All Posts Tagged as 'Anatomy'
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...he has one of world's largest penises
A British artist with a Jamaican accent when he raps is 'seriously thinking' about monetising his huge willy in exchange for a multi-million pound OnlyFans deal.
...he has one of world's largest penises
MORTIFIED after 'ruining' friend's wedding photos with his enormous WEDGIE
The longest penis sizes around the world
Inside the big D-list
The truth about ‘summer penis’
Country with the biggest average penis size in the world
Average penis size by US state and the areas where men exaggerate the most
Women rank penises and reveal what they find most attractive about male genitalia
I'm cursed with a big penis
Overcoming Ejaculation Problems
Google Search: "So what about the much more common problem of premature ejaculation? In this case, masturbation can be just the ticket. Having repeated orgasms will bring on delayed ejaculation in almost any guy. Some believe that the best premature ejaculation tip is to double the number of orgasms a man has per week."
Overcoming Ejaculation Problems
Newly Proposed Bill Would Ban Male Autonomy
“Always gotta fluff it up or get a sweet in-between-er, you can’t just go cold,” Pete responded. “I’m a grower for sure. I’m not really a grower or a shower. It’s actually the same small and hard. It’s actually a scientific wonder.”
Colin Jost gets brutally honest about Pete Davidson partnership
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
I have a recurring thought that might turn into a problem. I’m married to a man I adore, and we have an incredible sex life that I wouldn’t change for the world. Passionate, fun, multiple orgasms per session. However, while my body is overjoyed, my mind is struggling. My husband is slightly shorter than average, and his dick is slightly smaller than average as well. This is something I’ve always known and has never impacted our sex life. But I had a friend complaining about a below-average-sized lover, and it got me all in my head. Now when I look at my husband in bed, I can’t not notice that he’s smaller than what society says he should be. I never thought about it before, but it’s making me feel less attracted to him now. I find myself less inclined to give him hand jobs or blow jobs because I don’t want to think about his size. Why am I obsessing over this when I find sex with him so pleasurable? How do I get over this?
—Little Problem
I’ve Suddenly Noticed My Husband Doesn’t Measure Up
Is it true ejaculating 21 times a month will drastically lower my husband’s risk of getting prostate cancer?
What Is the Average Penis Size
Amateur women and girls across Britain are 'quitting sport'

'The person was 6ft 4in and had an Adam's apple,' she said. 'Every time I was going for the ball, the transgender woman was far faster and after a few minutes I just took myself off.
Amateur women and girls across Britain are 'quitting sport'
Lawmaker Says Gender and Sexuality Should Be “Decided” At 21
Twitter removes trans activist’s video with J.K. Rowling ‘death threat’
Fl. state Rep. plans to push legislation to make it felony child abuse to give minors gender reassignment surgery drugs
Assault allegation against YouTuber filed by trans influencer
Trans people can be excluded from single-sex services
LGBT summit is set to be axed
Trans child molester was accused of attacking 4-year-old girl
SC set to BAN biological males from competing in women's sports
Lia Thomas so ‘well-endowed’
"Suck my huge cock, you bitches" is what I think she's saying. 02-Apr-2022
50 Should Be Suing The Shade Room
50 Cent previously filed a lawsuit against a Florida doctor named Angela Kogan after she allegedly implied the rapper came to visit Perfection Plastic Surgery.
50 Should Be Suing The Shade Room
50 Cent is right
Defund the police movement wrecks America's third-largest city
'Problems have escaped'
Doctors warn vaginal rejuvenation wastes money, shows no benefit
“Vaginal rejuvenation procedures are being used for the treatment of urinary incontinence and GSM, as well as for less clear indications (e.g., vaginal tightening for better sexual satisfaction), without good evidence that it helps any of these conditions,” the authors noted in the paper.
In a comment to Medscape, Kelly reiterated that expensive and unproven laser procedures are being marketed to women as a viable solution.
Doctors warn vaginal rejuvenation
The Witcher 3 Adds Realistic Vaginas
Personal trainer, 39, has chunk of his penis removed
I don't want to look like an alien when I'm 70
Penises are getting bigger
“What we found was quite different from trends in other areas of male fertility and health. Erect penile length is getting longer, from an average of 4.8 inches to six inches, over the past 29 years,” Eisenberg said.
“If we’re seeing this fast of a change, it means that something powerful is happening to our bodies. We should try to confirm these findings, and if confirmed, we must determine the cause of these changes.”
Penises are getting bigger
No top, no problem
All patrons are allowed to swim and lounge around at City of Edmonton pools without a top on, regardless of their gender identity.
No top, no problem
Kids shouldn't choose their 'preferred pronouns
New polling shows most Americans believe children should not be able to choose their own "preferred pronouns" and should instead stick with gendered pronouns that align with their biological sex.
Kids shouldn't choose their 'preferred pronouns
Case closed against boys who used wrong pronouns
Kids were told they were 'homophobic' if they didn't wave a Pride flag
We must defeat gender ideology and protect children
Stonewall and Mermaids will ‘get rid of gay people’
Gay YouTuber says he “might kill” a teacher if they talk to his son about sex
Teachers can't be forced to use alternative pronouns
Gay man slams school district over gender identity instruction
Influencer Oli London Shares He’s Detransitioning Back to Male
Iranian boy is born WITHOUT a penis
She misses Bill Hader’s ‘big dick’
“It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done,” she said. “Harder than childbirth. … If you actually face it, you can come out of it and be like, ‘OK, I did that, and I’m ready for the next thing.’”
She misses Bill Hader’s ‘big dick’
The 20 questions every man should ask a woman
People Are Freaking Out About the Dicks on TV
I’m just going to put it out there: I don’t watch enough television as someone who writes about pop culture. To be fair to myself though, there’s too much television to watch. One just can’t know all of the good shows on television. Nor which shows may not be good but that you should watch because … reasons. Thank god for Twitter.
The thing about Twitter is that when something good is happening on a show, someone’s going to tweet about it. And a lot. Whether it’s the fact that the plot is good, or there was just one epic scene, someone’s going to post it. Many shows, particularly on Netflix, count on this as a way that possible fans will discover the show. But sometimes it’s not the whole plot, it’s not an entire scene … it’s just … a clip. Or a still. Especially when its explicit.
People Are Freaking Out About the Dicks
Netflix cracks down on woke workers!
Jennifer Coolidge Wants to Launch an 'Ass' Candle' to Rival Gwyneth Paltrow's "sweaty" Vagina Candle
"You know what I want to do? I want to have an ass candle," Coolidge says. "I want to be the first that comes up with it!"
Vagina Candle
‘He should’ve increased rent after that’
Another Side Effect Of COVID
‘seemed to be left with a lasting problem’ after he noticed his previously ‘above average’ penis had shrunk by an inch and a half compared to its size before he was ill with the virus. According to the man, his doctors advised him that the shrinkage was due to “vascular damage” and is likely permanent.
Mom faces a year in prison because she let her 14-year-old daughter babysit
Size DOES matter!
Reducing the depth of penetration by an inch led to a statistically meaningful drop in the amount of pleasure experienced.
'The longer the erect penis, the less likely the rings had an impact on sexual pleasure,' they write.
Size DOES matter!
My Husband Is Suddenly Very “Well Endowed”
Teen gets USB cable stuck in penis...
Ladies do prefer men with hair...
Julian Morris Comes Out
'everyone knows it's wrong'