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Health/Food Posts Tagged as 'Waste'

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To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way 


The science is clear: without drastic action to limit temperature rise below 1.5C, the Earth, and all life on it, including all human beings, will suffer devastating consequences.

To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It's the only way

Scientists fear Earth may have gone past the point of no return with climate change

Three Americans create enough carbon emissions to kill one person, study finds

Reforestation hopes threaten global food security, Oxfam warns

Patient in Guinea is killed by disease that causes 88% of sufferers to bleed to death is considered a breach for a mother to throw her daughter a shower...

Why climate change activists have failed to score public support

US abortion numbers have risen


Tags: Abortion, Contamination, Death, Disease, Environment, Fucking The Environment!, Health, Hypocrisy, Injury, Life Expectancy, Neglect, Overpopulation, Parental Crime, Parental Laziness, Politics, Pregnancy, Priorities, Privilege, Reckless, Safety, Science, Terraforming, Waste, Women



'Past a point of no return': Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero still won't stop global warming 


Even if human-caused greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced to zero, global temperatures may continue to rise for centuries afterward, according to a scientific study published Thursday.

"The world is already past a point of no return for global warming," the study authors report in the British journal Scientific Reports. The only way to stop the warming, they say, is that "enormous amounts of carbon dioxide have to be extracted from the atmosphere."

The burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas release greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to increase and sea levels to rise.

The scientists modeled the effect of greenhouse gas emission reductions on changes in the Earth's climate from 1850 to 2500 and created projections of global temperature and sea level rises.

'Past a point of no return':

...climate change isn't biggest environmental threat

Planting Trees Won’t Stop Climate Change

Tree-planting projects may not be so green

Don't just blame climate change for weather disasters

'Green' policies may actually lead to more pollution

Increased drought forces California to deliver less water to cities

NC declares state of emergency

2 boaters seen on viral video dumping trash overboard

Tags: Danger, Discovery, Environment, Future, Health, Interference, Lifestyle, Nature, Neglect, Opinion, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Retribution, Science, Statistics, Survival, Unruly Child, Waste, Water, Weather, World



Your Pet’s Waste May Be Trashing the Environment 


Dog and cat waste may seem harmless, but the reality is that your pet’s poop can be very problematic for ecosystems where it accumulates. Think of an ecosystem as a closed box. Within that closed box is everything that makes up an ecosystem: the dirt, the bugs, the animals, the plants, the microbes, and all the different chemicals necessary for the functioning of each of the organisms that call this “box” home. Some organisms prefer some chemicals in abundance; others do not. As such, a homeostasis of sorts develops over time that eventually balances the populations of each organism in the box.

Your Pet’s Waste May Be Trashing the Environment

The Great Veterinary Shortage

Cops hunt masked gunman who has fatally shot four horses at close range

Thief tries to SNATCH $6,000 French bulldog from its owner

Tiny pet turtles cited as cause for salmonella outbreak

Cats Are An Alien Invasive Species

World Economic Forum suggests killing pets to help climate

FS to shoot wild cattle in NM wilderness from helicopters

Tropical fish are terrible for the environment

Tags: Animals, Care, Children, Contagion, Contamination, Disease, Environment, Hunting, Kill, Labor Shortage, Medical, Nature, Pests, Pets, Theft, Toxic, Video, Waste, Wildlife, World



Wilson No-kill dog shelter faces closure after repeated violations 


"The inspection staff is trying to ensure the animals in a shelter facility are receiving humane care. Humane care is defined as the provision of adequate heat, ventilation, sanitary shelter and adequate food and water, consistent with the normal requirements and feeding habits of the animals, size, species and breed," the department's website states regarding these inspections.

Wilson No-kill dog shelter faces closure

People are going broke due to the cost of pets

ARL sees significant increase in animal returns

Man seen on video abusing dog

Boy, 12, savaged by his pit bull and grandma, 89, mauled to death

Woman hospitalized after dog poos on her face

Woman kills and skins a HUSKY thinking it's a wolf

Screaming man slaps GRIZZLY BEAR

Woman Murdered a Man Because She Believed He Was Trying to Harm a Cat

10 poodles attack beachgoer and her service dog

Tags: $, Abuse, Animals, Attack, Burden, Children, Choices, Contagion, Cruelty, Disease, Evolution, Misconduct, Murder, Nature, Pets, Real Estate, Reckless, Rejection, Safety, Self-defence, Survival, Terraforming, Video, Vulnerable, Waste, Weird, Wildlife



New study questions the effectiveness of colonoscopies 

Colonoscopies are a dreaded rite of passage for many middle-age adults. The promise has been that if you endure the awkwardness and invasiveness of having a camera travel the length of your large intestine once every decade after age 45, you have the best chance of catching – and perhaps preventing – colorectal cancer. It’s the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. Some 15 million colonoscopies are performed in the US each year.

