foiled a heist and he's being blamed. Bette is at the height of shifty. She parlays her caricature tics to mixed effects. She is over until somebody fucks with her animal. The feelings reeled a barracuda out of her. The camera decided that Bette's gift was mechanical and that the new way was better. They highlighted her flaws and disheveled her tidiness. The disclosures felt possibly true, Bette's messy art was always entertaining but it's a crappy movie. 10-Apr-2023