Now, a landmark study suggests the benefits of colonoscopies for cancer screening may be overestimated.

New study questions the effectiveness of colonoscopies

Tags: Choices, Disease, Effect, Fail, Health, Men, NSFW, Science, Study, Test, Waste



Why You Should Stop Throwing Out Expired Food 

While we no doubt could — and should — reduce waste overall, FoodPrint offers one surprising statistic that speaks to why we fail to use so much food: "An estimated 80% of Americans prematurely discard food due to confusion over the meaning of date labels." A similar issue was brought up by Vox. People throw away food because the label on the packaging says that we've passed the date for use. Originally, the labels were only meant for stores to know when they could stock which products. Customers, however, wanted to know what was on the labels, so it was made available to them.

Why You Should Stop Throwing Out Expired Food

Tags: Etiquette, Food, Saving The Environment!, Science, Waste



Solar Panels Are Starting to Die, Leaving Behind Toxic Trash 


Solar panels are an increasingly important source of renewable power that will play an essential role in fighting climate change. They are also complex pieces of technology that become big, bulky sheets of electronic waste at the end of their lives—and right now, most of the world doesn’t have a plan for dealing with that.

But we’ll need to develop one soon, because the solar e-waste glut is coming. By 2050, the International Renewable Energy Agency projects that up to 78 million metric tons of solar panels will have reached the end of their life, and that the world will be generating about 6 million metric tons of new solar e-waste annually. While the latter number is a small fraction of the total e-waste humanity produces each year, standard electronics recycling methods don’t cut it for solar panels. Recovering the most valuable materials from one, including silver and silicon, requires bespoke recycling solutions. And if we fail to develop those solutions along with policies that support their widespread adoption, we already know what will happen.

Solar Panels Are Starting to Die, Leaving Behind Toxic Trash

LA Times report warns about 'environmental danger' in solar transition

Tags: Business, Environment, Science, Tech, Waste



Is There Such a Thing as Eco-Friendly Jewelry? 


Good question. Any industrial jewelry mining can have numerous harmful negative impacts on the environment, ranging from erosion of the land, to leakage of harmful chemicals into the water supply, to the alteration of an entire ecosystem. And let’s not forget about the carbon footprint of the heavy machinery that’s used in the process. So yes, there most definitely is such a thing as eco-friendly jewelry — that is, any jewelry that was mined with the least possible negative impact on the environment, or not mined at all.

Is There Such a Thing as Eco-Friendly Jewelry?

Running shoes leave large carbon footprint, study shows


The environmental impact of cut flowers? Not so rosy

How Green Is Your Swimming Pool?

Rich People Are Bad For The Planet Studies Show

Blame the 'PA-TREE-ARCHY'!

Bella Hadid covers breasts with stunning golden lungs necklace by Schiaparelli

Millions of Shellfish Boiled Alive Due to Pacific Northwest Heat Wave, Harming Ecosystem and Businesses

Tags: Beauty, Celebrity, Choices, Death, Environment, Flowers, Fucking The Environment!, Hair, Health, Jewelry, Shoes, Sneakers, Terraforming, Toxic, Trees, Waste, Water, Women In Charge



64 percent view 'cancel culture' as threat to freedom: poll 


A majority of Americans say they view "cancel culture" as a threat to their freedom, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.

Sixty-four percent of respondents said that there is "a growing cancel culture" that is a threat to their freedom, while 36 percent said they did not view it as a threat to their freedom.

Additionally, the poll found that 36 percent of Americans said cancel culture is a "big problem," while 32 percent called it a "moderate problem." Another 20 percent said it was a "small problem" and 13 percent said it is "not a problem."

64 percent view 'cancel culture' as threat to freedom: poll

Tags: Activism, Backlash, Cancellation, Free Speech, Freedom, Politics, Priorities, Social Media, Statistics, Waste



Would you give up having children to save the planet?  


When people ask her if she has children, Münter, who is 44, has a prepared answer: “No, my husband and I are child-free by choice.” Saying child-free, she argues, doesn’t imply you are deprived, as the more standard “childless” might. And by letting them know it isn’t a sad topic to be avoided, she says, “it opens up the door for them to ask: ‘Oh, that’s interesting, why did you choose not to?’” Münter wants to move the awkward topic of overpopulation into the mainstream. “The more we talk about it, the more comfortable people will feel talking about it and then, maybe, things will change.”

For too long, she feels, the issue has been swept under the rug. “We can talk about emissions and climate change, but talking about population gets such an emotional reaction.”

The last thing she wants to do is make parents feel guilty, or to shut them out of the conversation. Procreation, after all, is natural. And if you have two children, you are only replacing their parents, rather than adding extras. But if you’re not yet a parent and can’t suppress your parental instincts, says Münter, “my ask is that you consider adopting one of the 153m orphan children that are already on the planet and need a home. Or, if you are dead set on having your own, my hope would be that you just have one and then if you want more, adopt.” Ultimately, she says, “your kids and your kid’s kids will be the ones who benefit from humans deciding to slow down our rate of growth. It will slow down climate change, ocean acidification, cutting down the wild places.”

Would you give up having children to save the planet?

Tags: Dedication, Environment, Health, Hypocrisy, Investment, Lifestyle, Modernization, Nature, No more Heroes, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Parental Crime, Pregnancy, Privilege, Safety, Saving The Environment!, Science, Self Interest, Social Media, Stepping Up, Survival, Treatment, Waste



Cambodia to send plastic waste back to the US and Canada 


Cambodia has become the latest Asian country to reject shipments of waste sent to its shores by Western companies for processing.

Cambodian officials announced Wednesday that they were sending 1,600 tonnes of trash back to their source -- the United States and Canada.


Tags: Environment, Health, Overpopulation, Parental Burden, Policy, Saving The Environment!, Waste, World



Is This the End of Recycling? 


After decades of earnest public-information campaigns, Americans are finally recycling. Airports, malls, schools, and office buildings across the country have bins for plastic bottles and aluminum cans and newspapers. In some cities, you can be fined if inspectors discover that you haven’t recycled appropriately.

But now much of that carefully sorted recycling is ending up in the trash.

For decades, we were sending the bulk of our recycling to China—tons and tons of it, sent over on ships to be made into goods such as shoes and bags and new plastic products. But last year, the country restricted imports of certain recyclables, including mixed paper—magazines, office paper, junk mail—and most plastics. Waste-management companies across the country are telling towns, cities, and counties that there is no longer a market for their recycling. These municipalities have two choices: pay much higher rates to get rid of recycling, or throw it all away.

Most are choosing the latter. “We are doing our best to be environmentally responsible, but we can’t afford it,” said Judie Milner, the city manager of Franklin, New Hampshire. Since 2010, Franklin has offered curbside recycling and encouraged residents to put paper, metal, and plastic in their green bins. When the program launched, Franklin could break even on recycling by selling it for $6 a ton. Now, Milner told me, the transfer station is charging the town $125 a ton to recycle, or $68 a ton to incinerate. One-fifth of Franklin’s residents live below the poverty line, and the city government didn’t want to ask them to pay more to recycle, so all those carefully sorted bottles and cans are being burned. Milner hates knowing that Franklin is releasing toxins into the environment, but there’s not much she can do. “Plastic is just not one of the things we have a market for,” she said.

Is This the End of Recycling?

Tags: Environment, Finance, Overpopulation, Trash, Waste



Heavy metals found in 45 fruit juices: report... 



CBS News

Tags: Chemicals, Diet, Drink, Environment, Health, Safety, Saving The Environment!, Science, Terraforming, Toxic, Video, Waste



Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong 


From the 16th century to the 19th, scurvy killed around 2 million sailors, more than warfare, shipwrecks and syphilis combined. It was an ugly, smelly death, too, beginning with rattling teeth and ending with a body so rotted out from the inside that its victims could literally be startled to death by a loud noise. Just as horrifying as the disease itself, though, is that for most of those 300 years, medical experts knew how to prevent it and simply failed to.

Which brings us to one of the largest gaps between science and practice in our own time. Years from now, we will look back in horror at the counterproductive ways we addressed the obesity epidemic and the barbaric ways we treated fat people—long after we knew there was a better path.


Tags: Abuse, All Rights, Americans, Backlash, Bullying, Diet, Discrimination, Disease, Drugs, Environment, Exclusivity, Health, Hostility, Irony, Medical, Mental Health, Nature, Parenting, Politics, Privilege, Punishment, Respect, Study, Support, Survival, Treatment, Waste, Weight, World



Republicans admit they’ll slash Medicare, Social Security to pay for their tax cuts 


Slowly but surely, Republicans that supported the trillion dollar Trump tax bill are revealing their true motivations: slashing Medicare and Social Security.

During a Sunday interview with CNBC’s John Harwood, Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH) urged entitlement reform as the deficit continues to balloon as a result of the GOP tax cuts.

“I do think we need to deal with some of our spending,” Stivers said. “We’ve got try to figure out how to spend less.”

Think Progress

Tags: Aging, Backlash, Economy, Exclusivity, Finance, Govt, Greed, Hypocrisy, Insurance, Laws, New World Order, Program, Punishment, Sad, Safety, Support, Survival, Treatment, Waste



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